22 research outputs found

    Business-IT Alignment through Enterprise Architecture in a Strategic Alignment Dimension: A Review

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    Business-IT Alignment (BITA) refers to the fit between business and IT strategy. BITA is important for realizing the achievement of organizational goals, enhancing performance, and gaining competitive advantage in an organization. BITA is a crucial concern for organizations and remains a top topic from the perspective of business executives. BITA can be realized through Enterprise Architecture (EA), which is a comprehensive and holistic instrument for managing and maintaining BITA. However, despite numerous literature studies on the BITA model or framework through EA, the research is currently more focused on technology planning than strategic planning. Meanwhile, strategic planning is the most crucial challenge of the EA framework because it is the embodiment of BITA in the strategic alignment dimension. The current study aims to conduct a literature review of BITA through EA in the strategic alignment dimension. This literature study resulted in 25 out of 100 papers and classified into five strategic alignments. The review identified 25 relevant papers out of 100 and categorized them into five strategic alignments. The study's contributions include solutions in the form of stages for developing strategic alignment through EA based on business strategy models. The five stages are as follows: 1) Identification of vision, mission, and goals; 2) SWOT-based strategy analysis; 3) BSC-based strategy mapping; 4) BPMN-based business process mapping; and 5) Determination of IS/IT. This study's impact on further research is that it can be used as a basis for developing BITA through EA, based on the five stages identified

    Survey Paper tentang Enterprise Architecture di Sektor Publik

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    Saat ini, ketika organisasi menghadapi transformasi konstan, mereka harus menyesuaikan strategi dan aktivitas mereka dengan cepat. Situasi ini melibatkan transformasi bisnis yang berkelanjutan. Namun, mengelola transformasi semacam itu bisa menjadi tugas yang menakutkan karena kompleksitas yang penting dalam organisasi. Oleh karena itu, organisasi dapat menggunakan Enterprise Architecture (EA) untuk membantu membimbing mereka dalam mengatasi kompleksitas dan mencapai tujuan transformasi mereka. Tujuan penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi jenis umum EA, seperti definisi, komponen, manfaat, kerangka kerja, dan hambatan penggunaan EA. Hasil studi tersebut diharapkan dapat memberikan gambaran dan tolak ukur dalam merencanakan dan mengembangkan EA yang sukses, terutama di sektor publik yang penting untuk efektivitas dan efisiensi layanan yang dibutuhkan

    Impacto del gobierno de las Tecnolog铆as de Informaci贸n (TI) en el alineamiento entre negocio y TI

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    JEL: M150[EN] Purpose: This basic, quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional research aims to empirically examine the impact of IT governance on business-IT alignment. Method: This study adopts the Structural Equation Model (SEM) technique with Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) to evaluate the relationship between IT governance and business-IT alignment, testing three basic hypotheses on the data collected from 672 web-based surveys of companies in Colombia. Main finding: IT governance significantly and directly affects business-IT alignment, but there are no differences in such influence as per industry type or company size. Limitations: This study only considered companies located in Colombia with a limited sample size in several industry types, which may become a possibility for further studies. Additionally, the data collected relies on the honesty of respondents and is not completely free of bias. KeyWords:[ES] Objetivo de la investigaci贸n: El prop贸sito de esta investigaci贸n b谩sica, cuantitativa, descriptiva y transversal es examinar emp铆ricamente el impacto de la gobernanza de TI en el alineamiento de negocio y TI. Metodolog铆a: Este estudio adopta la t茅cnica Modelo de Ecuaciones Estructurales (SEM) con An谩lisis Factorial Confirmatorio (CFA) con el fin de evaluar la relaci贸n planteada entre gobierno de TI y alineamiento de negocio y TI, poniendo a prueba tres hip贸tesis b谩sicas, usando los datos recolectados procedentes de 672 encuestas realizadas v铆a web a empresas en Colombia. Hallazgos: Este estudio encontr贸 que el gobierno de TI afecta de manera significativa y directa la alineaci贸n de negocio y de TI, pero no existen diferencias en dicha influencia entre tipos de industria y tama帽os de empresa. Limitaciones: Este estudio solo tom贸 en cuenta empresas localizadas en Colombia con limitaci贸n en tama帽o de muestra en varios sectores de actividad, lo que puede constituirse como una posibilidad para estudios posteriores. Adicionalmente, los datos recolectados est谩n basados en la honestidad de los encuestados y no est谩n completamente libres de sesgo.This article is the result of research within the doctoral program of Strategic Business Administration of CENTRUM Cat贸lica, Pontificia Universidad Cat贸lica del Per煤 and the DBA program of Maastricht School of Management. The author expresses his special thanks to Professor Beatrice Avolio, Ph. D., for her special collaboration in advising on the development of the research

    Modeling of Strategic Alignment to Modify TOGAF Architecture Development Method Based on Business Strategy Model

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    Strategic alignment is generally seen as an important driver for optimizing business performance. Strategic alignment is aligning internal resource capabilities and external opportunities for superior performance. To realize the suitability of Business and IT strategies, a framework is needed, namely Enterprise Architecture (EA). One of the frameworks for EA is The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF). TOGAF is a method for developing and managing the Enterprise Architecture life cycle called Architectural Development Method (ADM). This ADM integrates elements of the TOGAF standard in responding to the organization's business, and IT needs. In this paper, researchers will contribute to formulating a strategic alignment model to modify the existing strategic alignment in TOGAF ADM based on the business strategy model. In this business model strategy, there are two things: the analysis of business strategy choices and the Balanced Score Card (BSC) strategy map. Analysis of business strategy choices uses SWOT analysis as a business strategy determination based on internal and external business environment analysis. Second, the BSC strategy map is a process of mapping business strategies into the BSC strategy map, which includes four perspectives: financial, customer, internal business processes, and learning and growth perspectives. This model was tested at the Universitas Dinamika, and the results have a good alignment rate of 95%. For further research, this model can be tested in various organizations, such as universities and public and private organizations

    Enterprise Architecture Planning (EAP) Using TOGAF-ADM at Fuel Supplier

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    Enterprise Architecture Planning (EAP) has been widely used in various types of businesses. Such as government organizations, agriculture, the banking industry, and companies. This study focuses on creating an EAP for the "Pangkalan BBM Dedi" using the TOGAF ADM framework. Through this research, we succeeded in making the architectural design of the business. The current business processes and processes are identified when a system or application is implemented at the business architecture phase. At the data, the architecture stage resulted in three main activities with seven data entities. The application architecture resulted Enterprise Architecture Planning (EAP) is a in recommendations for information systems that can accommodate business needs. The architectural technology stage consists of designing a hardware device and a network that can accommodate application architecture. Overall, there are two business processes whose function is maintained as before, four business processes that the system will replace, and one business process which can be added later

    Towards different enterprise architecture project types

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    This research is in the enterprise architecture (EA) research field. EA is a developing discipline that in broad terms emphasizes all aspects of organizational design and development, including enabling information technology. However, there are various interpretations and understandings of EA, with little agreement on them. Therefore, organizations use EA in numerous ways to achieve different goals. These vary from purely information technology- (IT) related, internal business and IT-related to business environment-related goals. Enterprise architects also have different understandings of EA, which influence the way they perform EA work and consequently EA deliverables and achievement of EA project goals. In this paper a preliminary list of different EA project types is compiled through a hermeneutic literature review, aiming to establish a comprehensive list of EA project types. It is suggested that knowledge of different EA project types assist in the selection of suitable enterprise architects to achieve specific EA project goals.http://www.springer.com/series/7911hj2021Informatic

    Business-IT Alignment through Enterprise Architecture in a Strategic Alignment Dimension: A Review

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    Business-IT Alignment (BITA) refers to the fit between business and IT strategy. BITA is important for realizing the achievement of organizational goals, enhancing performance, and gaining competitive advantage in an organization. BITA is a crucial concern for organizations and remains a top topic from the perspective of business executives. BITA can be realized through Enterprise Architecture (EA), which is a comprehensive and holistic instrument for managing and maintaining BITA. However, despite numerous literature studies on the BITA model or framework through EA, the research is currently more focused on technology planning than strategic planning. Meanwhile, strategic planning is the most crucial challenge of the EA framework because it is the embodiment of BITA in the strategic alignment dimension. The current study aims to conduct a literature review of BITA through EA in the strategic alignment dimension. This literature study resulted in 25 out of 100 papers and classified into five strategic alignments. The review identified 25 relevant papers out of 100 and categorized them into five strategic alignments. The study's contributions include solutions in the form of stages for developing strategic alignment through EA based on business strategy models. The five stages are as follows: 1) Identification of vision, mission, and goals; 2) SWOT-based strategy analysis; 3) BSC-based strategy mapping; 4) BPMN-based business process mapping; and 5) Determination of IS/IT. This study's impact on further research is that it can be used as a basis for developing BITA through EA, based on the five stages identified

    Identifikasi Domain Enterprise Architecture untuk Grand Design Riau Digital: Ulasan Literatur Sistematis

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    Pemerintah Provinsi Riau sebagai sebuah organisasi perlu melakukan penyelarasan antara strategi bisnis dan strategi teknologi informasi. Grand Design Riau Digital merupakan salah satu wujud upaya penyelarasan strategi tersebut sesuai dengan kaidah Enterprise Architecture (EA). Penelitian-penelitian yang memfokuskan pada EA framework yang paling cocok dengan karakteristik pemerintah daerah masih terbatas jumlahnya. Oleh karena itu, pada penelitian ini akan dilakukan identifikasi domain EA yang dapat direkomendasikan sebagai dasar pengembangan Grand Design Riau Digital. Tahapan penelitian yaitu mendefinisikan pertanyaan penelitian (research question), sumber penelitian, menentukan kata kunci pencarian literatur, pemilihan literatur, sintesis dan ekstraksi data. Hasil penelitian ini mengulas 59 penelitian dan mengidentifikasi kerangka kerja EA yang telah digunakan. Ada 5 domain dalam transformasi digital menjadi rekomendasi Grand Design Riau Digital yaitu digital talent dan culture, tata kelola, kebijakan, infrastruktur TI, dan manajemen data.聽 Penelitian selanjutnya dapat mengidentifikasi lebih lanjut variabel masing-masing domain, dan menguji pada pemerintahan di daerah lainny