19,844 research outputs found

    A Bayesian approach to constrained single- and multi-objective optimization

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    This article addresses the problem of derivative-free (single- or multi-objective) optimization subject to multiple inequality constraints. Both the objective and constraint functions are assumed to be smooth, non-linear and expensive to evaluate. As a consequence, the number of evaluations that can be used to carry out the optimization is very limited, as in complex industrial design optimization problems. The method we propose to overcome this difficulty has its roots in both the Bayesian and the multi-objective optimization literatures. More specifically, an extended domination rule is used to handle objectives and constraints in a unified way, and a corresponding expected hyper-volume improvement sampling criterion is proposed. This new criterion is naturally adapted to the search of a feasible point when none is available, and reduces to existing Bayesian sampling criteria---the classical Expected Improvement (EI) criterion and some of its constrained/multi-objective extensions---as soon as at least one feasible point is available. The calculation and optimization of the criterion are performed using Sequential Monte Carlo techniques. In particular, an algorithm similar to the subset simulation method, which is well known in the field of structural reliability, is used to estimate the criterion. The method, which we call BMOO (for Bayesian Multi-Objective Optimization), is compared to state-of-the-art algorithms for single- and multi-objective constrained optimization

    A convergence acceleration operator for multiobjective optimisation

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    A novel multiobjective optimisation accelerator is introduced that uses direct manipulation in objective space together with neural network mappings from objective space to decision space. This operator is a portable component that can be hybridized with any multiobjective optimisation algorithm. The purpose of this Convergence Acceleration Operator (CAO) is to enhance the search capability and the speed of convergence of the host algorithm. The operator acts directly in objective space to suggest improvements to solutions obtained by a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm (MOEA). These suggested improved objective vectors are then mapped into decision variable space and tested. The CAO is incorporated with two leading MOEAs, the Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II) and the Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm (SPEA2) and tested. Results show that the hybridized algorithms consistently improve the speed of convergence of the original algorithm whilst maintaining the desired distribution of solutions

    Enhanced genetic algorithm-based fuzzy multiobjective strategy to multiproduct batch plant design

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    This paper addresses the problem of the optimal design of batch plants with imprecise demands in product amounts. The design of such plants necessary involves how equipment may be utilized, which means that plant scheduling and production must constitute a basic part of the design problem. Rather than resorting to a traditional probabilistic approach for modeling the imprecision on product demands, this work proposes an alternative treatment by using fuzzy concepts. The design problem is tackled by introducing a new approach based on a multiobjective genetic algorithm, combined wit the fuzzy set theory for computing the objectives as fuzzy quantities. The problem takes into account simultaneous maximization of the fuzzy net present value and of two other performance criteria, i.e. the production delay/advance and a flexibility index. The delay/advance objective is computed by comparing the fuzzy production time for the products to a given fuzzy time horizon, and the flexibility index represents the additional fuzzy production that the plant would be able to produce. The multiobjective optimization provides the Pareto's front which is a set of scenarios that are helpful for guiding the decision's maker in its final choices. About the solution procedure, a genetic algorithm was implemented since it is particularly well-suited to take into account the arithmetic of fuzzy numbers. Furthermore because a genetic algorithm is working on populations of potential solutions, this type of procedure is well adapted for multiobjective optimization