18,843 research outputs found

    A survey of scan-capture power reduction techniques

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    With the advent of sub-nanometer geometries, integrated circuits (ICs) are required to be checked for newer defects. While scan-based architectures help detect these defects using newer fault models, test data inflation happens, increasing test time and test cost. An automatic test pattern generator (ATPG) exercise’s multiple fault sites simultaneously to reduce test data which causes elevated switching activity during the capture cycle. The switching activity results in an IR drop exceeding the devices under test (DUT) specification. An increase in IR-drop leads to failure of the patterns and may cause good DUTs to fail the test. The problem is severe during at-speed scan testing, which uses a functional rated clock with a high frequency for the capture operation. Researchers have proposed several techniques to reduce capture power. They used various methods, including the reduction of switching activity. This paper reviews the recently proposed techniques. The principle, algorithm, and architecture used in them are discussed, along with key advantages and limitations. In addition, it provides a classification of the techniques based on the method used and its application. The goal is to present a survey of the techniques and prepare a platform for future development in capture power reduction during scan testing

    An Efficient Algorithm to Selectively Gate Scan Cells for Capture Power Reduction

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    [[abstract]]Recently, power dissipation in full-scan testing has brought a great challenge for test engineers. In addition to shift power reduction, excessive switching activity during capture operation may lead to circuit malfunction and yield loss. In this paper, a new algorithm is proposed with using clock gating technique on a part of the scan cells to prevent the internal circuit from unnecessary transitions. These scan cells are divided into several exclusive scan groups. For each test vector, only a portion of the scan groups are activated to store the test response per capture cycle. The proposed method can reduce the capture power dissipation without any influence on fault coverage or testing time. Experimental results for ISCAS'89 benchmark circuits show that the capture power reduction in test sequence can up to 55%.[[notice]]補正完畢[[incitationindex]]EI[[booktype]]紙

    Studies on Core-Based Testing of System-on-Chips Using Functional Bus and Network-on-Chip Interconnects

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    The tests of a complex system such as a microprocessor-based system-onchip (SoC) or a network-on-chip (NoC) are difficult and expensive. In this thesis, we propose three core-based test methods that reuse the existing functional interconnects-a flat bus, hierarchical buses of multiprocessor SoC's (MPSoC), and a N oC-in order to avoid the silicon area cost of a dedicated test access mechanism (TAM). However, the use of functional interconnects as functional TAM's introduces several new problems. During tests, the interconnects-including the bus arbitrator, the bus bridges, and the NoC routers-operate in the functional mode to transport the test stimuli and responses, while the core under tests (CUT) operate in the test mode. Second, the test data is transported to the CUT through the functional bus, and not directly to the test port. Therefore, special core test wrappers that can provide the necessary control signals required by the different functional interconnect are proposed. We developed two types of wrappers, one buffer-based wrapper for the bus-based systems and another pair of complementary wrappers for the NoCbased systems. Using the core test wrappers, we propose test scheduling schemes for the three functionally different types of interconnects. The test scheduling scheme for a flat bus is developed based on an efficient packet scheduling scheme that minimizes both the buffer sizes and the test time under a power constraint. The schedulingscheme is then extended to take advantage of the hierarchical bus architecture of the MPSoC systems. The third test scheduling scheme based on the bandwidth sharing is developed specifically for the NoC-based systems. The test scheduling is performed under the objective of co-optimizing the wrapper area cost and the resulting test application time using the two complementary NoC wrappers. For each of the proposed methodology for the three types of SoC architec .. ture, we conducted a thorough experimental evaluation in order to verify their effectiveness compared to other methods

    Compressed Skewed-Load Delay Test Generation Based on Evolution and Deterministic Initialization of Populations

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    The current design and manufacturing semiconductor technologies require to test the products against delay related defects. However, complex acpSOC require low-overhead testability methods to keep the test cost at an acceptable level. Skewed-load tests seem to be the appropriate way to test delay faults in these acpSOC because the test application requires only one storage element per scan cell. Compressed skewed-load test generator based on genetic algorithm is proposed for wrapper-based logic cores of acpSOC. Deterministic population initialization is used to ensure the highest achievable aclTDF coverage for the given wrapper and scan cell order. The developed method performs test data compression by generating test vectors containing already overlapped test vector pairs. The experimental results show high fault coverages, decreased test lengths and better scalability in comparison to recent methods


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    The integrated circuit (IC) is an integral part of everyday modern technology, and its application is very attractive to hardware and software design engineers because of its versatility, integration, power consumption, cost, and board area reduction. IC is available in various types such as Field Programming Gate Array (FPGA), Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC), System on Chip (SoC) architecture, Digital Signal Processing (DSP), microcontrollers (μC), and many more. With technology demand focused on faster, low power consumption, efficient IC application, design engineers are facing tremendous challenges in developing and testing integrated circuits that guaranty functionality, high fault coverage, and reliability as the transistor technology is shrinking to the point where manufacturing defects of ICs are affecting yield which associates with the increased cost of the part. The competitive IC market is pressuring manufactures of ICs to develop and market IC in a relatively quick turnaround which in return requires design and verification engineers to develop an integrated self-test structure that would ensure fault-free and the quality product is delivered on the market. 70-80% of IC design is spent on verification and testing to ensure high quality and reliability for the enduser. To test complex and sophisticated IC designs, the verification engineers must produce laborious and costly test fixtures which affect the cost of the part on the competitive market. To avoid increasing the part cost due to yield and test time to the end-user and to keep up with the competitive market many IC design engineers are deviating from complex external test fixture approach and are focusing on integrating Built-in Self-Test (BIST) or Design for Test (DFT) techniques onto IC’s which would reduce time to market but still guarantee high coverage for the product. Understanding the BIST, the architecture, as well as the application of IC, must be understood before developing IC. The architecture of FPGA is elaborated in this paper followed by several BIST techniques and applications of those BIST relative to FPGA, SoC, analog to digital (ADC), or digital to analog converters (DAC) that are integrated on IC. Paper is concluded with verification of BIST for the 32-bit adder/subtracter designed in Quartus II software using the Analog Discovery 2 module as stimulus and DE0-NANO FPGA board for verification

    Satellite on-board processing for earth resources data

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    Results of a survey of earth resources user applications and their data requirements, earth resources multispectral scanner sensor technology, and preprocessing algorithms for correcting the sensor outputs and for data bulk reduction are presented along with a candidate data format. Computational requirements required to implement the data analysis algorithms are included along with a review of computer architectures and organizations. Computer architectures capable of handling the algorithm computational requirements are suggested and the environmental effects of an on-board processor discussed. By relating performance parameters to the system requirements of each of the user requirements the feasibility of on-board processing is determined for each user. A tradeoff analysis is performed to determine the sensitivity of results to each of the system parameters. Significant results and conclusions are discussed, and recommendations are presented
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