11,528 research outputs found

    Department of Anesthesia. University of Iowa. Spring 2011.

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    University of Iowa Department of Anesthesia newsletter

    A set of nine principles for distributed-design information storing

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    The issues of distributed working are many, with problems relating to information access and information acquisition the most common (Crabtree et al., 1997). Keeping track of project and team information is becoming more complex as design is increasingly being carried out collaboratively by geographically dispersed design teams across different time zones. The literature notes that little prescription or guidance exists on information management for designers (Culley et al., 1999) and Hicks (2007) highlights a relative lack of overall principles for improving information management. Additionally, evidence from earlier studies by the author into ‘How information is stored in distributed design project work’ reinforces the need for guidance, particularly in a distributed context (Grierson, 2008). Distributed information collections were found to be unorganised, contained unclear information and lacked context. Storing and sharing of distributed information was often time consuming and the tools awkward to use. This can lead to poor project progress and can impact directly on the quality and success of project outcomes (Grierson et al., 2004, 2006). This paper seeks to address these issues by presenting the development, implementation and evaluation of a set of Principles and a Framework to support distributed design information storing in the context of a Global Design class. Through both quantitative and qualitative evaluation methods the Principles were found to help in a number of ways – with the easy access of information; the structuring and organising of information; the creation of an information strategy; the making of information clear and concise; the supporting of documentation during project work; and the strengthening of team work; all helping teams to work towards project outcomes

    Media Culture 2020: collaborative teaching and blended learning using social media and cloud-based technologies

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    The Media Culture 2020 project was considered to be a great success by all the partners, academics and especially the students who took part. It is a true example of an intercultural, multidisciplinary, blended learning experience in higher education that achieved it goals of breaking down classroom walls and bridging geographical distance and cultural barriers. The students with different skills, coming from different countries and cultures, interacting with other enlarges the possibilities of creativity, collaboration and quality work. The blend of both synchronous and asynchronous teaching methods fostered an open, blended learning environment, one that extended the traditional boundaries of the classroom in time and space. The interactive and decentralized nature of digital tools enabled staff and students to communicate and strengthen social ties, alongside participation in the production of new knowledge and media content. For students and lecturers, the implementation of social media and cloud platforms offered an innovative solution to both teaching and learning in a collaborative manner. By leveraging the interactive and decentralised capabilities of a range of technologies in an educational context, this model of digital scholarship facilitates an open and dynamic working environment. Blended teaching methods allow for expansive collaboration, whereby information and knowledge can be accessed and disseminated across a number of networked devices

    From Sensor to Observation Web with Environmental Enablers in the Future Internet

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    This paper outlines the grand challenges in global sustainability research and the objectives of the FP7 Future Internet PPP program within the Digital Agenda for Europe. Large user communities are generating significant amounts of valuable environmental observations at local and regional scales using the devices and services of the Future Internet. These communities’ environmental observations represent a wealth of information which is currently hardly used or used only in isolation and therefore in need of integration with other information sources. Indeed, this very integration will lead to a paradigm shift from a mere Sensor Web to an Observation Web with semantically enriched content emanating from sensors, environmental simulations and citizens. The paper also describes the research challenges to realize the Observation Web and the associated environmental enablers for the Future Internet. Such an environmental enabler could for instance be an electronic sensing device, a web-service application, or even a social networking group affording or facilitating the capability of the Future Internet applications to consume, produce, and use environmental observations in cross-domain applications. The term ?envirofied? Future Internet is coined to describe this overall target that forms a cornerstone of work in the Environmental Usage Area within the Future Internet PPP program. Relevant trends described in the paper are the usage of ubiquitous sensors (anywhere), the provision and generation of information by citizens, and the convergence of real and virtual realities to convey understanding of environmental observations. The paper addresses the technical challenges in the Environmental Usage Area and the need for designing multi-style service oriented architecture. Key topics are the mapping of requirements to capabilities, providing scalability and robustness with implementing context aware information retrieval. Another essential research topic is handling data fusion and model based computation, and the related propagation of information uncertainty. Approaches to security, standardization and harmonization, all essential for sustainable solutions, are summarized from the perspective of the Environmental Usage Area. The paper concludes with an overview of emerging, high impact applications in the environmental areas concerning land ecosystems (biodiversity), air quality (atmospheric conditions) and water ecosystems (marine asset management)

    Коммуникация в образовании: оценка ИКТ инструментов

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    The article describes some preliminary results of implementation of WorkPackage 4 (WP4) “Selection and testing new IT tools” in frame international research network IRNet and researchers from partner institution from Ukraine, Poland, other countries. This results concerns analyzing and study some category ICT-tools for Communication in education and their assessment. The first part of article includes the theoretical aspects of communication: activity profile, some pedagogical aspects of teaching - learning together. The methods of cooperative learning, some psychosocial characteristics of communication over the Internet, analysing of challenges of communication, barriers of effective communication, model, communication quality requirement, form of communication and other items. Second part of paper described the research conducted in the frame of Module 005 WP4 and includes: Communication tools typology according to education activities, Mixed features of Communication Tools, Efficiency trend for top rated Communication ICT tools. Model 1, Sample expert card, Sample tool expert rating, Final expert ranking of Communication tools (all package period which has been divided on several main stages 1-5). Final part of manuscript contains expert model assessment and conclusions as to the top ranking IT communicative tools of the social media category. The comprehensive profile of social media communication tools in education and research is derived.У статті описуються деякі попередні підсумки реалізації Робочого пакету 4 (WP4) "Вибір і тестування нових ІТ-інструментів" в рамці міжнародної дослідницької мережі IRNet, дослідників з партнерського установи з України, Польщі, інших країн. Це призводить до аналізу проблем і вивчення деяких категорій ІКТ-інструментів для комунікації в сфері освіти і їх оцінки. Перша частина статті включає в себе теоретичні аспекти комунікації: профіль діяльності, деякі педагогічні аспекти викладання - навчання разом. Методи спільного навчання, деякі психосоціальні характеристики спілкування через Інтернет, аналіз проблем комунікації, бар'єри ефективної комунікації, моделі, вимоги до якості зв'язку, форми спілкування і інших предметів. Друга частина документа описує дослідження, проведене в рамках модуля 005 WP4 і включає в себе: комунікаційні інструменти типологію відповідно до навчальної діяльністю, змішані особливості комунікаційних засобів, ефективність тенденції найпопулярніших інструментів комунікації ІКТ. Модель 1, зразок експерт карти, зразок інструмент експертної оцінки, заключний експертний рейтинг комунікаційних засобів. Заключна частина рукопису містить експертну оцінку і висновки моделі, як до вершини рейтингу ІТ-комунікативних інструментів категорії соціальних медіа. Комплексний профіль соціальних медіа засобів комунікації в галузі освіти і наукових досліджень відбувається.В статье описываются некоторые предварительные итоги реализации Рабочего пакета 4 (WP4) "Выбор и тестирование новых ИТ-инструментов" в рамке международной исследовательской сети IRNet и исследователей из партнерского учреждения из Украины, Польши, других стран. Это приводит к анализу проблем и изучения некоторых категорий ИКТ-инструменты для коммуникации в сфере образования и их оценки. Первая часть статьи включает в себя теоретические аспекты коммуникации: профиль деятельности, некоторые педагогические аспекты преподавания - обучения вместе. Методы совместного обучения, некоторые психосоциальные характеристики общения через Интернет, анализ проблем коммуникации, барьеры эффективной коммуникации, модели, требования к качеству связи, формы общения и других предметов. Вторая часть документа описывает исследование, проведенное в рамках модуля 005 WP4 и включает в себя: коммуникационные инструменты типологию в соответствии с учебной деятельностью, смешанные особенности коммуникационных средств, эффективность тенденции популярнейших инструментов коммуникации ИКТ. Модель 1, образец эксперт карты, образец инструмент экспертной оценки, Заключительный эксперт рейтинга коммуникационных средств (весь период пакет, который был разделен на несколько основных этапов 1-5). Заключительная часть рукописи содержит экспертную оценку и выводы модели, как к вершине рейтинга ИТ-коммуникативных инструментов категории социальных медиа. Комплексный профиль социальных медиа средств коммуникации в области образования и научных исследований происходит

    A Critical Review of Contemporary Practice in Internationalisation in the Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism (HLST) Subject Communities

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    This report identifies and critically reviews contemporary practice in the field of internationalisation within the HLST subject communities in order to inform curriculum development and pedagogy geared towards the development of international perspectives and global awareness. Drawing on current pedagogical literatures as well as staff and student consultations, it identifies a number of key points which reflect good practice in UK HLST curricula in the UK. Due to the broad disciplinary scope of the subject area in focus and the diversity of curricular activities across the UK, this critical review is selective rather than exhaustive and seeks to stimulate further discussion and research into this area