461,833 research outputs found

    Optimise web browsing on heterogeneous mobile platforms:a machine learning based approach

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    Web browsing is an activity that billions of mobile users perform on a daily basis. Battery life is a primary concern to many mobile users who often find their phone has died at most inconvenient times. The heterogeneous mobile architecture is a solution for energy-efficient mobile web browsing. However, the current mobile web browsers rely on the operating system to exploit the underlying architecture, which has no knowledge of the individual web workload and often leads to poor energy efficiency. This paper describes an automatic approach to render mobile web workloads for performance and energy efficiency. It achieves this by developing a machine learning based approach to predict which processor to use to run the web browser rendering engine and at what frequencies the processor cores of the system should operate. Our predictor learns offline from a set of training web workloads. The built predictor is then integrated into the browser to predict the optimal processor configuration at runtime, taking into account the web workload characteristics and the optimisation goal: whether it is load time, energy consumption or a trade-off between them. We evaluate our approach on a representative ARM big.LITTLE mobile architecture using the hottest 500 webpages. Our approach achieves 80% of the performance delivered by an ideal predictor. We obtain, on average, 45%, 63.5% and 81% improvement respectively for load time, energy consumption and the energy delay product, when compared to the Linux governo


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    Abstrak: Pesatnya perkembangan teknologi berdampak kepada sektor perdagangan yang mempengaruhi minat dan pola aktivitas masyarakat yang sebelumnya mengandalkan pasar konvensional beralih ke digital marketing. Dampak tersebut dialami juga oleh mitra kerjasama, mitra sasaran kelompok masyarakat serta Pemerintah Desa Sesait yang mengharuskan untuk beradaptasi melalui pelatihan dan pendampingan perancang sistem informasi kelompok masyarakat berbasis web sebagai upaya menigkatkan pengtahuan dan keterampilan mitra dalam penggunaan digital marketing sebagai media promosi dan pemasaran hasil produksi pertanian, peternakan dan potensi pariwisata yang berdaya saing. Metode pelatihan dan pendampingan yaitu metode Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), sedangkan dalam merancang sistem informasi menggunakan metode Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) dengan model Waterfall. Dimana kedua metode tersebut dilakukan kombinasi dalam pelaksanaanya sehingga di peroleh hasil dari evaluasi melalui pre-test dan post-test untuk 25 peserta yang mengikuti kegiatan yaitu tingkat pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang web meningkat menjadi 100% dari yang sebelumnya tingkat pengetahuan 68% dan tingkat pemahaman 40%, sedangkan untuk tingkat penggunaan web dari yang sebelumnya tidak mengerti mengoperasikan web menjadi 92% peserta mampu mengoperasikan web.Abstract: The rapid development of technology impacts the trade sector, influencing people's interests and activity patterns that previously relied on conventional markets to switch to digital marketing. This impact was also experienced by cooperation partners and target community groups as well as the Sesait Village Government, which required them to adapt through training and mentoring for web-based community group information system designers as an effort to increase partners' knowledge and skills in using digital marketing as a medium for promotion and marketing of competitive agricultural, livestock and tourism potential products. . The training and mentoring method is the Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) method while designing the information system uses the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) method with the Waterfall model. The two methods were combined in their implementation so that the results obtained from evaluation through pre-test and post-test for 25 participants who took part in the activity were that the level of knowledge and understanding of the web increased to 100% from the previous level of knowledge of 68% and level of understanding of 40 %, while the level of web usage went from previously not understanding how to operate the web to 92% of participants being able to operate the web

    What has the internet ever done for employees? A review, map and research agenda

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    PurposeThe main purpose of this paper is to assess the extent to which employees have benefitted in the internet age and to identify research gaps that surround such activities.Design/methodology/approachThe approach is a combination of a systematic literature review and an empirical analysis of secondary data drawn from press reports of emergent employee internet activities.FindingsThe internet continues to provide fresh and exciting opportunities for the employee to explore in relation to furthering employment‐related interests. However, the internet very much represents a “double‐edged sword” in that the many advantages of the internet can be quickly cancelled out by employer attempts to monitor, control, and exploit for themselves such activities, for their own ends. It is also evident that a full assessment of some activities cannot be made without further research.Research limitations/implicationsThe paper is reliant on extant literature and resources that are known to have limited scholarly application.Practical implicationsA broad and eclectic discussion of employee internet activities is likely to be of interest to academics and human resource practitioners whose interests are based on a blend of employee relations practices and new internet‐based technological developments.Social implicationsThe study addresses how a distinct actor in employee relations has faired in an age denoted by shrinking opportunities for collective action, yet also denoted by rapid developments in empowering user‐generated and social networking forms of information communication technology.Originality/valueThis paper synthesises literature and data from a wide range of largely incongruous academic and non‐academic sub‐disciplines to provide a fresh and authoritative account of emergent employee behaviour.</jats:sec

    Information Outlook, March 1999

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    Volume 3, Issue 3https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_io_1999/1002/thumbnail.jp

    Building in web application security at the requirements stage : a tool for visualizing and evaluating security trade-offs : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Information Science in Information Systems at Massey University, Albany, New Zealand

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    One dimension of Internet security is web application security. The purpose of this Design-science study was to design, build and evaluate a computer-based tool to support security vulnerability and risk assessment in the early stages of web application design. The tool facilitates risk assessment by managers and helps developers to model security requirements using an interactive tree diagram. The tool calculates residual risk for each component of a web application and for the application overall so developers are provided with better information for making decisions about which countermeasures to implement given limited resources tor doing so. The tool supports taking a proactive approach to building in web application security at the requirements stage as opposed to the more common reactive approach of putting countermeasures in place after an attack and loss have been incurred. The primary contribution of the proposed tool is its ability to make known security-related information (e.g. known vulnerabilities, attacks and countermeasures) more accessible to developers who are not security experts and to translate lack of security measures into an understandable measure of relative residual risk. The latter is useful for managers who need to prioritize security spending. Keywords: web application security, security requirements modelling, attack trees, threat trees, risk assessment

    Online Learning of Aggregate Knowledge about Non-linear Preferences Applied to Negotiating Prices and Bundles

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    In this paper, we consider a form of multi-issue negotiation where a shop negotiates both the contents and the price of bundles of goods with his customers. We present some key insights about, as well as a procedure for, locating mutually beneficial alternatives to the bundle currently under negotiation. The essence of our approach lies in combining aggregate (anonymous) knowledge of customer preferences with current data about the ongoing negotiation process. The developed procedure either works with already obtained aggregate knowledge or, in the absence of such knowledge, learns the relevant information online. We conduct computer experiments with simulated customers that have_nonlinear_ preferences. We show how, for various types of customers, with distinct negotiation heuristics, our procedure (with and without the necessary aggregate knowledge) increases the speed with which deals are reached, as well as the number and the Pareto efficiency of the deals reached compared to a benchmark.Comment: 10 pages, 5 eps figures, ACM Proceedings documentclass, Published in "Proc. 6th Int'l Conf. on Electronic Commerce ICEC04, Delft, The Netherlands," M. Janssen, H. Sol, R. Wagenaar (eds.). ACM Pres
