96 research outputs found

    UNICORE and GRIP: experiences of grid middleware development

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    We describe our experiences with the UNICORE Grid environment. Several lessons of general applicability can be drawn in regard to user uptake and security. The principal lesson is that more effort should be taken to be made to meet the needs of the target user community of the middleware development. Novel workflow strategies, in particular, should not be imposed on an existing community

    Perancangan Dan Pembuatan Perangkat Lunak Pengelolaan Data Rich-Content Berbasis Web Pada Oracle8i

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    Dengan adanya teknologi Internet semakin banyak pengguna yang mencari informasi melalui internet karena dengan Internet seseorang dapat mencari informasi tentang apa saja, kapanpun, dimanapun dan • darimanapun. Karena itu diperlukan pelayanan informasi gambar, suara dan video yang berupa data dinamis yang disebut data rich-content. Dalam hubungan antara antara pemilik situs dan pengguna melalui internet diperlukan penanganan dan pengelolaan situs web dari basis data yang dapat digunakan darimana saja dengan sebuah web browser saja, tanpa perlu menginstall perangkat lunak tambahan pada komputer remote tersebut, dan untuk menjaga konsistensi data biasa dengan data rich-content maka diperlukan pengelolaan data gambar, audio, video untuk situs yang mcmuat data rich-content bcrbasis web. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut maka dipakai Oracle9iAS sebagai server aplikasi, Oracle Portal sebagai perangkat pembangun aplikasi, Oracle Database 8.1.7, Oracle lnterMedia sebagai catridge untuk menyimpan data richcontent, RealServer sebagai server streaming. Semua komponen tersebut diatas diintegrasikan untuk menghasilkan aplikasi yang akan memberikan kemudahan bagi administrator dalam mengelola situs web-nya dan pengguna dalam mengakses informasi. " Aplikasi ini memungkinkan Administrator atau pihak penyedia jasa dapat mengelola situs secara cepat dan mudah. Terutama untuk mengelola data richcontent dimana administrator tidak perlu melakukan transfer data melalui p.rotokol FTP sebagaimana jika content yang akan ditampilkan berupa file, selain itu konsistensi data biasa dengan data rich-content dapat terjaga. Aplikasi ini memungkinkan lebih dari dua administrator melakukan update pada suatu data yang sama pada saat yang hampir bersamaan. Data rich-content yang diinputkan ke dalam database tidak mengalami perubahan ukuran maupun perubahan kualitas-nya, atribut-atribut pada file content tersebut dapat diketahui melalui data atribut record dalam database yang bersesuaian

    WebTed : ein System für Webbasierte Telediagnostik

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    Es wird das WebTed-System für webbasierte Telediagnostik vorgestellt. Es unterstützt drei Aspekte der Telepathologie: statische, dynamische und quantitative Telepathologie. Statische Telepathologie wird für Expertenkonsultationen eingesetzt. Mit einem Webbrowser werden klinische Daten und Bilder zu einem Fall durch einen Referenten auf einem Server abgelegt. Ein auf dem Server abgelegter Fall wird entweder durch einen einzelnen Konsultanten befundet oder durch mehrere Experten gemeinsam in einer Konferenzsitzung. Nachteil dieser Telepathologie ist die feste Vorgabe der Ausschnitte eines Präparats. Diesen Nachteil behebt die dynamische Telepathologie. Der Konsultant bedient ein ferngesteuertes Mikroskop und hat selber die Kontrolle über die Bildselektion. Dabei lassen sich alle wesentlichen Funktionen des Mikroskops wie z.B. Fokus, Objektiv und Licht ferngesteuert bedienen. Zweck der quantitativen Telediagnostik ist die Bestimmung von Parametern zur Beschreibung von Gewebestrukturen wie z.B. der Zellmorphologie (Form, Struktur, Verteilung, Häufigkeit) oder molekularbiologischen Parametern (Aktivität des H19 Gens), die zu einer Objektivierung der Diagnose beitragen: Die Bestimmung dieser Parameter wird vollautomatisch vom Computer durchgeführt und ist deshalb nicht durch die Subjektivität eines Pathologen beeinflußbar. Als Client wird ein vom Webserver heruntergeladenes Java Applet verwendet, mit dem man Zugriff auf die statische, dynamische und quantitative Telepathologie hat. Auf dem Server wird eine SQL-Datenbank zur Speicherung von Daten zu Bildern und Fällen eingesetzt, ein Konferenzserver koordiniert den Datenaustausch zwischen den Clients während der Onlinekonsultationen, ein CORBA ORB stellt ein Modul zur Fernsteuerung eines Mikroskops für die dynamische Telepathologie bereit, und die Bildverarbeitungskomponente wird für die quantitative Analyse der Bilddaten im Rahmen der quantitativen Telepathologie eingesetzt

    SWIG users manual (version 1.1)

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    technical reportSWIG is a tool for solving problems. More specifically, SWIG is a simple tool for building interactive C, C++, or Objective-C programs with common scripting languages such as Tel, Perl, and Python. Of course, more importantly, SWIG is a tool for making C programming more enjoyable and promoting laziness (an essential feature). SWIG is not part of an overgrown software engineering project, an attempt to build some sort of monolithic programming environment, or an attempt to force everyone to rewrite all of their code (ie. code reuse). In fact, none of these things have ever been a priority. SWIG was originally developed in the Theoretical Physics Division at Los Alamos National Laboratory for building interfaces to large materials science research simulations being run on the Connection Machine 5 supercomputer

    Design and implementation of a web-based cooperative school information system.

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    by Tsui Yuen.Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1999.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 144-151).Chapter 1 --- Introduction --- p.1Chapter 1.1 --- Computer-assisted Education --- p.2Chapter 1.2 --- Motivation and Problems --- p.4Chapter 1.3 --- Objectives and Approaches --- p.7Chapter 1.4 --- Organization of Thesis --- p.9Chapter 2 --- Related Work --- p.10Chapter 2.1 --- Existing Research Projects --- p.10Chapter 2.2 --- Structural and Navigational Hypertext Presentation --- p.11Chapter 2.3 --- Multimedia Integration for Hypermedia Courseware --- p.13Chapter 2.4 --- Standalone Java Applets --- p.14Chapter 2.5 --- Software Tools Using Browser Plugins --- p.17Chapter 2.6 --- Chapter Summary --- p.18Chapter 3 --- SIS Education Scenarios --- p.19Chapter 3.1 --- Library System --- p.21Chapter 3.2 --- Groupware System --- p.24Chapter 3.3 --- Student-Monitoring System --- p.25Chapter 3.4 --- Management System --- p.26Chapter 3.5 --- Chapter Summary --- p.27Chapter 4 --- Software Architecture of SIS --- p.29Chapter 4.1 --- Client-server Model --- p.29Chapter 4.2 --- Software Configuration --- p.31Chapter 4.3 --- Software Design --- p.33Chapter 4.3.1 --- Module 1: Access Authorization Identifier (AAI) --- p.34Chapter 4.3.2 --- Module 2: Multimedia Presentation Tools (MPT) --- p.35Chapter 4.3.3 --- Module 3: Intelligent Questions Selector (IQS) --- p.38Chapter 4.3.4 --- Module 4: Online Examination Center (OEC) --- p.40Chapter 4.3.5 --- Module 5: Student History Recorder (SHR) --- p.41Chapter 4.3.6 --- Module 6: Student Performance Analyzer (SPA) --- p.42Chapter 4.3.7 --- Module 7: Electronic Mail Manager (EMM) --- p.43Chapter 4.3.8 --- Module 8: Result Querying Agent (RQA) --- p.44Chapter 4.3.9 --- Module 9: Group Activity Area (GAA) --- p.45Chapter 4.3.10 --- Module 10: Integrated Systems Logger (ISL) --- p.48Chapter 4.4 --- Chapter Summary --- p.50Chapter 5 --- Demonstration --- p.52Chapter 5.1 --- Login Dialog Boxes --- p.52Chapter 5.2 --- Services Menu for Students --- p.53Chapter 5.3 --- Teaching Materials for Students --- p.54Chapter 5.4 --- Teaching Materials for Students ´ؤ Chinese --- p.56Chapter 5.5 --- Teaching Materials for Students - English --- p.60Chapter 5.6 --- Teaching Materials for Students - Mathematics --- p.64Chapter 5.7 --- Tests for Students --- p.66Chapter 5.8 --- Tests for Students - Chinese --- p.66Chapter 5.9 --- Tests for Students - English --- p.68Chapter 5.10 --- Queries for Students --- p.70Chapter 5.11 --- Discussion Area for Students --- p.71Chapter 5.12 --- Educational Television for Students --- p.72Chapter 5.13 --- Flow of Services for Students --- p.75Chapter 5.14 --- Services Menu for Teachers --- p.76Chapter 5.15 --- Teaching Materials for Teachers --- p.77Chapter 5.16 --- Teaching Materials for Teachers - Chinese --- p.78Chapter 5.17 --- Teaching Materials for Teachers - English --- p.82Chapter 5.18 --- Tests Papers for Teachers --- p.86Chapter 5.19 --- Queries for Teachers --- p.87Chapter 5.20 --- Preparation of Test Papers for Teachers --- p.88Chapter 5.21 --- Modification of Questions for Teachers --- p.91Chapter 5.22 --- Flow of Services for Teachers --- p.95Chapter 5.23 --- Chapter Summary --- p.96Chapter 6 --- System Implementation --- p.97Chapter 6.1 --- Characteristics of Java --- p.97Chapter 6.2 --- Platform Independence --- p.98Chapter 6.3 --- Integration with Existing Packages for Java Technology --- p.100Chapter 6.4 --- Cryptography of User Passwords --- p.103Chapter 6.5 --- Transmission of Data Packages --- p.105Chapter 6.6 --- Multithreading for Multitasking --- p.108Chapter 6.7 --- Management of User Interfaces --- p.110Chapter 6.8 --- Data Structures for Temporary Storage --- p.112Chapter 6.9 --- Messages Broadcasting in Chat Rooms --- p.116Chapter 6.10 --- Playback of Audio and Video Data Files --- p.121Chapter 6.11 --- Progress of System Implementation --- p.125Chapter 6.12 --- Chapter Summary --- p.128Chapter 7 --- Discussion and Future Work --- p.129Chapter 7.1 --- Wide Spread of the World Wide Web --- p.129Chapter 7.2 --- Communication between Schools and Families --- p.130Chapter 7.3 --- Pedagogical Uses --- p.130Chapter 7.4 --- Virtual Student Community --- p.131Chapter 7.5 --- Differences between SIS and Other Web-based Educational Systems --- p.132Chapter 7.6 --- Future Work --- p.133Chapter 7.7 --- Chapter Summary --- p.138Chapter 8 --- Summary --- p.139Bibliography --- p.14

    Modelo para el análisis de arquitecturas de intermediación electrónica

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    La tecnología asociada al mundo del comercio electrónico la visto durante estos años como se pasaba de un periodo de incertidumbre inicial, a un período de tremendo opitimismo en el que, coincidiendo con el auge de las empresas "punto-com" se dsarro1laron rápidamente muchas tecnologías de todo tipo. Actualmente, diferentes combinaciones tecnológicas han llevado a la construcción de arquitecturas, aplicaciones y plataformas con propósitos diversos que necesariamente han de convivir e interaccionar entre ellas. Por ese motivo, se aprecia la notable necesidad de desarrollar nuevas tecnologías y mecanismos orientados principalmente a salvar toda esta heterogéneidad existente. Esta tesis parte del hecho de que la gran cantidad de tecnologías diferentes y las características tan particulares del entorno que las engloba, han elevado la complejidad del sector de forma muy considerable. Por un lado, a los desarrolladores de aplicaciones se les exigen unc conocimientos detallados sobre muchas tecnologías distintas. Por otro, muchas empresas se están viendo forzadas a cambiar sus procedimientos de selección tecnológica pues el clásico esquema de desarrollo&medida, empieza a no ser rentable. Además, el ritmo de aparición y evolución de tecnologías y arquitecturas sigue siendo alto y cada vez resulta más complicado analizarlas o clasificarlas. Apoyándose en diversos criterios que surgen de la formalización del concepto de complejidad, se propone un modelo genérico para facilitar el análisis de las características de las arquitecturas de comercio electrónico centrándose principalmente en los aspectos tecnológicos de las mismas y haciendo especial hincapié en las platafornas de intermediación electrónica

    Evaluation of alternate programming languages to JavaScript

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    The development of web applications for desktop and mobile has surged in recent years. The most popular web scripting language is JavaScript because all the browsers support it and its role as a scripting language of the WWW. It is a powerful and flexible language. However, it also has some shortcomings. For this reason, over the last few years many different web scripting languages have appeared, they give the solutions to the shortcomings of JavaScript. In this thesis a number of emerging web scripting languages are surveyed and the most popular option, CoffeeScript, TypeScript and Dart, are evaluated in detailed level. We will explain what a scripting language is and how it works, JavaScript‘s problems in developing a web application, list of available scripting languages for web clients, the motivation behind these languages and their features that they add to JavaScript. In order to show the results, an example web application is developed in all the languages. The main conclusion extracted of this thesis is that these languages address the shortcomings of the JavaScript such as they all have the compile time checking for errors, CoffeeScript adds the syntactic sugar to JavaScript syntax, object-orientation, inheritance. TypeScript and Dart have the type checking, modules and generics. Dart also supports the concurrency with isolates. It is easy to develop and maintain the complex and large scale applications in these languages

    Evaluation of alternate programming languages to JavaScript

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    The development of web applications for desktop and mobile has surged in recent years. The most popular web scripting language is JavaScript because all the browsers support it and its role as a scripting language of the WWW. It is a powerful and flexible language. However, it also has some shortcomings. For this reason, over the last few years many different web scripting languages have appeared, they give the solutions to the shortcomings of JavaScript. In this thesis a number of emerging web scripting languages are surveyed and the most popular option, CoffeeScript, TypeScript and Dart, are evaluated in detailed level. We will explain what a scripting language is and how it works, JavaScript‘s problems in developing a web application, list of available scripting languages for web clients, the motivation behind these languages and their features that they add to JavaScript. In order to show the results, an example web application is developed in all the languages. The main conclusion extracted of this thesis is that these languages address the shortcomings of the JavaScript such as they all have the compile time checking for errors, CoffeeScript adds the syntactic sugar to JavaScript syntax, object-orientation, inheritance. TypeScript and Dart have the type checking, modules and generics. Dart also supports the concurrency with isolates. It is easy to develop and maintain the complex and large scale applications in these languages

    Rancang bangun sistem e-commerce business to consumers (B2C) berbasis web untuk penjualan produk lokal khas Kabupaten Blora di Kecamatan Sambong

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    Era digital mewabah ke berbagai sektor tidak terkecuali pemasaran barang / jasa. Perdagangan barang dan jasa secara konvensional (manual) tidak lagi efektif di zaman sekarang ini. Hambatan terkait ketersediaan barang yang kurang lengkap, transportasi ke toko / pasar. Menyikapi masalah tersebut hadirnya sebuah inovasi berupa sistem jual beli online yang biasa kita kenal dengan elektronik commerce (e-commerce). Dari penjelasan di atas dengan diterapkannya sistem e-commerce business to consumers (B2C) berbasis web untuk penjualan produk lokal khas Kabupaten Blora di Kecamatan Sambong dengan fitur – fitur / menu – menu diantaranya belanja, lacak pesanan, blog, konfirmasi pembayaran dan berbagai menu pendukung lainnya. Untuk admin dalam mengelola sistem terdapat beberapa fitur diantaranya dasbor, produk, analytics, pengguna, pengaturan dan beberapa fitur pendukung lainnya. Serta sistem tersebut difasilitasi oleh hosting sehingga dapat diakses oleh semua orang. Perancangan sistem informasi tersebut menggunakan metode pengembangan System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) dengan pendekatan waterfall yang terdiri atas beberapa tahapan diantaranya yaitu analisis kebutuhan, desain / perancangan, implementasi, dan pengujian. Sistem tersebut telah diuji menggunakan metode Black Box dan UAT. Dengan 30 pertanyaan dengan 30 responden yang mewakili kinerja sistem e-commerce, dengan skor akhir 90,1%. Artinya dapat disimpulkan bahwa sistem yang telah dibangun dapat berfungsi dengan sangat baik