8 research outputs found

    Visual Tracking Method of a Quick and Anomalously Moving Badminton Shuttlecock

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    This paper introduces a method that uses multiple-view videos to estimate the 3D position of a badminton shuttle that moves quickly and anomalously. When an object moves quickly, it is observed with a motion blur effect. By utilizing the information provided by the shape of the motion blur region, we propose a visual tracking method for objects that have an erratic and drastically changing moving speed. When the speed increases tremendously, we propose another method, which applies the shape-from-silhouette technique, to estimate the 3D position of a moving shuttlecock using unsynchronized multiple-view videos. We confirmed the effectiveness of our proposed technique using video sequences and a CG simulation image set


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    筑波大学 (University of Tsukuba)201

    Anomaly Detection, Rule Adaptation and Rule Induction Methodologies in the Context of Automated Sports Video Annotation.

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    Automated video annotation is a topic of considerable interest in computer vision due to its applications in video search, object based video encoding and enhanced broadcast content. The domain of sport broadcasting is, in particular, the subject of current research attention due to its fixed, rule governed, content. This research work aims to develop, analyze and demonstrate novel methodologies that can be useful in the context of adaptive and automated video annotation systems. In this thesis, we present methodologies for addressing the problems of anomaly detection, rule adaptation and rule induction for court based sports such as tennis and badminton. We first introduce an HMM induction strategy for a court-model based method that uses the court structure in the form of a lattice for two related modalities of singles and doubles tennis to tackle the problems of anomaly detection and rectification. We also introduce another anomaly detection methodology that is based on the disparity between the low-level vision based classifiers and the high-level contextual classifier. Another approach to address the problem of rule adaptation is also proposed that employs Convex hulling of the anomalous states. We also investigate a number of novel hierarchical HMM generating methods for stochastic induction of game rules. These methodologies include, Cartesian product Label-based Hierarchical Bottom-up Clustering (CLHBC) that employs prior information within the label structures. A new constrained variant of the classical Chinese Restaurant Process (CRP) is also introduced that is relevant to sports games. We also propose two hybrid methodologies in this context and a comparative analysis is made against the flat Markov model. We also show that these methods are also generalizable to other rule based environments

    Wingless Flight: The Lifting Body Story

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    Wingless Flight tells the story of the most unusual flying machines ever flown, the lifting bodies. It is my story about my friends and colleagues who committed a significant part of their lives in the 1960s and 1970s to prove that the concept was a viable one for use in spacecraft of the future. This story, filled with drama and adventure, is about the twelve-year period from 1963 to 1975 in which eight different lifting-body configurations flew. It is appropriate for me to write the story, since I was the engineer who first presented the idea of flight-testing the concept to others at the NASA Flight Research Center. Over those twelve years, I experienced the story as it unfolded day by day at that remote NASA facility northeast of los Angeles in the bleak Mojave Desert. Benefits from this effort immediately influenced the design and operational concepts of the winged NASA Shuttle Orbiter. However, the full benefits would not be realized until the 1990s when new spacecraft such as the X-33 and X-38 would fully employ the lifting-body concept. A lifting body is basically a wingless vehicle that flies due to the lift generated by the shape of its fuselage. Although both a lifting reentry vehicle and a ballistic capsule had been considered as options during the early stages of NASA's space program, NASA initially opted to go with the capsule. A number of individuals were not content to close the book on the lifting-body concept. Researchers including Alfred Eggers at the NASA Ames Research Center conducted early wind-tunnel experiments, finding that half of a rounded nose-cone shape that was flat on top and rounded on the bottom could generate a lift-to-drag ratio of about 1.5 to 1. Eggers' preliminary design sketch later resembled the basic M2 lifting-body design. At the NASA Langley Research Center, other researchers toyed with their own lifting-body shapes. Meanwhile, some of us aircraft-oriented researchers at the, NASA Flight Research Center at Edwards Air Force Base (AFB) in California were experiencing our own fascination with the lifting-body concept. A model-aircraft builder and private pilot on my own time, I found the lifting-body idea intriguing. I built a model based on Eggers' design, tested it repeatedly, made modifications in its control and balance characteristics along the way, then eventually presented the concept to others at the Center, using a film of its flights that my wife, Donna and I had made with our 8-mm home camera

    Investigation of mobile devices usage and mobile augmented reality applications among older people

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    Mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones have allow users to communicate, entertainment, access information and perform productivity. However, older people are having issues to utilise mobile devices that may affect their quality of life and wellbeing. There are some potentials of mobile Augmented Reality (AR) applications to increase older users mobile usage by enhancing their experience and learning. The study aims to investigate mobile devices potential barriers and influence factors in using mobile devices. It also seeks to understand older people issues in using AR applications

    筑波大学計算科学研究センター 平成25年度 年次報告書

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    1 平成25 年度重点施策および改善目標の達成状況 ...... 22 自己評価と課題 ...... 83 各研究部門の報告 ...... 10I. 素粒子物理研究部門 ...... 10II. 宇宙・原子核物理研究部門 ...... 32II-1. 宇宙物理理論グループ ...... 32II-2. 原子核分野 ...... 56III. 量子物性研究部門 ...... 69IV. 生命科学研究部門 ...... 83IV-1. 生命機能情報分野 ...... 83IV-2. 分子進化分野 ...... 93V. 地球環境研究部門 ....... 104VI. 高性能計算システム研究部門 ...... 118VII. 計算情報学研究部門 ...... 148VII-1. データ基盤分野 ...... 148VII-2. 計算メディア分野 ...... 16