40 research outputs found

    A survey on wireless body area networks for eHealthcare systems in residential environments

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    The progress in wearable and implanted health monitoring technologies has strong potential to alter the future of healthcare services by enabling ubiquitous monitoring of patients. A typical health monitoring system consists of a network of wearable or implanted sensors that constantly monitor physiological parameters. Collected data are relayed using existing wireless communication protocols to the base station for additional processing. This article provides researchers with information to compare the existing low-power communication technologies that can potentially support the rapid development and deployment of WBAN systems, and mainly focuses on remote monitoring of elderly or chronically ill patients in residential environments

    Implementation of Wireless Body Area Network Based Patient Monitoring System

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    WBAN has gained considerable attention and became an emerging technology at health services due to its wide range of utilities and important role to improve the human health. The proposed system consists of different components, Pulse rate sensor which uses the optical technology to detect the flow of blood. Temperature sensor is used to measure the temperature from the body. Peripheral hemoglobin oxygen saturation (SpO2), blood pressure and electrocardiogram (ECG) are measured by the nurses. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) reader with passive tags is used to identify the patient. Arduino UNO microcontroller is used for data processing. The patient parameters are transmitted via Bluetooth technology to the base station. The base station which is Raspberry Pi (RPi) B model 3 used to receive the collected data and acts as the web server, so the physician accesses RPi to display different information. The obtained results from different cases prove the high performance of the system and sensor nodes that are designed. The overall system operates within different environments conditions. If one sensor node is fall down, the other nodes are still operate and do not affect. Also we improve the speed of the system response. The usage of wireless communication to send the data instead of the wired one as it provides a greater mobility to the device. The cost is also minimized by utilizing the feature of sending multiple parameters via a single node. Keywords: Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), Patient Monitoring, Biomedical, sensors, Microcontroller, Arduino, Raspberry Pi.

    Channel gain for a wrist-to-arm scenario in the 55-65 GHz frequency band

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    Wireless communication on the body is expected to become more important in the future. This communication will in certain scenarios benefit from higher frequencies of operation and their associated smaller antennas and potentially higher bandwidths. One of these scenarios is communication between a wristband and wearable sensors on the arm. In order to investigate the feasibility of such a scenario, propagation at 55â65 GHz along the arm is measured for two configurations. First, for increasing separation distances along the arm, and second for a transmitter is rotationally placed around the wrist. Two channel gain models are fitted to the data and used to obtain a channel gain exponent in the first configuration and loss per angle of rotation in the second configuration. These models are relevant inputs for the design of future wearable wireless systems

    Implementasi Zigbee Transceiver Untuk Akuisisi Data Sensor Inersia Pada Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN)

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    Laju pertambahan  jumlah penduduk yang membutuhkan layanan kesehatan di Indonesia tidak berbanding lurus dengan penambahan jumlah fasilitas kesehatan yang ada. Salah satu solusi alternatif yang dapat digunakan untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut adalah dengan mengembangkan teknologi  Wireless Body Area Network  (WBAN)  sebagai alat bantu layanan  kesehatan.  WBAN  adalah suatu sistem terpadu yang  terdiri atas sekelompok modul sensor yang terdistribusi dan terhubung secara nirkabel pada suatu topologi jaringan  tertentu dan berfungsi untuk mengekstrak dan berbagi informasi untuk diolah sesuai bidang aplikasinya.  Salah satu aplikasi WBAN adalah untuk  analisis gait atau metode untuk mempelajari pola berjalan manusia.  Untuk melakukan proses  analisis gait secara optimal dibutuhkan instrumen sensor  inersia  yang terpasang pada tubuh pasien yang merekam data gait dari pasien. Data dari pasien lalu dikirimkan melalui protokol komunikasi nirkabel ZigBee ke  network  coordinator  yang  berfungsi sebagai pengumpul data.  Jaringan  memiliki  topologi dalam bentuk  star dengan data rate  dari sensor  sebesar  50 Hz.  Data dari  network coordinator  kemudian dibaca pada  PC yang  telah dilengkapi perangkat lunak pengolah data untuk diolah  lebih lanjut.  Sistem diuji pada ruangan koridor sejauh 4 meter dengan nilai RSSI atau kuat sinyal bernilai paling kecil sebesar -64 dBm. Dalam hal konsumsi daya, sensor node dapat digunakan secara berkelanjutan dalam jangka waktu 2 jam 25 meni

    WBSN in IoT health-based application: toward delay and energy consumption minimizing

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    The wireless body sensor network (WBSN) technologies are one of the essential technologies of the Internet of things (IoT) growths of the healthcare paradigm, where every patient is monitored through a group of small-powered and lightweight sensor nodes. Thus, energy consumption is a major issue in WBSN. The major causes of energy wastage in WBSN are collisions and retransmission process. However, the major cause of the collision happened when two sensors are attempting to transmit data at exactly the same time and same frequency, and the major cause of the retransmission process happened when the collision takes place or data does not received properly due to channel fading. In this paper, we proposed a cognitive cooperative communication with two master nodes, namely, as two cognitive master nodes (TCMN), which can eliminate the collision and reduce the retransmission process. First, a complete study of a scheme is investigated in terms of network architecture. Second, a mathematical model of the link and outage probability of the proposed protocol are derived. Third, the end-to-end delay, throughput, and energy consumption are analyzed and investigated. The simulation and numerical results show that the TCMN can do system performance under general conditions with respect to direct transmission mode (DTM) and existing work