76 research outputs found

    Proceedings of the International Workshop on Vocabularies, Ontologies and Rules for The Enterprise (VORTE 2005)

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    Organizational psychology. Economic psychology. Special issue ‘Staff psychological health in the organizations’

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    Науковий журнал «Організаційна психологія. Економічна психологія» проіндексовано в міжнародних наукометричних базах: Index Copernicus (IC) (з 2015 р.), Academic Resource Index (Research Bib) (з 2016 р.), Google Scholar (з 2016 р.), World Catalogue of Scientific Journals (since 2019).Scientific Journal «Organizational Psychology. Economic Psychology» is indexed in International scientometric bases: Index Copernicus (IC) (2015), Academic Resource Index (Research Bib) (2016), Google Scholar (2016), World Catalogue of Scientific Journals (since 2019)

    Acts of killing, acts of meaning:an application of corpus pattern analysis to language of animal-killing

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    We are currently witnessing unprecedented levels of ecological destruction and violence visited upon nonhumans. Study of the more-than-human world is now being enthusiastically taken up across a range of disciplines, in what has been called the ‘scholarly animal turn’. This thesis brings together concerns of Critical Animal Studies – along with related threads of posthumanism and new materialist thinking – and Corpus Linguistics, specifically Corpus Pattern Analysis (CPA), to produce a data-driven, lexicocentric study of the discourse of animal-killing. CPA, which has been employed predominantly in corpus lexicography, provides a robust and empirically well-founded basis for the analysis of verbs. Verbs are chosen as they act as the pivot of a clause; analysing them also uncovers their arguments – in this case, participants in material-discursive ‘killing’ events. This project analyses 15 ‘killing’ verbs using CPA as a basis, in what I term a corpus-lexicographical discourse analysis. The data is sampled from an animal-themed corpus of around 9 million words of contemporary British English, and the British National Corpus is used for reference. The findings are both methodological and substantive. CPA is found to be a reliable empirical starting point for discourse analysis, and the lexicographical practice of establishing linguistic ‘norms’ is critical to the identification of anomalous uses. The thesis presents evidence of anthropocentrism inherent in the English lexicon, and demonstrates several ways in which distance is created between participants of ‘killing’ constructions. The analysis also reveals specific ways that verbs can obfuscate, deontologise and deindividualise their arguments. The recommendations, for discourse analysts, include the adoption of CPA and a critical analysis of its resulting patterns in order to demonstrate the precise mechanisms by which verb use can either oppress or empower individuals. Social justice advocates are also alerted to potentially harmful language that might undermine their cause

    Topics, presuppositions, and theticity: An empirical study of verb-subject clauses in Albanian, Greek, and Serbo-Croat

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    LoC Class: PG9522, LoC Subject Headings: Albanian language--Clauses, Greek language/Modern--Clauses, Serbo-Croatian language--Clause

    Topics, Presuppositions, and Theticity: An Empirical Study of Verb-Subject Clauses in Albanian, Greek, and Serbo-Croat

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    Verb-Subject order is often claimed to be the surface expression of thetic utterances, which are supposed to be ontologically different from the classical Aristotelian categoric type: thetic utterances are not divided in two parts (subject and predicate, topic and comment), but represent the information they convey as a cognitive whole. The purpose of the present study is to offer a detailed description of the clauses with this word order in Albanian, Greek, and Serbo-Croat, in which the verb-subject strategy is a very prominent one, and, based on these data, to reexamine the postulates of the theory of two basic utterance types. The results may be subsumed in two claims: (1) The equation "VS = thetic" does not hold true, because subject postponement is a distinctive feature of at least three constructions, which I labeled Inversion, VsX-Construction and vS-Construction. Of these, only the latter resembles what is usually called thetic. (2) The existence of a non-categoric utterance type does not automatically follow from the existence of vS-Construction, since this construction also displays a specific kind of topic-comment articulation, explainable in terms of certain word order and intonation rules of the three languages in question

    Causative alternation licensing in Urdu: An event structure account

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    Given the central role of the verb in clause structure, it is vital to understand the properties of the SEMANTIC ROOT and the EVENT SCHEMA, two constituent aspects of verb meaning, in order to understand how lexical semantic categories relate to syntactic categories. The nature of the interface between these components can, in turn, reveal the overall design of language. However, the main challenge is to make precise the nature of the semantic root and event schema, and their interactive role in argument realization options. To address this challenge, empirical evidence from diverse languages is required to determine how argument realization can be universally accounted for in terms of semantic root and event schema-based lexical semantic representation. The primary purpose of this study is to explicate the roles of semantic root and event schema in Urdu change-of-state (COS) verbs’ causative alternation, formulating licensing conditions on the lexical semantics-syntax interface involved in the phenomenon. On the semantic side of the interface, the argumentation is framed within Rappaport-Hovav and Levin’s (1998a) event structure account, and on the syntactic side, the study assumes Culicover and Jackendoff’s (2005) Simpler Syntax which accounts for an alternation in terms of constraint-based interface principles. Given that the adequacy of theory is bound up with the reliability of empirical evidence, this study is based on data from multiple sources (lexical translation, Urdu WordNet, Urdu Lughat, individual and dialogical introspection, and speaker survey), conducts extensive analysis of morphosemantic as well as morphosyntactic aspects of 112 Urdu COS verbs, and shows that the causative alternation results from an interaction of multiple licensing factors. The study reaches the following conclusions: (a) The anticausative form of a COS verb is basic and causative forms are derived. (b) The causative derivation shows gradient and dynamic productivity, and an interaction between lexical schemas and morphological operations, marking the CAUSE relation which reflects causal responsibility between the event participants. (c) An anticausative lexicalizes both manner and result, with a [BECOME [Y ]] event structure. (d) An anticausative’s event schema and root license only the patient argument; any additional argument is licensed by the root. The cause arguments in causatives are introduced by causative operations, and are obligatorily event schema participants. The syntactic realization of semantic arguments is sensitive to the causal responsibility relation which is reflected in the predicate’s event structure through the primitive predicate CAUSE and its relation with ACT and BECOME. (e) The various aspects of Urdu COS verbs’ causative alternation lead us to the linking rules which show that the argument structure reflects the semantics it inherits from its semantic sources of roots and event schema. Overall the study shows that the event structure account of Urdu COS verbs’ causative alternation supports the decomposition of the grammar into independent generative components that interact through interface rules. The bottom line is that such a syntax-semantics interface formulation of alternation avoids syntactic complexity

    The Genitive Ratio and its Applications

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    The genitive ratio (GR) is a novel method of classifying nouns as animate, concrete or abstract. English has two genitive (possessive) constructions: possessive-s (the boy's head) and possessive-of (the head of the boy). There is compelling evidence that preference for possessive-s is strongly influenced by the possessor's animacy. A corpus analysis that counts each genitive construction in three conditions (definite, indefinite and no article) confirms that occurrences of possessive-s decline as the animacy hierarchy progresses from animate through concrete to abstract. A computer program (Animyser) is developed to obtain results-counts from phrase-searches of Wikipedia that provide multiple genitive ratios for any target noun. Key ratios are identified and algorithms developed, with specific applications achieving classification accuracies of over 80%. The algorithms, based on logistic regression, produce a score of relative animacy that can be applied to individual nouns or to texts. The genitive ratio is a tool with potential applications in any research domain where the relative animacy of language might be significant. Three such applications exemplify that. Combining GR analysis with other factors might enhance established co-reference (anaphora) resolution algorithms. In sentences formed from pairings of animate with concrete or abstract nouns, the animate noun is usually salient, more likely to be the grammatical subject or thematic agent, and to co-refer with a succeeding pronoun or noun-phrase. Two experiments, online sentence production and corpus-based, demonstrate that the GR algorithm reliably predicts the salient noun. Replication of the online experiment in Italian suggests that the GR might be applied to other languages by using English as a 'bridge'. In a mental health context, studies have indicated that Alzheimer's patients' language becomes progressively more concrete; depressed patients' language more abstract. Analysis of sample texts suggests that the GR might monitor the prognosis of both illnesses, facilitating timely clinical interventions

    Employability and Communication Skills : Triangulating Views of Employers, Lecturers and Undergraduates

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    Employability skills are known as soft skills and transferrable skills. Employability refers to skills, understandings, and personal attributes that increase graduates’ chances of employment and success in their chosen occupations (Yorke, 2004). Some of the skills listed under employability skills are resourcefulness, adaptability, and flexibility which are not only needed for adapting to work situations (Curtis & McKenzie, 2002). In a VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) environment, there is a limit to what universities can equip graduates with, and they need to be able to continue learning to adjust to new situations and demands. According to the Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) in the USA (1992), employability skills can be divided into four clusters of basic skills, thinking skills, personal qualities, and workplace competence. These skills would give them an edge during interviews and increase their chances of getting employed. Malaysia has been experiencing graduate unemployability. Approximately 60% of graduates remain unemployed for minimum of a year after graduation (“Graduate Employability”, 2020). There are many factors that contribute to graduate unemployability such as lack of experience, language proficiency, communication skills, problem-solving skills, and critical thinking skills (Hanapi & Nordin, 2014; Lim et al., 2016; Nooriah & Zakiah, 2017; Ooi & Ting, 2017). Employers often specify good communication skills and interpersonal skills as top requirements in job advertisements (Bakar et al., 2007; Ooi & Ting, 2017). However, graduates lack problem solving skills, communication skills (Hanapi & Nordin, 2014) and technical knowledge (Lim et al., 2016). In a knowledge-based economy, employees need to be independent and self-motivated (Menand, 2014) to acquire the necessary knowledge, information and high skill levels to cope with the fast pace of technological change. There is currently scarcity of findings on whether universities and students are preparing themselves appropriately to meet the expectations of employers. The study investigated importance of employability and communication skills based on the views of employers, lecturers and students. The research questions were: (1) how good are university students in their employability and communication skills? and (2) do employers and lecturers agree on the most important skills an effective employee should have? The descriptive study involved the use of a questionnaire on employability skills and language skills (listening and speaking, reading and writing). The items were formulated using a five-point rating scale of (1) not at all, (2) to some extent, (3) just enough, (4) to a reasonable extent, and (5) to a great extent. In addition, the questionnaire required lecturers and employers to select the top 10 skills out of the 25 skills listed. The data were collected from 123 students, 26 lecturers from a public university, and 26 employers in Sarawak, East Malaysia. The students were mostly female (74.80% female, 25.20% male) and had weak to moderate language proficiency, measured using the Malaysian University English Test (MUET). There were slightly more males among lecturers (12 female, 14 male) and employers (11 female, 15 male). The average years of work experience for lecturers was 8.7 (range: 1-25) and for employers, the average was 5.6 (range: 1-15). For the analysis, means and frequencies were calculated for comparison of the three perspectives on the importance of communication and employability skills. The results showed that there was a difference among employers, lecturers, and students in their ratings of how good university students are in their employability and communication skills. The students overrated themselves in all three set of skills. Based on the mean scores, the students rated themselves as having a moderate level of employability (M=3.74), reading and writing skills (M=3.75), and listening and speaking skills (M=3.61). The lecturers rated the university students as having a moderate level of skills as well, but the mean scores were slightly lower than the students’ (employability, M= 3.54; reading and writing skills, M=3.49; listening and speaking skills, M=3.29). To the employers, only the fresh graduates’ listening and speaking skills were moderate but on the weak side (M=3.15). The employers found the fresh graduates’ reading and writing skills (M=2.97) and listening and speaking skills (M=2.92) to be slightly weak. Interestingly, the students and lecturers rated the graduates’ employability skills to be moderate but the employers considered them to be weak. Another contrast was the students’ listening and speaking skills, which the students and lecturers considered to be the lowest level, compared to employability and reading and writing skills. However, the employers considered the fresh graduates’ listening and speaking skills to be better than the other two skills. This comparison shows that there is a mismatch in the ratings of university students’ employability and communication skills given by employers, lecturers, and students. The employers’ expectation was higher than the lecturers’. In other words, most employers expect students to be ready to handle the demands of the workforce upon graduation but sadly, most graduates fell short of their expectations. The employers may feel that they have to spoon feed the graduates on various matters upon graduation and they prefer employees who have a strong set of communication and employability skills. Next, the results on the ranking of the important skills an effective employee should have also showed a mismatch in the perspectives of employers and lecturers. To the employers, the top two skills were time management and problem-solving aptitude, both of which were employability skills. To the lecturers, the top two skills were leadership qualities and teamwork spirit, which were also employability skills. The employers prioritised skills for efficient handling of work situations to meet deadlines but the lecturers focussed on skills for the completion of group work. The mismatch shows that lecturers and universities may have overlooked the need to train students to be versatile to solve problems and complete projects on time. Indeed, students often submit work late and are not independent enough to resolve questions concerning their projects on their own, and constantly have to consult lecturers. To increase graduate employability, universities need to collaborate strategically with the industry to resolve the mismatch of expectations, as other Malaysian studies have also found a mismatch (Nadarajah, 2021; Nesaratnam et al., 2020). However, because of the fast-changing work environment, students need to develop lifelong learning skills so that they can develop their expertise, knowledge base, and a lifelong learning mindset to stay relevant. References Bakar, A. R., Mohamed, S., & Hanafi, I. (2007). Employability skills: Malaysian employers perspectives. The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, 2(1), 263-274. Curtis, D. D., & McKenzie, P. (2002). Employability skills for Australian industry: Literature review and framework development. http://www.voced.edu.au/content/ngv33428 Graduate employability: A priority of the Education Ministry. (2020, February 18). News Straits Times. https://www.nst.com.my/news/nation/2020/02/566731/graduate-employability-priority-education-ministry Hanapi, Z., & Nordin, M. S. (2014). Unemployment among Malaysia graduates: Graduates’ attributes, lecturers’ competency and quality of education. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 112, 1056-1063. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.01.1269 Lim, Y. M, Teck, H. L., Ching, S. Y., & Chui, C. L. (2016). Employability skills, personal qualities, and early employment problems of entry-level auditors: Perspectives from employers, lecturers, auditors, and students. Journal of Education for Business, 91(4), 185-192. https://doi.org/10.1080/08832323.2016.1153998 Menand, H. (2014). Critical instruction, student achievement, and nurturing of global citizens: Global and comparative education in context. In S. A. Lawrence (Ed.), Critical practice in P-12 education (pp. 1-23). Hershey: Information Science Reference. Nadarajah, J. (2021). Measuring the gap in employability skills among Malaysian graduates. International Journal of Modern Trends in Social Sciences, 4(15), 81-87. https://doi.org/10.35631/IJMTSS.415007 Nesaratnam, S., Salleh, W. H. W., Foo, Y. V., Hisham, W. M. W. S. W. (2020). Enhancing English proficiency and communication skills among Malaysian graduates through training and coaching. International Journal of Learning and Development, 10(4), 1-12. https://doi.org/10.5296/ijld.v10i4.17875 Nooriah, Y., & Zakiah, J. (2017). Development of graduates employability: The role of university and challenges. Jurnal Personalia Pelajar, 20, 15-32. Ooi, K. B., & Ting, S. H. (2015). Employers’ emphasis on technical skills and soft skills in job advertisements. The English Teacher, 44(1), 1-12. Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) (1992). Learning a living: a blueprint for high performance. A SCANS report for America 2000. Washington: U.S. Department of Labour. Yorke, M. (2004). Employability in higher education: what it is – what it is not. York: The Higher Education Academy/ESECT