38 research outputs found

    Schaeffer reconsidered: a typological space and its analytic applications

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    The description of the sonic level is indeed crucial in the analysis of music. Even if this can be seen as a plain assumption in the scholar debate, it is still not clear which categories could be considered relevant for analitic purposes. Acoustics provides a set of theoretical notions that, while strongly based on physics, cannot be directly imported in music analysis in relation to sound description. In fact, in the latter case, the perceptual level comes into play, rather than the acoustic one. In relation to perceptual categories, and from a phenomenological perspective, a fundamental contribution is still Schaeffer's Traité des objets musicaux. The paper proposes a reformulation of some of Schaeffer's categories that can be arranged in a consistent typological space. The resulting space is aimed at providing a multifaceted description of the sonic level that is suited both for music and, more generally, for sound-based texts and practices. This description results in an annotation of sound materials in relation to their position in the typological space. A methodology for such an annotation is proposed, and, finally, an application to E. Varèse's Poème électronique is presented

    Animated Urban Surfaces: Spatial Augmented Reality in public discourse

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    Today´s projection art on public surfaces developed from the mutual approximation of painting, architecture, and lighting during centuries. The terms “Spatial Augmented Reality” (SAR) and “projection mapping” describe mostly temporary large screen projections on urban surfaces. The façade architecture becomes the screen for the content, mostly projected 2D and 3D animations. In essence, many of these artworks generate illusionistic clips deriving from the existing façade structure, allowing reality and fiction to merge audio visually. Artists, architects, curators, and institutions are increasingly aware of their responsibility related to this form of the mediatization of architecture, as shown, for example, by the Brazilian artist group Visualfarm. Their members approach their work as a counterpoint to the commercialization of public space in its appropriation by industry, propaganda, and advertising. But on the other hand, they also make a living from commercial assignments. Artists and architects often see themselves as pioneers and experimental researchers for possible developments in the coming digitized cities. By presenting various examples by selected artists like Corrie Francis Parks, Pablo Valbuena and Robert Seidel, the role of animation in connection with an alternative approach to the concepts of augmented realities within this process of social and urban evolution will be discussed. These artists try to integrate digital content into the cityscape in a harmonious sense

    Analyse architecturale, modélisation 3D et narration filmique : un regard original sur quelques objets corbuséens

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    [EN] To analyze Le Corbusier's work through 3D digital modeling constitutes an important issue for the dissemination of the legacy of this major architect. During an analytical process, a relevant use of contemporary graphic means associated to an understanding of the codes of architectural representation allows to reveal new issues, or new points of view. When linking the graphic production of such process to film narrative and to the codes of documentary film, one obtain singular documents: short-movies based on computer generated images that support an analytical and critical thought, but also present projects under a new visual expression; didactic and descriptive. Those documents become particularly interesting when it comes to highlighting obscure architectural heritage, or to give body to projects remained on paper. With the support of the Fondation Le Corbusier, some Master architecture students investigated Belgian projects of the work of Le Corbusier, from which only two were built and no more than one remains. Through precise methodological issues, this paper accounts for the knowledge that such productions can offer on sometimes less-known architectural objects from the Swiss master.[ES Analizar las obras arquitectónicas de Le Corbusier, a través la modelización 3D, constituye un desafío importante de difusión del legado de este gran arquitecto. Mediante el proceso analítico, un uso pertinente de los medios contemporáneos de representación gráfica asociados a una comprensión de los códigos de representación arquitecturales permite de establecer nuevas perspectivas y problemáticas poco tratadas. Cuando acoplamos la producción gráfica, creada por este tipo de proceso analítico, a la narración cinematográfica y a los códigos del cine documental, obtenemos documentos singulares : cortometrajes dentro de imágenes digitales que sostienen un propósito analítico y critico, pero que su vez presentan también los proyectos arquitectónicos bajo una nueva expresión visual, didáctica y descriptiva. Estos documentos pueden revelarse particularmente interesantes cuando se trata de valorizar un patrimonio arquitectural desconocido, o de ofrecer un cuerpo solido a los proyectos yacidos en hojas de papel. Con el apoyo de la Fundación Le Corbusier, los estudiantes de Master de arquitectura se interesaron a los proyectos belgas de los trabajos diseñados por Le Corbusier, de los cuales solo dos han sido construidos y solo uno permanece en pie. Mediante cuestionamientos metodológicos precisos, este articulo relata el conocimiento que este tipo de producciones pueden ofrecer sobre los objetos arquitectónicos menos conocidos del gran maestro suizo.Derycke, D.; Boone, V. (2016). Analyse architecturale, modélisation 3D et narration filmique : un regard original sur quelques objets corbuséens. En LE CORBUSIER. 50 AÑOS DESPUÉS. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 531-551. https://doi.org/10.4995/LC2015.2015.764OCS53155

    Music in Virtual Space: Theories and Techniques for Sound Spatialization and Virtual Reality-Based Stage Performance

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    This research explores virtual reality as a medium for live concert performance. I have realized compositions in which the individual performing on stage uses a VR head-mounted display complemented by other performance controllers to explore a composed virtual space. Movements and objects within the space are used to influence and control sound spatialization and diffusion, musical form, and sonic content. Audience members observe this in real-time, watching the performer\u27s journey through the virtual space on a screen while listening to spatialized audio on loudspeakers variable in number and position. The major artistic challenge I will explore through this activity is the relationship between virtual space and musical form. I will also explore and document the technical challenges of this activity, resulting in a shareable software tool called the Multi-source Ambisonic Spatialization Interface (MASI), which is useful in creating a bridge between VR technologies and associated software, ambisonic spatialization techniques, sound synthesis, and audio playback and effects, and establishes a unique workflow for working with sound in virtual space

    The Performance Practice of Electroacoustic Music

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    This book is dedicated to the topic of performance practice of electroacoustic music, focusing mainly on the production of RAI’s Studio di Fonologia in Milan between the 1950s and 1970s. It is the result of an in-depth dialogue between musicology and musical practice, presenting musicological and practice-based contributions, some dealing with specific problems of performance practice, in particular the analysis and interpretation of the aesthetic prerequisites and production conditions of the repertoire from a musicological perspective, others focusing on specific works and on their realisation from a performer’s perspective. Overall, this publication is intended as a contribution to the performance culture of the repertoire


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    筑波大学 (University of Tsukuba)201

    Handbook of Stemmatology

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    Stemmatology studies aspects of textual criticism that use genealogical methods. This handbook is the first to cover the entire field, encompassing both theoretical and practical aspects, ranging from traditional to digital methods. Authors from all the disciplines involved examine topics such as the material aspects of text traditions, methods of traditional textual criticism and their genesis, and modern digital approaches used in the field

    Ecritures Digitales. Digital writing, digital Scriptures

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    Ecritures digitales aims to demonstrate how digital writing contributes to the emergence of “a new relationship between the human body and the machine” as Jacques Derrida proposed when he considered the effects of new technologies. This reconfigured relationship, not surprisingly, is also influencing the digital future of the Jewish-Christian textual corpus referred to as “the Scriptures”. The French title brings together this duality in one expression: Ecritures digitales. The English subtitle makes explicit the double meaning of the unique French word Ecritures: Digital writing, digital Scriptures. With a full French version and an abbreviated English version, this monograph analyzes the main challenges and opportunities for both writing and the Scriptures in the transition to digital culture. Ecritures digitales souhaite démontrer de quelle manière l’écriture digitale contribue à l’émergence d’une « nouvelle relation du corps humain aux machines », selon le diagnostique posé par Jacques Derrida à propos des effets des nouvelles technologies. Cette relation innovante influence également l’avenir numérique du corpus textuel judéo-chrétien désigné comme «les Ecritures». Le titre français rassemble en une seule expression ces deux thématiques: Ecritures digitales. Le sous-titre anglais rend sa double signification explicite: Digital writing, digital Scriptures. Avec une version française complète et une version anglaise brève, cette monographie analyse les principaux défis des métamorphoses digitales de l’écriture et des Ecritures