8 research outputs found

    Wireless Neurosensor for Full-Spectrum Electrophysiology Recordings during Free Behavior

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    SummaryBrain recordings in large animal models and humans typically rely on a tethered connection, which has restricted the spectrum of accessible experimental and clinical applications. To overcome this limitation, we have engineered a compact, lightweight, high data rate wireless neurosensor capable of recording the full spectrum of electrophysiological signals from the cortex of mobile subjects. The wireless communication system exploits a spatially distributed network of synchronized receivers that is scalable to hundreds of channels and vast environments. To demonstrate the versatility of our wireless neurosensor, we monitored cortical neuron populations in freely behaving nonhuman primates during natural locomotion and sleep-wake transitions in ecologically equivalent settings. The interface is electrically safe and compatible with the majority of existing neural probes, which may support previously inaccessible experimental and clinical research

    Régulateurs "Waterfall" : une nouvelle topologie énergétique pour l'électronique

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    Ce travail décrit une nouvelle topologie d'alimentation qui apporte des bénéfices aux dispositifs portables et aux composants électroniques à faible consommation. À l'autre extrémité du spectre, il serait également applicable aux systèmes à tension de bus plus élevée, tels que les panneaux solaires et les véhicules électriques, qui doivent décomposer des tensions plus élevées en domaines utilisables. La nouvelle topologie, que nous avons nommée Waterfall regulator, est décrite dans le présent travail et nommée ainsi pour ses caractéristiques saillantes rappelant une chute en cascade. Ce dispositif ouvre de nouvelles perspectives pour les systèmes à très basse consommation, basse tension et courant faible. Le mode de fonctionnement consiste à diviser une source d'alimentation brute en plusieurs domaines de tension, qui peuvent ensuite être utilisés pour alimenter les éléments individuels d'un système ou plusieurs unités indépendantes. Nous décrivons ici le premier rapport sur la réussite de la version de recyclage de l'énergie de ce nouveau système. Le dispositif se caractérise par une série de régulateurs de tension à faible chute et de circuits de déversement de courant (pass MOSFET). Le régulateur partage le courant qui traverse sa charge respective et complète le courant du stade suivant par un déversoir de courant, selon les besoins. Le contrôle s'effectue via une architecture de contrôle en cascade et peut être étendu à des périphériques d'ordre supérieur.This work described a new power supply topology that benefits portable device and low power electronics. At the other end of the spectrum, it is also applicable to higher bus voltage systems like solar panels and electric vehicles that must split higher voltages into usable domains. The new topology, which we named waterfall regulator, is describe herein and named as such for its salient features reminiscent of a waterfall. It opens up a new realm of possibilities for supra low power, low voltage and low current systems. The mode of operation consists of splitting a raw supply source into smaller voltage domains which can then be used for powering individual element of a system or powering multiple independent units. We describe here the first report of successful energy recycling version of this novel system. The devices are composed of a series of low dropout voltage regulators and current spillways circuits (pass MOSFET). The regulators share current passing thought their respective load and supplement current through a current spillway as required. Control is achieved through a cascade architecture and can be scaled up to higher order devices

    Size-Controlled Microencapsulation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Imaging Agents for Site-Specific Delivery and Tracking

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    Tissue engineering seeks to develop biological substitutes and/or to foster the remodeling of tissue by manipulating cells and their extracellular environment. One of the many exciting subjects under tissue engineering involve the use of mesenchymal stem cells as paracrine factories to stimulate vascular repair via multiple chemical pathways. There has been extensive in vitro research on the efficacy of stem cell-assisted therapies. However, hypothesized outcomes become more nebulous when translating into the clinical setting due to the many factors associated with the much more complicated in vivo system. Among them are the difficulty in delivering the stem cells to the desired locations, the lack of visual information regarding the transplanted cells, and the inability to ensure that the transplanted cells are viable and can undertake the intended therapeutic mechanisms effectively. In this thesis, we explore several strategies of microencapsulating stem cells while allowing the transplanted cells to be effectively visualized with conventional clinical scanners noninvasively. First, we developed a platform based on droplet microfluidics to produce small, highly uniform, imaging-visible microcapsules without cells. We studied the capsules’ physical, chemical, and imaging properties as well as tissue compatibility in a chronic study involving gastric embolization in pigs. We then modified the platform to accommodate for the co-encapsulation of stem cells and imaging agents. Lastly, we explored a 3-dimensional bioprinting platform using a piezoelectrically actuated inkjet printer head. The resulting microcapsules were able to achieve more rapid throughput compared to the microfluidic platform and was more amenable to the use of different carrying solutions, including biopolymers intended to enhance the efficacy of the encapsulated stem cells. The smaller microcapsules produced by our platforms also allow for more controlled delivery using conventional catheters when compared to the larger conventional cell encapsulation techniques

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationThis dissertation describes the use of cortical surface potentials, recorded with dense grids of microelectrodes, for brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). The work presented herein is an in-depth treatment of a broad and interdisciplinary topic, covering issues from electronics to electrodes, signals, and applications. Within the scope of this dissertation are several significant contributions. First, this work was the first to demonstrate that speech and arm movements could be decoded from surface local field potentials (LFPs) recorded in human subjects. Using surface LFPs recorded over face-motor cortex and Wernickes area, 150 trials comprising vocalized articulations of ten different words were classified on a trial-by-trial basis with 86% accuracy. Surface LFPs recorded over the hand and arm area of motor cortex were used to decode continuous hand movements, with correlation of 0.54 between the actual and predicted position over 70 seconds of movement. Second, this work is the first to make a detailed comparison of cortical field potentials recorded intracortically with microelectrodes and at the cortical surface with both micro- and macroelectrodes. Whereas coherence in macroelectrocorticography (ECoG) decayed to half its maximum at 5.1 mm separation in high frequencies, spatial constants of micro-ECoG signals were 530-700 ?m-much closer to the 110-160 ?m calculated for intracortical field potentials than to the macro-ECoG. These findings confirm that cortical surface potentials contain millimeter-scale dynamics. Moreover, these fine spatiotemporal features were important for the performance of speech and arm movement decoding. In addition to contributions in the areas of signals and applications, this dissertation includes a full characterization of the microelectrodes as well as collaborative work in which a custom, low-power microcontroller, with features optimized for biomedical implants, was taped out, fabricated in 65 nm CMOS technology, and tested. A new instruction was implemented in this microcontroller which reduced energy consumption when moving large amounts of data into memory by as much as 44%. This dissertation represents a comprehensive investigation of surface LFPs as an interfacing medium between man and machine. The nature of this work, in both the breadth of topics and depth of interdisciplinary effort, demonstrates an important and developing branch of engineering

    A Novel Power-Efficient Wireless Multi-channel Recording System for the Telemonitoring of Electroencephalography (EEG)

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    This research introduces the development of a novel EEG recording system that is modular, batteryless, and wireless (untethered) with the supporting theoretical foundation in wireless communications and related design elements and circuitry. Its modular construct overcomes the EEG scaling problem and makes it easier for reconfiguring the hardware design in terms of the number and placement of electrodes and type of standard EEG system contemplated for use. In this development, portability, lightweight, and applicability to other clinical applications that rely on EEG data are sought. Due to printer tolerance, the 3D printed cap consists of 61 electrode placements. This recording capacity can however extend from 21 (as in the international 10-20 systems) up to 61 EEG channels at sample rates ranging from 250 to 1000 Hz and the transfer of the raw EEG signal using a standard allocated frequency as a data carrier. The main objectives of this dissertation are to (1) eliminate the need for heavy mounted batteries, (2) overcome the requirement for bulky power systems, and (3) avoid the use of data cables to untether the EEG system from the subject for a more practical and less restrictive setting. Unpredictability and temporal variations of the EEG input make developing a battery-free and cable-free EEG reading device challenging. Professional high-quality and high-resolution analog front ends are required to capture non-stationary EEG signals at microvolt levels. The primary components of the proposed setup are the wireless power transmission unit, which consists of a power amplifier, highly efficient resonant-inductive link, rectification, regulation, and power management units, as well as the analog front end, which consists of an analog to digital converter, pre-amplification unit, filtering unit, host microprocessor, and the wireless communication unit. These must all be compatible with the rest of the system and must use the least amount of power possible while minimizing the presence of noise and the attenuation of the recorded signal A highly efficient resonant-inductive coupling link is developed to decrease power transmission dissipation. Magnetized materials were utilized to steer electromagnetic flux and decrease route and medium loss while transmitting the required energy with low dissipation. Signal pre-amplification is handled by the front-end active electrodes. Standard bio-amplifier design approaches are combined to accomplish this purpose, and a thorough investigation of the optimum ADC, microcontroller, and transceiver units has been carried out. We can minimize overall system weight and power consumption by employing battery-less and cable-free EEG readout system designs, consequently giving patients more comfort and freedom of movement. Similarly, the solutions are designed to match the performance of medical-grade equipment. The captured electrical impulses using the proposed setup can be stored for various uses, including classification, prediction, 3D source localization, and for monitoring and diagnosing different brain disorders. All the proposed designs and supporting mathematical derivations were validated through empirical and software-simulated experiments. Many of the proposed designs, including the 3D head cap, the wireless power transmission unit, and the pre-amplification unit, are already fabricated, and the schematic circuits and simulation results were based on Spice, Altium, and high-frequency structure simulator (HFSS) software. The fully integrated head cap to be fabricated would require embedding the active electrodes into the 3D headset and applying current technological advances to miniaturize some of the design elements developed in this dissertation

    VLSI Circuits for Bidirectional Neural Interfaces

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    Medical devices that deliver electrical stimulation to neural tissue are important clinical tools that can augment or replace pharmacological therapies. The success of such devices has led to an explosion of interest in the field, termed neuromodulation, with a diverse set of disorders being targeted for device-based treatment. Nevertheless, a large degree of uncertainty surrounds how and why these devices are effective. This uncertainty limits the ability to optimize therapy and gives rise to deleterious side effects. An emerging approach to improve neuromodulation efficacy and to better understand its mechanisms is to record bioelectric activity during stimulation. Understanding how stimulation affects electrophysiology can provide insights into disease, and also provides a feedback signal to autonomously tune stimulation parameters to improve efficacy or decrease side-effects. The aims of this work were taken up to advance the state-of-the-art in neuro-interface technology to enable closed-loop neuromodulation therapies. Long term monitoring of neuronal activity in awake and behaving subjects can provide critical insights into brain dynamics that can inform system-level design of closed-loop neuromodulation systems. Thus, first we designed a system that wirelessly telemetered electrocorticography signals from awake-behaving rats. We hypothesized that such a system could be useful for detecting sporadic but clinically relevant electrophysiological events. In an 18-hour, overnight recording, seizure activity was detected in a pre-clinical rodent model of global ischemic brain injury. We subsequently turned to the design of neurostimulation circuits. Three critical features of neurostimulation devices are safety, programmability, and specificity. We conceived and implemented a neurostimulator architecture that utilizes a compact on-chip circuit for charge balancing (safety), digital-to-analog converter calibration (programmability) and current steering (specificity). Charge balancing accuracy was measured at better than 0.3%, the digital-to-analog converters achieved 8-bit resolution, and physiological effects of current steering stimulation were demonstrated in an anesthetized rat. Lastly, to implement a bidirectional neural interface, both the recording and stimulation circuits were fabricated on a single chip. In doing so, we implemented a low noise, ultra-low power recording front end with a high dynamic range. The recording circuits achieved a signal-to-noise ratio of 58 dB and a spurious-free dynamic range of better than 70 dB, while consuming 5.5 ÎĽW per channel. We demonstrated bidirectional operation of the chip by recording cardiac modulation induced through vagus nerve stimulation, and demonstrated closed-loop control of cardiac rhythm

    Modulated Backscatter for Low-Power High-Bandwidth Communication

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    <p>This thesis re-examines the physical layer of a communication link in order to increase the energy efficiency of a remote device or sensor. Backscatter modulation allows a remote device to wirelessly telemeter information without operating a traditional transceiver. Instead, a backscatter device leverages a carrier transmitted by an access point or base station.</p><p>A low-power multi-state vector backscatter modulation technique is presented where quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) signalling is generated without running a traditional transceiver. Backscatter QAM allows for significant power savings compared to traditional wireless communication schemes. For example, a device presented in this thesis that implements 16-QAM backscatter modulation is capable of streaming data at 96 Mbps with a radio communication efficiency of 15.5 pJ/bit. This is over 100x lower energy per bit than WiFi (IEEE 802.11).</p><p>This work could lead to a new class of high-bandwidth sensors or implantables with power consumption far lower than traditional radios.</p>Dissertatio

    Wireless power and data transmission to high-performance implantable medical devices

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    Novel techniques for high-performance wireless power transmission and data interfacing with implantable medical devices (IMDs) were proposed. Several system- and circuit-level techniques were developed towards the design of a novel wireless data and power transmission link for a multi-channel inductively-powered wireless implantable neural-recording and stimulation system. Such wireless data and power transmission techniques have promising prospects for use in IMDs such as biosensors and neural recording/stimulation devices, neural interfacing experiments in enriched environments, radio-frequency identification (RFID), smartcards, near-field communication (NFC), wireless sensors, and charging mobile devices and electric vehicles. The contributions in wireless power transfer are the development of an RFID-based closed-loop power transmission system, a high-performance 3-coil link with optimal design procedure, circuit-based theoretical foundation for magnetic-resonance-based power transmission using multiple coils, a figure-of-merit for designing high-performance inductive links, a low-power and adaptive power management and data transceiver ASIC to be used as a general-purpose power module for wireless electrophysiology experiments, and a Q-modulated inductive link for automatic load matching. In wireless data transfer, the contributions are the development of a new modulation technique called pulse-delay modulation for low-power and wideband near-field data communication and a pulse-width-modulation impulse-radio ultra-wideband transceiver for low-power and wideband far-field data transmission.Ph.D