6 research outputs found

    A computationally efficient framework for large-scale distributed fingerprint matching

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    A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of requirements for the degree of Master of Science, School of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics. May 2017.Biometric features have been widely implemented to be utilized for forensic and civil applications. Amongst many different kinds of biometric characteristics, the fingerprint is globally accepted and remains the mostly used biometric characteristic by commercial and industrial societies due to its easy acquisition, uniqueness, stability and reliability. There are currently various effective solutions available, however the fingerprint identification is still not considered a fully solved problem mainly due to accuracy and computational time requirements. Although many of the fingerprint recognition systems based on minutiae provide good accuracy, the systems with very large databases require fast and real time comparison of fingerprints, they often either fail to meet the high performance speed requirements or compromise the accuracy. For fingerprint matching that involves databases containing millions of fingerprints, real time identification can only be obtained through the implementation of optimal algorithms that may utilize the given hardware as robustly and efficiently as possible. There are currently no known distributed database and computing framework available that deal with real time solution for fingerprint recognition problem involving databases containing as many as sixty million fingerprints, the size which is close to the size of the South African population. This research proposal intends to serve two main purposes: 1) exploit and scale the best known minutiae matching algorithm for a minimum of sixty million fingerprints; and 2) design a framework for distributed database to deal with large fingerprint databases based on the results obtained in the former item.GR201

    Biometric fingerprint identification

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    Diplomová práce v první části rozebírá obecně téma biometrie a hodnocení spolehlivosti biometrických systémů. Následně je popsán otisk prstu a jeho anatomické vlastnosti potřebné pro identifikaci osob. Jsou zmíněny druhy snímačů otisku prstu. Pro následnou praktickou realizaci je vysvětleno předzpracování obrazu, metody a postupy identifikace osob využívajících otisk prstu. V praktické části práce je realizován algoritmus pro identifikaci v programovém prostředí Matlab.This master's thesis deals with fingerprint verification. The theoretical part consist of biometry identification systems and evaluating their reliability and robustness. After that we focus on fingerprints properties needed to identification. We mention several types of fingerprint sensors, which are generaly in public use. In practical part of thesis we deal with enhancement of fingeprint image and methods of identifications. At last we created software for fingeprint identification in programming environment Matlab.

    Design for novel enhanced weightless neural network and multi-classifier.

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    Weightless neural systems have often struggles in terms of speed, performances, and memory issues. There is also lack of sufficient interfacing of weightless neural systems to others systems. Addressing these issues motivates and forms the aims and objectives of this thesis. In addressing these issues, algorithms are formulated, classifiers, and multi-classifiers are designed, and hardware design of classifier are also reported. Specifically, the purpose of this thesis is to report on the algorithms and designs of weightless neural systems. A background material for the research is a weightless neural network known as Probabilistic Convergent Network (PCN). By introducing two new and different interfacing method, the word "Enhanced" is added to PCN thereby giving it the name Enhanced Probabilistic Convergent Network (EPCN). To solve the problem of speed and performances when large-class databases are employed in data analysis, multi-classifiers are designed whose composition vary depending on problem complexity. It also leads to the introduction of a novel gating function with application of EPCN as an intelligent combiner. For databases which are not very large, single classifiers suffices. Speed and ease of application in adverse condition were considered as improvement which has led to the design of EPCN in hardware. A novel hashing function is implemented and tested on hardware-based EPCN. Results obtained have indicated the utility of employing weightless neural systems. The results obtained also indicate significant new possible areas of application of weightless neural systems

    Investigation of Multimodal Template-Free Biometric Techniques and Associated Exception Handling

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    The Biometric systems are commonly used as a fundamental tool by both government and private sector organizations to allow restricted access to sensitive areas, to identify the criminals by the police and to authenticate the identification of individuals requesting to access to certain personal and confidential services. The applications of these identification tools have created issues of security and privacy relating to personal, commercial and government identities. Over the last decade, reports of increasing insecurity to the personal data of users in the public and commercial domain applications has prompted the development of more robust and sound measures to protect the personal data of users from being stolen and spoofing. The present study aimed to introduce the scheme for integrating direct and indirect biometric key generation schemes with the application of Shamir‘s secret sharing algorithm in order to address the two disadvantages: revocability of the biometric key and the exception handling of biometric modality. This study used two different approaches for key generation using Shamir‘s secret sharing scheme: template based approach for indirect key generation and template-free. The findings of this study demonstrated that the encryption key generated by the proposed system was not required to be stored in the database which prevented the attack on the privacy of the data of the individuals from the hackers. Interestingly, the proposed system was also able to generate multiple encryption keys with varying lengths. Furthermore, the results of this study also offered the flexibility of providing the multiple keys for different applications for each user. The results from this study, consequently, showed the considerable potential and prospect of the proposed scheme to generate encryption keys directly and indirectly from the biometric samples, which could enhance its success in biometric security field