693 research outputs found

    Developing Time And Attendance System (TAS)

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    Time Attendance System is software that helps organization for registering and tracking employee attendance, it can integrate with existing payroll and human resource systems, as well as various collection devices. This system consists of three major parts. The first is the employee, through which they can record their attendance either in manually through timekeeper or automatically through special hardware device such as card reader. The second is timekeeper who is responsible for recording employee's attendance manually. The last is the administrator, the administrator may add, remove, search, view employee information or designation information and more

    Verifying OCL Specifications of UML models

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    Redocumentation through design pattern recovery:: an investigation and an implementation

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    In this thesis, two methods are developed in an aid to help users capture valuable design information and knowledge and reuse them. They are the design pattern recovery (DPR) method and pattern-based redocumentation (PBR) method. The DPR method is for matching up metrics of patterns with patterns themselves in order to capture valuable design information. Patterns are used as a container for storing the information. Two new metrics, i.e., p-value and s-value are introduced. They are obtained by analysing product metrics statistically. Once patterns have been detected from a system, the system can be redocumented using these patterns. Some existing XML (extensible Markup Language) technologies are utilised in order to realise the PRB method. Next, a case study is carried out to validate the soundness and usefulness of the DPR method. Finally, some conclusions drawn from this research are summarised, and further work is suggested for the researchers in software engineering

    The Impact of Petri Nets on System-of-Systems Engineering

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    The successful engineering of a large-scale system-of-systems project towards deterministic behaviour depends on integrating autonomous components using international communications standards in accordance with dynamic requirements. To-date, their engineering has been unsuccessful: no combination of top-down and bottom-up engineering perspectives is adopted, and information exchange protocol and interfaces between components are not being precisely specified. Various approaches such as modelling, and architecture frameworks make positive contributions to system-of-systems specification but their successful implementation is still a problem. One of the most popular modelling notations available for specifying systems, UML, is intuitive and graphical but also ambiguous and imprecise. Supplying a range of diagrams to represent a system under development, UML lacks simulation and exhaustive verification capability. This shortfall in UML has received little attention in the context of system-of-systems and there are two major research issues: 1. Where the dynamic, behavioural diagrams of UML can and cannot be used to model and analyse system-of-systems 2. Determining how Petri nets can be used to improve the specification and analysis of the dynamic model of a system-of-systems specified using UML This thesis presents the strengths and weaknesses of Petri nets in relation to the specification of system-of-systems and shows how Petri net models can be used instead of conventional UML Activity Diagrams. The model of the system-of-systems can then be analysed and verified using Petri net theory. The Petri net formalism of behaviour is demonstrated using two case studies from the military domain. The first case study uses Petri nets to specify and analyse a close air support mission. This case study concludes by indicating the strengths, weaknesses, and shortfalls of the proposed formalism in system-of-systems specification. The second case study considers specification of a military exchange network parameters problem and the results are compared with the strengths and weaknesses identified in the first case study. Finally, the results of the research are formulated in the form of a Petri net enhancement to UML (mapping existing activity diagram elements to Petri net elements) to meet the needs of system-of-systems specification, verification and validation

    A systematic approach to model-based engineering of cyber-physical systems of systems

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    PhD ThesisThis thesis describes and evaluates methods for the model-based engineering of Systems of Systems (SoSs) where constituents comprise both computational and physical elements typical of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs). Such Cyber-Physical Systems of Systems (CPSoSs) use sensors and actuators to link the digital and physical worlds, and are composed of operationally and managerially independent constituent systems that interact to deliver an emerging service on which reliance is placed. The engineering of CPSoSs requires a combination of techniques associated with both CPS engineering and SoS engineering. Model-based SoS engineering techniques address organisation and integration of diverse systems through the use of disciplined architectural frameworks and contractual modelling approaches. Advances in model-based CPS engineering address the additional challenges of integrating semantically heterogeneous models of discrete and continuous phenomena. This thesis combines these approaches to develop a coherent framework for the model-based engineering of CPSoSs. The proposed approach utilises architectural frameworks to aid in the development of rich abstract models of CPSoSs. This is accompanied by the specification of an automated transformation process to generate heterogeneous co-models based on the architectural description. Verification of the proposed engineering approach is undertaken by its application to a case study describing the control of trains over a section of rail network, in which the (cyber) behaviour of control infrastructure must be considered in conjunction with the (physical) dynamics of train movements. Using the proposed methods, the development of this CPSoS uses architectural descriptions to generate an executable model to enable the analysis of safety and efficiency implications of the implemented control logic. The utility of the approach is evaluated by consideration of the impact of the proposed techniques on advancing the suitability and maturity of baseline technologies for the engineering of CPSoS. It is concluded that the proposed architectural framework provides effective guidance for the production of rich architectural descriptions of CPSoSs, and that the conversion between architectural and executable models is viable for implementation in a suitable open tools framework

    CHOReOS perspective on the Future Internet and initial conceptual model (D1.2)

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    The D1.2 deliverable outlines the CHOReOS perspective on the Future Internet and its conceptualization. In particular, the deliverable focuses on: - Definition of the Future Internet and related Future Internet of Services and (Smart) Things, as considered within CHOReOS, further stressing the many dimensions underpinning the Ultra-Large Scale of the Future Internet; - Definition of the initial conceptual model of the CHOReOS Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) for the Future Internet, identifying the impact of the ULS dimensions upon the traditional SOA paradigms and associated infrastructure

    Model driven software modernisation

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    Constant innovation of information technology and ever-changing market requirements relegate more and more existing software to legacy status. Generating software through reusing legacy systems has been a primary solution and software re-engineering has the potential to improve software productivity and quality across the entire software life cycle. The classical re-engineering technology starts at the level of program source code which is the most or only reliable information on a legacy system. The program specification derived from legacy source code will then facilitate the migration of legacy systems in the subsequent forward engineering steps. A recent research trend in re-engineering area carries this idea further and moves into model driven perspective that the specification is presented with models. The thesis focuses on engaging model technology to modernise legacy systems. A unified approach, REMOST (Re-Engineering through MOdel conStruction and Transformation), is proposed in the context of Model Driven Architecture (MDA). The theoretical foundation is the construction of a WSL-based Modelling Language, known as WML, which is an extension of WSL (Wide Spectrum Language). WML is defined to provide a spectrum of models for the system re-engineering, including Common Modelling Language (CML), Architecture Description Language (ADL) and Domain Specific Modelling Language (DSML). 9rtetaWML is designed for model transformation, providing query facilities, action primitives and metrics functions. A set of transformation rules are defined in 9rtetaWML to conduct system abstraction and refactoring. Model transformation for unifying WML and UML is also provided, which can bridge the legacy systems to MDA. The architecture and working flow of the REMOST approach are proposed and a prototype tool environment is developed for testing the approach. A number of case studies are used for experiments with the approach and the prototype tool, which show that the proposed approach is feasible and promising in its domain. Conclusion is drawn based on analysis and further research directions are also discussed

    Domain architecture a design framework for system development and integration

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    The ever growing complexity of software systems has revealed many short-comings in existing software engineering practices and has raised interest in architecture-driven software development. A system\u27s architecture provides a model of the system that suppresses implementation detail, allowing the architects to concentrate on the analysis and decisions that are most critical to structuring the system to satisfy its requirements. Recently, interests of researchers and practi-tioners have shifted from individual system architectures to architectures for classes of software systems which provide more general, reusable solutions to the issues of overall system organization, interoperability, and allocation of services to system components. These generic architectures, such as product line architectures and domain architectures, promote reuse and interoperability, and create a basis for cost effective construction of high-quality systems. Our focus in this dissertation is on domain architectures as a means of development and integration of large-scale, domain-specific business software systems. Business imperatives, including flexibility, productivity, quality, and ability to adapt to changes, have fostered demands for flexible, coherent and enterprise--wide integrated business systems. The components of such systems, developed separately or purchased off the shelf, need to cohesively form an overall compu-tational environment for the business. The inevitable complexity of such integrated solutions and the highly-demanding process of their construction, management, and evolution support require new software engineering methodologies and tools. Domain architectures, prescribing the organization of software systems in a business domain, hold a promise to serve as a foundation on which such integrated business systems can be effectively constructed. To meet the above expectations, software architectures must be properly defined, represented, and applied, which requires suitable methodologies as well as process and tool support. Despite research efforts, however, state-of-the-art methods and tools for architecture-based system development do not yet meet the practical needs of system developers. The primary focus of this dissertation is on developing methods and tools to support domain architecture engineering and on leveraging architectures to achieve improved system development and integration in presence of increased complexity. In particular, the thesis explores issues related to the following three aspects of software technology: system complexity and software architectures as tools to alleviate complexity; domain architectures as frameworks for construction of large scale, flexible, enterprise-wide software systems; and architectural models and representation techniques as a basis for good” design. The thesis presents an archi-tectural taxonomy to help categorize and better understand architectural efforts. Furthermore, it clarifies the purpose of domain architectures and characterizes them in detail. To support the definition and application of domain architectures we have developed a method for domain architecture engineering and representation: GARM-ASPECT. GARM, the Generic Architecture Reference Model, underlying the method, is a system of modeling abstractions, relations and recommendations for building representations of reference software architectures. The model\u27s focus on reference and domain architectures determines its main distinguishing features: multiple views of architectural elements, a separate rule system to express constraints on architecture element types, and annotations such as “libraries” of patterns and “logs” of guidelines. ASPECT is an architecture description language based on GARM. It provides a normalized vocabulary for representing the skeleton of an architecture, its structural view, and establishes a framework for capturing archi-tectural constraints. It also allows extensions of the structural view with auxiliary information, such as behavior or quality specifications. In this respect, ASPECT provides facilities for establishing relationships among different specifications and gluing them together within an overall architectural description. This design allows flexibility and adaptability of the methodology to the specifics of a domain or a family of systems. ASPECT supports the representation of reference architectures as well as individual system architectures. The practical applicability of this method has been tested through a case study in an industrial setting. The approach to architecture engineering and representation, presented in this dissertation, is pragmatic and oriented towards software practitioners. GARM-ASPECT, as well as the taxonomy of architectures are of use to architects, system planners and system engineers. Beyond these practical contributions, this thesis also creates a more solid basis for expbring the applicability of architectural abstractions, the practicality of representation approaches, and the changes required to the devel-opment process in order to achieve the benefits from an architecture-driven software technology
