115 research outputs found

    StudMap 3.0 : an interoperable web-based platform for geospatial data offers in academic life

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    Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial TechnologiesGeographic Information Systems has now entered the realm of web and yields for feasible solutions to balance the technology offers with the users’ needs to share, access and explore the massive amounts of geodata available. Challenges occur when moving forward from old 2D platforms towards innovative and integrated webGIS systems that align functionality with the necessity to grant a complete understanding of the surrounding reality. 3D space responds to this but, however, stands only at the beginning of its era and cannot yet reach the development of 2D web integration. Research is now aiming at possible webGIS solutions to adapt to the special structure imposed by 3D data. In this context, this thesis focuses on designing an architecture for 2D and 3D geospatial data integration on a student-oriented web platform. This concept was further delivered and validated through a real case scenario – Studmap 3.0, a webGIS platform to serve the students of the University of Muenster in their academical life. The portal currently grants availability of geospatial data and web services of regional interest in a smart GIS environment that allows access and comparison of official services with own data. The implementation of Studmap 3.0 aided in the continuous improvement of the proposed architecture model and developed under a design science research cycle that reached its end once the final approval of its users was attained via a usability evaluation. Final strengths and drawbacks of the proposed architecture were ultimately identified together with an expert usability evaluation and a lab-based usability test of the resulting portal interface suitability for academic use. The results fall under the acceptable range with an 83.75 score for the System Usability Scale standardized questions when addressed to experts and a score of 83.87 when addressed to students. For the open-ended questions, the interface received an overall positive critique. A summary of future participants’ opinion on the benefits, drawbacks and proposed improvements was also delivered. Peers interested in similar concepts can use both this model and its final remarks as a reference for their work

    ArCEs A Digital Archive of Italian Colonial Cartography and Scientific Expeditions

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    ArcCEs is a study for developing a digital archive on Italian scientific expeditions in Northern and Eastern Africa and the former Italian colonies (19th–20th centuries). The aim of the project is to assess, protect and enhance an important corpus of documents (historical cartographies, photographs, scientific papers and archive documents) distributed among public archives and private collections. The database structure is based on the Dublin Core metadata standard. The information system is designed to integrate and make interoperable digital resources, to ensure standardized and complex indexing, and to support advanced retrieval, according to the standards in use. The geolocation of the resources in a GIS environment can display query results in the Google Earth environment

    Web-based PPGIS application for participatory spatial planning in context of bikeability

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    Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial TechnologiesThe spatial planning processes are complex and require public participation to get insights about important problems and development of the neighborhood from the communities during final decision-making. The traditional participatory methods offer limited two-way communication just inform the public rather than to obtain suggestions from them and few public can participate due to time & location restrictions. Due to low public empowerment, they do not know how their participation can influence the spatial planning and decision-making process. This study tries to design and develop the web-based Public Participation GIS application with the integration of the internet, public participation, and GIS technologies to increase public participation during spatial planning and decision-making to overcome the limitations of traditional participatory methods. The web-based PPGIS application development is based on open-source technologies and allows the participants to visualize spatial data layer, perform spatial analyses and contribute to increasing and improving the bikeability of the city. The user study experiment is conducted to evaluate the usability and usefulness of the application. The evaluation results show that the web-based PPGIS application is easy to use with a System Usability Scale (SUS) score of 84.6 and an effective approach to increase public engagement and give suggestions on the spatial planning process and decision making

    Application of the LBS and GIS Integration in Scenic Area

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    Development of smart scenic spot has received great attention from individuals and enterprises. This paper focuses on the LBS application in resort management and wants to get an innovation technology applying example in China tourism industry. The LBS can embed in the original GIS platform in OCT east, and then it can provide the added-value service such as promptly catch the visitor location, navigate tour itinerary, schedule scenic transportation shuttle. The new findings in this program is a new system model that integrated GIS and LBS has been put to use, therefore, a LBS service network covering the whole OCT East area can be developed. Through the design, field experiment and simulation tests of this model, the program is proved viable for the promotion in the services of OCT East, and could increase the scenic quality of service, enhance visitor satisfaction Keywords: LBS, Scenic Areas, GIS, Mobile Communicatio


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    In earlier work we proposed a framework to integrate heterogeneous geospatial utility data in the UK. This paper provides an update on the techniques used to resolve semantic and schematic heterogeneities in the UK utility domain. Approaches for data delivery are discussed, including descriptions of three pilot projects and domain specific visualization issues are considered. A number of practical considerations are discussed that will impact on how any implementation architecture is derived from the integration framework. Considerations of stability, security, currency, operational impact and response time can reveal a number of conflicting constraints. The impacts of these constraints are discussed in respect of either a virtual or materialised delivery system. 1

    Buenas prácticas para el desarrollo de mapas de ruido dinámicos en entornos Web GIS

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    Geographic Information Systems(GIS) in web environments (Web GIS) sets up anew way of working geodata based on internetconnections. Noise maps are tools which allowsdisplay of environmental noise levels in a specificarea, enabling spatial analysis to support decision inaspects related to noise control. Currently, differentGIS communities focus their efforts on findingmethods for development of GIS projects aimedto obtain spatial data in a static way, requiringprofessional staff to get spatial data. Also, thesemethods lack strategies of getting requirements,acquisition, manipulation and maintenance of spatialdata dynamically. Therefore, this article proposes amethod for development of Web GIS applicationswhich integrates phases in Web GIS developmentand considers best practices in development cycleof agile methodologies and GIS projects, seeking toimprove the process of acquisition of geodata fromcollaborative platforms. In addition, the validationof proposal is carried out through a case study ofthe generation of dynamic noise maps for the cityof Medellín. This proposal improves the process ofacquisition of dynamic spatial data and developmentcycle of Web GIS application, incorporating the bestpractices required for the development of Web GIS.Los Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) en entornos web (Web GIS) establecen una nueva forma de trabajar los geodatos basados en conexiones a internet. Los mapas de ruido son herramientas que permiten desplegar los niveles de ruido ambiental en una zona determinada, lo que posibilita el análisis espacial para apoyar la toma de decisiones en aspectos relacionados con el control del ruido. En la actualidad diferentes comunidades de SIG enfocan sus esfuerzos en identificar métodos para desarrollar proyectos SIG orientados a obtener geodatos de manera estática, y necesitan personal especializado para adquirir los geodatos. Además, estos métodos carecen de estrategias de educción, adquisición, manipulación y mantenimiento de los geodatos de forma dinámica. Por lo anterior, en este artículo se propone un método para desarrollar aplicaciones Web GIS, que integra las fases en el desarrollo Web GIS y considera las buenas prácticas en el ciclo de desarrollo de metodologías ágiles y de proyectos SIG, con el fin de mejorar el proceso de adquisición de geodatos desde plataformas colaborativas. La validación de la propuesta se realiza mediante un caso de estudio de generación de mapas de ruido dinámicos para la ciudad de Medellín. Esta propuesta mejora el proceso de adquisición de geodatos dinámicos y el ciclo de desarrollo de una aplicación Web GIS, incorporando las buenas prácticas requeridas para el desarrollo del Web GIS

    Human Machine Interaction

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    In this book, the reader will find a set of papers divided into two sections. The first section presents different proposals focused on the human-machine interaction development process. The second section is devoted to different aspects of interaction, with a special emphasis on the physical interaction
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