3,945 research outputs found

    Scheduling in Transactional Memory Systems: Models, Algorithms, and Evaluations

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    Transactional memory provides an alternative synchronization mechanism that removes many limitations of traditional lock-based synchronization so that concurrent program writing is easier than lock-based code in modern multicore architectures. The fundamental module in a transactional memory system is the transaction which represents a sequence of read and write operations that are performed atomically to a set of shared resources; transactions may conflict if they access the same shared resources. A transaction scheduling algorithm is used to handle these transaction conflicts and schedule appropriately the transactions. In this dissertation, we study transaction scheduling problem in several systems that differ through the variation of the intra-core communication cost in accessing shared resources. Symmetric communication costs imply tightly-coupled systems, asymmetric communication costs imply large-scale distributed systems, and partially asymmetric communication costs imply non-uniform memory access systems. We made several theoretical contributions providing tight, near-tight, and/or impossibility results on three different performance evaluation metrics: execution time, communication cost, and load, for any transaction scheduling algorithm. We then complement these theoretical results by experimental evaluations, whenever possible, showing their benefits in practical scenarios. To the best of our knowledge, the contributions of this dissertation are either the first of their kind or significant improvements over the best previously known results

    Dynamic Analysis of the Arrow Distributed Protocol

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    Distributed queuing is a fundamental coordination problem that arises in a variety of applications, including distributed directories, totally ordered multicast, and distributed mutual exclusion. The arrow protocol is a solution to distributed queuing that is based on path reversal on a pre-selected spanning tree of the network. We present a novel and comprehensive competitive analysis of the arrow protocol. We consider the total cost of handling a finite number of queuing requests, which may or may not be issued concurrently, and show that the arrow protocol is O(s⋅log⁥D)O(s\cdot \log D) -competitive to the optimal queuing protocol, where s and D are the stretch and the diameter, respectively, of the spanning tree. In addition, we show that our analysis is almost tight by proving that for every spanning tree chosen for execution, the arrow protocol is Ω(s⋅log⁥(D/s)/log⁥log⁥(D/s))\Omega(s \cdot \log(D/s)/{\log}\log(D/s)) -competitive to the optimal queuing protocol. Our analysis reveals an intriguing connection between the arrow protocol and the nearest neighbor traveling salesperson tour on an appropriately defined grap

    High-Throughput Computing on High-Performance Platforms: A Case Study

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    The computing systems used by LHC experiments has historically consisted of the federation of hundreds to thousands of distributed resources, ranging from small to mid-size resource. In spite of the impressive scale of the existing distributed computing solutions, the federation of small to mid-size resources will be insufficient to meet projected future demands. This paper is a case study of how the ATLAS experiment has embraced Titan---a DOE leadership facility in conjunction with traditional distributed high- throughput computing to reach sustained production scales of approximately 52M core-hours a years. The three main contributions of this paper are: (i) a critical evaluation of design and operational considerations to support the sustained, scalable and production usage of Titan; (ii) a preliminary characterization of a next generation executor for PanDA to support new workloads and advanced execution modes; and (iii) early lessons for how current and future experimental and observational systems can be integrated with production supercomputers and other platforms in a general and extensible manner

    Enabling Normalized Systems in Practice – Exploring a Modeling Approach

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    Contemporary organizations are required to adapt to a changing environment in an agile way, which is often deemed very challenging. Normalized Systems (NS) theory attempts to build highly evolvable software systems by using systems theory as its theoretical underpinning. A modeling method which supports the identification of the NS elements, required for building NS sofware in practice, is currently missing. Therefore, the paper introduces an approach for creating both data models and processing models in the context of NS, as well as their integration. It is discussed how these models can be taken as the input for the actual creation of evolutionary prototypes by using an earlier developed supporting tool. The modeling approach and its suitability for feeding the tool are evaluated to discover their current strengths and weaknesses
