1,186 research outputs found

    Speech Signal Enhancement through Adaptive Wavelet Thresholding

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    This paper demonstrates the application of the Bionic Wavelet Transform (BWT), an adaptive wavelet transform derived from a non-linear auditory model of the cochlea, to the task of speech signal enhancement. Results, measured objectively by Signal-to-Noise ratio (SNR) and Segmental SNR (SSNR) and subjectively by Mean Opinion Score (MOS), are given for additive white Gaussian noise as well as four different types of realistic noise environments. Enhancement is accomplished through the use of thresholding on the adapted BWT coefficients, and the results are compared to a variety of speech enhancement techniques, including Ephraim Malah filtering, iterative Wiener filtering, and spectral subtraction, as well as to wavelet denoising based on a perceptually scaled wavelet packet transform decomposition. Overall results indicate that SNR and SSNR improvements for the proposed approach are comparable to those of the Ephraim Malah filter, with BWT enhancement giving the best results of all methods for the noisiest (−10 db and −5 db input SNR) conditions. Subjective measurements using MOS surveys across a variety of 0 db SNR noise conditions indicate enhancement quality competitive with but still lower than results for Ephraim Malah filtering and iterative Wiener filtering, but higher than the perceptually scaled wavelet method

    Wavelet speech enhancement based on time-scale adaptation

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    Abstract : We propose a new speech enhancement method based on time and scale adaptation of wavelet thresholds. The time dependency is introduced by approximating the Teager Energy of the wavelet coefficients, while the scale dependency is introduced by extending the principle of level dependent threshold to Wavelet Packet Thresholding. This technique does not require an explicit estimation of the noise level or of the apriori knowledge of the SNR, as is usually needed in most of the popular enhancement methods. Performance of the proposed method is evaluated on speech recorded in real conditions (plane, sawmill, tank, subway, babble, car, exhibition hall, restaurant, street, airport, and train station) and artificially added noise. MELscale decomposition based on wavelet packets is also compared to the common wavelet packet scale. Comparison in terms of Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) is reported for time adaptation and time-scale adaptation thresholding of the wavelet coefficients thresholding. Visual inspection of spectrograms and listening experiments are also used to support the results. Hidden Markov Models Speech recognition experiments are conducted on the AURORA–2 database and show that the proposed method improves the speech recognition rates for low SNRs

    An Experimental Study on Speech Enhancement Based on a Combination of Wavelets and Deep Learning

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    The purpose of speech enhancement is to improve the quality of speech signals degraded by noise, reverberation, or other artifacts that can affect the intelligibility, automatic recognition, or other attributes involved in speech technologies and telecommunications, among others. In such applications, it is essential to provide methods to enhance the signals to allow the understanding of the messages or adequate processing of the speech. For this purpose, during the past few decades, several techniques have been proposed and implemented for the abundance of possible conditions and applications. Recently, those methods based on deep learning seem to outperform previous proposals even on real-time processing. Among the new explorations found in the literature, the hybrid approaches have been presented as a possibility to extend the capacity of individual methods, and therefore increase their capacity for the applications. In this paper, we evaluate a hybrid approach that combines both deep learning and wavelet transformation. The extensive experimentation performed to select the proper wavelets and the training of neural networks allowed us to assess whether the hybrid approach is of benefit or not for the speech enhancement task under several types and levels of noise, providing relevant information for future implementations.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Ingeniería::Facultad de Ingeniería::Escuela de Ingeniería Eléctric

    Superposition frames for adaptive time-frequency analysis and fast reconstruction

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    In this article we introduce a broad family of adaptive, linear time-frequency representations termed superposition frames, and show that they admit desirable fast overlap-add reconstruction properties akin to standard short-time Fourier techniques. This approach stands in contrast to many adaptive time-frequency representations in the extant literature, which, while more flexible than standard fixed-resolution approaches, typically fail to provide efficient reconstruction and often lack the regular structure necessary for precise frame-theoretic analysis. Our main technical contributions come through the development of properties which ensure that this construction provides for a numerically stable, invertible signal representation. Our primary algorithmic contributions come via the introduction and discussion of specific signal adaptation criteria in deterministic and stochastic settings, based respectively on time-frequency concentration and nonstationarity detection. We conclude with a short speech enhancement example that serves to highlight potential applications of our approach.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures; revised versio

    An adaptive perception-based image preprocessing method

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    The aim of this paper is to introduce an adaptive preprocessing procedure based on human perception in order to increase the performance of some standard image processing techniques. Specifically, image frequency content has been weighted by the corresponding value of the contrast sensitivity function, in agreement with the sensitiveness of human eye to the different image frequencies and contrasts. The 2D Rational dilation wavelet transform has been employed for representing image frequencies. In fact, it provides an adaptive and flexible multiresolution framework, enabling an easy and straightforward adaptation to the image frequency content. Preliminary experimental results show that the proposed preprocessing allows us to increase the performance of some standard image enhancement algorithms in terms of visual quality and often also in terms of PSNR

    A New Wavelet Denoising Method for Noise Threshold

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    A new method is used wavelet 1-D experimental signal for denoising. It is provided the optimal adaptive threshold of sub-band based on input signals. The new method: 1) use a new method with low complexity that calculates thresholds; 2) use threshold for each sub-bands; 3) divide three sub-band with range of human hearing and range of the hearing tests are often displayed in the form of an audiogram; 4) use a new denoising algorithm depends on attribute of signal for wavelet coefficients; 5) applies denoising to the detail coefficients. The new method called Adaptive Thresholding with Mean for hybrid Denoising method of hard and soft function (ATMDe) and applied to hearing loss and it is found that it increases the signal-to-noise ratio by more than 114 % and decreases the mean-square-error (MSE). The result of new method with SNR and MSE is higher than standard denoising methods. Hence, the new method was found that has good performance and adaptive threshold value is better than other methods.This study is proposed a new adaptive threshold based on noisy speech for each sub-bands with low complex and it is suitability for range of human hearing and range of hearing test. A new method is used wavelet 1-D experimental signal for denoising. It provided the optimal adaptive threshold of three sub-band with applies to the detail coefficients. The speech enhancement is used of threshoding on the adpated wavelet coefficients, and the results are compared a variety of noisy speech and four well-known benchmark signals. The results, measured objectively by Signal-to-Noise ratio (SNR) and Mean Square Error (MSE), are given for additive white Gaussian noise as well as two different types of noisy environment. The new method called Adaptive Thresholding with Mean for hybrid Denoising method of hard and soft function (ATMDe) and applied to hearing loss and it is found that it increases the signal-to-noise ratio by more than 114% and decreases the mean-square-error (MSE). The result of new method with SNR and MSE is higher than standard denoising methods. Hence, the new method was found that has good performance and adaptive threshold value is better than other methods

    Graph Spectral Image Processing

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    Recent advent of graph signal processing (GSP) has spurred intensive studies of signals that live naturally on irregular data kernels described by graphs (e.g., social networks, wireless sensor networks). Though a digital image contains pixels that reside on a regularly sampled 2D grid, if one can design an appropriate underlying graph connecting pixels with weights that reflect the image structure, then one can interpret the image (or image patch) as a signal on a graph, and apply GSP tools for processing and analysis of the signal in graph spectral domain. In this article, we overview recent graph spectral techniques in GSP specifically for image / video processing. The topics covered include image compression, image restoration, image filtering and image segmentation

    Compressive speech enhancement using semi-soft thresholding and improved threshold estimation

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    Compressive speech enhancement is based on the compressive sensing (CS) sampling theory and utilizes the sparsity of the signal for its enhancement. To improve the performance of the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) basis-function based compressive speech enhancement algorithm, this study presents a semi-soft thresholding approach suggesting improved threshold estimation and threshold rescaling parameters. The semi-soft thresholding approach utilizes two thresholds, one threshold value is an improved universal threshold and the other is calculated based on the initial-silence-region of the signal. This study suggests that thresholding should be applied to both detail coefficients and approximation coefficients to remove noise effectively. The performances of the hard, soft, garrote and semi-soft thresholding approaches are compared based on objective quality and speech intelligibility measures. The normalized covariance measure is introduced as an effective intelligibility measure as it has a strong correlation with the intelligibility of the speech signal. A visual inspection of the output signal is used to verify the results. Experiments were conducted on the noisy speech corpus (NOIZEUS) speech database. The experimental results indicate that the proposed method of semi-soft thresholding using improved threshold estimation provides better enhancement compared to the other thresholding approaches

    Speech Enhancement Using Wavelet Coefficients Masking with Local Binary Patterns

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    In this paper, we present a wavelet coefficients masking based on Local Binary Patterns (WLBP) approach to enhance the temporal spectra of the wavelet coefficients for speech enhancement. This technique exploits the wavelet denoising scheme, which splits the degraded speech into pyramidal subband components and extracts frequency information without losing temporal information. Speech enhancement in each high-frequency subband is performed by binary labels through the local binary pattern masking that encodes the ratio between the original value of each coefficient and the values of the neighbour coefficients. This approach enhances the high-frequency spectra of the wavelet transform instead of eliminating them through a threshold. A comparative analysis is carried out with conventional speech enhancement algorithms, demonstrating that the proposed technique achieves significant improvements in terms of PESQ, an international recommendation of objective measure for estimating subjective speech quality. Informal listening tests also show that the proposed method in an acoustic context improves the quality of speech, avoiding the annoying musical noise present in other speech enhancement techniques. Experimental results obtained with a DNN based speech recognizer in noisy environments corroborate the superiority of the proposed scheme in the robust speech recognition scenario
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