526 research outputs found

    Machine Learning in Automated Text Categorization

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    The automated categorization (or classification) of texts into predefined categories has witnessed a booming interest in the last ten years, due to the increased availability of documents in digital form and the ensuing need to organize them. In the research community the dominant approach to this problem is based on machine learning techniques: a general inductive process automatically builds a classifier by learning, from a set of preclassified documents, the characteristics of the categories. The advantages of this approach over the knowledge engineering approach (consisting in the manual definition of a classifier by domain experts) are a very good effectiveness, considerable savings in terms of expert manpower, and straightforward portability to different domains. This survey discusses the main approaches to text categorization that fall within the machine learning paradigm. We will discuss in detail issues pertaining to three different problems, namely document representation, classifier construction, and classifier evaluation.Comment: Accepted for publication on ACM Computing Survey

    Concept drift learning and its application to adaptive information filtering

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    Tracking the evolution of user interests is a problem instance of concept drift learning. Keeping track of multiple interest categories is a natural phenomenon as well as an interesting tracking problem because interests can emerge and diminish at different time frames. The first part of this dissertation presents a Multiple Three-Descriptor Representation (MTDR) algorithm, a novel algorithm for learning concept drift especially built for tracking the dynamics of multiple target concepts in the information filtering domain. The learning process of the algorithm combines the long-term and short-term interest (concept) models in an attempt to benefit from the strength of both models. The MTDR algorithm improves over existing concept drift learning algorithms in the domain. Being able to track multiple target concepts with a few examples poses an even more important and challenging problem because casual users tend to be reluctant to provide the examples needed, and learning from a few labeled data is generally difficult. The second part presents a computational Framework for Extending Incomplete Labeled Data Stream (FEILDS). The system modularly extends the capability of an existing concept drift learner in dealing with incomplete labeled data stream. It expands the learner's original input stream with relevant unlabeled data; the process generates a new stream with improved learnability. FEILDS employs a concept formation system for organizing its input stream into a concept (cluster) hierarchy. The system uses the concept and cluster hierarchy to identify the instance's concept and unlabeled data relevant to a concept. It also adopts the persistence assumption in temporal reasoning for inferring the relevance of concepts. Empirical evaluation indicates that FEILDS is able to improve the performance of existing learners particularly when learning from a stream with a few labeled data. Lastly, a new concept formation algorithm, one of the key components in the FEILDS architecture, is presented. The main idea is to discover intrinsic hierarchical structures regardless of the class distribution and the shape of the input stream. Experimental evaluation shows that the algorithm is relatively robust to input ordering, consistently producing a hierarchy structure of high quality

    A New Similarity Measure for Document Classification and Text Mining

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    Accurate, efficient and fast processing of textual data and classification of electronic documents have become an important key factor in knowledge management and related businesses in today’s world. Text mining, information retrieval, and document classification systems have a strong positive impact on digital libraries and electronic content management, e-marketing, electronic archives, customer relationship management, decision support systems, copyright infringement, and plagiarism detection, which strictly affect economics, businesses, and organizations. In this study, we propose a new similarity measure that can be used with k-nearest neighbors (k-NN) and Rocchio algorithms, which are some of the well-known algorithms for document classification, information retrieval, and some other text mining purposes. We have tested our novel similarity measure with some structured textual data sets and we have compared the results with some other standard distance metrics and similarity measures such as Cosine similarity, Euclidean distance, and Pearson correlation coefficient. We have obtained some promising results, which show that this proposed similarity measure could be alternatively used within all suitable algorithms, methods, and models for text mining, document classification, and relevant knowledge management systems. Keywords: text mining, document classification, similarity measures, k-NN, Rocchio algorith

    Constructing taxonomies using results from portuguese news articles topic distillation

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Informática e Computação. Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Engenharia. 201

    An information-theoretic framework for semantic-multimedia retrieval

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    This article is set in the context of searching text and image repositories by keyword. We develop a unified probabilistic framework for text, image, and combined text and image retrieval that is based on the detection of keywords (concepts) using automated image annotation technology. Our framework is deeply rooted in information theory and lends itself to use with other media types. We estimate a statistical model in a multimodal feature space for each possible query keyword. The key element of our framework is to identify feature space transformations that make them comparable in complexity and density. We select the optimal multimodal feature space with a minimum description length criterion from a set of candidate feature spaces that are computed with the average-mutual-information criterion for the text part and hierarchical expectation maximization for the visual part of the data. We evaluate our approach in three retrieval experiments (only text retrieval, only image retrieval, and text combined with image retrieval), verify the framework’s low computational complexity, and compare with existing state-of-the-art ad-hoc models

    On the Impact of Entity Linking in Microblog Real-Time Filtering

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    Microblogging is a model of content sharing in which the temporal locality of posts with respect to important events, either of foreseeable or unforeseeable nature, makes applica- tions of real-time filtering of great practical interest. We propose the use of Entity Linking (EL) in order to improve the retrieval effectiveness, by enriching the representation of microblog posts and filtering queries. EL is the process of recognizing in an unstructured text the mention of relevant entities described in a knowledge base. EL of short pieces of text is a difficult task, but it is also a scenario in which the information EL adds to the text can have a substantial impact on the retrieval process. We implement a start-of-the-art filtering method, based on the best systems from the TREC Microblog track realtime adhoc retrieval and filtering tasks , and extend it with a Wikipedia-based EL method. Results show that the use of EL significantly improves over non-EL based versions of the filtering methods.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, 1 table. SAC 2015, Salamanca, Spain - April 13 - 17, 201

    Effective pattern discovery for text mining

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    Many data mining techniques have been proposed for mining useful patterns in text documents. However, how to effectively use and update discovered patterns is still an open research issue, especially in the domain of text mining. Since most existing text mining methods adopted term-based approaches, they all suffer from the problems of polysemy and synonymy. Over the years, people have often held the hypothesis that pattern (or phrase) based approaches should perform better than the term-based ones, but many experiments did not support this hypothesis. This paper presents an innovative technique, effective pattern discovery which includes the processes of pattern deploying and pattern evolving, to improve the effectiveness of using and updating discovered patterns for finding relevant and interesting information. Substantial experiments on RCV1 data collection and TREC topics demonstrate that the proposed solution achieves encouraging performance