42 research outputs found

    The Impact of the Adversary's Eavesdropping Stations on the Location Privacy Level in Internet of Vehicles

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    The Internet of Vehicles (IoV) has got the interest of different research bodies as a promising technology. IoV is mainly developed to reduce the number of crashes by enabling vehicles to sense the environment and spread their locations to the neighborhood via safety-beacons to enhance the system functioning. Nevertheless, a bunch of security and privacy threats is looming; by exploiting the spatio-data included in these beacons. A lot of privacy schemes were developed to cope with the problem like CAPS, CPN, RSP, and SLOW. The schemes provide a certain level of location privacy yet the strength of the adversary, e.g., the number of eavesdropping stations has not been fully considered. In this paper, we aim at investigating the effect of the adversary’s eavesdropping stations number and position on the overall system functioning via privacy and QoS metrics. We also show the performances of these schemes in a manhattan-grid model which gives a comparison between the used schemes. The results show that both the number and the emplacement of the eavesdropping stations have a real negative impact on the achieved location privacy of the IoV users

    Ultra reliable 5G mmWAve communications for V2X scénarios

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    The Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X)technology is one of the most important innovations that theworld will see in the years to come. This paradigm will supportmany advanced services such as object detection and recognition,risk identification and avoidance, car platooning. These serviceswill require several keys among them, the high data transmissionrates of the order of gigabits per driving hour, and highreliability, and high speed for transition of data, which may beavailable through the capabilities of the new architecture for thenext generation of wireless communications 5G and the widebandwidth of the millimeter wave (mm Wave) which is deemed tobe a real solution for the V2X requirements. However, thechallenges related to the reliability/latency and security of theV2X system and nature of mm wave communication requireseveral solutions either for natural challenges such as High pathloss propagation, penetrating disability or for the technicalchallenges. This paper provides an overview of the V2Xcommunication technology investigates the V2X challengesincluding the mm wave and and finally presents some efficientsolutions

    Survey and Review on Various Topology and Geographical based Routing Protocol Parameters to Ensure the QOS Parameters of VANET

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    Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET) is a type of wireless network that allows communication between vehicles and infrastructure. One of the critical considerations in VANET is Quality of Service (QoS) parameters, which determine the network's performance. The effective management of QoS parameters is essential for VANET's reliable and efficient operation. In this research paper, we aim to explore topology-based and geographical-based routing protocol parameters to ensure QoS parameters in VANET. The former uses the network topology to make routing decisions, while the latter uses the location information of vehicles.  We will first provide an overview of VANET and QoS parameters. Then, we will delve into the key parameters of topology-based and geographical-based routing protocols and how they affect QoS. We will also survey and review the existing routing protocols and parameter values used in these protocols. The findings of this research paper will provide insights into the effective management of QoS parameters in VANET and contribute to the development of more efficient routing protocols

    Formation of a Wireless Communication System Based on a Swarm of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

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    Проблематика. На даний час бурхливо розвивається новий напрямок в техніці рухомих систем, пов'язаний із застосуванням множини/групи рухомих багатофункціональних вузлів, які можуть створювати різні просторово-розподілені структури для різних застосувань: від розважальних шоу, до розвідувальної мережі. Йдеться про техніку малих безпілотних літальних апаратів(БЛА), частіше званих дронами, та їх використання в області побудови телекомунікаційних систем. Мета. Метою роботи є розробка основних принципів і стратегій для формування неоднорідної безпроводової системи зв'язку на базі рою безпілотних літаючих апаратів. Методи. Досліджуються структурно-функціональні методи побудови безпроводової мережі. Результати. Представлені сценарії централізованої і розподіленої побудови безпроводової мережі керування рою БЛА, проведена оцінка ускладнення функціональності вузлів рою в разі розподіленого сценарію. Розроблено схему поетапної реалізації життєвого циклу рою БЛА для послуг зв'язку. Представлений«молекулярний» сценарій просторової самоорганізації дронів-вузлів рою, який може бути реалізований за допомогою процедур«ланцюжка» і«спалаху». Запропоновано побудови деяких стратегій управління роєм: централізоване і децентралізоване з Ведучим, колективне само керування з обміном інформацією, децентралізоване керування з прогнозуванням, самоорганізація без обміну інформацією. Висновки. Розроблено основні принципи і стратегії формування неоднорідної безпроводової системи зв'язку на базі рою безпілотних літаючих апаратів. Розроблено стратегію колективного управління роєм дронів.Background. Currently, a new direction in the technology of mobile systems is rapidly developing, associated with the use of a set / group of mobile multifunctional elements that can create different spatially-distributed structures for various applications: from entertainment shows to intelligence networks. This is a technique of small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), often called drones, and their use in the field of building telecommunication systems. Objective. The aim of the work is to develop the basic principles and strategies for the formation of a heterogeneous wireless communication system based on a swarm of unmanned aerial vehicles. Methods. We study the structural and functional methods of building a wireless network. Results. Scenarios of centralized and distributed building of a wireless network of control of a swarm of UAVs are presented, assessment of the complexity of the functionality of swarm nodes inthe case of a distributed scenario is carried out. A schemeof phased implementation of the life cycle of a UAV swarm for communication services has been developed. The “molecular” scenario of spatial self-organization of the swarm-nodes of the swarm is presented, which can beimplemented using the “chain” and “flash” procedures. The proposed construction of some strategies for managing the swarm: centralized and decentralized with the Leader, collective self-management with information sharing,decentralized management withforecasting, self-organization without information sharing. Conclusions. The basic principles and strategies for the formation of a heterogeneous wireless communication system based on a swarm of unmanned aerial vehicles have been developed. A collective management strategy for a swarm of drones was developed. Keywords:swarm of unmanned aerial vehicles; drone swarm; communication system; life cycle; control network.Проблематика. В настоящее время очень бурно развивается новое направление в технике подвижных систем, связанное с применением множества/группы подвижных многофункциональных элементов, которые могут создавать различные пространственно-распределенные структуры для различных применений: от развлекательных шоу, до разведывательной сети. Речь идет о технике малых беспилотных летающих аппаратов(БЛА), чаще называемых дронами, и их использование в области построения телекоммуникационных систем. Цель. Целью работы является разработка основных принципов и стратегий для формирования неоднородной беспроводной системы связи на базе роя беспилотных летающих аппаратов. Методы. Исследуются структурно-функциональные методы построения беспроводной сети. Результаты. Представлены сценарии централизованного и распределенного построения беспроводной сети управления роя БЛА, проведена оценка усложнения функциональности узлов роя в случае распределенного сценария. Разработана схема поэтапной реализации жизненного цикла роя БЛА для услуг связи. Представлен«молекулярный» сценарий пространственной самоорганизации дронов-узлов роя, который может быть реализован посредством процедур

    A Mini Review of Peer-to-Peer (P2P) for Vehicular Communication

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    In recent times, peer-to-peer (P2P) has evolved, where it leverages the capability to scale compared to server-based networks. Consequently, P2P has appeared to be the future distributed systems in emerging several applications. P2P is actually a disruptive technology for setting up applications that scale to numerous concurrent individuals. Thus, in a P2P distributed system, individuals become themselves as peers through contributing, sharing, and managing the resources in a network. In this paper, P2P for vehicular communication is explored. A comprehensive of the functioning concept of both P2P along with vehicular communication is examined. In addition, the advantages are furthermore conversed for a far better understanding on the implementation

    Chained Orchestrator Algorithm for RAN-Slicing Resource Management: A Contribution to Ultra-Reliable 6G Communications

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    The exponentially growing trend of Internet-connected devices and the development of new applications have led to an increase in demands and data rates flowing over cellular networks. If this continues to have the same tendency, the classification of 5G services must evolve to encompass emerging communications. The advent of the 6G Communications concept takes this into account and raises a new classification of services. In addition, an increase in network specifications was established. To meet these new requirements, enabling technologies are used to augment and manage Radio Access Network (RAN) resources. One of the most important mechanisms is the logical segmentation of the RAN, i.e. RAN-Slicing. In this study, we explored the problem of resource allocation in a RAN-Slicing environment for 6G ecosystems in depth, with a focus on network reliability. We also propose a chained orchestrator algorithm for dynamic resource management that includes estimation techniques, inter-slice resource sharing and intra-slice resource assignment. These mechanisms are applied to new types of services in the future generation of cellular networks to improve the network latency, capacity and reliability. The numerical results show a reduction in blocked connections of 38.46% for eURLLC type services, 21.87% for feMBB services, 12.5% for umMTC, 11.86% for ELDP and 11.76% for LDHMC.Spanish National Program of Research, Development, Innovation, under Grant RTI2018-102002-A-I00Junta de Extremadura under Project IB18003 and Grant GR2109

    DSRC Versus LTE-V2X: Empirical Performance Analysis of Direct Vehicular Communication Technologies

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    Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communication systems have an eminence potential to improve road safety and optimize traffic flow by broadcasting Basic Safety Messages (BSMs). Dedicated Short-Range Communication (DSRC) and LTE Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) are two candidate technologies to enable V2V communication. DSRC relies on the IEEE 802.11p standard for its PHY and MAC layer while LTE-V2X is based on 3GPP’s Release 14 and operates in a distributed manner in the absence of cellular infrastructure. There has been considerable debate over the relative advantages and disadvantages of DSRC and LTE-V2X, aiming to answer the fundamental question of which technology is most effective in real-world scenarios for various road safety and traffic efficiency applications. In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey of these two technologies (i.e., DSRC and LTE-V2X) and related works. More specifically, we study the PHY and MAC layer of both technologies in the survey study and compare the PHY layer performance using a variety of field tests. First, we provide a summary of each technology and highlight the limitations of each in supporting V2X applications. Then, we examine their performance based on different metrics