22 research outputs found

    A UML-based aspect-oriented design notation for AspectJ

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    Aspect-oriented design model.

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    Designing crosscutting concerns (aspects) is a challenging task. Since crosscutting concerns were not addressed while developing contemporary software design techniques, so they lack support for accommodating representation of such concerns along with base program. Some design languages like UML have been extended to express aspects and their elements but they do not fully represent aspects. Some lack adequate representation of aspect elements and some lack an efficient and reusable composition technique. In this paper, some of the aspect-oriented design techniques have been critically discussed. A proposed aspect model has been discussed which helps in overcoming the deficiencies in the contemporary aspect-oriented design techniques. This model represents aspects and their elements throughout the software development life cycle

    Improving the Design and Implementation of Software Systems uses Aspect Oriented Programming

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    A design pattern is used as a static reusable component of object oriented design in the many patterns catalogue. The regular design pattern does not show any collaboration of shared resource between patterns in the software design. But generative design pattern is a new design pattern that shows the relationship and shared resources between them. The generative design pattern is considered a dynamic and active design, which creating new design as a result of collaboration and resource usage between two designs. This paper will demonstrate benefit and the structure of generative pattern. It also demonstrates the creation of a desktop application for modeling generative design pattern. The Java language creates the desktop application. The application provides many features, for instance, users can place drawing objects such as class, Interface and Abstract Class object. The users also can draw different connection line between these objects, such as simple, inheritance, composition lines. This project shows the implementation details techniques of drawing objects and their connection. It also provides an open source code that many novice developers can understand and analysis for further development. The application source code gives the developers new ideas and skills in object oriented programming and graphical user interface in Java language

    Metamodel for Tracing Concerns across the Life Cycle

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    Several aspect-oriented approaches have been proposed to specify aspects at different phases in the software life cycle. Aspects can appear within a phase, be refined or mapped to other aspects in later phases, or even disappear.\ud Tracing aspects is necessary to support understandability and maintainability of software systems. Although several approaches have been introduced to address traceability of aspects, two important limitations can be observed. First, tracing is not yet tackled for the entire life cycle. Second, the traceability model that is applied usually refers to elements of specific aspect languages, thereby limiting the reusability of the adopted traceability model.We propose the concern traceability metamodel (CTM) that enables traceability of concerns throughout the life cycle, and which is independent from the aspect languages that are used. CTM can be enhanced to provide additional properties for tracing, and be instantiated to define\ud customized traceability models with respect to the required aspect languages. We have implemented CTM in the tool M-Trace, that uses XML-based representations of the models and XQuery queries to represent tracing information. CTM and M-Trace are illustrated for a Concurrent Versioning System to trace aspects from the requirements level to architecture design level and the implementation

    Extensão da UML para modelagem orientada a aspectos baseada em aspectj

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    A Programação Orientada a Aspectos (AOP) visa reduzir algumas limitações encontradas na orientação a objetos, como o espalhamento e entrelaçamento de código. Isto é feito através do encapsulamento das preocupações ortogonais (crosscutting concerns) em módulos chamados aspectos. O uso de um modelo gráfico traria as facilidades da AOP para a fase de modelagem, além de, é claro, facilitar a fase de implementação. A proposta deste trabalho é estender o diagrama de classes da UML para apoiar o desenvolvimento de sistemas orientados a aspectos, com base na linguagem AspectJ.Eje: I - Workshop de Ingeniería de Software y Base de DatosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Towards UML Modelling Extra-Functional Properties in Web Services and their Clients

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    Web Services provide our systems with a platform independent and loosely coupled implementation environment, being time to face how the named systems can be modelled. Service Component Architecture (SCA) allows us to define services independently of the final implementation technology; however, it does not integrate the remaining development stages. Model Driven Architecture provides a method to face all stages in development from the platform independent model to final code, although it is not specific to service technologies. Regarding web service extra-functional properties, WS-Policy establishes how to describe them in a loosely coupled manner; however the loosely coupled environment is not always maintained when modelling or implementing these properties, which can be solved by using aspect-oriented techniques. In this paper, we propose to use a model driven approach for extra-functional properties in SCA service based models, where generated code will consist of the policy description and an aspect-oriented implementation

    Role Composition in Requirements Engineering:the Method and Prototyping Tool

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    Using multiple contexts improves model understandability and contributes to solving a scalability problem. In our work, we introduce a modeling method called Systemic Enterprise Architecture Methodology (SEAM) that considers systems to be designed in different contexts. For each context a designer specifies base roles and then composes them into the whole model of the system. The analysis of models that integrate multiple roles, however, is difficult. In many cases models can be evaluated only after their implementation. Building a rapid prototype for the system, composed of multiple roles, can be helpful for evaluating its key features before its implementation. We understand rapid prototyping to be an early development phase for building small-scale implementations (prototypes). In this work, we present a tool that supports role composition. It is based on two programming techniques: Subject Oriented Programming (SOP) and Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP)

    Towards a Taxonomy of Aspect-Oriented Programming.

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    As programs continue to increase in size, it has become increasingly difficult to separate concerns into well localized modules, which leads to code tangling- crosscutting code spread throughout several modules. Thus, Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) offers a solution to creating modules with little or no crosscutting concerns. AOP presents the notion of aspects, and demonstrates how crosscutting concerns can be taken out of modules and placed into a centralized location. In this paper, a taxonomy of aspect-oriented programming, as well as a basic overview and introduction of AOP, will be presented in order to assist future researchers in getting started on additional research on the topic. To form the taxonomy, over four-hundred research articles were organized into fifteen different primary categories coupled with sub-categories, which shows where some of the past research has been focused. In addition, trends of the research were evaluated and paths for future exploration are suggested