10 research outputs found

    A Survey of Hashing Techniques for High Performance Computing

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    Hashing is a well-known and widely used technique for providing O(1) access to large files on secondary storage and tables in memory. Hashing techniques were introduced in the early 60s. The term hash function historically is used to denote a function that compresses a string of arbitrary input to a string of fixed length. Hashing finds applications in other fields such as fuzzy matching, error checking, authentication, cryptography, and networking. Hashing techniques have found application to provide faster access in routing tables, with the increase in the size of the routing tables. More recently, hashing has found applications in transactional memory in hardware. Motivated by these newly emerged applications of hashing, in this paper we present a survey of hashing techniques starting from traditional hashing methods with greater emphasis on the recent developments. We provide a brief explanation on hardware hashing and a brief introduction to transactional memory

    Improving the detection of On-line Vertical Port Scan in IP Traffic

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    International audienceWe propose in this paper an on-line algorithm based on Bloom filters to detect port scan attacks in IP traffic. Only relevant information about destination IP addresses and destination ports are stored in two steps in a two-dimensional Bloom filter. This algorithm can be indefinitely performed on a real traffic stream thanks to a new adaptive refreshing scheme that closely follows traffic variations. It is a scalable algorithm able to deal with IP traffic at a very high bit rate thanks to the use of hashing functions over a sliding window. Moreover it does not need any a priori knowledge about traffic characteristics. When tested against real IP traffic, the proposed on-line algorithm performs well in the sense that it detects all the port scan attacks within a very short response time of only 10 seconds without any false positive

    Retouched Bloom Filters: Allowing Networked Applications to Flexibly Trade Off False Positives Against False Negatives

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    Where distributed agents must share voluminous set membership information, Bloom filters provide a compact, though lossy, way for them to do so. Numerous recent networking papers have examined the trade-offs between the bandwidth consumed by the transmission of Bloom filters, and the error rate, which takes the form of false positives, and which rises the more the filters are compressed. In this paper, we introduce the retouched Bloom filter (RBF), an extension that makes the Bloom filter more flexible by permitting the removal of selected false positives at the expense of generating random false negatives. We analytically show that RBFs created through a random process maintain an overall error rate, expressed as a combination of the false positive rate and the false negative rate, that is equal to the false positive rate of the corresponding Bloom filters. We further provide some simple heuristics and improved algorithms that decrease the false positive rate more than than the corresponding increase in the false negative rate, when creating RBFs. Finally, we demonstrate the advantages of an RBF over a Bloom filter in a distributed network topology measurement application, where information about large stop sets must be shared among route tracing monitors.Comment: This is a new version of the technical reports with improved algorithms and theorical analysis of algorithm

    Counteracting Bloom Filter Encoding Techniques for Private Record Linkage

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    Record Linkage is a process of combining records representing same entity spread across multiple and different data sources, primarily for data analytics. Traditionally, this could be performed with comparing personal identifiers present in data (e.g., given name, surname, social security number etc.). However, sharing information across databases maintained by disparate organizations leads to exchange of personal information pertaining to an individual. In practice, various statutory regulations and policies prohibit the disclosure of such identifiers. Private record linkage (PRL) techniques have been implemented to execute record linkage without disclosing any information about other dissimilar records. Various techniques have been proposed to implement PRL, including cryptographically secure multi-party computational protocols. However, these protocols have been debated over the scalability factors as they are computationally extensive by nature. Bloom filter encoding (BFE) for private record linkage has become a topic of recent interest in the medical informatics community due to their versatility and ability to match records approximately in a manner that is (ostensibly) privacy-preserving. It also has the advantage of computing matches directly in plaintext space making them much faster than their secure mutli-party computation counterparts. The trouble with BFEs lies in their security guarantees: by their very nature BFEs leak information to assist in the matching process. Despite this known shortcoming, BFEs continue to be studied in the context of new heuristically designed countermeasures to address known attacks. A new class of set-intersection attack is proposed in this thesis which re-examines the security of BFEs by conducting experiments, demonstrating an inverse relationship between security and accuracy. With real-world deployment of BFEs in the health information sector approaching, the results from this work will generate renewed discussion around the security of BFEs as well as motivate research into new, more efficient multi-party protocols for private approximate matching

    Diagnosing Errors inside Computer Networks Based on the Typo Errors

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    Cieľom tejto diplomovej práce je vytvorenie systému pre sieťovú diagnostiku na základe vyhľadávania a opravy preklepov. Systém má slúžiť sieťovým administrátorom ako ďalší diagnostický nástroj. Na rozdiel od primárneho využitia detekcie a korekcie slova v bežnom texte sú tieto metódy aplikované na sieťové dáta, ktoré sú zadané od užívateľa. Vytvorený systém pracuje s NetFlow dátami, pcap súbormi alebo záznamami aktivity. Kontext je modelovaný rôznymi vytvorenými kategóriami dát. Pre overenie správnosti slov sa používajú slovníky, kde každá kategória používa svoj. Hľadanie opravy iba podľa editačnej vzdialenosti vedie k viacerým výsledkom a pre výber správneho kandidáta bola navrhnutá heuristika ohodnotenia kandidátov. Vytvorený systém bol otestovaný z pohľadu funkčnosti a výkonnosti.The goal of this diploma thesis is to create system for network data diagnostics based on detecting and correcting spelling errors. The system is intended to be used by network administrators as next diagnostics tool. As opposed to the primary use of detection and correction spelling error in common text, these methods are applied to network data, which are given by the user. Created system works with NetFlow data, pcap files or log files. Context is modeled with different created data categories. Dictionaries are used to verify the correctness of words, where each category uses its own. Finding a correction only according to the edit distance leads to many results and therefore a heuristic for evaluating candidates was proposed for selecting the right candidate. The created system was tested in terms of functionality and performance.

    Modeling Algorithm Performance on Highly-threaded Many-core Architectures

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    The rapid growth of data processing required in various arenas of computation over the past decades necessitates extensive use of parallel computing engines. Among those, highly-threaded many-core machines, such as GPUs have become increasingly popular for accelerating a diverse range of data-intensive applications. They feature a large number of hardware threads with low-overhead context switches to hide the memory access latencies and therefore provide high computational throughput. However, understanding and harnessing such machines places great challenges on algorithm designers and performance tuners due to the complex interaction of threads and hierarchical memory subsystems of these machines. The achieved performance jointly depends on the parallelism exploited by the algorithm, the effectiveness of latency hiding, and the utilization of multiprocessors (occupancy). Contemporary work tries to model the performance of GPUs from various aspects with different emphasis and granularity. However, no model considers all of these factors together at the same time. This dissertation presents an analytical framework that jointly addresses parallelism, latency-hiding, and occupancy for both theoretical and empirical performance analysis of algorithms on highly-threaded many-core machines so that it can guide both algorithm design and performance tuning. In particular, this framework not only helps to explore and reduce the runtime configuration space for tuning kernel execution on GPUs, but also reflects performance bottlenecks and predicts how the runtime will trend as the problem and other parameters scale. The framework consists of a pair of analytical models with one focusing on higher-level asymptotic algorithm performance on GPUs and the other one emphasizing lower-level details about scheduling and runtime configuration. Based on the two models, we have conducted extensive analysis of a large set of algorithms. Two analysis provides interesting results and explains previously unexplained data. In addition, the two models are further bridged and combined as a consistent framework. The framework is able to provide an end-to-end methodology for algorithm design, evaluation, comparison, implementation, and prediction of real runtime on GPUs fairly accurately. To demonstrate the viability of our methods, the models are validated through data from implementations of a variety of classic algorithms, including hashing, Bloom filters, all-pairs shortest path, matrix multiplication, FFT, merge sort, list ranking, string matching via suffix tree/array, etc. We evaluate the models\u27 performance across a wide spectrum of parameters, data values, and machines. The results indicate that the models can be effectively used for algorithm performance analysis and runtime prediction on highly-threaded many-core machines

    Exploiting the Computational Power of Ternary Content Addressable Memory

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    Ternary Content Addressable Memory or in short TCAM is a special type of memory that can execute a certain set of operations in parallel on all of its words. Because of power consumption and relatively small storage capacity, it has only been used in special environments. Over the past few years its cost has been reduced and its storage capacity has increased signifi cantly and these exponential trends are continuing. Hence it can be used in more general environments for larger problems. In this research we study how to exploit its computational power in order to speed up fundamental problems and needless to say that we barely scratched the surface. The main problems that has been addressed in our research are namely Boolean matrix multiplication, approximate subset queries using bloom filters, Fixed universe priority queues and network flow classi cation. For Boolean matrix multiplication our simple algorithm has a run time of O (d(N^2)/w) where N is the size of the square matrices, w is the number of bits in each word of TCAM and d is the maximum number of ones in a row of one of the matrices. For the Fixed universe priority queue problems we propose two data structures one with constant time complexity and space of O((1/ε)n(U^ε)) and the other one in linear space and amortized time complexity of O((lg lg U)/(lg lg lg U)) which beats the best possible data structure in the RAM model namely Y-fast trees. Considering each word of TCAM as a bloom filter, we modify the hash functions of the bloom filter and propose a data structure which can use the information capacity of each word of TCAM more efi ciently by using the co-occurrence probability of possible members. And finally in the last chapter we propose a novel technique for network flow classi fication using TCAM

    An automated Chinese text processing system (ACCESS): user-friendly interface and feature enhancement.

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    Suen Tow Sunny.Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1994.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 65-67).Introduction --- p.1Chapter 1. --- ACCESS with an Extendible User-friendly X/Chinese Interface --- p.4Chapter 1.1. --- System requirement --- p.4Chapter 1.1.1. --- User interface issue --- p.4Chapter 1.1.2. --- Development issue --- p.5Chapter 1.2. --- Development decision --- p.6Chapter 1.2.1. --- X window system --- p.6Chapter 1.2.2. --- X/Chinese toolkit --- p.7Chapter 1.2.3. --- C language --- p.8Chapter 1.2.4. --- Source code control system --- p.8Chapter 1.3. --- System architecture --- p.9Chapter 1.4. --- User interface --- p.10Chapter 1.5. --- Sample screen --- p.13Chapter 1.6. --- System extension --- p.14Chapter 1.7. --- System portability --- p.18Chapter 2. --- Study on Algorithms for Automatically Correcting Characters in Chinese Cangjie-typed Text --- p.19Chapter 2.1. --- Chinese character input --- p.19Chapter 2.1.1. --- Chinese keyboards --- p.20Chapter 2.1.2. --- Keyboard redefinition scheme --- p.21Chapter 2.2. --- Cangjie input method --- p.24Chapter 2.3. --- Review on existing techniques for automatically correcting words in English text --- p.26Chapter 2.3.1. --- Nonword error detection --- p.27Chapter 2.3.2. --- Isolated-word error correction --- p.28Chapter --- Spelling error patterns --- p.29Chapter --- Correction techniques --- p.31Chapter 2.3.3. --- Context-dependent word correction research --- p.32Chapter --- Natural language processing approach --- p.33Chapter --- Statistical language model --- p.35Chapter 2.4. --- Research on error rates and patterns in Cangjie input method --- p.37Chapter 2.5. --- Similarities and differences between Chinese and English typed text --- p.41Chapter 2.5.1. --- Similarities --- p.41Chapter 2.5.2. --- Differences --- p.42Chapter 2.6. --- Proposed algorithm for automatic Chinese text correction --- p.44Chapter 2.6.1. --- Sentence level --- p.44Chapter 2.6.2. --- Part-of-speech level --- p.45Chapter 2.6.3. --- Character level --- p.47Conclusion --- p.50Appendix A Cangjie Radix Table --- p.51Appendix B Sample Text --- p.52Article 1 --- p.52Article 2 --- p.53Article 3 --- p.56Article 4 --- p.58Appendix C Error Statistics --- p.61References --- p.6

    Improving Group Integrity of Tags in RFID Systems

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    Checking the integrity of groups containing radio frequency identification (RFID) tagged objects or recovering the tag identifiers of missing objects is important in many activities. Several autonomous checking methods have been proposed for increasing the capability of recovering missing tag identifiers without external systems. This has been achieved by treating a group of tag identifiers (IDs) as packet symbols encoded and decoded in a way similar to that in binary erasure channels (BECs). Redundant data are required to be written into the limited memory space of RFID tags in order to enable the decoding process. In this thesis, the group integrity of passive tags in RFID systems is specifically targeted, with novel mechanisms being proposed to improve upon the current state of the art. Due to the sparseness property of low density parity check (LDPC) codes and the mitigation of the progressive edge-growth (PEG) method for short cycles, the research is begun with the use of the PEG method in RFID systems to construct the parity check matrix of LDPC codes in order to increase the recovery capabilities with reduced memory consumption. It is shown that the PEG-based method achieves significant recovery enhancements compared to other methods with the same or less memory overheads. The decoding complexity of the PEG-based LDPC codes is optimised using an improved hybrid iterative/Gaussian decoding algorithm which includes an early stopping criterion. The relative complexities of the improved algorithm are extensively analysed and evaluated, both in terms of decoding time and the number of operations required. It is demonstrated that the improved algorithm considerably reduces the operational complexity and thus the time of the full Gaussian decoding algorithm for small to medium amounts of missing tags. The joint use of the two decoding components is also adapted in order to avoid the iterative decoding when the missing amount is larger than a threshold. The optimum value of the threshold value is investigated through empirical analysis. It is shown that the adaptive algorithm is very efficient in decreasing the average decoding time of the improved algorithm for large amounts of missing tags where the iterative decoding fails to recover any missing tag. The recovery performances of various short-length irregular PEG-based LDPC codes constructed with different variable degree sequences are analysed and evaluated. It is demonstrated that the irregular codes exhibit significant recovery enhancements compared to the regular ones in the region where the iterative decoding is successful. However, their performances are degraded in the region where the iterative decoding can recover some missing tags. Finally, a novel protocol called the Redundant Information Collection (RIC) protocol is designed to filter and collect redundant tag information. It is based on a Bloom filter (BF) that efficiently filters the redundant tag information at the tag’s side, thereby considerably decreasing the communication cost and consequently, the collection time. It is shown that the novel protocol outperforms existing possible solutions by saving from 37% to 84% of the collection time, which is nearly four times the lower bound. This characteristic makes the RIC protocol a promising candidate for collecting redundant tag information in the group integrity of tags in RFID systems and other similar ones