404 research outputs found

    MalStone: Towards A Benchmark for Analytics on Large Data Clouds

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    Developing data mining algorithms that are suitable for cloud computing platforms is currently an active area of research, as is developing cloud computing platforms appropriate for data mining. Currently, the most common benchmark for cloud computing is the Terasort (and related) benchmarks. Although the Terasort Benchmark is quite useful, it was not designed for data mining per se. In this paper, we introduce a benchmark called MalStone that is specifically designed to measure the performance of cloud computing middleware that supports the type of data intensive computing common when building data mining models. We also introduce MalGen, which is a utility for generating data on clouds that can be used with MalStone

    Behavior-based anomaly detection on big data

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    Recently, cyber-targeted attacks such as APT (Advanced Persistent Threat) are rapidly growing as a social and national threat. It is an intelligent cyber-attack that infiltrates the target organization and enterprise clandestinely using various methods and causes considerable damage by making a final attack after long-term and through preparations. These attacks are threatening cyber worlds such as Internet by infecting and attacking the devices on this environment with the malicious code, and by destroying them or gaining their authorities. Detecting these attacks requires collecting and analysing data from various sources (network, host, security equipment, and devices) over the long haul. Therefore, we propose the method that can recognize the cyber-targeted attack and detect the abnormal behavior based on Big Data. The proposed approach analyses faster and precisely various logs and monitoring data using Big Data storage and processing technology. In particular, we evaluated that the suspicious behavior analysis using MapReduce is effective in analysing large-scale behavior monitoring and log data from various sources

    Secure entity authentication

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    According to Wikipedia, authentication is the act of confirming the truth of an attribute of a single piece of a datum claimed true by an entity. Specifically, entity authentication is the process by which an agent in a distributed system gains confidence in the identity of a communicating partner (Bellare et al.). Legacy password authentication is still the most popular one, however, it suffers from many limitations, such as hacking through social engineering techniques, dictionary attack or database leak. To address the security concerns in legacy password-based authentication, many new authentication factors are introduced, such as PINs (Personal Identification Numbers) delivered through out-of-band channels, human biometrics and hardware tokens. However, each of these authentication factors has its own inherent weaknesses and security limitations. For example, phishing is still effective even when using out-of-band-channels to deliver PINs (Personal Identification Numbers). In this dissertation, three types of secure entity authentication schemes are developed to alleviate the weaknesses and limitations of existing authentication mechanisms: (1) End user authentication scheme based on Network Round-Trip Time (NRTT) to complement location based authentication mechanisms; (2) Apache Hadoop authentication mechanism based on Trusted Platform Module (TPM) technology; and (3) Web server authentication mechanism for phishing detection with a new detection factor NRTT. In the first work, a new authentication factor based on NRTT is presented. Two research challenges (i.e., the secure measurement of NRTT and the network instabilities) are addressed to show that NRTT can be used to uniquely and securely identify login locations and hence can support location-based web authentication mechanisms. The experiments and analysis show that NRTT has superior usability, deploy-ability, security, and performance properties compared to the state-of-the-art web authentication factors. In the second work, departing from the Kerb eros-centric approach, an authentication framework for Hadoop that utilizes Trusted Platform Module (TPM) technology is proposed. It is proven that pushing the security down to the hardware level in conjunction with software techniques provides better protection over software only solutions. The proposed approach provides significant security guarantees against insider threats, which manipulate the execution environment without the consent of legitimate clients. Extensive experiments are conducted to validate the performance and the security properties of the proposed approach. Moreover, the correctness and the security guarantees are formally proved via Burrows-Abadi-Needham (BAN) logic. In the third work, together with a phishing victim identification algorithm, NRTT is used as a new phishing detection feature to improve the detection accuracy of existing phishing detection approaches. The state-of-art phishing detection methods fall into two categories: heuristics and blacklist. The experiments show that the combination of NRTT with existing heuristics can improve the overall detection accuracy while maintaining a low false positive rate. In the future, to develop a more robust and efficient phishing detection scheme, it is paramount for phishing detection approaches to carefully select the features that strike the right balance between detection accuracy and robustness in the face of potential manipulations. In addition, leveraging Deep Learning (DL) algorithms to improve the performance of phishing detection schemes could be a viable alternative to traditional machine learning algorithms (e.g., SVM, LR), especially when handling complex and large scale datasets

    On the Use of Software Tracing and Boolean Combination of Ensemble Classifiers to Support Software Reliability and Security Tasks

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    In this thesis, we propose an approach that relies on Boolean combination of multiple one-class classification methods based on Hidden Markov Models (HMMs), which are pruned using weighted Kappa coefficient to select and combine accurate and diverse classifiers. Our approach, called WPIBC (Weighted Pruning Iterative Boolean Combination) works in three phases. The first phase selects a subset of the available base diverse soft classifiers by pruning all the redundant soft classifiers based on a weighted version of Cohen’s kappa measure of agreement. The second phase selects a subset of diverse and accurate crisp classifiers from the base soft classifiers (selected in Phase1) based on the unweighted kappa measure. The selected complementary crisp classifiers are then combined in the final phase using Boolean combinations. We apply the proposed approach to two important problems in software security and reliability: The detection of system anomalies and the prediction of the reassignment of bug report fields. Detecting system anomalies at run-time is a critical component of system reliability and security. Studies in this area focus mainly on the effectiveness of the proposed approaches -the ability to detect anomalies with high accuracy. Less attention was given to false alarm and efficiency. Although ensemble approaches for the detection of anomalies that use Boolean combination of classifier decisions have been shown to be useful in reducing the false alarm rate over that of a single classifier, existing methods rely on an exponential number of combinations making them impractical even for a small number of classifiers. Our approach is not only able to maintain and even improve the accuracy of existing Boolean combination techniques, but also significantly reduce the combination time and the number of classifiers selected for combination. The second application domain of our approach is the prediction of the reassignment of bug report fields. Bug reports contain a wealth of information that is used by triaging and development teams to understand the causes of bugs in order to provide fixes. The problem is that, for various reasons, it is common to have bug reports with missing or incorrect information, hindering the bug resolution process. To address this problem. researchers have turned to machine learning techniques. The common practice is to build models that leverage historical bug reports to automatically predict when a given bug report field should be reassigned. Existing approaches have mainly relied upon classifiers that make use of natural language in the title and description of the bug reports. They fail to take advantage of the richly detailed sequential information that is present in stack traces included in bug reports. To address this, we propose an approach called EnHMM which uses WPIBC and stack traces to predict the reassignment of bug report fields. Another contribution of this thesis is an approach to improve the efficiency of WPIBC by leveraging the Hadoop framework and the MapReduce programming model. We also show how WPIBC can be extended to support heterogenous classifiers

    Graph-based malware distributors detection

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    Assessing and augmenting SCADA cyber security: a survey of techniques

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    SCADA systems monitor and control critical infrastructures of national importance such as power generation and distribution, water supply, transportation networks, and manufacturing facilities. The pervasiveness, miniaturisations and declining costs of internet connectivity have transformed these systems from strictly isolated to highly interconnected networks. The connectivity provides immense benefits such as reliability, scalability and remote connectivity, but at the same time exposes an otherwise isolated and secure system, to global cyber security threats. This inevitable transformation to highly connected systems thus necessitates effective security safeguards to be in place as any compromise or downtime of SCADA systems can have severe economic, safety and security ramifications. One way to ensure vital asset protection is to adopt a viewpoint similar to an attacker to determine weaknesses and loopholes in defences. Such mind sets help to identify and fix potential breaches before their exploitation. This paper surveys tools and techniques to uncover SCADA system vulnerabilities. A comprehensive review of the selected approaches is provided along with their applicability

    Review on Intrusion Detection System Based on The Goal of The Detection System

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    An extensive review of the intrusion detection system (IDS) is presented in this paper. Previous studies review the IDS based on the approaches (algorithms) used or based on the types of the intrusion itself. The presented paper reviews the IDS based on the goal of the IDS (accuracy and time), which become the main objective of this paper. Firstly, the IDS were classified into two types based on the goal they intend to achieve. These two types of IDS were later reviewed in detail, followed by a comparison of some of the studies that have earlier been carried out on IDS. The comparison is done based on the results shown in the studies compared. The comparison shows that the studies focusing on the detection time reduce the accuracy of the detection compared to other studies
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