25 research outputs found

    Architecture and algorithms for the implementation of digital wireless receivers in FPGA and ASIC: ISDB-T and DVB-S2 cases

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    [EN] The first generation of Terrestrial Digital Television(DTV) has been in service for over a decade. In 2013, several countries have already completed the transition from Analog to Digital TV Broadcasting, most of which in Europe. In South America, after several studies and trials, Brazil adopted the Japanese standard with some innovations. Japan and Brazil started Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting (DTTB) services in December 2003 and December 2007 respectively, using Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting - Terrestrial (ISDB-T), also known as ARIB STD-B31. In June 2005 the Committee for the Information Technology Area (CATI) of Brazilian Ministry of Science and Technology and Innovation MCTI approved the incorporation of the IC-Brazil Program, in the National Program for Microelectronics (PNM) . The main goals of IC-Brazil are the formal qualification of IC designers, support to the creation of semiconductors companies focused on projects of ICs within Brazil, and the attraction of semiconductors companies focused on the design and development of ICs in Brazil. The work presented in this thesis originated from the unique momentum created by the combination of the birth of Digital Television in Brazil and the creation of the IC-Brazil Program by the Brazilian government. Without this combination it would not have been possible to make these kind of projects in Brazil. These projects have been a long and costly journey, albeit scientifically and technologically worthy, towards a Brazilian DTV state-of-the-art low complexity Integrated Circuit, with good economy scale perspectives, due to the fact that at the beginning of this project ISDB-T standard was not adopted by several countries like DVB-T. During the development of the ISDB-T receiver proposed in this thesis, it was realized that due to the continental dimensions of Brazil, the DTTB would not be enough to cover the entire country with open DTV signal, specially for the case of remote localizations far from the high urban density regions. Then, Eldorado Research Institute and Idea! Electronic Systems, foresaw that, in a near future, there would be an open distribution system for high definition DTV over satellite, in Brazil. Based on that, it was decided by Eldorado Research Institute, that would be necessary to create a new ASIC for broadcast satellite reception. At that time DVB-S2 standard was the strongest candidate for that, and this assumption still stands nowadays. Therefore, it was decided to apply to a new round of resources funding from the MCTI - that was granted - in order to start the new project. This thesis discusses in details the Architecture and Algorithms proposed for the implementation of a low complexity Intermediate Frequency(IF) ISDB-T Receiver on Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) CMOS. The Architecture proposed here is highly based on the COordinate Rotation Digital Computer (CORDIC) Algorithm, that is a simple and efficient algorithm suitable for VLSI implementations. The receiver copes with the impairments inherent to wireless channels transmission and the receiver crystals. The thesis also discusses the Methodology adopted and presents the implementation results. The receiver performance is presented and compared to those obtained by means of simulations. Furthermore, the thesis also presents the Architecture and Algorithms for a DVB-S2 receiver targeting its ASIC implementation. However, unlike the ISDB-T receiver, only preliminary ASIC implementation results are introduced. This was mainly done in order to have an early estimation of die area to prove that the project in ASIC is economically viable, as well as to verify possible bugs in early stage. As in the case of ISDB-T receiver, this receiver is highly based on CORDIC algorithm and it was prototyped in FPGA. The Methodology used for the second receiver is derived from that used for the ISDB-T receiver, with minor additions given the project characteristics.[ES] La primera generación de Televisión Digital Terrestre(DTV) ha estado en servicio por más de una década. En 2013, varios países completaron la transición de transmisión analógica a televisión digital, la mayoría de ellas en Europa. En América del Sur, después de varios estudios y ensayos, Brasil adoptó el estándar japonés con algunas innovaciones. Japón y Brasil comenzaron a prestar el servicio de Difusión de Televisión Digital Terrestre (DTTB) en diciembre de 2003 y diciembre de 2007 respectivamente, utilizando Radiodifusión Digital de Servicios Integrados Terrestres (ISDB-T), también conocida como ARIB STD-B31. En junio de 2005, el Comité del Área de Tecnología de la Información (CATI) del Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación de Brasil - MCTI aprobó la incorporación del Programa CI-Brasil, en el Programa Nacional de Microelectrónica (PNM). Los principales objetivos de la CI-Brasil son la formación de diseñadores de CIs, apoyar la creación de empresas de semiconductores enfocadas en proyectos de circuitos integrados dentro de Brasil, y la atracción de empresas de semiconductores interesadas en el diseño y desarrollo de circuitos integrados. El trabajo presentado en esta tesis se originó en el impulso único creado por la combinación del nacimiento de la televisión digital en Brasil y la creación del Programa de CI-Brasil por el gobierno brasileño. Sin esta combinación no hubiera sido posible realizar este tipo de proyectos en Brasil. Estos proyectos han sido un trayecto largo y costoso, aunque meritorio desde el punto de vista científico y tecnológico, hacia un Circuito Integrado brasileño de punta y de baja complejidad para DTV, con buenas perspectivas de economía de escala debido al hecho que al inicio de este proyecto, el estándar ISDB-T no fue adoptado por varios países como DVB-T. Durante el desarrollo del receptor ISDB-T propuesto en esta tesis, se observó que debido a las dimensiones continentales de Brasil, la DTTB no sería suficiente para cubrir todo el país con la señal de televisión digital abierta, especialmente para el caso de localizaciones remotas, apartadas de las regiones de alta densidad urbana. En ese momento, el Instituto de Investigación Eldorado e Idea! Sistemas Electrónicos, previeron que en un futuro cercano habría un sistema de distribución abierto para DTV de alta definición por satélite en Brasil. Con base en eso, el Instituto de Investigación Eldorado decidió que sería necesario crear un nuevo ASIC para la recepción de radiodifusión por satélite, basada el estándar DVB-S2. En esta tesis se analiza en detalle la Arquitectura y algoritmos propuestos para la implementación de un receptor ISDB-T de baja complejidad y frecuencia intermedia (IF) en un Circuito Integrado de Aplicación Específica (ASIC) CMOS. La arquitectura aquí propuesta se basa fuertemente en el algoritmo Computadora Digital para Rotación de Coordenadas (CORDIC), el cual es un algoritmo simple, eficiente y adecuado para implementaciones VLSI. El receptor hace frente a las deficiencias inherentes a las transmisiones por canales inalámbricos y los cristales del receptor. La tesis también analiza la metodología adoptada y presenta los resultados de la implementación. Por otro lado, la tesis también presenta la arquitectura y los algoritmos para un receptor DVB-S2 dirigido a la implementación en ASIC. Sin embargo, a diferencia del receptor ISDB-T, se introducen sólo los resultados preliminares de implementación en ASIC. Esto se hizo principalmente con el fin de tener una estimación temprana del área del die para demostrar que el proyecto en ASIC es económicamente viable, así como para verificar posibles errores en etapa temprana. Como en el caso de receptor ISDB-T, este receptor se basa fuertemente en el algoritmo CORDIC y fue un prototipado en FPGA. La metodología utilizada para el segundo receptor se deriva de la utilizada para el re[CA] La primera generació de Televisió Digital Terrestre (TDT) ha estat en servici durant més d'una dècada. En 2013, diversos països ja van completar la transició de la radiodifusió de televisió analògica a la digital, i la majoria van ser a Europa. A Amèrica del Sud, després de diversos estudis i assajos, Brasil va adoptar l'estàndard japonés amb algunes innovacions. Japó i Brasil van començar els servicis de Radiodifusió de Televisió Terrestre Digital (DTTB) al desembre de 2003 i al desembre de 2007, respectivament, utilitzant la Radiodifusió Digital amb Servicis Integrats de (ISDB-T), coneguda com a ARIB STD-B31. Al juny de 2005, el Comité de l'Àrea de Tecnologia de la Informació (CATI) del Ministeri de Ciència i Tecnologia i Innovació del Brasil (MCTI) va aprovar la incorporació del programa CI Brasil al Programa Nacional de Microelectrònica (PNM). Els principals objectius de CI Brasil són la qualificació formal dels dissenyadors de circuits integrats, el suport a la creació d'empreses de semiconductors centrades en projectes de circuits integrats dins del Brasil i l'atracció d'empreses de semiconductors centrades en el disseny i desenvolupament de circuits integrats. El treball presentat en esta tesi es va originar en l'impuls únic creat per la combinació del naixement de la televisió digital al Brasil i la creació del programa Brasil CI pel govern brasiler. Sense esta combinació no hauria estat possible realitzar este tipus de projectes a Brasil. Estos projectes han suposat un viatge llarg i costós, tot i que digne científicament i tecnològica, cap a un circuit integrat punter de baixa complexitat per a la TDT brasilera, amb bones perspectives d'economia d'escala perquè a l'inici d'este projecte l'estàndard ISDB-T no va ser adoptat per diversos països, com el DVB-T. Durant el desenvolupament del receptor de ISDB-T proposat en esta tesi, va resultar que, a causa de les dimensions continentals de Brasil, la DTTB no seria suficient per cobrir tot el país amb el senyal de TDT oberta, especialment pel que fa a les localitzacions remotes allunyades de les regions d'alta densitat urbana.. En este moment, l'Institut de Recerca Eldorado i Idea! Sistemes Electrònics van preveure que, en un futur pròxim, no hi hauria a Brasil un sistema de distribució oberta de TDT d'alta definició a través de satèl¿lit. D'acord amb això, l'Institut de Recerca Eldorado va decidir que seria necessari crear un nou ASIC per a la recepció de radiodifusió per satèl¿lit. basat en l'estàndard DVB-S2. En esta tesi s'analitza en detall l'arquitectura i els algorismes proposats per l'execució d'un receptor ISDB-T de Freqüència Intermèdia (FI) de baixa complexitat sobre CMOS de Circuit Integrat d'Aplicacions Específiques (ASIC). L'arquitectura ací proposada es basa molt en l'algorisme de l'Ordinador Digital de Rotació de Coordenades (CORDIC), que és un algorisme simple i eficient adequat per implementacions VLSI. El receptor fa front a les deficiències inherents a la transmissió de canals sense fil i els cristalls del receptor. Esta tesi també analitza la metodologia adoptada i presenta els resultats de l'execució. Es presenta el rendiment del receptor i es compara amb els obtinguts per mitjà de simulacions. D'altra banda, esta tesi també presenta l'arquitectura i els algorismes d'un receptor de DVB-S2 de cara a la seua implementació en ASIC. No obstant això, a diferència del receptor ISDB-T, només s'introdueixen resultats preliminars d'implementació en ASIC. Això es va fer principalment amb la finalitat de tenir una estimació primerenca de la zona de dau per demostrar que el projecte en ASIC és econòmicament viable, així com per verificar possibles errors en l'etapa primerenca. Com en el cas del receptor ISDB-T, este receptor es basa molt en l'algorisme CORDIC i va ser un prototip de FPGA. La metodologia utilitzada per al segon receptor es deriva de la utilitzada per al receptor IRodrigues De Lima, E. (2016). Architecture and algorithms for the implementation of digital wireless receivers in FPGA and ASIC: ISDB-T and DVB-S2 cases [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/61967TESI

    Entwurf und Implementierung von Verfahren und Algorithmen in Transponderlesegeräten zur Optimierung der Übertragungseigenschaften von LF-Transpondersystemen

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    Das Ziel dieser Arbeit liegt in der Optimierung der Übertragungseigenschaften von Low-Frequency-Transponderlesegeräten. Der Fokus liegt auf der Entwicklung von neuen Verfahren und Algorithmen, die eine stabile Energie- und Datenübertragung mobiler Lesegeräte unter variierenden Umgebungseinflüssen ermöglichen. Besonders bei passiven Sensortranspondern, die zusätzlich zu einer Identifikationsnummer Messdaten an das Lesegerät übermitteln, stellt die Energieversorgung des Transponderchips und des Sensors eine Herausforderung dar. Um den Sensortransponder über das magnetische Feld mit ausreichend Energie zu versorgen, können mobile, akkubetriebene Lesegeräte für eine verbesserte Energieeffizienz mit einer Lesegerätespule hoher Güte versehen werden. Jedoch wird das Datensignal in einem Transpondersystem mit einer Lesegerätespule hoher Güte stark verzerrt und somit die Detektion der empfangenen Daten erschwert. Des Weiteren ist es insbesondere bei variierenden Umgebungseinflüssen schwierig, eine stabile Energieversorgung zu gewährleisten, weil die Übertragung der Energie - genau wie die der Daten - unter anderem von Parametern abhängig ist, die durch die Umgebung der Antennenspulen bestimmt werden. Dies konnte bereits mit Messungen des Basisbandsignals oder von Übertragungsfunktionen dokumentiert werden. Darüber hinaus existieren diverse Ansätze, um ein Transpondersystem zu simulieren. Die Verfahren nach dem Stand der Technik umgehen die Problematik variierender Übertragungsfunktionen maßgeblich durch den Einsatz von Antennenspulen niedriger Güte oder analogen Schaltungen, die die Übertragung für bestimmte Rahmenbedingungen stabilisieren sollen. Antennenspulen hoher Güte werden aufgrund diverser auftretender Probleme kaum eingesetzt. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit ist ein System gesucht, das sich bei Änderungen der Ausgangsbedingungen, sei es bei den Eigenschaften der Antennenspulen oder bei den äußeren Einflüssen, an die neue Umgebung adaptieren kann. Dabei wird die Frage untersucht, in welcher Art die variierenden Einflüsse, die von Bedeutung sind, simuliert werden können und wie das System auf dieser Basis optimiert werden kann. Die Erkenntnisse fließen in die Entwicklung adaptiver Verfahren und Algorithmen für das Hardware-Front-End sowie für die digitale Signalverarbeitung ein. Die Übertragungsfunktionen des Transpondersystems werden in einem Modell, welches die äußeren Einflüsse auf die Antennen als variable Parameter mit einbezieht, in Matlab/Simulink simuliert. Ein Vergleich mit Messungen verschiedener Übertragungsfunktionen im Transpondersystem zeigt die Zuverlässigkeit des Modells. Das verzerrte Basisbandsignal wurde zusammen mit anderen Signalen am Lesegeräte-Front-End auf Informationen untersucht, die eine Aussage über die Zuverlässigkeit des erkannten Symbols enthalten, welche in den Detektionsalgorithmen verwendet werden kann. Weiterhin wird ein Demonstrator eines adaptiven Kernmoduls für mobile Transponderlesegeräte vorgestellt. Dieser besteht aus einem digital gesteuerten analogen Front-End und einem FPGA, der von Matlab aus gesteuert werden kann. Mit Hilfe von digitaler Signalverarbeitung können in Kombination mit der dafür ausgelegten Hardware die Energieversorgung sowie die Datendetektion signifikant verbessert werden. Die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entwickelten Verfahren sind energieeffizient, adaptierbar und mit geringem Hardwareaufwand zu implementieren. Bei der Decodierung von Basisbandsignalen, die mit Antennenspulen hoher Güte empfangen worden sind, kann die Bitfehlerrate gegenüber Maximum-Likelihood-Verfahren aus dem Stand der Low-Frequency-Transpondertechnik deutlich verringert werden. Durch Signalverarbeitung wird auch die Energieversorgung stabilisiert. Mit einem Verfahren zur Trägerfrequenzadaption wird je nach Umgebungseinfluss eine signifikant bessere Energieversorgung als mit adaptiven Verfahren nach dem Stand der Technik erreicht

    Rapid Prototyping for Evaluating Vehicular Communications

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    [Abstract] This Thesis details the different elements of a rapid prototyping system able to implement and evaluate vehicular communications fast, according to the continuously evolving requirements of the industry. The system is basically composed of a testbed and a channel emulator, which allow evaluating communication transceivers in realistic vehicular scenarios. Two different testbeds are introduced: a generic 2x2 system and a vehicular platform. The former is used to compare and study space-time block coding (STBC) transmissions at 2.4 GHz over different indoor channels. The latter makes use of software transceivers whose performance is evaluated when they work under artificial high-speed Rayleigh-fading scenarios. To show the capabilities of both platforms, three software transceivers have been developed following the specifications for the physical layers of the standards IEEE 802.11p, IEEE 802.11a and IEEE 802.16e (Mobile WiMAX). The present work details the different elements that make up each transceiver and indicates how to connect them to the rest of the system to perform evaluation measurements. Finally, single-antenna and multi-antenna performances are measured thanks to the design and implementation of three FPGA-based channel emulators that are able to recreate up to seven different vehicular scenarios that include urban canyons, suburban areas and highways[Resumo] A presente Tese detalla os elementos necesarios para constituir un sistema basado en prototipado rápido capaz de levar a cabo e avaliar comunicacións vehiculares. O hardware do sistema está composto básicamente por unha plataforma de probas (testbed) e un emulador de canal, os cales permiten avaliar o rendemento de transceptores inartiamicos recreando diferentes escenarios vehiculares. Inicialmente, este traballo céntrase na descripción do hardware do sistema, detallando a construcción e proba dunha plataforma multi-antena e un testebed vehicular. Estos sistemas permitiron, respectivamente, estudar o comportamento de códigos STBC (space-time block codes) en interiores e medir o rendemento de tranceptores software ao traballar a distintas velocidades vehiculares en canais con desvaecemento Rayleigh. Tres transceptores software foron creados seguindo as especificacións das capas físicas dos estándares IEEE 802.11p, IEEE 802.11a e IEEE 802.16e (Mobile WiMAX). Este traballo detalla os diferentes componentes de cada transceptor, indicando cómo conectalos ao resto do sistema para realizar a avaliacition do seu rendemento. Dita avaliación realizouse coa axuda de tres emuladores de canal basados en tecnoloxía FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array), os cales son capaces de recrear ata sete escenarios vehiculares distintos, incluindo cañóns urbanos, zonas suburbanas e autopistas.[Resumen] La presente Tesis detalla los elementos necesarios para constituir un sistema basado en prototipado rtiapido capaz de llevar a cabo y evaluar comunicaciones vehiculares. El hardware del sistema está compuesto por una plataforma de pruebas (testbed) y un emulador de canal, los cuales permiten evaluar el rendimiento de transceptores inaltiambricos recreando diferentes escenarios vehiculares. Inicialmente, este trabajo se centra en la descripcition del hardware del sistema, detallando la construccition y prueba de una plataforma multi-antena y un testebed vehicular. Estos sistemas han permitido, respectivamente, estudiar el comportamiento de ctiodigos STBC (space-time block codes) en interiores y medir el rendimiento en canal con desvanecimiento Rayleigh de tranceptores software a distintas velocidades vehiculares. Tres transceptores software han sido creados siguiendo las especificaciones de las capas físicas de los estandares IEEE 802.11p, IEEE 802.11a e IEEE 802.16e (Mobile WiMAX). Este trabajo detalla los diferentes componentes de cada transceptor, indicando ctiomo conectarlos al resto del sistema para realizar la evaluacition de su rendimiento. Dicha evaluacition se realiztio con la ayuda de tres emuladores de canal basados en FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Array), los cuales son capaces de recrear comunicaciones multi-antena en hasta siete escenarios vehiculares distintos, incluyendo cañones urbanos, zonas suburbanas y autopistas

    Physical Layer Securities in Wireless Communication Systems

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    Due to the tremendous advancement in the semiconductor and microelectronics technologies, wireless technologies have blossomed in the recent decades. The large scale deployment of wireless networks have revolutionized the way people live. They bring a great deal of convenience and enjoyment to us. Undoubtedly, we have become more and more dependent on these wireless technologies. These include cellular and radio frequency identification (RFID) technologies. However, with great technologies also come great risks and threats. Unlike wired transmissions, the nature of wireless transmissions result in the transmitted signals over the channel can be easily intercepted and eavesdropped by malicious adversaries. Therefore, security and privacy of the employed wireless communication system are easily compromised compared to the wired communication system. Consequently, securing wireless network has attracted a lot of attention in the recent years and it has huge practical implications. Securing wireless networks can be and indeed are performed at all layers of a network protocol stack. These include application, network, data link and physical (PHY) layers. The primary focus of our research is on the PHY layer approaches for securing and attacking wireless networks. In this thesis, we identify three research topics and present our results. They are: 1) PHY layer phase encryption (P-Enc) vs XOR encryption (XOR-Enc); 2) PHY layer signaling scheme to ensure the confidentiality of the transmitted messages from the tag to the reader in RFID systems. 3) Active eavesdropping attack framework under frequency hopping spread spectrum (FHSS) RFID systems. In the first work, we introduce a new OFDM encryption scheme which we call OFDM-Enc, different from convectional XOR-Enc, OFDM-Enc encrypts data by multiplying each of in-phase and quadrature component of the time domain OFDM symbol by a keystream bit. We then perform an initial investigation on the security of OFDM-Enc. We show it is secure against all attacks that are considered in this work. Moreover, depending on the modulation type, OFDM would potentially reduce the keystream size required for encryption, while still achieving the required security level. We also conduct simulations to compare OFDM-Enc with conventional XOR-Enc. We show indeed OFDM-Enc is viable and can achieve good performances. Then we extend OFDM-Enc to general communication systems. Since the encryption is essentially done by changing the phase of the data constellations, we just adopt the term P-Enc. In addition, we form mathematical formulations in order to compare between P-Enc and XOR-Enc in terms of efficiency, security and hardware complexity. Furthermore, we show P-Enc at the PHY layer can prevent traffic analysis attack, which cannot be prevented with the upper layer encryptions. Finally, simulations are conducted again to compare the performance of P-Enc and XOR-Enc. In the second work, we are interested in protecting tag's data from leaking or being compromised to malicious adversaries. As discussed earlier, due to the nature of wireless channels, communications between the tag and the reader is susceptible to eavesdropping. The conventional method uses encryption for confidentiality protection of transmitted messages. However, this requires to pre-share keys between the reader and the tag. As a result, a key management and distribution system needs to be put in place. This introduces heavy system overhead. In this work, we first propose a new PHY layer RFID privacy protection method which requires no pre-shared keys and would achieve the same goal. We also perform theoretical analysis to first validate of our proposed scheme. Finally, we conduct experiments to further verify the feasibility our proposed scheme under the passive eavesdropping attack model. In the third work, we present a new attack on the FHSS RFID system called active eavesdropping attack. In most semi-passive and passive RFID systems, tag to reader communications are accomplished via backscattering modulation. This implies the tag is not required to identify the frequency of the legitimate reader's transmitted signal, it simply responds to a reader's query by setting its impedance in the circuitry to low and high to represent bit 1 and 0. The attacker exploits this design weakness of the tag and broadcasts his own continuous wave (CW) at a different frequency. Consequently, the eavesdropper receives two copies of responses: one from his own broadcasted CW and one from reader's CW. We perform theoretical analysis to show the optimal strategy for the attacker in terms of the decoding error probability. Finally, we conduct simulations and experiments to verify with our theoretical results


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    Public safety mobile wireless communication systems (PMCSs) are widely used by public safety personnel, such as firefighters and police, as well as local governments. PMCSs are crucial to protect safety and security of communities. Conventional PMCSs effectively cover underpopulated areas as well as urban areas by employing long-zone scheme. Since the PMCSs can cover areas that are not covered by commercial cellule systems, they play the important role as the only communication tool. Moreover, the conventional PMCSs have enhanced robustness and reliability. The conventional PMCSs can keep their services even if backbone lines are cut off. In contrast, short-zone scheme systems cannot offer stable and wide service area without backbone line connection. For example, the Great East Japan Earthquake in Japan, police mobile communication systems had kept their functions while cellular phones became disabled. PMCSs are required to be quite high robustness and reliability in order to save human life. Recently, conventional PMCSs are required to realize further expansion of service areas and high speed transmission although they have stably provided users with wide service areas so far. Nowadays, in order to solve complicated public affair quickly, more stable service areas and broadband communication are required. Compared with conventional PMCSs in urban areas, commercial wireless mobile communication systems (CWMCSs) such as cellular systems supply stable service areas and broadband communication in times of peace. In accordance with development of wireless technology, PMCSs need to keep pace with CWMCSs. However, conventional PMCSs can hardly realize further stable service areas and high speed transmission because of large-zone scheme. In terms of realization of further stable service areas, no-service areas cannot be eliminated easily. This is because no-service areas are mostly attributed to shadowing; in large-zone scheme, a no-service area that must essentially be covered by a certain base station is seldom covered by other neighboring base stations. Although new allocation of base stations is fundamental answer to solve no-service area problem in PMCSs, building new base stations of PMCSs that are not used for a commercial purpose is restricted by national and local budget. Realization of high speed transmission of PMCSs is also difficult because of large-zone scheme. To realize high speed transmission, increase of transmit power or shrinking of service area coverage is required to compensate Signal to Noise Power Ratio (SNR) deterioration caused by expanding bandwidth. Increase of transmission power of mobile station used in large-zone scheme systems is almost impossible because transmission power of mobile station is originally high. Thus, shrinking of service areas is necessary for high speed communication. Currently, to realize high speed transmission, next generation broadband PMCSs (BPMCSs) employing short-or middle-zone scheme are being developed. In the 3GPP, it is considered that the Long Term Evolution (LTE) is used for communication of public safety. In Japan, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) has researched and developed Public Broadband Wireless Communication System (PBWCS), which employs 200MHz as carrier frequency. The PBWCS has already been equipped in national police agency in Japan. However, we consider that the conventional narrowband PMCSs (NPM-CSs) are not replaced with the BPMCSs completely. This is because the BPMCSs cannot cover all the areas that the conventional NPM-CSs have covered. Moreover, there are problems of robustness and reliability when accidents happen. Hence, users of PMCSs will utilize both of NPMCSs and BPMCSs in accordance with the situation. In this case, users equipping several terminals feel inconvenient and also radio resources are not used effectively. The best solution to realize optimal PMCSs is employing heterogeneous cognitive radio (HCR) for PMCSs. By applying the HCR to PMCSs, service areas expansion and high speed transmission in PM-CSs will be realized effectively. We propose an integrated system combining NPMCSs with CWMCSs and BPMCSs to make communication quality of the PMCSs improve. The proposed HCR recognizes communication conditions of several systems and then provides PMCS\u27s users with optimal communication quality. Although software defined radio techniques (SDR) are ideal to operate cognitive radio more flexibly, we deal with HCR mainly to realize combined systems in this thesis. We study advantages, problems, and their solution to realize the HCR for PMCSs. Firstly, we research service area expansion of NPMCSs using HCR. The proposed HCR is utilized for stabilization of NPMCS\u27s service area. If communication quality of a NPMCS deteriorates owing to shadowing, the proposed HCR terminal obtains a part of NPMCS\u27s data called subsidiary information (SI) from CWMCSs or BPMCSs. The proposed HCR terminal can improve PMCS\u27s bit error rate (BER) performance by combining the SI with received signals of the NPMCS and then decoding the combined signals using forward error correction (FEC). Since convolutional codes are often used in FEC of NPMCSs, we consider BER improvement methods of the convolutional code. We derive modified Viterbi algorithm from maximum likelihood sequence estimation (MLSE) of the combined signals. Moreover, we introduce the distance spectrum to evaluate characteristics of the convolutional codes. The distance spectrum is used for estimating improvement of BER performances. Next, we consider synchronization methods to realize the proposed HCR. In the HCR, there are two types of synchronization method; one is the self-synchronization method to synchronize each system itself. The other is the co-synchronization method to combine different systems. In this thesis, we consider self-synchronization methods of NPMCSs mainly. This is because the HCR aims to improve communication quality of NPMCSs equipping conventional self-synchronization methods that are not probably available in low SNR environments. In this environment, since NPMCSs can hardly obtain their self-synchronization alone, powerful self-synchronization methods using HCR techniques are required. We propose two synchronization methods that are utilization of global portioning system (GPS) signals and utilization of the SI, respectively. The synchronization methods utilizing GPS signals can acquire timing synchronization. To obtain timing synchronization, the proposed HCR acquires accurate time and own location using the GPS signals. The HCR also gets the location of base stations and the frame timing by making the SI convey their information. Since the HCR can know accurate time and distance between the base station and the HCR, synchronization timing can be calculated. However, in GPS based method, preciseness of timing synchronization may be deteriorated by measurement error of GPS signals, diffraction caused by mountains, and propagation delay caused by reection. For this reason, we consider a mitigation method of the timing error and then evaluate BER performances using computer simulation. Moreover, we propose a SI based synchronization method that can obtain timing synchronization without GPS signals. The proposed method is employed when a NPMCS uses differential coded π/4 shift QPSK as the modulation scheme. The notable feature of the proposed method is to convey the phase rotation of the π/4 shift QPSK as the SI. The HCR can forecast PMCS\u27s envelopes from the obtained SI and then obtain the timing synchronization by correlating the forecasted envelopes with real received envelopes. Since the proposed method can also be used for co-synchronization and BER improvement, CWMCS\u27s resource consumption to convey the SI is suppressed. Finally, we consider HCRs combining several PMCSs. In this thesis, the combination of NPMCSs and the combination of a NPMCS and a BPMCS are researched. In the combination of NPMCSs, we consider that several PMCSs are integrated by SDR. In the combination of a NPMCS and a BPMCS, we propose site diversity based on HCR to improve uplink communication quality of the BPMCS. In this diversity, since uplink interference must be avoided, we employ combination of the adaptive array and HCR techniques. Moreover, we propose information compression methods for narrow band backbone lines so that received data can be conveyed to head office with little BER deterioration. PMCSs will have played an important role to ensure social safety. In the thesis, we consider the one of the next generation PMCSs employing SDR and HCR. Using this research, we can obtain a direction of optimal PMCSs. The next step that we need to perform is to apply our proposed method to actual radio systems. We must continue this research so that high reliable and compact PMCSs can be realized.電気通信大学201

    Software Defined Radio Implementation Of Ds-Cdma In Inter-Satellite Communications For Small Satellites

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    The increased usage of CubeSats recently has changed the communication philosophy from long-range point-to-point propagations to a multi-hop network of small orbiting nodes. Separating system tasks into many dispersed satellites can increase system survivability, versatility, configurability, adaptability, and autonomy. Inter-satellite links (ISL) enable the satellites to exchange information and share resources while reducing the traffic load to the ground. Establishment and stability of the ISL are impacted by factors such as the satellite orbit and attitude, antenna configuration, constellation topology, mobility, and link range. Software Defined Radio (SDR) is beginning to be heavily used in small satellite communications for applications such as base stations. A software-defined radio is a software program that does the functionality of a hardware system. The digital signal processing blocks are incorporated into the software giving it more flexibility and modulation. With this, the idea of a remote upgrade from the ground as well as the potential to accommodate new applications and future services without hardware changes is very promising. Realizing this, my idea is to create an inter-satellite link using software defined radio. The advantages of this are higher data rates, modification of operating frequencies, possibility of reaching higher frequency bands for higher throughputs, flexible modulation, demodulation and encoding schemes, and ground modifications. However, there are several challenges in utilizing the software-defined radio to create an inter-satellite link communication for small satellites. In this paper, we designed and implemented a multi-user inter-satellite communication network using SDRs, where Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) technique is utilized to manage the multiple accesses to shared communication channel among the satellites. This model can be easily reconfigured to support any encoding/decoding, modulation, and other signal processing schemes