212 research outputs found

    The Roles of Piezoelectric Ultrasonic Motors in Industry 4.0 Era: Opportunities & Challenges

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    Piezoelectric Ultrasonic motors (USM) are based on the principle of converse piezoelectric effect i.e., vibrations occur when an electrical field is applied to piezoelectric materials. USMs have been studied several decades for their advantages over traditional electromagnetic motors. Despite having many advantages, they have several challenges too. Recently many researchers have started focusing on Industry 4.0 or Fourth Industrial revolution phase of the industry which mostly emphasis on digitization & interconnection of the entities throughout the life cycle of the product in an industrial network to get the best possible output. Industry 4.0 utilizes various advanced tools for carrying out the nexus between the entities & bringing up them on digital platform. The studies of the role of USMs in Industry 4.0 scenario has never been done till now & this article fills that gap by analyzing the piezoelectric ultrasonic motors in depth & breadth in the background of Industry 4.0. This article delivers the novel working principle, illustrates examples for effective utilization of USMs, so that it can buttress the growth of Industry 4.0 Era & on the other hand it also analyses the key Industry 4.0 enabling technologies to improve the performance of the USMs

    Design of Unimorph Type 3DOF Ultrasonic Motor

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    A new design of 3 degrees of freedom (DOF) piezoelectric ultrasonic motor (USM) is introduced in this paper. The concept of this design is to incorporate a spherical rotor between two piezoelectric transducers. Each transducer is coupled with a flange, and it operates like a unimorph structure. Such a design of the transducer allows to increase the amplitude of the vibrations and to generate the higher torque and driving force used to achieve 3DOF rotary motion of the spherical rotor. The proposed USM may be used for humanoid robots, optomechanical systems, or small satellites. This USM consists of several components, is lightweight and reliable. Numerical analysis and experimental studies were performed to validate the feasibility of this drive, to find out proper resonant frequencies for the unimorph, and optimize the shape of the flange. Experimental studies were accomplished to validate the results of the numerical analysis and to validate the operating principles of the piezoelectric motor.This article belongs to the Special Issue Ultrasonic Transducers and Related Apparatus and ApplicationsThis research was funded by the European Regional Development Fund under a grant agreement with the Research Council of Lithuania, grant number 01.2.2-LMT-K-718-01-0010

    Nonlinear characterisation of power ultrasonic devices used in bone surgery

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    Ultrasonic cutting has existed in surgery since the 1950s. However, it was not until the end of the 20th century that advances in ultrasonic tool design, transduction and control allowed commercially viable ultrasonic cutting devices to enter the market. Ultrasonic surgical devices, like those in other power ultrasonic applications such as drilling and welding, require devices to be driven at high power to ensure sufficient output motion is produced to fulfil the application it is designed to perform. With the advent of novel surgical techniques surgeons require tuned ultrasonic tools which can reduce invasiveness while giving access to increasingly difficult to reach surgical sites. To fulfil the requirements of novel surgical procedures new tuned tools need to be designed. Meanwhile, it is well documented that power ultrasonic devices, whilst driven at high power, are inherently nonlinear and, if no attempt is made to understand and subsequently control these behaviours, it is likely that these devices will suffer from poor performance or even failure. The behaviour of the commercial ultrasonic transducer used in bone surgery (Piezosurgery® Device) is dynamically characterised through finite element and experimental methods whilst operating in conjunction with a variety of tuned inserts. Finite element analysis was used to predict modal parameters as well as stress levels within the tuned devices whilst operating at elevated amplitudes of vibration, while experimental modal analysis validated predicted resonant frequencies and mode shapes between 0-80kHz. To investigate the behaviour of tuned devices at elevated vibrational amplitudes near resonance, responses were measured whilst the device was excited via the burst sine sweep method. In an attempt to provide an understanding of the effects that geometry, material selection and wavelength of tuned assemblies have on the behaviour of an ultrasonic device, tuned inserts consisting of a simple rod horn design were characterised alongside more complex cutting inserts which are used in maxillofacial and craniofacial surgery. From these results the aim will be to develop guidelines for design of tuned inserts. Meanwhile, Langevin transducers, commonly known as sandwich or stack transducers, in their most basic form generally consist of four parts; a front mass, a back mass, a piezoceramic stack and a stud or bolt holding the parts together under a compressive pre-load. It is traditionally proposed that the piezoceramic stack is positioned at or close to the vibrational nodal point of the longitudinal mode, however, this also corresponds with the position of highest dynamic stress. It is also well documented that piezoceramic materials possess a low linear stress threshold, therefore this research, in part, investigates whether locating the piezoceramic stack away from a position of intrinsic high stress will affect the behaviour of the device. Through experimental characterisation it has been observed that the tuned devices under investigation exhibited; resonant frequency shifts, jump amplitudes, hysteretic behaviour as well as autoparametric vibration. The source of these behaviours have been found to stem from device geometry, but also from heating within the piezoceramic elements as well as joints with different joining torques

    Design and analysis of ultrasonic horns operating in longitudinal and torsional vibration

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    Combining modes of vibration, such as longitudinal and torsional vibration, is advantageous in many ultrasonic applications such as ultrasonic drilling, welding, and motors. In this work we present a novel approach to the design a longitudinal-torsional (LT) ultrasonic horn which adapts the front mass in a traditional Langevin transducer. Different approaches, such as degeneration of longitudinal vibration and coupling between longitudinal (L) and torsional (T) modes, have been used to generate the LT mode of vibration. The degeneration approach creates a non-uniform section, by cutting and twisting a number of slots along the path of the L wave such that part of the wave converts into T wave whilst the remaining part propagates unchanged through the section; these two parts are recombined near the output surface to form LT vibration. The mode coupling approach uses two set of vibration generators, usually piezoelectric elements, where one set generates L vibration whilst the second set generates T vibration. An exponential cross-sectional horn uses to combine the two modes where the area reduction factor is selected such that these modes resonate at the same frequency. However, many limitations prevent the wide usage of these methods in ultrasonic applications. These limitations are the complex design and excitation, possible coupling with surrounding modes, instability in operating at different boundaries, difficulty in securing the structure without influencing the vibrational response and the low produced torsionality, which is the ratio of torsional to longitudinal response at the output face. The new approach is based on combining the principles of these methods to overcome the previously stated limitations, the slotting technique is incorporated into the exponential cross-sectional path and the horn produced is utilised as the front mass of a Langevin transducer. A set of design and performance criteria are used to optimise the transducer and includes applicable design; methods of securing the transducer; and the excitation features of LT transducer such that it can operate without the effects of surrounding modes of vibration and can produce high response and torsionality at the output surface. A methodology which combines mathematical and experimental modelling is used to optimise LT transducer design. The mathematical modelling, which includes finite element (FE) and analytical methods, is performed to optimise the geometry and to predict electromechanical parameters, modal parameters and the dynamic behaviour of LT transducer. The experimental modelling is used to validate the mathematical results and to characterise the fabricated prototypes under different operating conditions. The dimensions of the initial design of the L mode Langevin transducer are derived from the principles of the wave equation. This transducer has a set of piezoceramic components sandwich between a cylindrical back mass and an exponential front mass connected by a pre-stressed bolt. The dimensions are used to create the FE model, using the FE software package ABAQUS, where different shapes of cut at different dimensions and at various angle of twist along the front mass are introduced and examined by a modal analysis procedure to the front mass. An optimised model is then utilised in a size scaling study to confirm the suitability of using this approach for different ultrasonic applications. The dimensions of the optimised design are also used in the analytical study, based on Mason’s electric equivalent circuit approach, to predict the electromechanical parameters where a one-dimensional equivalent circuit approach is created separately for each part whilst the combination vibrational motion in the front mass is represented by two, longitudinal and torsional, equivalent circuits. The complete equivalent network of the LT transducer is then solved using the mathematical software package MATHEMATICA. The analytical model is also extended to validate some of particular FE findings such as the distribution of the response amplitude and the location of the longitudinal nodal plane along the transducer’s structure. Two optimised models of different sizes are fabricated and characterised through different testing techniques including electrical impedance analysis, experimental modal analysis (EMA) and experimental harmonic analysis. Optimisation of the pre-stressing of the transducer is performed by applying different torques to the pre-stressed bolt and measuring the electrical impedance spectra where the results are compared to analytical findings. EMA is then used to describe the natural characteristics of the structures where the results are used to accurately extract the modal parameters and to validate the predictions of the FE and analytical model. Different levels of harmonic excitation are used to characterise the fabricated prototypes where the results are compared to the findings of the mathematical modelling. A case study of the design of the LT drill is presented to validate the design approach for real ultrasonic applications. A similar methodology is applied and the resulting LT drill is tested for both unloaded and loaded operating conditions. The results obtained show that this new approach can be easily and successfully applied to ultrasonic applications to produce a torsional to longitudinal amplitude response of 0.8 which is measured on a fabricated prototype

    Advances in Piezoelectric Transducers

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    The piezoelectric transducer converts electric signals into mechanical vibrations or vice versa by utilizing the morphological change of a crystal which occurs on voltage application, or conversely by monitoring the voltage generated by a pressure applied on a crystal. This book reports on the state of the art research and development findings on this very broad matter through original and innovative research studies exhibiting various investigation directions. The present book is a result of contributions of experts from international scientific community working in different aspects of piezoelectric transducers. The text is addressed not only to researchers, but also to professional engineers, students and other experts in a variety of disciplines, both academic and industrial seeking to gain a better understanding of what has been done in the field recently, and what kind of open problems are in this area

    Automated NDT inspection for large and complex geometries of composite materials

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    Large components with complex geometries, made of composite materials, have become very common in modern structures. To cope with future demand projections, it is necessary to overcome the current non-destructive testing (NDT) bottlenecks encountered during the inspection phase of manufacture. This thesis investigates several aspects of the introduction of automation within the inspection process of complex parts. The use of six-axis robots for product inspection and non-destructive testing systems is the central investigation of this thesis. The challenges embraced by the research include the development of a novel controlling approach for robotic manipulators and of novel path-planning strategies. The integration of robot manipulators and NDT data acquisition instruments is optimized. An effective and reliable way to encode the NDT data through the interpolated robot feedback positions is implemented. The viability of the new external control method is evaluated experimentally. The observed maximum position and orientation errors are respectively within 2mm and within 1 degree, over an operating envelope of 3m³. A new software toolbox (RoboNDT), aimed at NDT technicians, has been developed during this work. RoboNDT is intended to transform the robot path-planning problem into an easy step of the inspection process. The software incorporates the novel path-planning algorithms developed during this research and is shaped to overcome practical limitations of current OLP software. The software has been experimentally validated using scans on real high value aerospace components. RoboNDT delivers tool-path errors that are lower than the errors given by commercial off-line path-planning software. For example the variability of the standoff is within 10 mm for the tool-paths created with the commercial software and within 4.5 mm for the RoboNDT tool-paths, over a scanned area of 1.6m². The output of this research was used to support a 3-year industrial project, called IntACom and led by TWI on behalf of major aerospace sponsors. The result is a demonstrator system, currently in use at TWI Technology Centre, which is capable of inspecting complex geometries with high throughput. The IntACom system can scan real components 2.8 times faster than traditional 3-DoF scanners deploying phased-array inspection and 6.7 times faster than commercial gantry systems deploying traditional single-element inspection.Large components with complex geometries, made of composite materials, have become very common in modern structures. To cope with future demand projections, it is necessary to overcome the current non-destructive testing (NDT) bottlenecks encountered during the inspection phase of manufacture. This thesis investigates several aspects of the introduction of automation within the inspection process of complex parts. The use of six-axis robots for product inspection and non-destructive testing systems is the central investigation of this thesis. The challenges embraced by the research include the development of a novel controlling approach for robotic manipulators and of novel path-planning strategies. The integration of robot manipulators and NDT data acquisition instruments is optimized. An effective and reliable way to encode the NDT data through the interpolated robot feedback positions is implemented. The viability of the new external control method is evaluated experimentally. The observed maximum position and orientation errors are respectively within 2mm and within 1 degree, over an operating envelope of 3m³. A new software toolbox (RoboNDT), aimed at NDT technicians, has been developed during this work. RoboNDT is intended to transform the robot path-planning problem into an easy step of the inspection process. The software incorporates the novel path-planning algorithms developed during this research and is shaped to overcome practical limitations of current OLP software. The software has been experimentally validated using scans on real high value aerospace components. RoboNDT delivers tool-path errors that are lower than the errors given by commercial off-line path-planning software. For example the variability of the standoff is within 10 mm for the tool-paths created with the commercial software and within 4.5 mm for the RoboNDT tool-paths, over a scanned area of 1.6m². The output of this research was used to support a 3-year industrial project, called IntACom and led by TWI on behalf of major aerospace sponsors. The result is a demonstrator system, currently in use at TWI Technology Centre, which is capable of inspecting complex geometries with high throughput. The IntACom system can scan real components 2.8 times faster than traditional 3-DoF scanners deploying phased-array inspection and 6.7 times faster than commercial gantry systems deploying traditional single-element inspection

    Modeling and optimization of ultrasonic linear motors

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    Ultrasonic motors have received much attention these last years, in particular with regard to their modeling and their design principle. Their operating principle is based on piezoelectric ceramics that convert electrical energy into mechanical energy in the form of vibrations of an elastic body whose surface points perform an elliptic motion with a frequency in the ultrasonic range (≥ 20 kHz). The moving part, which is pressed against the vibrating body by a prestressing force, can move thanks to the friction forces presented at the interface between the stator (resonator) and the rotor (slider). Their specific properties make ultrasonic motors a very attractive solution for a direct transmission for different applications like precise positioning devices. Indeed, they present the possibility to obtain unlimited motions, high resolution and excellent dynamics of positioning. Then, it is obvious that ultrasonic motors could be used in new application fields, in particular to replace conventional electromagnetic motors. However, they have to overcome two principal difficulties: their efficiency is rather poor and they are often too expensive. Moreover, their use in the car industry or for the positioning of axes in machine tools for example requires driving forces and velocities higher than those which they currently present. Analytical modeling of such motors is not obvious and assumptions that are made are often too restrictive. This is why the use of a numerical modeling (3-D) is necessary to model the behavior of this type of motors. Thus, finite element simulations are used but they often require high computing times. To avoid it, the number of simulations can be decreased by choosing the input parameters (dimensions, materials, boundary conditions,...) more judiciously according to their influence on the output parameters. Thus, one can obtain the sensitivity of an input parameter on the value of the output parameter. With this intention, the application of design of experiments has been adopted in this thesis work. This methodology, applied to finite element simulations, is an innovative technique in the field of theoretical modeling of such motors. This methodology is particularly interesting in sight of predicting the results but also to find out an optimal set of input parameters for the motor. According to the results obtained and presented in this thesis work, the use of design of experiments in the field of ultrasonic motors modeling proves to be very promising and demonstrates to be a powerful tool. The application of the proposed methodology for the optimization of an ultrasonic linear motor used for the auto-focus function of the lens of an optical system also made it possible to show the validity and the potential of this optimization method

    Ultrasonic disinfection using large area compact radial mode resonators

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    Ultrasonic water treatment is based on the ability of an ultrasonic device to induce cavitation in the liquid, generating physical and chemical effects that can be used for biological inactivation. Effective treatment requires the ultrasonic device to generate intense cavitation field in a large treatment volume. Most conventional ultrasonic radiators fulfil only the first of these two requirements, rendering such devices highly unsuitable for use in high-volume, high-flow liquid processes. The present research investigates the design and performance of a new type of radial resonator in terms of their electromechanical characteristics, nonlinear behaviour, and their ability to treat synthetic ballast water with lower power consumption and short treatment times. The radial resonators were designed using finite element (FE) modelling, and the best designs related to their predicted modal behaviour and vibration uniformity were selected for fabrication and experimental evaluation. Experimental modal analysis (EMA) of the radial resonators showed excellent correlation with the FE models, deviating by only 0.3% at the tuned mode. Impedance analysis showed that the mechanical quality factor of the radial resonators are 28–165% higher than the commercial high-gain probe, but their coupling coefficients are 40–45% lower. Harmonic response characterisation (HRC) revealed shifts in the resonance frequencies at elevated excitation voltages. Duffing-like behaviour were observed in all resonators. RP-1 exhibited the Duffing-like behaviour to a far greater extent compared to the RPS-16 and RPST-16 multiple orifice resonators, indicating the influence of geometric parameters on the overall stiffness of the structure. Finally, experiments with Artemia nauplii and Daphnia sp. showed excellent biological inactivation capability of the radial resonators. Comparison with previous studies showed that 90% reduction in Artemia nauplii can be achieved with up to 33% less energy and using just one radial resonator compared to the dozens of conventional resonators used in precedent investigations. The present research have successfully demonstrated the use of FE modeling, EMA, and HRC to develop, validate, and characterise a new type of radial resonator. Experimental analysis showed that the radial resonators exhibited promising electrical, mechanical, and acoustical characteristics that has the potential to be cost-efficient, scalable, and a viable alternative water treatment method