6 research outputs found

    Evolutionary Algorithms for Segment Optimization in Vectorial GP [Poster]

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    875441 Vektor-basierte Genetische Programmierung für Symbolische Regression und Klassifikation mit Zeitreihen (SymRegZeit), funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG. It was also partially supported by FCT, Portugal, through funding of research units MagIC/NOVA IMS (UIDB/04152/2020) and LASIGE (UIDB/00408/2020 and UIDP/00408/2020).Vectorial Genetic Programming (Vec-GP) extends regular GP by allowing vectorial input features (e.g. time series data), while retaining the expressiveness and interpretability of regular GP. The availability of raw vectorial data during training, not only enables Vec-GP to select appropriate aggregation functions itself, but also allows Vec-GP to extract segments from vectors prior to aggregation (like windows for time series data). This is a critical factor in many machine learning applications, as vectors can be very long and only small segments may be relevant. However, allowing aggregation over segments within GP models makes the training more complicated. We explore the use of common evolutionary algorithms to help GP identify appropriate segments, which we analyze using a simplified problem that focuses on optimizing aggregation segments on fixed data. Since the studied algorithms are to be used in GP for local optimization (e.g. as mutation operator), we evaluate not only the quality of the solutions, but also take into account the convergence speed and anytime performance. Among the evaluated algorithms, CMA-ES, PSO and ALPS show the most promising results, which would be prime candidates for evaluation within GP.publishersversionpublishe

    Data types as a more ergonomic frontend for Grammar-Guided Genetic Programming

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    Genetic Programming (GP) is an heuristic method that can be applied to many Machine Learning, Optimization and Engineering problems. In particular, it has been widely used in Software Engineering for Test-case generation, Program Synthesis and Improvement of Software (GI). Grammar-Guided Genetic Programming (GGGP) approaches allow the user to refine the domain of valid program solutions. Backus Normal Form is the most popular interface for describing Context-Free Grammars (CFG) for GGGP. BNF and its derivatives have the disadvantage of interleaving the grammar language and the target language of the program. We propose to embed the grammar as an internal Domain-Specific Language in the host language of the framework. This approach has the same expressive power as BNF and EBNF while using the host language type-system to take advantage of all the existing tooling: linters, formatters, type-checkers, autocomplete, and legacy code support. These tools have a practical utility in designing software in general, and GP systems in particular. We also present Meta-Handlers, user-defined overrides of the tree-generation system. This technique extends our object-oriented encoding with more practicability and expressive power than existing CFG approaches, achieving the same expressive power of Attribute Grammars, but without the grammar vs target language duality. Furthermore, we evidence that this approach is feasible, showing an example Python implementation as proof. We also compare our approach against textual BNF-representations w.r.t. expressive power and ergonomics. These advantages do not come at the cost of performance, as shown by our empirical evaluation on 5 benchmarks of our example implementation against PonyGE2. We conclude that our approach has better ergonomics with the same expressive power and performance of textual BNF-based grammar encodings

    Investigating the Use of Geometric Semantic Operators in Vectorial Genetic Programming

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    Azzali, I., Vanneschi, L., & Giacobini, M. (2020). Investigating the Use of Geometric Semantic Operators in Vectorial Genetic Programming. In T. Hu, N. Lourenço, E. Medvet, & F. Divina (Eds.), Genetic Programming - 23rd European Conference, EuroGP 2020, Held as Part of EvoStar 2020, Proceedings (pp. 52-67). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); Vol. 12101 LNCS). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-44094-7_4 ------- This work was partially supported by FCT, Portugal through funding of LASIGE Research Unit (UID/CEC/00408/2019), and projects PREDICT (PTDC/CCI-IF/29877/2017), BINDER (PTDC/CCI-INF/29168/2017), GADgET (DSAIPA/DS/0022/2018) and AICE (DSAIPA/DS/0113/2019).Vectorial Genetic Programming (VE_GP) is a new GP approach for panel data forecasting. Besides permitting the use of vectors as terminal symbols to represent time series and including aggregation functions to extract time series features, it introduces the possibility of evolving the window of aggregation. The local aggregation of data allows the identification of meaningful patterns overcoming the drawback of considering always the previous history of a series of data. In this work, we investigate the use of geometric semantic operators (GSOs) in VE_GP, comparing its performance with traditional GP with GSOs. Experiments are conducted on two real panel data forecasting problems, one allowing the aggregation on moving windows, one not. Results show that classical VE_GP is the best approach in both cases in terms of predictive accuracy, suggesting that GSOs are not able to evolve efficiently individuals when time series are involved. We discuss the possible reasons of this behaviour, to understand how we could design valuable GSOs for time series in the future.authorsversionpublishe

    Towards a Vectorial Approach to Predict Beef Farm Performance

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    Abbona, F., Vanneschi, L., & Giacobini, M. (2022). Towards a Vectorial Approach to Predict Beef Farm Performance. Applied Sciences, 12(3), 1-16. [1137]. https://doi.org/10.3390/app12031137 ------------------------------------ Funding: This work was partially supported by FCT, Portugal, through funding of projects BINDER (PTDC/CCI-INF/29168/2017) and AICE (DSAIPA/DS/0113/2019).Accurate livestock management can be achieved by means of predictive models. Critical factors affecting the welfare of intensive beef cattle husbandry systems can be difficult to be detected, and Machine Learning appears as a promising approach to investigate the hundreds of variables and temporal patterns lying in the data. In this article, we explore the use of Genetic Programming (GP) to build a predictive model for the performance of Piemontese beef cattle farms. In particular, we investigate the use of vectorial GP, a recently developed variant of GP, that is particularly suitable to manage data in a vectorial form. The experiments conducted on the data from 2014 to 2018 confirm that vectorial GP can outperform not only the standard version of GP but also a number of state-of-the-art Machine Learning methods, such as k-Nearest Neighbors, Generalized Linear Models, feed-forward Neural Networks, and long- and short-term memory Recurrent Neural Networks, both in terms of accuracy and generalizability. Moreover, the intrinsic ability of GP in performing an automatic feature selection, while generating interpretable predictive models, allows highlighting the main elements influencing the breeding performance.publishersversionpublishe