261,249 research outputs found

    Comparing process-based and constraint-based approaches for modeling macroecological patterns

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    Ecological patterns arise from the interplay of many different processes, and yet the emergence of consistent phenomena across a diverse range of ecological systems suggests that many patterns may in part be determined by statistical or numerical constraints. Differentiating the extent to which patterns in a given system are determined statistically, and where it requires explicit ecological processes, has been difficult. We tackled this challenge by directly comparing models from a constraint-based theory, the Maximum Entropy Theory of Ecology (METE) and models from a process-based theory, the size-structured neutral theory (SSNT). Models from both theories were capable of characterizing the distribution of individuals among species and the distribution of body size among individuals across 76 forest communities. However, the SSNT models consistently yielded higher overall likelihood, as well as more realistic characterizations of the relationship between species abundance and average body size of conspecific individuals. This suggests that the details of the biological processes contain additional information for understanding community structure that are not fully captured by the METE constraints in these systems. Our approach provides a first step towards differentiating between process- and constraint-based models of ecological systems and a general methodology for comparing ecological models that make predictions for multiple patterns.Comment: 45 pages, 3 main figures, 3 tables, 2 appendices. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1308.073

    The Research of the Ecosystem on Green Construction

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    Green construction ecosystem was studied. The author analyses the system of construction, and proposed the system of green construction based on ecology theory which was included subsystem of the condition, process and objective on the ecosystem in order to lay the foundation for system evaluation. The text analyses elements of green construction system, which would help to improve the competitiveness of green construction for construction enterprises, and meet the requirements of environmentally friendly, resource-saving society. The competitiveness of green construction was considered with objective which was evaluated to maximize the competitiveness, and it overcomes the current competitiveness evaluation from the owners and the interests of construction enterprises ignoring the ecological environment. It is a new method which could provide a strong support as a business strategy based on ecological environmental protection, development and green construction program formulation. Analyses indicators of competitiveness and the relationship of the construction phase, it could identify the main reason for the green effect, and find the need to improve measures in order to lay the foundation for further enhancing the competitiveness of construction enterprises

    Taking the long view: Cultivating an ecological worldview through the attentive observation of light

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    The concept of light as an ecological phenomenon serves as the catalyst for this practice-based artistic research investigation. The study adapts and applies psychologist James J. Gibson’s seminal text The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception (1979) as a methodological framework for practice-based ecological artistic research. Light as information is central to this enquiry which investigates the systemically entwined interrelation between light, perceiver and environment. Following Gibson’s ecological principles of mutuality, reciprocity and subjectivity, the perceiver is understood as an active participant in a holistic, direct and inseparable interaction with their environment. The act of perceiving cannot be separated from the experience of the environment or co-perception of the self. In Gibson’s ecological paradigm, visual perception takes places within a field of light defined as the ambient optic array. While Gibson’s ecological vision has a long association with art and design practice, his theory has not been adapted as a framework for practice-based artistic research. The Gibsonian methodology I develop combines artistic practice with ecological theory, visual perception and subjective observation. The framework is applied and tested through four practice-based artistic research projects using the research methods: Durational Observation, Ecological Lens and Reflective Artistic Practice. These methods are applied to investigate core tenets of Gibson’s theory through the attentive observation of light. The study is positioned within the emerging interdisciplinary field of ecological artistic scholarship. As an artist-researcher, my subjective interactions with light serve as a site for enquiry and reflection. My perceptual experience and the integrated process of attentive observation influence the quality and breadth of knowledge emerging from the study. Gibson’s concept of an education of attention, which considers the perceptual system capable of maturation and learning as it is sensitised to increasingly refined information, was applied to generate new knowledge by expanding my capacity to perceive my environment. This approach afforded a reciprocal dialogue between theoretical and experiential knowing as the foundation of the enquiry. The research demonstrates the value of Gibson’s theory as a framework for ecological artistic research. The research findings indicate that rigorous attentive observation of light leads to attunement; attunement to light leads to an education of attention; and an education of attention undertaken using the Gibsonian research framework cultivates an ecological worldview. This constitutes my original contribution to knowledge, which is supported by a body of evidence consisting of a comprehensive review of relevant theory and practice, visual data sets and light-based artworks. In establishing a research framework capable of cultivating an ecological worldview, my research affords a broader contribution in addressing the ecological imperatives increasingly influencing contemporary artistic and cultural discourse

    The herd moves? Emergence and self-organization in collective actors?

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    The puzzle about collective actors is in the focus of this contribution. The first section enters into the question of the adequateness and inadequateness of reductionist explanations for the description of entities. The considerations in this part do not draw on systems and hence not on principles of self-organisation, because this concept necessitates a systemic view. In other words, the first section discusses reductionism and holism on a very general level. The scope of these arguments goes far beyond self-organising systems. Pragmatically, these arguments will be discussed within the domain of corporative actors. Emergence is a concept embedded in system theory. Therefore, in the second part the previous general considerations about holism are integrated with respect to the concept “emergence”. In order to close the argument by exactly characterising self-organising systems and giving the conceptual link between self-organisation and emergence – which is done in the section four – the third section generally conceptualises systems. This conceptualisation is independent of whether these systems are self-organising or not. Feedback loops are specified as an essential component of systems. They establish the essential precondition of system-theoretic models where causes may also be effects and vice versa. System-theory is essential for dynamic models like ecological models and network thinking. In the fourth part mathematical chaos-theory bridges the gap between the presentation of systems in general and the constricted consideration of self-organising systems. The capability to behave or react chaotically is a necessary precondition of self-organisation. Nevertheless, there are striking differences in the answers given from theories of self-organisation in biology, economics or sociology on the question “What makes the whole more than the sum of its parts?” The fracture seems particularly salient at the borderline between formal-mathematical sciences like natural sciences including economy and other social sciences like sociology, for instance in the understanding and conceptualisation of “chaos” or “complexity”. Sometimes it creates the impression that originally well defined concepts from mathematics and natural science are metaphorically used in social sciences. This is a further reason why this paper concentrates on conceptualisations of self-organisation from natural sciences. The fifth part integrates the arguments from a system-theoretic point of view given in the three previous sections with respect to collective and corporative actors. Due to his prominence all five sections sometimes deal with the sociological system theory by Niklas Luhmann, especially in those parts with rigorous and important differences between his conception and the view given in this text. Despite Luhmann’s undoubted prominence in sociology, the present text strives for a more analytical and formal understanding of social systems and tries to find a base for another methodological approach.

    Social interaction, noise and antibiotic-mediated switches in the intestinal microbiota

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    The intestinal microbiota plays important roles in digestion and resistance against entero-pathogens. As with other ecosystems, its species composition is resilient against small disturbances but strong perturbations such as antibiotics can affect the consortium dramatically. Antibiotic cessation does not necessarily restore pre-treatment conditions and disturbed microbiota are often susceptible to pathogen invasion. Here we propose a mathematical model to explain how antibiotic-mediated switches in the microbiota composition can result from simple social interactions between antibiotic-tolerant and antibiotic-sensitive bacterial groups. We build a two-species (e.g. two functional-groups) model and identify regions of domination by antibiotic-sensitive or antibiotic-tolerant bacteria, as well as a region of multistability where domination by either group is possible. Using a new framework that we derived from statistical physics, we calculate the duration of each microbiota composition state. This is shown to depend on the balance between random fluctuations in the bacterial densities and the strength of microbial interactions. The singular value decomposition of recent metagenomic data confirms our assumption of grouping microbes as antibiotic-tolerant or antibiotic-sensitive in response to a single antibiotic. Our methodology can be extended to multiple bacterial groups and thus it provides an ecological formalism to help interpret the present surge in microbiome data.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures accepted for publication in Plos Comp Bio. Supplementary video and information availabl

    Reconciling cooperation, biodiversity and stability in complex ecological communities

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    Empirical observations show that ecological communities can have a huge number of coexisting species, also with few or limited number of resources. These ecosystems are characterized by multiple type of interactions, in particular displaying cooperative behaviors. However, standard modeling of population dynamics based on Lotka-Volterra type of equations predicts that ecosystem stability should decrease as the number of species in the community increases and that cooperative systems are less stable than communities with only competitive and/or exploitative interactions. Here we propose a stochastic model of population dynamics, which includes exploitative interactions as well as cooperative interactions induced by cross-feeding. The model is exactly solved and we obtain results for relevant macro-ecological patterns, such as species abundance distributions and correlation functions. In the large system size limit, any number of species can coexist for a very general class of interaction networks and stability increases as the number of species grows. For pure mutualistic/commensalistic interactions we determine the topological properties of the network that guarantee species coexistence. We also show that the stationary state is globally stable and that inferring species interactions through species abundance correlation analysis may be misleading. Our theoretical approach thus show that appropriate models of cooperation naturally leads to a solution of the long-standing question about complexity-stability paradox and on how highly biodiverse communities can coexist.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figure

    Ecological equivalence: a realistic assumption for niche theory as a testable alternative to neutral theory

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    Hubbell's 2001 neutral theory unifies biodiversity and biogeography by modelling steady-state distributions of species richness and abundances across spatio-temporal scales. Accurate predictions have issued from its core premise that all species have identical vital rates. Yet no ecologist believes that species are identical in reality. Here I explain this paradox in terms of the ecological equivalence that species must achieve at their coexistence equilibrium, defined by zero net fitness for all regardless of intrinsic differences between them. I show that the distinction of realised from intrinsic vital rates is crucial to evaluating community resilience. An analysis of competitive interactions reveals how zero-sum patterns of abundance emerge for species with contrasting life-history traits as for identical species. I develop a stochastic model to simulate community assembly from a random drift of invasions sustaining the dynamics of recruitment following deaths and extinctions. Species are allocated identical intrinsic vital rates for neutral dynamics, or random intrinsic vital rates and competitive abilities for niche dynamics either on a continuous scale or between dominant-fugitive extremes. Resulting communities have steady-state distributions of the same type for more or less extremely differentiated species as for identical species. All produce negatively skewed log-normal distributions of species abundance, zero-sum relationships of total abundance to area, and Arrhenius relationships of species to area. Intrinsically identical species nevertheless support fewer total individuals, because their densities impact as strongly on each other as on themselves. Truly neutral communities have measurably lower abundance/area and higher species/abundance ratios. Neutral scenarios can be parameterized as null hypotheses for testing competitive release, which is a sure signal of niche dynamics. Ignoring the true strength of interactions between and within species risks a substantial misrepresentation of community resilience to habitat los

    Macrosystems ecology: Understanding ecological patterns and processes at continental scales

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    Macrosystems ecology is the study of diverse ecological phenomena at the scale of regions to continents and their interactions with phenomena at other scales. This emerging subdiscipline addresses ecological questions and environmental problems at these broad scales. Here, we describe this new field, show how it relates to modern ecological study, and highlight opportunities that stem from taking a macrosystems perspective. We present a hierarchical framework for investigating macrosystems at any level of ecological organization and in relation to broader and finer scales. Building on well-established theory and concepts from other subdisciplines of ecology, we identify feedbacks, linkages among distant regions, and interactions that cross scales of space and time as the most likely sources of unexpected and novel behaviors in macrosystems. We present three examples that highlight the importance of this multiscaled systems perspective for understanding the ecology of regions to continents
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