13 research outputs found

    Clustering and Bootstrapping Based Framework for News Knowledge Base Completion

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    Extracting the facts, namely entities and relations, from unstructured sources is an essential step in any knowledge base construction. At the same time, it is also necessary to ensure the completeness of the knowledge base by incrementally extracting the new facts from various sources. To date, the knowledge base completion is studied as a problem of knowledge refinement where the missing facts are inferred by reasoning about the information already present in the knowledge base. However, facts missed while extracting the information from multilingual sources are ignored. Hence, this work proposed a generic framework for knowledge base completion to enrich a knowledge base of crime-related facts extracted from online news articles in the English language, with the facts extracted from low resourced Indian language Hindi news articles. Using the framework, information from any low-resourced language news articles can be extracted without using language-specific tools like POS tags and using an appropriate machine translation tool. To achieve this, a clustering algorithm is proposed, which explores the redundancy among the bilingual collection of news articles by representing the clusters with knowledge base facts unlike the existing Bag of Words representation. From each cluster, the facts extracted from English language articles are bootstrapped to extract the facts from comparable Hindi language articles. This way of bootstrapping within the cluster helps to identify the sentences from a low-resourced language that are enriched with new information related to the facts extracted from a high-resourced language like English. The empirical result shows that the proposed clustering algorithm produced more accurate and high-quality clusters for monolingual and cross-lingual facts, respectively. Experiments also proved that the proposed framework achieves a high recall rate in extracting the new facts from Hindi news articles

    Metalinear cinematic narrative : theory, process, and tool

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Program in Media Arts and Sciences, 1999.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 207-218).Media entertainment technology is evolving rapidly. From radio to broadcast television to cable television, from motion picture film to the promise of digital video disks, as the media evolves, so do the stories told over these media. We already share many more stories and more types of stories from many more sources than we did a decade ago. This is due in part to the development of computer technology, the globalization of computer networks, and the emerging new medium which is an amalgam of television and the internet. The storyteller will need to invent new creative processes and work with new tools which support this new medium, this new narrative form. This thesis proposes the name Metalinear Narrative for the new narrative form. The metalinear narrative is a collection of small related story pieces designed to be arranged in many different ways, to tell many different linear stories from different points of view, with the aid of a story engine. Agent Stories is the software tool developed as part of this research for designing and presenting metalinear cinematic narratives. Agent Stories is comprised of a set of environments for authoring pieces of stories, authoring the relationships between the many story pieces, and for designing an abstract narrative structure for sequencing those pieces. Agent Stories also provides a set of software agents called story agents, which act as the drivers of the story engine. My thesis is that a writing tool which offers the author knowledgeable feedback about narrative construction and context during the creative process is essential to the task of creating metalinear narratives of significant dimension.by Kevin Michael Brooks.Ph.D

    Searching for a better segment: segmentation of student body through the use of online search data to improve university enrollment

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    The University of Akron, a public higher education institution, located in Akron, Ohio, USA identified a problem regarding a decrease in enrollment and recognizes the importance of online marketing because of changes in consumer behavior, especially those that happened during the isolation due to COVID-19. The research aimed to develop a segmentation model that can be used based on consumer behavior online. Recent research findings have reinforced the importance of search query volume (SQV) data to create segments based on a given interest and better understand consumer behavior. Consequently, there is an ongoing practical need for and research interest in the effective use of search query for management decisions. To improve the use of search query data within an organization, companies have begun to put practices in place that analyze and forecast search queries data in the hope of achieving a better forecasting model. While this phenomenon has created a lot of interest, it has hardly been the subject of serious investigation guided by research questions and executed research methodologies. In particular, hardly any insights exist into the higher education use of search query data for better management of student enrollment. To explore such activities in a systematic way, this thesis turns the attention to the enrollment data within the University of Akron for identifying relevant patterns of student enrollment and linking them to search query volume. This is accomplished through the use of enrollment data obtained from the Institutional Research at the University of Akron, and action learning sets which serve as ways to gather feedback, collaboration, and direction based on research findings. To achieve the link between student enrollment data and search query volume data, relevant keywords are identified, and search query volume data is collected through the use of Google Trends. The results show that we can break down the prospective students based on their online search behavior and geo-locations. There are opportunities to optimize our marketing efforts on specific keywords based on the home location. It is also quite important to consider demographics associated with these keywords, as they tend to provide a better direction on what type of content should be associated with those search phrases. Men tend to look for content proving that the University and/or its programs are top or the best, while women are searching iii for benefits beyond being the best. But most importantly, it also provides an opportunity for the university to further improve its diversity efforts. Understanding which search phrases will provide a higher reach to men vs. women, allows us to make sure that we are balancing out our marketing efforts, and continuously increasing our reach to diverse groups of potential students

    Educational policy and integration of ICT in the educational system. The Italian situation on the international scene

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    En este artículo se analizan las políticas educativas y de integración de lasTIC en los sistemas educativos, en particular la situación de Italia en el escenario internacional. El artículo ofrece un panorama actualizado sobre la integración de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) en el sistema educativo italiano. En la primera parte del artículo presenta una visión general de las políticas educativas desarrolladas desde mediados de los años noventa, en el contexto de referencia europeo. En la segunda parte se destacan los principales temas de actualidad relacionados con la dificultad de la difusión de las tecnologías digitales en las prácticas pedagógicas basadas en los hallazgos de los estudios comparativos internacionales (IEA, OCDE) y las llevadas a cabo en el Italia (IARD, FGA). El análisis de los documentos examinados sirve para detectar la distancia entre las intenciones de los responsables de las políticas y la realidad de las escuelas. De acuerdo con la información de las principales instituciones educativas hallamos una visión de las TIC guiada por un fuerte optimismo acerca de la capacidad de estas herramientas para generar una innovación profunda del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, que les guíe hacia modelos pedagógicos constructivistas. Por otro lado, las encuestas muestran que, a pesar de la creciente disponibilidad de recursos digitales en las escuelas, siguen desempeñando un papel secundario a menudo en las prácticas de enseñanza.In this paper we analyze educational policies and technology integration in educational systems, particularly the situation of Italy in the international arena. The article provides an updated overview of the integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the Italian educational system. In the first part of the paper it is presented an overview of educational policies developed since the mid-nineties, in the context of European reference. The second part highlights key current issues related to the difficulty of the diffusion of digital technologies in teaching practices based on the findings of international comparative studies (IEA, OECD) and those carried out in Italy (IARD , FGA). The analysis of documents is considered useful to detect the distance between the intentions of the policy makers and the reality of schools. According to the information of the main educational institutions we find a vision of ICT guided by a strong optimism about the ability of these tools to generate a deep innovation of the teaching-learning process, guiding them toward constructivist pedagogical models. Moreover, surveys show that despite the increasing availability of digital resources in schools, often still play a secondary role in teaching practices.L’articolo offre uno scenario aggiornato sul tema dell’integrazione delle tecnologie dell’informazione e della comunicazione (ICT) nel sistema di istruzione italiano. Nella prima parte del lavoro viene presentato un excursus delle politiche educative sviluppate nel nostro paese a partire dalla metà degli anni Novanta, lette all’interno del contesto di riferimento europeo. Nella seconda parte vengono evidenziate le attuali problematiche legate alla difficoltà di diffusione delle tecnologie digitali nelle pratiche di insegnamento sulla base di quanto emerge dalle indagini comparative internazionali (IEA, OCSE) e da quelle condotte sul territorio nazionale (IARD, FGA). L’analisi dei documenti presi in esame permette di evidenziare la distanza che intercorre tra le intenzioni dei policy makers e la realtà delle scuole. Dalle indicazioni delle principali agenzie educative emerge una visione delle ICT improntata ad un forte ottimismo sulla capacità di tali strumenti nel generare una profonda innovazione dei processi di insegnamento-apprendimento, orientandoli verso modelli pedagogici di impronta costruttivista. D’altra parte le indagini condotte mostrano che, nonostante la disponibilità sempre crescente di risorse digitali all’interno delle scuole, queste svolgono ancora un ruolo secondario e spesso di retroscena nelle pratiche di insegnamento.Grupo FORCE (HUM-386). Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Escolar de la Universidad de Granada

    The Effectiveness of a Virtual Role-play Environment as a Preparation Activity for Story Writing

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    Institute for Communicating and Collaborative SystemsImprovisational dramatic role-play activities are used in classrooms to encourage children to explore the feelings of the characters in a story. Roleplay exercises can give a story personal significance to each child, and an insight and understanding of the characters which is reflected in stories written afterwards. The thesis describes the development of a virtual environment designed for similar dramatic role-play exercises. The thesis then investigates its effectiveness as a preparation activity for writing stories. It examines the effects the virtual role-play environment has on the characterisation in children’s imaginative writing. It also investigates the social interactions which children engage in and the moral decisions they make during the role-play; and the motivational effects of the virtual roleplay environment. The virtual role-play environment is based on a commercial computer game. Two children and one role-play leader interact with each other in a perceptually realistic virtual world. Each role-player controls an avatar in order to move around this graphical world, and improvise by sending and receiving typed messages. The high quality graphics, sounds and music contribute to the users’ feelings of perceptual presence while the communication between role-players promotes feelings of social presence. The role-players’ emotional engagement with the other characters and the conflict within the adventure encourages them to experience self presence. The virtual role-play environment was evaluated in a field study with sixty children aged between ten and twelve years. The characterisation in stories written after using the virtual role-play environment was compared to the characterisation in stories written under normal classroom circumstances. The stories were compared using a new, fine-grained analysis scheme for assessing children’s writing. The main result is that the stories written after the virtual role-play contained more dialogue and more indications of relationships between the characters than normal classroom stories. Analysis of the typed communication exchanged between the role-players during the game shows that the role-players formed relationships with the other characters. They also made judgements about the characters’ personalities and to a lesser extent expressed emotional involvement during the game. They made moral decisions and could back up their decisions with reasons. Expert evaluation supports the view that the virtual role-play environment is particularly beneficial to children with low literacy standards. Finally, it also benefits children with low literacy motivation and little interest in school work

    Courier, Vol.XIX, No.1, Spring 1984

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    Foreword / Chester Soling, Chairman of the Syracuse University Library Associates, p.5 -- WILLIAM LESCAZE AND THE RISE OF MODERN DESIGN IN AMERICA -- Preface / Dennis P. Doordan, Assistant Professor of Architecture, Tulane University, and Guest Editor, p.7 -- William Lescaze and the Machine Age / Arthur ]. Pulos, Pulos Design Associates, Inc., and Professor Emeritus, Syracuse University, p.9 -- William Lescaze and Hart Crane: A Bridge Between Architecture and Poetry / Lindsay Stamm Shapiro, Parsons School of Design, p.25 -- The Modern Skyscraper, 1931 / Carol Willis, Parsons School of Design, p.29 -- William Lescaze and CBS: A Case Study in Corporate Modernism / Dennis P. Doordan, Assistant Professor of Architecture, Tulane University, p.43 -- European Modernism in an American Commercial Context / Robert Bruce Dean, Assistant Professor of Architecture, Syracuse University, p.57 -- William Lescaze Symposium Panel Discussion Respondents: Stuart Cohen, University of Illinois, Werner Seligmann, Syracuse University, Robert A. M. Stern, Columbia University William, p. 67 -- Lescaze Reconsidered / William H. Jordy, Professor of Art, Brown University, p.81 -- A Brief Survey of Architectural Holdings at the Syracuse University Libraries by Werner Seligmann, Dean of the School of Architecture, Syracuse University, p.105 -- News of the Syracuse University Libraries and the Library Associates, p. 11

    Designing with Genius Loci: An Approach to Polyvocality in Interactive Heritage Interpretation

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    Co-design with communities interested in heritage has oriented itself towards designing for polyvocality to diversify the accepted knowledges, values and stories associated with heritage places. However, engagement with heritage theory has only recently been addressed in HCI design, resulting in some previous work reinforcing the same realities that designers set out to challenge. There is need for an approach that supports designers in heritage settings in working critically with polyvocality to capture values, knowledges, and authorised narratives and reflect on how these are negotiated and presented in the designs created. We contribute “Designing with Genius Loci” (DwGL)—our proposed approach to co-design for polyvocality. We conceptualised DwGL through long-term engagement with volunteers and staff at a UK heritage site. First, we used ongoing recruitment to incentivise participation. We held a series of making workshops to explore participants’ attitudes towards authorised narratives. We built participants’ commitments to collaboration by introducing the common goal of creating an interactive digital design. Finally, as we designed, we enacted our own commitments to the heritage research and to participants’ experiences. These four steps form the backbone of our proposed approach and serve as points of reflexivity. We applied DwGL to co-creating three designs: Un/Authorised View, SDH Palimpsest and Loci Stories, which we present in an annotated portfolio. Grounded in research through design, we reflect on working with the proposed approach and provide three lessons learned, guiding further research efforts in this design space: (1) creating a conversation between authorised and personal heritage stories; (2) designing using polyvocality negotiates voices; and (3) designs engender existing qualities and values. The proposed approach places polyvocality foremost in interactive heritage interpretation and facilitates valuable discussions between the designers and communities involved

    Designing with Genius Loci: An Approach to Polyvocality in Interactive Heritage Interpretation

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    Co-design with communities interested in heritage has oriented itself towards designing for polyvocality to diversify the accepted knowledges, values and stories associated with heritage places. However, engagement with heritage theory has only recently been addressed in HCI design, resulting in some previous work reinforcing the same realities that designers set out to challenge. There is need for an approach that supports designers in heritage settings in working critically with polyvocality to capture values, knowledges, and authorised narratives and reflect on how these are negotiated and presented in the designs created. We contribute “Designing with Genius Loci” (DwGL)—our proposed approach to co-design for polyvocality. We conceptualised DwGL through long-term engagement with volunteers and staff at a UK heritage site. First, we used ongoing recruitment to incentivise participation. We held a series of making workshops to explore participants’ attitudes towards authorised narratives. We built participants’ commitments to collaboration by introducing the common goal of creating an interactive digital design. Finally, as we designed, we enacted our own commitments to the heritage research and to participants’ experiences. These four steps form the backbone of our proposed approach and serve as points of reflexivity. We applied DwGL to co-creating three designs: Un/Authorised View, SDH Palimpsest and Loci Stories, which we present in an annotated portfolio. Grounded in research through design, we reflect on working with the proposed approach and provide three lessons learned, guiding further research efforts in this design space: (1) creating a conversation between authorised and personal heritage stories; (2) designing using polyvocality negotiates voices; and (3) designs engender existing qualities and values. The proposed approach places polyvocality foremost in interactive heritage interpretation and facilitates valuable discussions between the designers and communities involved

    Sensemaking in Expatriation: an exploration

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    Dit onderzoek bestudeert hoe expatriates verstandig gebruik kunnen maken van hun ervaringen met het leven en werken in het buitenland. Het onderzoek dat in dit document beschreven wordt, gaat er van uit dat een expatriation sensemaking model een alternatief biedt voor de lineaire theoretische aanpassingsmodellen (Oberg 1960) die toegepast worden bij de expatriation theorie. In het verleden benadrukte de aanpassingstheorie integratie en zekerheid en het is moeilijk om de gangbaarheid van deze modellen los te koppelen van traditionele vormen van expatriatioin , d.w.z. van de gesponserde plaatsing in het buitenland voor een beperkte termijn. Echte, moderne globale zakenomgevingen zijn van nature veranderlijk. Het strategisch onderzoek dat macro-organisatorische kwesties bij de internationalisering nu behandelt, benadrukt het management van kennis, structuur en hulpbronnen vanuit het perspectief van onzekerheid. Deze studie veronderstelt dat alle overplaatsingen van expatriates onderworpen zijn aan verwarring en verandering, maar tegelijkertijd ook een zekere orde bevatten. Dit verschilt van conventionele studies die aannemen dat overplaatsingen in principe georganiseerd zijn maar daarbij ook enige ongeorganiseerdheid vertonen. De studie biedt daarom een alternatief voor de lineaire theoretische modellen die gebruikt werden bij expatriation door het aanbieden en testen van een theoretisch perspectief , gebaseerd op een“sensemaking model”. Het hoofddoel van de studie is een antwoord te krijgen op de vraag of sensemaking elementen bij verrassing in expatriate situaties, gerelateerd zijn aan acculturation responses. Sensemaking is het proces dat plaats vindt wanneer een individu rationele, bewuste middelen gebruikt om te kunnen omgaan met de verwarring die ontstaat bij nieuwe situaties. De sensemaking theorie (Weick, 1995) beschouwt dat mensen handelen op basis van geprogrameerde draaiboeken. Bij nieuwe gebeurtenissen, speciaal wanneer deze overeenkomst vertonen met een eerdere ervaring vallen zij terug op deze draaiboeken als hulpbron om actie te bepalen. Soms kan zich een nieuwe toestand voordoen die niet overeenkomt met de draaiboeken van eerdere ervaringen, hetgeen resulteert in niet beantwoorde verwachtingen en verwarring over de overeenkomst van eerdere gebeurtenissen met de recente situatie. Dit is wat verrassing genoemd wordt. Sensemaking is het proces waarbij gebruikt gemaakt wordt van bewuste rationele overwegingen om de situatie te her-analiseren en orde te scheppen in deze verwarring en verrassing. Dit blijkt een concept te zijn dat een werkbaar kader vormt voor het bestuderen van de onzekerheid en de instabiele omgevingen die expatriates ontmoeten. Expatriates worden in deze studie gedefinieerd als ‘ mensen en families die internationaal verhuizen om een carriere op te bouwen’. Weick beschrijft (1995) zeven eigenschappen van sensemaking. Hij zegt dat het proces is: gebaseerd op de vorming van individule identiteit; retrospectief; actief met het bouwen van nieuwe omstandigheden; sociaal ; aanhoudend; gefocussed op en door aanknopingpunten; eerder gedreven door plausibilteit dan door nauwkeurigheid.. De studie geeft een duidelijk beeld van de werkelijke ervaringen van expatriates. Dit verklaart het belang van deze eigenschappen en de relevantie van sensemaking op dit gebied. Deze studie beschouwt hoe sensemaking wordt “getriggered” door de verrassingen, die inherent zijn aan expatriation. Vervolgens beschouwt het sensemakingelementen, dus die inputs die sensemaking bewerkstelligen, hierbij gebruikmakend van het werk van Louis (1980) bij de socialisatie van nieuwkomers. Louis somt vier belangrijke inputs op die betrekking hebben op het sensemaking proces. Deze zijn algemene persoonlijke kenmerken, ervaringen uit het verleden, invloed van anderen en plaatselijk beschikbare interpretative plannen. Deze studie stelt dat twee onderdelen; de sense of coherence en socio-culturele makelarij gebruikt kunnen worden om de sensemaking bij expatriation te beinvloeden . De sense of coherence vertegenwoordigd Louis’ algemene persoonlijke kenmerken en inputs van ervaringen uit het verleden, terwijl socio-culturele makelarij gebruikt wordt bij de invloed van anderen en plaatselijk beschikbare interpretative plannen. Het eerste onderdeel, Sense of coherence, wordt door Antonovsky beschreven als “een globale oriëntatie die de mate uitdrukt waarin men een doordringend, voortdurend doch dynamisch gevoel van zelfvertrouwen heeft , dat de interne en externe omgeving voorspelbaar zijn en dat dingen zullen uitwerken naar wat redelijkerwijs verwacht mag worden” (1987:19). Deze studie gebruikt Antonovsky’s wijdverbreide kwantitatieve schaal die drie componenten bevat: duidelijkheid, handelbaarheid en meaningfulness, bedoeld om de mate van coherentie te meten. In deze benadering dienen stressveroorzakers niet alleen in de context van “mitigators, buffers en moderators” gezien te worden maar ook als “motivators, movers” enzovoort. Het tweede sensemaking onderdeel is de Socio-culturele makelarij. De term 'cultuur makelaar' is hoofdzakelijk bekend op het gebied van antropologie om mensen te beschrijven die in staat zijn culturen te overbruggen en die in feite handelen als agenten van verandering. Makelaars in een expatriate situatie beseffen wat de strategieën van Louis (1980) in haar sensemaking model voorstellen. Als 'experts ter plaatse’ komen zij tussenbeide ten tijde van verrassing, hetgeen natuurlijk en vernieuwend is, om te helpen de situatie te verklaren, in plaats van te proberen om verassing te voorkomen. Zij kunnen de expatriate helpen de betekenis van de gebeurtenissen die zich ontvouwen te begrijpen. Omdat er geen bestaande maatstaf beschikbaar was heeft deze studie geprobeert een maatstaf van socio-culturele makelarij te construeren om te onderzoeken of dit element en de sense of coherence bij expatriation een acculturation respons zou kunnen bewerkstelligen. Reacties in termen van sensemaking zijn de stadia van het proces waarbij begrip actie beïnvloed heeft. Dit zijn de momenten waarbij interpretative plannen tot uitdrukking komen bij actie en houding. Gebruikmakend van een sensemaking model kan de expatriate de omstandigheden bij nieuwe ervaringen continue evalueren. Indien een bestaande interpretatie weerlegd wordt, is een herzien plan vereist. Op zijn beurt zal dit de acties beinvloeden. Bij gevolg kan dit er weer toe leiden dat zij hun tevredenheid met de huidige situatie herdefinieren en hun behoeften en verwachtingen opnieuw bepalen. Sensemaking leidt tot komplexe veranderingen in aanpassing en acculturation, niet alleeen omdat er meer informatie en inzicht komt en het leven gemakkelijker wordt, maar ook als antwoord op de betekenis die door de expatriate aan zulke stimuli wordt gegeven. Als dynamisch en vloeiend proces verschilt sensemaking van de manier waarop modellen van sociale leerprocessen en onzekerheidreductie vroeger met betrekking tot expatriation werden toegepast. Sensemaking betekend zowel een stijgende leercurve richting een ver ideaal doel en heeft betrekking op situaties waarbij alle vorige opgedane kennis door nieuwe input wordt vervangen. De meest erkende referentiekaders die beschikbaar zijn voor deze reacties of ‘uitkomsten’ zijn te vinden in de aanpassingsliteratuur als vergankelijke acculturation kaders

    Systems between information and knowledge : In a memory management model of an extended enterprise

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    The research question of this thesis was how knowledge can be managed with information systems. Information systems can support but not replace knowledge management. Systems can mainly store epistemic organisational knowledge included in content, and process data and information. Certain value can be achieved by adding communication technology to systems. All communication, however, can not be managed. A new layer between communication and manageable information was named as knowformation. Knowledge management literature was surveyed, together with information species from philosophy, physics, communication theory, and information system science. Positivism, post-positivism, and critical theory were studied, but knowformation in extended organisational memory seemed to be socially constructed. A memory management model of an extended enterprise (M3.exe) and knowformation concept were findings from iterative case studies, covering data, information and knowledge management systems. The cases varied from groups towards extended organisation. Systems were investigated, and administrators, users (knowledge workers) and managers interviewed. The model building required alternative sets of data, information and knowledge, instead of using the traditional pyramid. Also the explicit-tacit dichotomy was reconsidered. As human knowledge is the final aim of all data and information in the systems, the distinction between management of information vs. management of people was harmonised. Information systems were classified as the core of organisational memory. The content of the systems is in practice between communication and presentation. Firstly, the epistemic criterion of knowledge is not required neither in the knowledge management literature, nor from the content of the systems. Secondly, systems deal mostly with containers, and the knowledge management literature with applied knowledge. Also the construction of reality based on the system content and communication supports the knowformation concept. Knowformation belongs to memory management model of an extended enterprise (M3.exe) that is divided into horizontal and vertical key dimensions. Vertically, processes deal with content that can be managed, whereas communication can be supported, mainly by infrastructure. Horizontally, the right hand side of the model contains systems, and the left hand side content, which should be independent from each other. A strategy based on the model was defined.Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli määrittää, miten tietojärjestelmiä voidaan käyttää organisaatioiden tietämyksen hallintaan. Johtopäätöksenä voidaan sanoa, että järjestelmillä voidaan tukea, mutta ei korvata tietojohtamista. Tietojärjestelmiä voidaan käyttää lähinnä organisaation episteemisen tiedon muistina, prosessoitavan tiedon varastointiin. Oleellista lisäarvoa saadaan, jos viestintäteknologiaa käytetään tietojärjestelmien tukena. Kommunikaatiota ei kuitenkaan voida johtaa, sillä se ei perustu prosesseihin, vaan enintään työnkulkuun ja sitä vapaampaan viestintään. Hallitun informaation ja viestinnän välille syntyy knowformaatioksi nimetty kerros, lähinnä organisaatioiden lyhytkestoiseen muistiin. Uusi knowformaatio-käsite on käytännön tapaustutkimusten tulos. Vastaavaa ei aiemmissa tietojohtamisen tutkimuksissa ole esitetty. Tietojohtamisen kirjallisuuden taustaksi tutkittiin fysiikan, filosofian, viestinnän ja tietojenkäsittelytieteen luokitukset. Tapaustutkimuksissa tarkasteltiin useita datan hallinnan, dokumentaation ja tietojohtamisen järjestelmiä organisaation sisäisissä ryhmissä, organisaation laajuisesti sekä organisaation yhteistyökumppaneiden kanssa. Tapauksissa tutkittiin niin järjestelmien ominaisuudet kuin myös eri sidosryhmien kokemukset. Tutkimuksessa tietojärjestelmät luokiteltiin organisaation muistin ytimeen. Knowformaation kerrosta tarvitaan toisaalta koska filosofisen tiedon episteemistä kriteeriä ei edellytetä järjestelmien sisällöltä (eikä tietojohtamisen kirjallisuuden käsitemäärittelyissä) ja toisaalta koska tiedon uudelleenkonstruoinnissa merkitys muuttuu. Tulevien järjestelmien suunnitteluun tarvitaan uusi näkökulma, koska data, informaatio ja knowledge tasojen hierarkia ei erotu eri järjestelmätyyppien käyttäjien sosiaalisesti konstruoidussa todellisuudessa. Tieteen filosofian skaala positivistisesta konstruktivistiseen oli mallin muodostuksessa oleellinen, ja sen validiuden todentamisen jälkeen eksplisiittinen piiloinen -dikotomia mallinettiin uudelleen knowformaatio-käsitteen avulla. Uusi tietomalli ja knowformaatio-käsite tarvitaan työn päätuloksessa, jatketun organisaation muistin hallintamallissa. Sen ääripäihin kuluvat kommunikaatio, jota tuetaan, ja toisessa päässä prosessit, joita hallitaan. Kahden muun entiteetin, järjestelmien ja niiden sisällön, tulisi olla riippumattomia toisistaan. Knowformaatio elää näiden kokonaisuuksien implisiittisillä rajoilla, informaation ja tiedon välisellä harmaalla alueella