42 research outputs found

    Model of on-line control for the smart object by communication technologies

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    Based on analysis of opportunities of usage existing models, methods and techniques for on-line monitoring and control of unmanned dynamic objects, a mathematical model of remote estimation of distance to wire-controlled unmanned mobile object is proposed. The presence of model and techniques of remote estimation of distance to wirecontrolled unmanned object increases the reliability of control for exclusion of critical situations in the strict radio counteraction conditions and powerful electromagnetic jamming setting during control

    Model of on-line control for the smart object by communication technologies

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    Based on analysis of opportunities of usage existing models, methods and techniques for on-line monitoring and control of unmanned dynamic objects, a mathematical model of remote estimation of distance to wire-controlled unmanned mobile object is proposed. The presence of model and techniques of remote estimation of distance to wirecontrolled unmanned object increases the reliability of control for exclusion of critical situations in the strict radio counteraction conditions and powerful electromagnetic jamming setting during control

    Performance analysis of real-time and general-purpose operating systems for path planning of the multi-robot systems

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    In general, modern operating systems can be divided into two essential parts, real-time operating systems (RTOS) and general-purpose operating systems (GPOS). The main difference between GPOS and RTOS is the system istime-critical or not. It means that; in GPOS, a high-priority thread cannot preempt a kernel call. But, in RTOS, a low-priority task is preempted by a high-priority task if necessary, even if it’s executing a kernel call. Most Linux distributions can be used as both GPOS and RTOS with kernel modifications. In this study, two Linux distributions, Ubuntu and Pardus, were analyzed and their performances were compared both as GPOS and RTOS for path planning of the multi-robot systems. Robot groups with different numbers of members were used to perform the path tracking tasks using both Ubuntu and Pardus as GPOS and RTOS. In this way, both the performance of two different Linux distributions in robotic applications were observed and compared in two forms, GPOS, and RTOS

    Система керування посадкою квадрокоптера на основі системи технічного зору

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    Дана робота присвячена розробці системи управління посадкою квадрокоптера на основі системи технічного зору. Метою роботи є створення системи, яка базується на двох камерах, інтегрованих у конструкцію квадрокоптера, і є більш захищеною від пошкоджень. Для досягнення цієї мети були виконані такі завдання: розробка структурної схеми системи керування, розробка алгоритмів керування для посадки та розробка програмного забезпечення. Практичне значення даної роботи полягає в підвищенні експлуатаційних можливостей та безпеки квадрокоптера під час посадки. Система технічного зору дозволяє квадрокоптерам досягати точних і контрольованих посадок, автономно орієнтуватися і адаптуватися до різних умов навколишнього середовища.This work is devoted to the development of a quadcopter landing control system based on a technical vision system. The goal of the work is to create a system that is based on two cameras integrated into the design of the quadcopter, and is more protected from damage. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were performed: development of a structural diagram of the control system, development of control algorithms for landing, and development of software. The practical significance of this work is to increase the operational capabilities and safety of the quadcopter during landing. The technical vision system allows quadcopters to achieve precise and controlled landings, autonomously navigate and adapt to various environmental conditions

    Visual detection and 3D model-based tracking for landing on aircraft carrier

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    International audienceA challenging task of airborne operations remains the landing on the carrier deck, which limits the carrier operational efficiency during rough sea. In this paper, a method of carrier visual detection and tracking is described. With the help of the aircraft sensors, the carrier is first detected in the image using a warped patch of a reference image. This provides an initialization to a real time 3D model-based tracker estimating the camera pose during the sequence. This method is demonstrated and evaluated using a simulator with high-fidelity visualization and on real video

    Vision Based Control of Model Helicopters

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