10 research outputs found

    A Taxonomy of Web Site Traversal Patterns and Structures

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    As electronic commerce grows rapidly and web sites proliferate, the issue of web site design becomes increaasingly important. A significant aspect of web side design is the set of choices for traversing from one web site page to another and the ramifiations that these choices have for establishing the overall flow patterns throughout the web site. This study establishes a taxonomy of web site traversal patterns and structures which will allow the organized study of the navigational aspects of web site design. It also points out the ramifications of key structures. Finally, it describes how the use of traversal patterns and structures can achieve web sites that range from loose to tight control of the end user\u27s experience in visiting the web site

    The W Life Cycle Model and Associated Methodology for Corporate Web Site Development

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    The last few years witnessed the increasing internal and external use of the Internet by organizations. Web sites grew in sophistication from conventional sites composed of a simple collection of Web pages for public relations or marketing to complex Web information systems dealing with business-to-customer transactions or business-to-business networks. However, most organizations still do not have a formal process of Web site development, and corporate Web sites are often developed in an unorganized and uncoordinated fashion. The results of this chaotic situation include slow delivery, conflicting standards, discrepancies with respect to corporate objectives, and redundant development efforts. To help alleviate this situation, this paper presents the W software life cycle model for corporate web site development along with an associated methodology to guide Web development groups in their endeavors. The proposed process model and methodology are based on insights gleaned by studying development projects for three types of corporate Web sites: intranets, Web-presence sites, and transactional sites. However, because Web information systems are more complex, the article also provides recommendations for how the methodology can be adapted to handle these types of applications better

    Performance tuning and cost discovery of mobile web-based applications

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    When considering the addition of a mobile presentation channel to an existing web-based application, project managers should know how the mobile channel|s characteristics will impact the user experience and the cost of using the application, even before development begins. The PETTICOAT (Performance Tuning and cost discovery of mobile web-based Applications) approach presented here provides decision-makers with indicators on the economical feasibility of mobile channel development. In a nutshell, it involves analysing interaction patterns on the existing stationary channel, identifying key business processes among them, measuring the time and data volume incurred in their execution, and then simulating how the same interaction patterns would run when subjected to the frame conditions of a mobile channel. As a result of the simulation, we then gain time and volume projections for those interaction patterns that allow us to estimate the costs incurred by executing certain business processes on different mobile channels

    Cost Simulation and Performance Optimization of Web-based Applications on Mobile Channels

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    When considering the addition of a mobile presentation channel to an existing web-based application, a key question that has to be answered even before development begins is how the mobile channel's characteristics will impact the user experience and the cost of using the application. If either of these factors is outside acceptable limits, economical considerations may forbid adding the channels, even if it would be feasible from a purely technical perspective. Both of these factors depend considerably on two metrics: The time required to transmit data over the mobile network, and the volume transmitted. The PETTICOAT method presented in this paper uses the dialog flow model and web server log files of an existing application to identify typical interaction sequences and to compile volume statistics, which are then run through a tool that simulates the volume and time that would be incurred by executing the interaction sequences on a mobile channel. From the simulated volume and time data, we can then calculate the cost of accessing the application on a mobile channel, and derive suitable approaches for optimizing cost and response times

    Fatores de atratividade nos web sites: a realidade dos hotéis de Florianópolis, SC

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    The adoption of the worldwide web by companies has grown in many branches, such as the financial, telecommunication and tourism sector, among others. Issues related to content, design, image, interaction, security and privacy have been discussed in the realm of information technology. Its use is directly linked to the interest in keeping the organizations with a competitive edge that may assure their continuity. Studies have shown, however, that the goal and stage of adoption of the web by companies are variable. In this context, the aim of this investigation is to make a diagnosis of the Brazilian hotel companies in the city of Florianópolis, state of Santa Catarina, as to their use of the web site. It is of an exploratory and descriptive nature, and its data have been collected from 83 web sites. The main results are: incipient use of web sites; web sites with informational characteristics; policies of privacy and security represent barriers that have to be overcome. Key words: hotel, web, attractiveness factors, diagnosis.A adoção da web pelas empresas tem crescido em muitos segmentos, como, por exemplo, financeiro, telecomunicações, turismo, entre outros. Questões relativas ao conteúdo, design, imagem, interação, além da segurança e privacidade, têm sido discutidas no âmbito da tecnologia de informação. A sua utilização está diretamente ligada ao interesse em manter as organizações com uma capacidade competitiva que assegure a sua continuidade. Estudos têm evidenciado, entretanto, que, o objetivo e o estágio de adoção da web pelas empresas são variáveis. Nesse contexto, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi realizar um diagnóstico da situação das empresas hoteleiras de Florianópolis (SC), no que se refere à utilização do web site. O estudo é de natureza exploratória e descritiva, sendo os dados coletados por acesso a 83 web sites. Os principais resultados foram: uso incipiente dos web sites; web sites com características informacionais; políticas de privacidade e segurança representam barreiras a serem transpostas. Palavras-chave: Hotel, web, fatores de atratividade, diagnóstico

    Fortellerteknikk og design av politiske partiers nettsteder

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    The thesis investigates how narrative techniques or a narrative form can support the design of political websites. The emphasis is on how known dilemmas, related to narrative and new media, can be resolved in the context of how these websites are designed today. Theoretically, this thesis explores two solutions to three dilemmas; variability contra wholeness, variability contra intention and variability contra immersion. The first solution is about "readers narrative" and the second solution is about "intelligent interfaces". Having criticized these two solutions, the thesis briefly explores a third alternative: narrative information architectures. Interviews with professionals responsible for the design of Norwegian political parties websites, and an analysis of these sites, supports the claim that there are almost no use of narrative elements on these sites today. A prototype is developed to investigate how a narrative website could be designed, and how users respond to this design. The prototype is based on the accordeon or string-of-pearls document structure with restricted navigation and have been is evaluated alongside an ordinary political website. The users preferred conventional or semantic constraints rather than technical or spatial. They appreciated the narrative structure of the prototype, not the restricted navigation

    Virtual store atmosphere in internet retailing: Measuring virtual retail store layout effects on consumer buying behaviour

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University.The research presented in this dissertation is concerned with the effects of the "virtual store atmosphere" on consumer buying behaviour within the context of Internet retailing. More specifically, the focus of this research is to investigate whether the virtual store layout, as a major virtual store atmosphere determinant, affects consumer buying behaviour during shopping activity within a virtual grocery store over the Web. The present research is of a multidisciplinary nature and belongs to the field of Internet Retailing, in which there is not to date an exhaustive established theory available as the case is for conventional retailing. Therefore, the relevant literature covers the established theories in the areas of Marketing, Retailing and Consumer Behaviour along with current research in Internet retailing. Moreover, Human Computer Interaction (HCI) served as an important theoretical tool as far as Web site design principles and guidelines are concerned. The research hypotheses were mainly generated based on the conventional retail store layout literature review. They were tested through a laboratory experiment employing a causal research approach. To that end, a virtual retail laboratory store employing the three most common conventional retailing layouts (i.e., grid, freeform, and racetrack) was developed in three versions (i.e., one version per layout), following the concept and rules applied in each specific layout type. Therefore, the layout was the only manipulated variable (treatment), since all other potential influencing factors remained the same. The findings of the present study indicate that conventional retailing store layout theory is not applicable on its present form in the context of Internet retailing. Furthermore, the layout was found to affect consumer buying behaviour regarding "perceived usefulness towards searching for and buying shopping list products," "perceived ease of using the store," "perceived entertainment during shopping activity" and "time spent for shopping." However, it was found that the layout does not significantly affect "promotion effectiveness" and "impulse purchases." Based on the research findings, the "freegrid" layout (i.e., a new layout type) was introduced as an emerging layout for Internet retailing. The suggested layout contributes toward the Internet retailing theory development, as well as toward the provision of direct managerial implications. Finally, the present research provides several future research directions dealing with the virtual store atmosphere effects on consumer buying behaviour

    Supporting Organisational Critical Activities From Web Sites: An Evaluation Methodology Development

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    quot; Organisational critical activities quot; (OCAs) are activities which must be conducted by the organisation constantly in order to be successful in the industry. They are recognised as being essential to short, medium, and long-term success in that industry, have been significantly resourced and receive regular senior management monitoring and direction. Although these activities are extremely important, some empirical studies have shown that they are not well supported by organisations, particularly in the area of Web support. This thesis develops an evaluation methodology called the quot;organisational critical activity Web support evaluation methodology quot; (OCAWSEM) which can be utilised to elicit OCAs from organisations, evaluate whether an organisation acutes; OCAs are being supported by its Web site, and provide guidance on how the organisation can improve its Web site. To develop the OCAWSEM, this thesis reviews the relevant literature and proposes a prototype OCAWSEM. A new iterative case design (ICD) approach has been used in order to further develop the prototype, and then to test the improved OCAWSEM. The selected field cases were eight universities in New Zealand. In total, 43 semi-structured interviews were conducted with senior teams, middle level managers, and Web teams. A systematic review of these universitiesacute Web sites was performed from the provideracutes, rather than the useracutes perspective. The outcome shows that the Developed OCAWSEM is a valid and reliable methodology for the evaluation of the support for OCAs from Web sites in the universities in New Zealand. This thesis provides useful lessons, drawn from the development and testing processes, as the basis from which to develop more specific OCAWSEMs for use in other organisational and industry contexts. Both practitioners and academicians can gain a deeper understanding of the notion of OCAs, better elicit OCAs from management, conduct Web site evaluations, and discuss the support of the Web sites for the OCAs

    Online-Shopping: Einflussfaktoren auf Auswahl- und Nutzungsentscheidungen von Electronic-Commerce-Anwendungen im Dienstleistungsbereich

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    Die vorliegende Untersuchung untermauert die Bedeutung der Usability für den Bereich der Online-Dienstleistungen am Beispiel der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung und ergänzt sie, indem sie den Einfluss des Involvement auf die Usability einbezieht. Es wurde eine Skala zur Erfassung der Usability von dienstleistungsorientierten Webanwendungen geschaffen. Das Instrument unterscheidet zwischen zwei Formen von Messmodellen und damit auch zwei Skalen, einer reflektiven Skala zur Erfassung von Usability-Globalurteilen und einer formativen Skala zur Erfassung der wesentlichen Usabilityaspekte