16 research outputs found

    A Systematic Mapping Study of Empirical Studies on Software Cloud Testing Methods

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    Context: Software has become more complicated, dynamic, and asynchronous than ever, making testing more challenging. With the increasing interest in the development of cloud computing, and increasing demand for cloud-based services, it has become essential to systematically review the research in the area of software testing in the context of cloud environments. Objective: The purpose of this systematic mapping study is to provide an overview of the empirical research in the area of software cloud-based testing, in order to build a classification scheme. We investigate functional and non-functional testing methods, the application of these methods, and the purpose of testing using these methods. Method: We searched for electronically available papers in order to find relevant literature and to extract and analyze data about the methods used. Result: We identified 69 primary studies reported in 75 research papers published in academic journals, conferences, and edited books. Conclusion: We found that only a minority of the studies combine rigorous statistical analysis with quantitative results. The majority of the considered studies present early results, using a single experiment to evaluate their proposed solution

    Comprehensive Investigation about Techniques Concerning Software Testing in Cloud Computing

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    Cloud computing is the following phase of the Internet advancement. Cloud depends on sharing of assets to accomplish rationality over web. Cloud emerged as new registering standard that effects a few distinctive research ï¬elds, including programming testing condition. There are different programming methods utilized for testing application condition.Cloud not just change the method for getting figuring assets additionally changes the method for overseeing and conveying processing administrations, advances, and arrangements in the interim, it causes new issues, challenges and needs in programming testing fields. Programming testing in cloud can diminish the prerequisite for gear and programming resources and offer a versatile and capable other choice to the regular programming testing undertaking. This paper gives an outline concerning patterns, openings, troubles, issues and needs in cloud testing and cloud-based application

    A systematic review on cloud testing

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    A systematic literature review is presented that surveyed the topic of cloud testing over the period (2012-2017). Cloud testing can refer either to testing cloud-based systems (testing of the cloud), or to leveraging the cloud for testing purposes (testing in the cloud): both approaches (and their combination into testing of the cloud in the cloud) have drawn research interest. An extensive paper search was conducted by both automated query of popular digital libraries and snowballing, which resulted into the final selection of 147 primary studies. Along the survey a framework has been incrementally derived that classifies cloud testing research along six main areas and their topics. The paper includes a detailed analysis of the selected primary studies to identify trends and gaps, as well as an extensive report of the state of art as it emerges by answering the identified Research Questions. We find that cloud testing is an active research field, although not all topics have received so far enough attention, and conclude by presenting the most relevant open research challenges for each area of the classification framework.This paper describes research work mostly undertaken in the context of the European Project H2020 731535: ElasTest. This work has also been partially supported by: the Italian MIUR PRIN 2015 Project: GAUSS; the Regional Government of Madrid (CM) under project Cloud4BigData (S2013/ICE-2894) cofunded by FSE & FEDER; and the Spanish Government under project LERNIM (RTC-2016-4674-7) cofunded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, FEDER & AEI

    Web service testing techniques: A systematic literature review

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    These days continual demands on loosely coupled systems have web service gives basic necessities to deliver resolution that are adaptable and sufficient to be work at runtime for maintaining the high quality of the system. One of the basic techniques to evaluate the quality of such systems is through testing. Due to the rapid popularization of web service, which is progressing and continuously increasing, testing of web service has become a basic necessity to maintain high quality of web service. The testing of the performance of Web service based applications is attracting extensive attention. In order to evaluate the performance of web services, it is essential to evaluate the QoS (Quality of Service) attributes such as interoperability, reusability, auditability, maintainability, accuracy and performance to improve the quality of service. The purpose of this study is to introduce the systematic literature review of web services testing techniques to evaluate the QoS attributes to make the testing technique better. With the intention of better testing quality in web services, this systematic literature review intends to evaluate what QoS parameters are necessary to provide better quality assurance. The focus of systematic literature is also to make sure that quality of testing can be encouraged for the present and future. Consequently, the main attention and motivation of the study is to provide an overview of recent research efforts of web service testing techniques from the research community. Each testing technique in web services has identified apparent standards, benefits, and restrictions. This systemic literature review provides a different testing resolution to industry to decide which testing technique is the most efficient and effective with the testing assignment agenda with available resources. As for the significance, it can be said that web service testing technique are still broadly open for improvements

    Web uygulamaları için bulut ve konteyner tabanlı test otomasyon hizmeti

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Gelişen teknolojiler ile birlikte web uygulamalarının çalışma yükü, sunucu tarafını hafifletmek ve daha hızlı işlem gerçekleştirebilmek adına istemci tarafına kaymaktadır. İstemci tarafında kullanılabilir olan platform-tarayıcı çeşitliliği ve bunların web uygulamalarını çalıştırırken farklı davranışlar sergilemesi sebebiyle geliştirilen uygulamaların değişik ortamlarda işlevsel testlerinin gerçekleştirilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu nedenle çapraz tarayıcı uyumluluk testleri önem arz etmektedir. Bulut tabanlı yaklaşım, farklı ortamların esnek bir şekilde oluşturulması yoluyla bu testlerin uygulanması ve özellikle otomasyonu sürecinde verimliliği artırmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın arkasındaki temel fikir, çapraz tarayıcı testinin bulut bilişimin imkanları kullanılarak açık kaynak kodlu çözümler yardımıyla otomatize bir şekilde gerçekleştirileceği özgün bir tasarım modeli sunmaktır. İşlevsel, ekran görüntüsü ve etkileşimli test olmak üzere üç farklı test tipinin sunulduğu modelde, işlevsel ve ekran görüntüsü testlerinin Selenium test aracı kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmesi tasarlanmıştır. Tasarımın uygulanması sırasında Windows ve Linux tabanlı bulut makineleri kullanılmış olup Linux makineleri üzerinde Docker teknolojisinden faydalanılarak daha esnek ve çevik bir yapı elde edilmesi planlanmıştır. Windows işletim sisteminin kısıtlarından dolayı bu test ortamları için direkt olarak OpenStack üzerinde oluşturulan bulut makineleri kullanılmıştır. Testlerin bulut makineleri ve Docker konteynerleri üzerinde dağıtık ve paralel olarak gerçekleştirilebilmesi Selenium Grid aracı ve TestNG çatısı kullanılarak sağlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada sunulan tasarımın göstergeleri doğrultusunda, her alanda yaygınlaşan bulut bilişim teknolojisi ve Docker sanallaştırma tekniklerinin sağladığı imkanların, test otomasyonu ve tarayıcı testi alanlarına uygulanması ile bu testlerin klasik yöntemlerin aksine daha etkili ve hızlı bir biçimde gerçekleştirilmesi sağlanabilecektir.With the developing technologies, the working load of web applications is shifting to the client side. Due to the variety of platforms-browsers available for the clients and different behavior of these platforms-browsers, it is important to perform the functional test in various environments for developed web applications. For this reason, cross-browser compatibility tests are crucial. The cloud-based approach improves productivity in the process of implementing and automate these tests through the flexible creation of different environments. The idea behind this study is to present a unique model with open source solutions for cross-browser testing using cloud computing approach. In this model, three different test types were presented: Functional test, screenshot test and interactive test. Functional and screenshot tests were designed to be performed using Selenium test tool. Windows and Linux based cloud machines have been used for realization of this design model and thanks to the use of Docker on Linux machines, a much more flexible structure has been achieved. Due to the constraints of Windows operating systems, the cloud machines created on OpenStack were used directly for Windows-based test environments. Parallel and distributed tests were performed on cloud machines and Docker containers using Selenium Grid and TestNG framework. With the findings of design model presented in this study, the opportunities provided by cloud computing technology and Docker virtualization techniques can be applied to test automation and cross-browser testing areas, and thanks to that, these tests can be performed more effectively and faster than classical methods

    Controlled virtual time advancement in conjoined emulation and network simulation

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    Emulations of network services are more accurate than simulated models. However this is achieved at an increased computational cost. Combining emulation with simulation allows more accurate, controllable and repeatable evaluation of applications but such hybrid systems are generally not scalable. Virtual time systems attempt to provide a feasible solution by defining and controlling a virtual clock to alter an experiment’s notion of time. Previous works have motivated and explored the benefits of virtual time systems in improving the scalability of combined emulation-simulation testbeds. One such endeavor resulted in the development of TimeKeeper, an open source virtual time system for Linux. TimeKeeper has been integrated with popular network simulators ns-3, CORE and S3FNet. In this thesis, we extend it further by integrating TimeKeeper with the Extensible Mobile AdHoc Network Emulator (EMANE). We also demonstrate the broad applicability of TimeKeeper by implementing a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) network emulation tool which can be used to emulate industrial Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems. Over the course of the design of these two case studies, we unearthed and fixed a subtle design flaw in TimeKeeper’s scheduling mechanism which could potentially starve some processes of CPU time during execution. The purpose of this thesis is twofold (1) to describe improvements to TimeKeeper’s design including the logic to ensure fair scheduling and (2) to describe two case studies which demonstrate the scalability and fidelity benefits of running emulations/simulations in close virtual synchrony under the control of TimeKeeper

    Systematic analysis of software development in cloud computing perceptions

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    Cloud computing is characterized as a shared computing and communication infrastructure. It encourages the efficient and effective developmental processes that are carried out in various organizations. Cloud computing offers both possibilities and solutions of problems for outsourcing and management of software developmental operations across distinct geography. Cloud computing is adopted by organizations and application developers for developing quality software. The cloud has the significant impact on utilizing the artificial complexity required in developing and designing quality software. Software developmental organization prefers cloud computing for outsourcing tasks because of its available and scalable nature. Cloud computing is the ideal choice utilized for development modern software as they have provided a completely new way of developing real-time cost-effective, efficient, and quality software. Tenants (providers, developers, and consumers) are provided with platforms, software services, and infrastructure based on pay per use phenomenon. Cloud-based software services are becoming increasingly popular, as observed by their widespread use. Cloud computing approach has drawn the interest of researchers and business because of its ability to provide a flexible and resourceful platform for development and deployment. To determine a cohesive understanding of the analyzed problems and solutions to improve the quality of software, the existing literature resources on cloud-based software development should be analyzed and synthesized systematically. Keyword strings were formulated for analyzing relevant research articles from journals, book chapters, and conference papers. The research articles published in (2011–2021) various scientific databases were extracted and analyzed for retrieval of relevant research articles. A total of 97 research publications are examined in this SLR and are evaluated to be appropriate studies in explaining and discussing the proposed topic. The major emphasis of the presented systematic literature review (SLR) is to identify the participating entities of cloud-based software development, challenges associated with adopting cloud for software developmental processes, and its significance to software industries and developers. This SLR will assist organizations, designers, and developers to develop and deploy user-friendly, efficient, effective, and real time software applications.Qatar University Internal Grant - No. IRCC‐2021‐010

    On the construction of decentralised service-oriented orchestration systems

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    Modern science relies on workflow technology to capture, process, and analyse data obtained from scientific instruments. Scientific workflows are precise descriptions of experiments in which multiple computational tasks are coordinated based on the dataflows between them. Orchestrating scientific workflows presents a significant research challenge: they are typically executed in a manner such that all data pass through a centralised computer server known as the engine, which causes unnecessary network traffic that leads to a performance bottleneck. These workflows are commonly composed of services that perform computation over geographically distributed resources, and involve the management of dataflows between them. Centralised orchestration is clearly not a scalable approach for coordinating services dispersed across distant geographical locations. This thesis presents a scalable decentralised service-oriented orchestration system that relies on a high-level data coordination language for the specification and execution of workflows. This system’s architecture consists of distributed engines, each of which is responsible for executing part of the overall workflow. It exploits parallelism in the workflow by decomposing it into smaller sub-workflows, and determines the most appropriate engines to execute them using computation placement analysis. This permits the workflow logic to be distributed closer to the services providing the data for execution, which reduces the overall data transfer in the workflow and improves its execution time. This thesis provides an evaluation of the presented system which concludes that decentralised orchestration provides scalability benefits over centralised orchestration, and improves the overall performance of executing a service-oriented workflow