6 research outputs found

    Strategies to scan pictures with automata based on Wang tiles

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    Wang automata are devices for picture language recognition recently introduced by us, which characterize the class REC of recognizable picture languages. Thus, Wang automata are equivalent to tiling systems or online tessellation acceptors, and are based like Wang systems on labeled Wang tiles. The present work focus on scanning strategies, to prove that the ones Wang automata are based on are those following four kinds of movements: boustrophedonic, ``L-like'', ``U-like'', and spirals

    Uma solução de implantação auto-adaptativa para plataformas Android

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    Orientador: Cecília Mary Fischer RubiraDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Os dispositivos móveis, hoje em dia, fornecem recursos semelhantes aos de um computador pessoal de uma década atrás, permitindo o desenvolvimento de aplicações complexas. Consequentemente, essas aplicações móveis podem exigir tolerar falhas em tempo de execução. No entanto, a maioria das aplicações móveis de hoje são implantados usando configurações estáticas, tornando difícil tolerar falhas durante a sua execução. Nós propomos uma infraestrutura de implantação auto-adaptativa para lidar com este problema. A nossa solução oferece um circuito autônomo que administra o modelo de configuração atual da aplicação usando um modelo de características dinâmico associado com o modelo arquitetônico da mesma. Em tempo de execução, de acordo com a seleção dinâmica de características, o modelo arquitetônico implantado na plataforma se re-configura para fornecer uma nova solução. Uma aplicação Android foi implementada utilizando a solução proposta, e durante sua execução, a disponibilidade de serviços foi alterada, de tal forma que sua configuração corrente foi dinamicamente alterada para tolerar a indisponibilidade dos serviçosAbstract: Mobile devices, nowadays, provide similar capabilities as a personal computer of a decade ago, allowing the development of complex applications. Consequently, these mobile applications may require tolerating failures at runtime. However, most of the today¿s mobile applications are deployed using static configurations, making difficult to tolerate failure during their execution. We propose an adaptive deployment infrastructure to deal with this problem. Our solution offers an autonomic loop that manages the current configuration model of the application using a dynamic feature model associated with the architectural model. During runtime, according to the dynamic feature selection, the deployed architectural model can be modified to provide a new deployment solution. An Android application was implemented using the proposed solution, and during its execution, the services availability was altered so that its current configuration was changed dynamically in order to tolerate the unavailability of servicesMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestre em Ciência da Computação131830/2013-9CNP

    A Tile-based Approach for Self-assembling Service Compositions

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    A Tile-based Approach for Self-assembling Service Compositions

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    Abstract—This paper presents a novel approach to the design of self-adaptive service-oriented applications based on a new model called service tiles. The approach allows designers to develop a service-oriented system by building an assembly of component services that accomplishes the given goal. The assembly is computed automatically starting from the specification of a subset of the whole system, a few constraints, and the goals the application should fulfill. An application designed according to the service-tile model can also dynamically self-adapt by replacing, in part or entirely, services in the assembly whenever they fail or the application context changes. The service-tile design technique has been implemented in a prototype and some experiments with several examples demonstrate the feasibility of the approach and its practical efficiency. I

    Mise en correspondance et gestion de la cohérence de modèles hétérogènes évolutifs

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    To understand and manipulate a complex system, it is necessary to apply the separation of concerns and produce separate parts. In Model Driven Engineering (MDE), these parts are represented by models qualified as partial models. In this context of multi-modeling, these models are called heterogeneous when they are described in separate modeling languages dedicated to different business domains: DSML (Domain Specific Modeling Language). Global model creation requires identifying existing correspondences between the elements of the partial models. However, in practice these correspondences are either incompletely identified or not sufficiently formalized to be maintained when the partial models evolve. This restricts their use and does not allow to fully exploit them for building the global model or for treating partial models evolution. The contribution of this thesis is twofold. The first contribution deals with a process for creating a global view of the system by means of a composition based on partial models matching. Identified correspondences between models elements are based on types of relationship instantiated from a metamodel of correspondences. This latter is extensible, depending on the considered application domain, and allows supporting the concepts related to this domain. Correspondences are firstly identified between meta-elements belonging to metamodels of the respective partial models. Correspondences between model elements are then obtained by a refinement mechanism, supported by an ad hoc Semantic Expression language: SED (Semantic Expression DSL). The composition is called “virtual” since elements represented in a correspondence are only references to elements belonging to partial models. Therefore, models interconnected by this correspondences form a virtual global model. The second contribution relates the consistency of the global model. Indeed, as models evolve over time, changing one or several elements involved in a correspondence, may cause the inconsistency of the global model. To maintain its consistency, we propose a second process enabling to automatically identify the changes, classify them and treat their impacts on the involved model elements. Management of repercussions is performed semi-automatically by the expert by means of strategies and weights. This work has been implemented through a support tool named HMCS (Heterogeneous Matching and Consistency management Suite) based on the Eclipse Platform. The approach has been validated and illustrated through a case study related to the management of a Hospital Emergency Service. This work was led in collaboration with the “CHU of Montpellier”.Pour permettre la compréhension et la manipulation d’un système complexe, le découpage en parties séparées est nécessaire. En Ingénierie Dirigée par les Modèles (ou Model Driven Engineering), ces parties sont représentées par des modèles, que nous qualifions de modèles partiels, dans la mesure où ils sont focalisés sur des domaines métiers distincts. Dans ce contexte de multi-modélisation, ces modèles sont dits hétérogènes quand ils sont décrits dans des langages de modélisation distincts dédiés à différents domaines métiers : DSML (Domain Specific Modeling language). La compréhension et l’exploitation efficace des connaissances relatives à un tel système supposent la construction d’un modèle global représentant son fonctionnement. La création du modèle global requiert l’identification des correspondances existant entre les éléments des différents modèles partiels. Dans la pratique, ces correspondances sont soit incomplètement identifiées, soit insuffisamment formalisées pour être maintenues lorsque les modèles partiels évoluent. Ceci limite leur utilisation et ne permet pas de les exploiter pleinement lors de la construction du modèle global ou du traitement de l’évolution des modèles partiels. L’apport de cette thèse est double. La première contribution est celle d’un processus permettant la création d’une vue globale du système par l’intermédiaire d’une composition fondée sur la mise en correspondance des modèles partiels. Les correspondances identifiées entres les éléments des modèles se basent sur des types de relations instanciées à partir d’un métamodèle de correspondance. Ce dernier est extensible (selon les spécificités du domaine d’application considéré) et permet de supporter les concepts relatifs à ce domaine. Les correspondances sont d’abord identifiées entre les méta-éléments des métamodèles respectifs des modèles partiels. Les correspondances entre les éléments de modèles sont ensuite obtenues par un mécanisme de raffinement, supporté par un langage d’expression sémantique ad hoc : SED (Semantic Expression DSL). La composition est dite « virtuelle » dans la mesure où les éléments figurant dans une correspondance ne sont que des références aux éléments appartenant aux modèles partiels. De ce fait, les modèles interconnectés par ces correspondances forment un modèle global virtuel. La seconde contribution est relative au maintien de la cohérence des modèles partiels et du modèle global. En effet, les modèles évoluant dans le temps, le changement d’un élément ou de plusieurs éléments participant à l’expression des correspondances, peut entrainer l’incohérence du modèle global. Pour maintenir la cohérence du modèle global, nous proposons un second processus permettant tout d’abord d’identifier automatiquement les changements réalisés ainsi que leurs classifications et leurs répercussions sur les éléments de modèles concernés. Par la suite, les différents cycles sont gérés à l’aide de l’expert puis une liste de changements est générée en fonction de la stratégie choisie et des coefficients de pondération. Enfin, le traitement des changements est réalisé de façon semi-automatique. Ce travail a été concrétisé par le développement d’un outil support nommé HMCS (Heterogeneous Matching and Consistency management Suite), basé sur la plateforme Eclipse. L’approche a été validée et illustrée à travers un cas d’étude portant sur la gestion du Service d'Urgence d'un hôpital. Ce travail a été mené en collaboration avec le CHU de Montpellier