598,251 research outputs found

    Ús d'un entorn wiki per a la docùncia universitària dins l'EEES

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    En aquesta demostraciĂł s'ha vist en directe el funcionament d'un sistema Wiki i com els components del grup d'interĂšs IDES "Noves tecnologies aplicades a la docĂšncia : L'entorn Wiki" l'utilitzen en la docĂšncia d'assignatures de diferents titulacions (Enginyeries InformĂ tiques, Enginyeries de Telecomunicacions, HistĂČria de l'Art, Geografia, Psicopedagogia, QuĂ­mica....) impartides a la UAB. TambĂ© s'han presentat un conjunt de millores introduĂŻdes en el sistema Wiki utilitzat, definides i implementades dins el marc del projecte "Noves estratĂšgies d'aprenentatge en el marc de l'Espai Europeu d'EducaciĂł Superior: l'Ășs del wiki" concedit per la UAB. Aquestes noves funcions introduĂŻdes permeten al professor fer un seguiment mĂ©s acurat de les activitats de l'alumne i faciliten la seva avaluaciĂł on-line. A mĂ©s, afavoreixen que l'alumne pugui introduir el temps que ha dedicat a fer cada activitat, dada important per fer una estimaciĂł del seu temps global de treball a l'assignatura (CrĂšdits ECTS). A banda, tambĂ© s'han creat noves eines per a l'administraciĂł de wikis, que faciliten la gestiĂł d'alumnes i d'espais docents de wiki. La demostraciĂł en viu tambĂ© Ă©s disponible des d'Internet, de manera que simultĂ niament a les jornades, ha estat possible accedir-hi i participar-hi de manera remota. Cal tenir en compte que el Wiki no Ă©s una alternativa a altres espais, com ara el Campus Virtual o el Moodle, sinĂł una eina complementĂ ria que permet, entre d'altres coses, el disseny d'activitats que requereixen un treball col·laboratiu.This demo has shown, in live, how a wiki operates and how the members of the Interest Group on Higher Education Innovation "New technologies applied to education: the Wiki environment" applies it to different courses in several studies at UAB (Computer Engineering, Telecommunication Enginnering, Art History, Geography, Psicopedagogy, Chemistry, etc.) The demo presents some improvements recently developed by the group in the context of an education innovation project. This project, titled "New learning strategies in the European higher education space: the use of the Wiki", has been funded by the Universitat AutĂČnoma de Barcelona. The new functions introduced in the wiki systems facilitate the task of the instructor, allowing a detailed tracking of students' activity in the wiki, and providing on-line insertion of evaluation/assessment remarks. It is also possible now for the student to indicate the time they have needed to complete each one of their activities in the system, thus improving the required time estimate calculated beforehand by the instructor (credits ECTS). Moreover, other new tools have been created in order to administrate the wikis, and to allow an easy management of students and teaching sections of the wiki. The presentation of this demo has been available also from the Internet. An example wiki system was available during the demo and some days after. It was open to the public to participate and give a try to the wiki experience. It is important to highlight that the Wiki is not an alternative to other virtual environments, such as the UAB Virtual Campus or the Moodle, but a complementary tool allowing collaborative work and intensive interaction student-instructor. The wiki is already a component of the Moodle, and hopefully it will be part of the UAB Virtual Campus soon

    Teacher competence development – a European perspective

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    This chapter provides an European perspectives on teacher competence development

    Using the balanced scorecard as a performance management tool in higher education

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    This paper presents a critical review of the relevant literature on managerialism and performance management in higher education. Afterwards, it features an inductive research that involved semi-structured interview sessions with academic members of staff. The interpretative study relied on the balanced scorecard’s (BSC) approach as it appraised the participants' opinions and perceptions on their higher education institution’s (HEI) customer, internal, organizational capacity and financial perspectives. The findings have revealed the strengths and weaknesses of using the BSC’s financial and non-financial measures to assess the institutional performance and the productivity of individual employees. In sum, this research reported that ongoing performance conversations with academic employees will help HEI leaders to identify their institutions’ value creating activities. This contribution implies that HEI leaders can utilize the BSC’s comprehensive framework as a plausible, performance management tool to regularly evaluate whether their institution is: (i) delivering inclusive, student-centered, quality education; (ii) publishing high impact research; (iii) engaging with internal and external stakeholders; and (iv) improving its financial results, among other positive outcomes.peer-reviewe

    Community-based mentoring and innovating through Web 2.0

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    The rise of social software, often termed Web 2.0, has resulted in heightened awareness of the opportunities for creative and innovative approaches to learning that are afforded by network technologies. Social software platforms and social networking technologies have become part of the learning landscape both for those who learn formally within institutions, and for those who learn informally via emergent web-based learning communities. As collaborative online learning becomes a reality, new skills in communication and collaboration are required in order to use new technologies effectively, develop real digital literacy and other 21st century skills

    The adoption of open sources within higher education in Europe : a dissemination case study

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    For some time now, the open-source (OS) phenomenon has been making its presence felt; disrupting the economics of the software industry and, by proxy, the business of education. A combination of the financial pressure Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) find themselves under and the increasing focus on the use of technology to enhance students' learning have encouraged many HEIs to look towards alternative approaches to teaching and learning. Meanwhile, the "OS" has challenged assumptions about how intellectual products are created and protected and has greatly increased the quantity and arguably the quality of educational technologies available to HEIs
