7 research outputs found

    Role of a 24-hour Ambulatory Internet of Things System in Preeclampsia Monitoring: Technologies, Challenges, and Future Path Survey

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is a technology that integrates different sensor actuators, working together for data management towards efficient communication within the digital world. IoT has been applied in many sectors to achieve sustainable development goals. Massive devices and a huge amount of data have been the major components of the technology, which has presented new challenges. IoT has been applied in healthcare to improve several ways of managing health, including antenatal care. Worldwide, the cost of having preeclampsia monitoring has been a major concern. A 24-hour ambulatory IoT system, an integration of a smartwatch, a mobile device, and a cloud-based application, is one of the technologies used to help in preeclampsia monitoring. IoT and its functionalities have been evaluated in previous studies and assessments. However, they concentrated on its application in other areas, such as animal husbandry, and little on ambulatory care. The impact of a real-time ambulatory IoT system on preeclampsia monitoring are comprehensively and methodically examined in this paper, focusing on three categories: the challenges and its benefits in ambulatory care. The application’s effects, performance, and safety have been thoroughly described. Generally, this paper explores potential initiatives of the IoT system to address existing ambulatory care issues

    Internet of things in health: Requirements, issues, and gaps

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    Background and objectives: The Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm has been extensively applied to several sectors in the last years, ranging from industry to smart cities. In the health domain, IoT makes possible new scenarios of healthcare delivery as well as collecting and processing health data in real time from sensors in order to make informed decisions. However, this domain is complex and presents several tech- nological challenges. Despite the extensive literature about this topic, the application of IoT in healthcare scarcely covers requirements of this sector. Methods: A literature review from January 2010 to February 2021 was performed resulting in 12,108 articles. After filtering by title, abstract, and content, 86 were eligible and examined according to three requirement themes: data lifecycle; trust, security, and privacy; and human-related issues. Results: The analysis of the reviewed literature shows that most approaches consider IoT application in healthcare merely as in any other domain (industry, smart cities…), with no regard of the specific requirements of this domain. Conclusions: Future effort s in this matter should be aligned with the specific requirements and needs of the health domain, so that exploiting the capabilities of the IoT paradigm may represent a meaningful step forward in the application of this technology in healthcare.Consejería de Conocimiento, Investigación y Universidad, Junta de Andalucía P18-TPJ - 307

    Scalable Human-Machine Interaction System for Real-Time Care in the Internet of Health Things

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    The rise in numbers of individuals with weak immunity around the world and the aging of populations put an ever-growing pressure on healthcare and inevitably increases its cost. This phenomenon leads to larger portions of the population to which quality healthcare is not provided. To fight this trend, technological advancements in the Internet of Health Things aim to integrate smart sensors and devices to continuously monitor and assess the status of patients and older adults from the comfort of their own home at a fraction of the cost. Although solving specific problems each at a time advances the field and takes us a step closer to autonomous home care systems, the solution to these issues needs to consider the much larger picture to unify the approaches and cultivate benefits of many intelligent, but stand-alone, systems. The current work aims to explore the field of Internet of Health Things and its application to remote health monitoring and ambient assisted living for older adults. Picking up from where previous literature left off, this thesis proposes a multi-layered framework that provides a comprehensive solution to continuous healthcare. In particular, the framework was created with modularity, scalability, and expandability as the main priorities; to offer an all-purpose remedy to the problems in hand. To this end, the internal mechanisms of the framework are described in detail and the system is applied to remote health monitoring and ambient assisted living environments by interchanging its components. The implementations presented in this thesis expose the capability of the framework to harvest power of existing intelligent devices. Moreover, the two systems implemented consider multi-modal and natural human-machine interaction techniques that provide the user with the choice of their preferred interaction method. The main advantage of the proposed framework is that it offers an all-in-one solution to providing continuous healthcare without sacrificing the quality of care provided. On the contrary, the solution in this work allows deeper understanding of user's health, personalization, real-time analytics and recommendations, as well as aid for activities of daily living with state of the art technologies

    A Web Platform for Interconnecting Body Sensors and Improving Health Care

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    International audienceThe Internet of Things (IoT) is a paradigm in which smart objects actively collaborate among them and with other physical and virtual objects available in the Web in order to perform high-level tasks for the benefit of end-users. In the e-health scenario, these communicating smart objects can be body sensors that enable a continuous real-time monitoring of vital signs of patients. Data produced by such sensors can be used for several purposes and by different actors, such as doctors, patients, relatives, and health care centers, in order to provide remote assistance to users. However, major challenges arise mainly in terms of the interoperability among several heterogeneous devices from a variety of manufacturers. In this context, we introduce EcoHealth (Ecosystem of Health Care Devices), a Web middleware platform for connecting doctors and patients using attached body sensors, thus aiming to provide improved health monitoring and diagnosis for patients. This platform is able to integrate information obtained from heterogeneous sensors in order to provide mechanisms to monitor, process, visualize, store, and send notifications regarding patients’ conditions and vital signs at real-time by using Internet standards. In this paper, we present blueprints of our proposal to EcoHealth and its logical architecture and implementation, as well as an e-health motivational scenario where such a platform would be useful

    Тhe implementation of mobile health model based on wearable computing

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    Предмет истраживања дисертације је развој модела мобилног здравства заснованог на wearable computing-у. Централни проблем који се разматра у докторској дисертацији је испитивање могућности примене и интеграције wearable computing-а, Интернета интелигентних уређаја (енг. Internet of Things, IoT), мобилних технологија и сервиса, big data аналитике и рачунарства у облаку за развој сервиса мобилног здравства. Фокус истраживања биће на примени сервиса мобилног здравства у области мерења, праћења и контроле стреса код студената. Увођењем Интернета интелигентних уређаја у мобилно здравство, у области контроле стреса, омогућава се прикупљање података са тела корисника путем сензора. Примена wearable уређаја у процесу контроле стреса лекарима или психолозима треба да омогући добијање информација о психофизичком стању корисника. Применом сервиса електронског здравства измерени подаци се прате, чувају и врши се анализа података. На основу аналитичких резултата могу сe креирати одговарајуће методе за контролу стреса и персонализоване превентивне здравствене поруке намењене корисницима. Предложен је модел мобилног здравства заснован на wearable computing-у који се састоји из система мобилног здравства, wearable система и сервиса за међусобну интеграцију компоненти и интеграцију са електронским здравством. Осим тога, модел обухвата интеграцију мобилног здравства са програмима формалног образовања. У екперименталном делу докторске дисертације предложени модел мобилног здравства заснован на wearable computing-у је имплементиран у образовном окружењу. Систем је евалуиран у реалном окружењу, током одбране завршних радова студената на Факултету организационих наука Универзитета у Београду. Резултати су показали да је коришћење мобилне апликације са садржајима за релаксацију утицало на смањење стреса код студената током одбране завршних радова.The subject of this thesis is development of mobile health model based on wearable computing. The main problem discussed in the thesis is to investigate the possibilities of implementation and integration of wearable computing, Internet of Things, mobile technologies and services, big data analytics, and Cloud computing for the development of mobile health services. By introducing the Internet of Things into mobile healthcare, in the field of stress control, it is possible to collect sensors’ data from the users’ body. The use of the wearable devices in the process of the stress control by physicians or psychologists should enable obtaining information on the psychophysical condition of the user. The measured data could be monitored, stored and analyzed using the e-health services. Appropriate methods for controlling stress and personalized preventive health messages for users can be created based on analytical results. The thesis proposes a mobile healthcare model based on wearable computing. It consists of a mobile healthcare system, wearable systems and services for interconnection of components and integration with electronic health services. In addition, the model includes the integration of mobile healthcare and formal education programs. In the experimental part of the thesis, the proposed model of mobile healthcare based on wearable computing has been implemented in an educational environment. The system was evaluated in a real environment, during the defense of students' thesis at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade. The results show that the use of a mobile application with relaxation content affected the reduction of stress among students during their thesis defense. In addition, this thesis outlines the role of the education system in the implementation of mobile healthcare. The approach to designing a course for smart healthcare engineers has been presented. Through key topics of the course, students should gain new skills and knowledge of smart healthcare based modern technologies. The proposed approach was evaluated at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade. The results point to the positive outcome of the process of acquiring knowledge, as well as the students' experiences and attitudes about the course

    Prototype of technological infrastructure based on the Internet of Things and tools with free software licenses for the supervision of vital signs in patients (Smart monitoring) of an emergency service

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    El presente trabajo denominado, prototipo de infraestructura tecnológica basada en internet de las cosas y herramientas con licencias de software libre para la supervisión de signos vitales en pacientes de un servicio de urgencias, desarrolla un prototipo funcional de infraestructura tecnológica para el monitoreo de signos vitales de pacientes que solicitan atención médica en un servicio de urgencias. El prototipo de infraestructura desarrollado incluye una parte software encargada del registro del paciente, posteriormente se toman sus signos vitales en la dependencia de triage y a continuación se realiza la supervisión de la medición automáticas de los signos vitales de los pacientes que esperan por ser atendidos por el médico de urgencias. El Hardware corresponde a un dispositivo electrónico de monitoreo, el cual fue llamado DEMIoT, encargado de medir los signos vitales correspondientes a Frecuencia cardiaca, concentración de oxígeno y presión arterial del paciente y enviarla a un servidor para la supervisión por parte del personal médico. Para la implementación del prototipo se utilizó la metodología de desarrollo ágil Programación XP la cual facilita la construcción del sistema y permite lograr la culminación satisfactoria de las necesidades propias de los usuarios. Algunos principios de esta metodología fueron orientadoras del proceso de construcción del prototipo de hardware. Como parte de desarrollos posteriores se propone el desarrollo de un sistema completo que integre todos los procesos de urgencias, como facturación y aprobación de la atención y que incluya equipos y software que permita mejorar el proceso de atención de pacientes en urgencias.Universitat Oberta de Catalunya UOCINTRODUCCIÓN 29 1. DESCRIPCIÓN DEL PROBLEMA 31 1.1 ANTECEDENTES 31 1.2 PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA 32 1.3 OBJETIVOS 34 1.3.1 Objetivo General 34 1.3.2 Objetivos específicos 34 2. MARCO DE REFERENCIA 35 2.1 MARCO TEÓRICO 35 2.1.1 Estado del arte 35 2.1.2 Servicios de Urgencias 35 2.1.3 Internet de las Cosas aplicadas a la salud (IoT - Health) 37 2.1.4 Monitoreo de signos vitales 41 2.1.5 Marco teórico 43 3. METODOS DE INVESTIGACIÓN 55 3.1 METODOLOGÍA 55 4. RESULTADOS DE LA INVESTIGACION 57 4.1 REVISIÓN DE LA LITERATURA 57 4.2 CARACTERIZACIÓN. 57 4.2.1 Definición de los objetivos principales y específicos del estudio 59 4.2.2 Diseño de Instrumentos. 60 4.2.3 Aplicación de Instrumentos 64 4.2.4 análisis de resultados. 70 4.2.5 Elaboración de la caracterización y diagnóstico del proceso de primera atención de servicios de urgencias. 71 4.3 DISEÑO DEL PROTÓTIPO DE INFRAESTRUCTURA TECNOLÓGICA 75 4.3.1 Metodología para el desarrollo del prototipo 75 4.3.2 Definición de requerimientos generales del prototipo de infraestructura tecnológica 76 4.3.3 Descripción general del prototipo de infraestructura tecnológica 77 4.3.4 Descripción detallada del sistema 80 4.3.5 Diagramas del sistema 82 4.4 CONSTRUCCIÓN DEL PROTÓTIPO DE SOFTWARE 85 4.4.1 Fase de Exploración 85 4.4.2 Fase de Planificación 91 4.4.3 Iteraciones 93 4.5 CONSTRUCCIÓN DEL DISPOSITIVO ELECTRÓNICO DE MONITOREO (IOT) DEMIoT DEL PROTOTIPO DE INFRAESTRUCTURA TECNOLÓGICA 107 4.5.1 Fase de exploración para la construcción del dispositivo electrónico. 107 4.5.2 Planificación de la construcción del Dispositivo Electrónico de Monitoreo 110 4.5.3 Iteraciones de la construcción del Dispositivo Electrónico de Monitoreo 113 4.6 INTERFACES GRÁFICAS DEL SISTEMA 122 4.7 EVALUACIÓN DEL PROTOTIPO DE INFRAESTRUCTURA TECNOLÓGICA 125 4.7.1 Despliegue del prototipo de infraestructura tecnológica 125 4.7.2 Validación del dispositivo electrónico de monitoreo DEMIoT 127 4.7.3 Evaluación del prototipo desarrollado 128 5. CONCLUSIONES 133 5.1 Del Proyecto 133 5.2 Recomendaciones 134 6. BIBLIOGRAFÍA 136 ANEXOS 140MaestríaThe present work called, prototype of technological infrastructure based on the internet of things and tools with free software licenses for the supervision of vital signs in patients of an emergency service, develops a functional prototype of technological infrastructure for the monitoring of vital signs of patients seeking medical attention in an emergency department. The infrastructure prototype developed includes a software part in charge of registering the patient, subsequently their vital signs are taken in the triage unit and then the supervision of the automatic measurement of the vital signs of the patients waiting to be seen by the emergency physician. The Hardware corresponds to an electronic monitoring device, which was called DEMIoT, in charge of measuring the vital signs corresponding to the patient's heart rate, oxygen concentration and blood pressure and sending it to a server for supervision by the medical staff. For the implementation of the prototype, the agile development methodology XP Programming was used, which facilitates the construction of the system and allows to achieve the satisfactory completion of the users' own needs. Some principles of this methodology were guiding the process of building the hardware prototype. As part of subsequent developments, it is proposed to develop a complete system that integrates all emergency processes, such as billing and approval of care and that includes equipment and software that allows improving the process of patient care in emergencies