18,937 research outputs found

    Faster Geometric Algorithms via Dynamic Determinant Computation

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    The computation of determinants or their signs is the core procedure in many important geometric algorithms, such as convex hull, volume and point location. As the dimension of the computation space grows, a higher percentage of the total computation time is consumed by these computations. In this paper we study the sequences of determinants that appear in geometric algorithms. The computation of a single determinant is accelerated by using the information from the previous computations in that sequence. We propose two dynamic determinant algorithms with quadratic arithmetic complexity when employed in convex hull and volume computations, and with linear arithmetic complexity when used in point location problems. We implement the proposed algorithms and perform an extensive experimental analysis. On one hand, our analysis serves as a performance study of state-of-the-art determinant algorithms and implementations. On the other hand, we demonstrate the supremacy of our methods over state-of-the-art implementations of determinant and geometric algorithms. Our experimental results include a 20 and 78 times speed-up in volume and point location computations in dimension 6 and 11 respectively.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figures, 3 table

    Automatic differentiation in machine learning: a survey

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    Derivatives, mostly in the form of gradients and Hessians, are ubiquitous in machine learning. Automatic differentiation (AD), also called algorithmic differentiation or simply "autodiff", is a family of techniques similar to but more general than backpropagation for efficiently and accurately evaluating derivatives of numeric functions expressed as computer programs. AD is a small but established field with applications in areas including computational fluid dynamics, atmospheric sciences, and engineering design optimization. Until very recently, the fields of machine learning and AD have largely been unaware of each other and, in some cases, have independently discovered each other's results. Despite its relevance, general-purpose AD has been missing from the machine learning toolbox, a situation slowly changing with its ongoing adoption under the names "dynamic computational graphs" and "differentiable programming". We survey the intersection of AD and machine learning, cover applications where AD has direct relevance, and address the main implementation techniques. By precisely defining the main differentiation techniques and their interrelationships, we aim to bring clarity to the usage of the terms "autodiff", "automatic differentiation", and "symbolic differentiation" as these are encountered more and more in machine learning settings.Comment: 43 pages, 5 figure

    Engineering Art Galleries

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    The Art Gallery Problem is one of the most well-known problems in Computational Geometry, with a rich history in the study of algorithms, complexity, and variants. Recently there has been a surge in experimental work on the problem. In this survey, we describe this work, show the chronology of developments, and compare current algorithms, including two unpublished versions, in an exhaustive experiment. Furthermore, we show what core algorithmic ingredients have led to recent successes

    Computing Real Roots of Real Polynomials ... and now For Real!

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    Very recent work introduces an asymptotically fast subdivision algorithm, denoted ANewDsc, for isolating the real roots of a univariate real polynomial. The method combines Descartes' Rule of Signs to test intervals for the existence of roots, Newton iteration to speed up convergence against clusters of roots, and approximate computation to decrease the required precision. It achieves record bounds on the worst-case complexity for the considered problem, matching the complexity of Pan's method for computing all complex roots and improving upon the complexity of other subdivision methods by several magnitudes. In the article at hand, we report on an implementation of ANewDsc on top of the RS root isolator. RS is a highly efficient realization of the classical Descartes method and currently serves as the default real root solver in Maple. We describe crucial design changes within ANewDsc and RS that led to a high-performance implementation without harming the theoretical complexity of the underlying algorithm. With an excerpt of our extensive collection of benchmarks, available online at http://anewdsc.mpi-inf.mpg.de/, we illustrate that the theoretical gain in performance of ANewDsc over other subdivision methods also transfers into practice. These experiments also show that our new implementation outperforms both RS and mature competitors by magnitudes for notoriously hard instances with clustered roots. For all other instances, we avoid almost any overhead by integrating additional optimizations and heuristics.Comment: Accepted for presentation at the 41st International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC), July 19--22, 2016, Waterloo, Ontario, Canad

    A framework for deflated and augmented Krylov subspace methods

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    We consider deflation and augmentation techniques for accelerating the convergence of Krylov subspace methods for the solution of nonsingular linear algebraic systems. Despite some formal similarity, the two techniques are conceptually different from preconditioning. Deflation (in the sense the term is used here) "removes" certain parts from the operator making it singular, while augmentation adds a subspace to the Krylov subspace (often the one that is generated by the singular operator); in contrast, preconditioning changes the spectrum of the operator without making it singular. Deflation and augmentation have been used in a variety of methods and settings. Typically, deflation is combined with augmentation to compensate for the singularity of the operator, but both techniques can be applied separately. We introduce a framework of Krylov subspace methods that satisfy a Galerkin condition. It includes the families of orthogonal residual (OR) and minimal residual (MR) methods. We show that in this framework augmentation can be achieved either explicitly or, equivalently, implicitly by projecting the residuals appropriately and correcting the approximate solutions in a final step. We study conditions for a breakdown of the deflated methods, and we show several possibilities to avoid such breakdowns for the deflated MINRES method. Numerical experiments illustrate properties of different variants of deflated MINRES analyzed in this paper.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figure
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