118 research outputs found

    Selected Topics in Network Optimization: Aligning Binary Decision Diagrams for a Facility Location Problem and a Search Method for Dynamic Shortest Path Interdiction

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    This work deals with three different combinatorial optimization problems: minimizing the total size of a pair of binary decision diagrams (BDDs) under a certain structural property, a variant of the facility location problem, and a dynamic version of the Shortest-Path Interdiction (DSPI) problem. However, these problems all have the following core idea in common: They all stem from representing an optimization problem as a decision diagram. We begin from cases in which such a diagram representation of reasonable size might exist, but finding a small diagram is difficult to achieve. The first problem develops a heuristic for enforcing a structural property for a collection of BDDs, which allows them to be merged into a single one efficiently. In the second problem, we consider a specific combinatorial problem that allows for a natural representation by a pair of BDDs. We use the previous result and ideas developed earlier in the literature to reformulate this problem as a linear program over a single BDD. This approach enables us to obtain sensitivity information, while often enjoying runtimes comparable to a mixed integer program solved with a commercial solver, after we pay the computational overhead of building the diagram (e.g., when re-solving the problem using different costs, but the same graph topology). In the last part, we examine DSPI, for which building the full decision diagram is generally impractical. We formalize the concept of a game tree for the DSPI and design a heuristic based on the idea of building only selected parts of this exponentially-sized decision diagram (which is not binary any more). We use a Monte Carlo Tree Search framework to establish policies that are near optimal. To mitigate the size of the game tree, we leverage previously derived bounds for the DSPI and employ an alpha–beta pruning technique for minimax optimization. We highlight the practicality of these ideas in a series of numerical experiments

    Lower bounds for dynamic BDD reordering

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    Abstract — In this paper we present new lower bounds on BDD size. These lower bounds are derived from more general lower bounds that recently were given in the context of exact BDD minimization. The results presented in this paper are twofold: first, we gain deeper insight by looking at the theory behind the new lower bounds. Examples lead to a better understanding, showing that the new lower bounds are effective in situations where this is not the case for previous lower bounds and vice versa. Following the constraints in practice, we then compromise between runtime and quality of the lower bounds. Finally, a clever combination of old and new lower bounds results in a final lower bound, yielding a significant improvement. Experimental results show the efficiency of our approach. I

    Gate-Level Simulation of Quantum Circuits

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    While thousands of experimental physicists and chemists are currently trying to build scalable quantum computers, it appears that simulation of quantum computation will be at least as critical as circuit simulation in classical VLSI design. However, since the work of Richard Feynman in the early 1980s little progress was made in practical quantum simulation. Most researchers focused on polynomial-time simulation of restricted types of quantum circuits that fall short of the full power of quantum computation. Simulating quantum computing devices and useful quantum algorithms on classical hardware now requires excessive computational resources, making many important simulation tasks infeasible. In this work we propose a new technique for gate-level simulation of quantum circuits which greatly reduces the difficulty and cost of such simulations. The proposed technique is implemented in a simulation tool called the Quantum Information Decision Diagram (QuIDD) and evaluated by simulating Grover's quantum search algorithm. The back-end of our package, QuIDD Pro, is based on Binary Decision Diagrams, well-known for their ability to efficiently represent many seemingly intractable combinatorial structures. This reliance on a well-established area of research allows us to take advantage of existing software for BDD manipulation and achieve unparalleled empirical results for quantum simulation

    Linear Encodings of Bounded LTL Model Checking

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    We consider the problem of bounded model checking (BMC) for linear temporal logic (LTL). We present several efficient encodings that have size linear in the bound. Furthermore, we show how the encodings can be extended to LTL with past operators (PLTL). The generalised encoding is still of linear size, but cannot detect minimal length counterexamples. By using the virtual unrolling technique minimal length counterexamples can be captured, however, the size of the encoding is quadratic in the specification. We also extend virtual unrolling to Buchi automata, enabling them to accept minimal length counterexamples. Our BMC encodings can be made incremental in order to benefit from incremental SAT technology. With fairly small modifications the incremental encoding can be further enhanced with a termination check, allowing us to prove properties with BMC. Experiments clearly show that our new encodings improve performance of BMC considerably, particularly in the case of the incremental encoding, and that they are very competitive for finding bugs. An analysis of the liveness-to-safety transformation reveals many similarities to the BMC encodings in this paper. Using the liveness-to-safety translation with BDD-based invariant checking results in an efficient method to find shortest counterexamples that complements the BMC-based approach.Comment: Final version for Logical Methods in Computer Science CAV 2005 special issu

    Concurrent optimization strategies for high-performance VLSI circuits

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    In the next generation of VLSI circuits, concurrent optimizations will be essential to achieve the performance challenges. In this dissertation, we present techniques for combining traditional timing optimization techniques to achieve a superior performance;The method of buffer insertion is used in timing optimization to either increase the driving power of a path in a circuit, or to isolate large capacitive loads that lie on noncritical or less critical paths. The procedure of transistor sizing selects the sizes of transistors within a circuit to achieve a given timing specification. Traditional design techniques perform these two optimizations as independent steps during synthesis, even though they are intimately linked and performing them in alternating steps is liable to lead to suboptimal solutions. The first part of this thesis presents a new approach for unifying transistor sizing with buffer insertion. Our algorithm achieve from 5% to 49% area reduction compared with the results of a standard transistor sizing algorithm;The next part of the thesis deals with the problem of collapsing gates for technology mapping. Two new techniques are proposed. The first method, the odd-level transistor replacement (OTR) method, performs technology mapping without the restriction of a fixed library size, and maps a circuit to a virtual library of complex static CMOS gates. The second technique, the Static CMOS/PTL method, uses a mix of static CMOS and pass transistor logic (PTL) to realize the circuit, using the relation between PTL and binary decision diagrams. The methods are very efficient and can handle all ISCAS\u2785 benchmark circuits in minutes. On average, it was found that the OTR method gave 40%, and the Static/PTL gave 50% delay reductions over SIS, with substantial area savings;Finally, we extend the technology mapping work to interleave it with placement in a single optimization. Conventional methods that perform these steps separately will not be adequate for next-generation circuits. Our approach presents an integrated solution to this problem, and shows an average of 28.19%, and a maximum of 78.42% improvement in the delay over a method that performs the two optimizations in separate steps

    Artificial evolution with Binary Decision Diagrams: a study in evolvability in neutral spaces

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    This thesis develops a new approach to evolving Binary Decision Diagrams, and uses it to study evolvability issues. For reasons that are not yet fully understood, current approaches to artificial evolution fail to exhibit the evolvability so readily exhibited in nature. To be able to apply evolvability to artificial evolution the field must first understand and characterise it; this will then lead to systems which are much more capable than they are currently. An experimental approach is taken. Carefully crafted, controlled experiments elucidate the mechanisms and properties that facilitate evolvability, focusing on the roles and interplay between neutrality, modularity, gradualism, robustness and diversity. Evolvability is found to emerge under gradual evolution as a biased distribution of functionality within the genotype-phenotype map, which serves to direct phenotypic variation. Neutrality facilitates fitness-conserving exploration, completely alleviating local optima. Population diversity, in conjunction with neutrality, is shown to facilitate the evolution of evolvability. The search is robust, scalable, and insensitive to the absence of initial diversity. The thesis concludes that gradual evolution in a search space that is free of local optima by way of neutrality can be a viable alternative to problematic evolution on multi-modal landscapes

    Alternative Automata-based Approaches to Probabilistic Model Checking

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    In this thesis we focus on new methods for probabilistic model checking (PMC) with linear temporal logic (LTL). The standard approach translates an LTL formula into a deterministic ω-automaton with a double-exponential blow up. There are approaches for Markov chain analysis against LTL with exponential runtime, which motivates the search for non-deterministic automata with restricted forms of non-determinism that make them suitable for PMC. For MDPs, the approach via deterministic automata matches the double-exponential lower bound, but a practical application might benefit from approaches via non-deterministic automata. We first investigate good-for-games (GFG) automata. In GFG automata one can resolve the non-determinism for a finite prefix without knowing the infinite suffix and still obtain an accepting run for an accepted word. We explain that GFG automata are well-suited for MDP analysis on a theoretic level, but our experiments show that GFG automata cannot compete with deterministic automata. We have also researched another form of pseudo-determinism, namely unambiguity, where for every accepted word there is exactly one accepting run. We present a polynomial-time approach for PMC of Markov chains against specifications given by an unambiguous Büchi automaton (UBA). Its two key elements are the identification whether the induced probability is positive, and if so, the identification of a state set inducing probability 1. Additionally, we examine the new symbolic Muller acceptance described in the Hanoi Omega Automata Format, which we call Emerson-Lei acceptance. It is a positive Boolean formula over unconditional fairness constraints. We present a construction of small deterministic automata using Emerson-Lei acceptance. Deciding, whether an MDP has a positive maximal probability to satisfy an Emerson-Lei acceptance, is NP-complete. This fact has triggered a DPLL-based algorithm for deciding positiveness

    Systematic delay-driven power optimisation and power-driven delay optimisation of combinational circuits

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    With the proliferation of mobile wireless communication and embedded systems, the energy efficiency becomes a major design constraint. The dissipated energy is often referred as the product of power dissipation and the input-output delay. Most of electronic design automation techniques focus on optimising only one of these parameters either power or delay. Industry standard design flows integrate systematic methods of optimising either area or timing while for power consumption optimisation one often employs heuristics which are characteristic to a specific design. In this work we answer three questions in our quest to provide a systematic approach to joint power and delay Optimisation. The first question of our research is: How to build a design flow which incorporates academic and industry standard design flows for power optimisation? To address this question, we use a reference design flow provided by Synopsys and integrate in this flow academic tools and methodologies. The proposed design flow is used as a platform for analysing some novel algorithms and methodologies for optimisation in the context of digital circuits. The second question we answer is: Is possible to apply a systematic approach for power optimisation in the context of combinational digital circuits? The starting point is a selection of a suitable data structure which can easily incorporate information about delay, power, area and which then allows optimisation algorithms to be applied. In particular we address the implications of a systematic power optimisation methodologies and the potential degradation of other (often conflicting) parameters such as area or the delay of implementation. Finally, the third question which this thesis attempts to answer is: Is there a systematic approach for multi-objective optimisation of delay and power? A delay-driven power and power-driven delay optimisation is proposed in order to have balanced delay and power values. This implies that each power optimisation step is not only constrained by the decrease in power but also the increase in delay. Similarly, each delay optimisation step is not only governed with the decrease in delay but also the increase in power. The goal is to obtain multi-objective optimisation of digital circuits where the two conflicting objectives are power and delay. The logic synthesis and optimisation methodology is based on AND-Inverter Graphs (AIGs) which represent the functionality of the circuit. The switching activities and arrival times of circuit nodes are annotated onto an AND-Inverter Graph under the zero and a non-zero-delay model. We introduce then several reordering rules which are applied on the AIG nodes to minimise switching power or longest path delay of the circuit at the pre-technology mapping level. The academic Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tool ABC is used for the manipulation of AND-Inverter Graphs. We have implemented various combinatorial optimisation algorithms often used in Electronic Design Automation such as Simulated Annealing and Uniform Cost Search Algorithm. Simulated Annealing (SMA) is a probabilistic meta heuristic for the global optimization problem of locating a good approximation to the global optimum of a given function in a large search space. We used SMA to probabilistically decide between moving from one optimised solution to another such that the dynamic power is optimised under given delay constraints and the delay is optimised under given power constraints. A good approximation to the global optimum solution of energy constraint is obtained. Uniform Cost Search (UCS) is a tree search algorithm used for traversing or searching a weighted tree, tree structure, or graph. We have used Uniform Cost Search Algorithm to search within the AIG network, a specific AIG node order for the reordering rules application. After the reordering rules application, the AIG network is mapped to an AIG netlist using specific library cells. Our approach combines network re-structuring, AIG nodes reordering, dynamic power and longest path delay estimation and optimisation and finally technology mapping to an AIG netlist. A set of MCNC Benchmark circuits and large combinational circuits up to 100,000 gates have been used to validate our methodology. Comparisons for power and delay optimisation are made with the best synthesis scripts used in ABC. Reduction of 23% in power and 15% in delay with minimal overhead is achieved, compared to the best known ABC results. Also, our approach is also implemented on a number of processors with combinational and sequential components and significant savings are achieved

    Anytime Algorithms for ROBDD Symmetry Detection and Approximation

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    Reduced Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams (ROBDDs) provide a dense and memory efficient representation of Boolean functions. When ROBDDs are applied in logic synthesis, the problem arises of detecting both classical and generalised symmetries. State-of-the-art in symmetry detection is represented by Mishchenko's algorithm. Mishchenko showed how to detect symmetries in ROBDDs without the need for checking equivalence of all co-factor pairs. This work resulted in a practical algorithm for detecting all classical symmetries in an ROBDD in O(|G|3) set operations where |G| is the number of nodes in the ROBDD. Mishchenko and his colleagues subsequently extended the algorithm to find generalised symmetries. The extended algorithm retains the same asymptotic complexity for each type of generalised symmetry. Both the classical and generalised symmetry detection algorithms are monolithic in the sense that they only return a meaningful answer when they are left to run to completion. In this thesis we present efficient anytime algorithms for detecting both classical and generalised symmetries, that output pairs of symmetric variables until a prescribed time bound is exceeded. These anytime algorithms are complete in that given sufficient time they are guaranteed to find all symmetric pairs. Theoretically these algorithms reside in O(n3+n|G|+|G|3) and O(n3+n2|G|+|G|3) respectively, where n is the number of variables, so that in practice the advantage of anytime generality is not gained at the expense of efficiency. In fact, the anytime approach requires only very modest data structure support and offers unique opportunities for optimisation so the resulting algorithms are very efficient. The thesis continues by considering another class of anytime algorithms for ROBDDs that is motivated by the dearth of work on approximating ROBDDs. The need for approximation arises because many ROBDD operations result in an ROBDD whose size is quadratic in the size of the inputs. Furthermore, if ROBDDs are used in abstract interpretation, the running time of the analysis is related not only to the complexity of the individual ROBDD operations but also the number of operations applied. The number of operations is, in turn, constrained by the number of times a Boolean function can be weakened before stability is achieved. This thesis proposes a widening that can be used to both constrain the size of an ROBDD and also ensure that the number of times that it is weakened is bounded by some given constant. The widening can be used to either systematically approximate an ROBDD from above (i.e. derive a weaker function) or below (i.e. infer a stronger function). The thesis also considers how randomised techniques may be deployed to improve the speed of computing an approximation by avoiding potentially expensive ROBDD manipulation