9 research outputs found

    Beyond 100: The Next Century in Geodesy

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    This open access book contains 30 peer-reviewed papers based on presentations at the 27th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG). The meeting was held from July 8 to 18, 2019 in Montreal, Canada, with the theme being the celebration of the centennial of the establishment of the IUGG. The centennial was also a good opportunity to look forward to the next century, as reflected in the title of this volume. The papers in this volume represent a cross-section of present activity in geodesy, and highlight the future directions in the field as we begin the second century of the IUGG. During the meeting, the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) organized one Union Symposium, 6 IAG Symposia, 7 Joint Symposia with other associations, and 20 business meetings. In addition, IAG co-sponsored 8 Union Symposia and 15 Joint Symposia. In total, 3952 participants registered, 437 of them with IAG priority. In total, there were 234 symposia and 18 Workshops with 4580 presentations, of which 469 were in IAG-associated symposia. ; This volume will publish papers based on International Association of Geodesy (IAG) -related presentations made at the International Association of Geodesy at the 27th IUGG General Assembly, Montreal, July 2019. It will include papers associated with all of the IAG and joint symposia from the meeting, which span all aspects of modern geodesy, and linkages to earth and environmental sciences. It continues the long-running IAG Symposia Series

    Beyond 100: The Next Century in Geodesy

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    This open access book contains 30 peer-reviewed papers based on presentations at the 27th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG). The meeting was held from July 8 to 18, 2019 in Montreal, Canada, with the theme being the celebration of the centennial of the establishment of the IUGG. The centennial was also a good opportunity to look forward to the next century, as reflected in the title of this volume. The papers in this volume represent a cross-section of present activity in geodesy, and highlight the future directions in the field as we begin the second century of the IUGG. During the meeting, the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) organized one Union Symposium, 6 IAG Symposia, 7 Joint Symposia with other associations, and 20 business meetings. In addition, IAG co-sponsored 8 Union Symposia and 15 Joint Symposia. In total, 3952 participants registered, 437 of them with IAG priority. In total, there were 234 symposia and 18 Workshops with 4580 presentations, of which 469 were in IAG-associated symposia. ; This volume will publish papers based on International Association of Geodesy (IAG) -related presentations made at the International Association of Geodesy at the 27th IUGG General Assembly, Montreal, July 2019. It will include papers associated with all of the IAG and joint symposia from the meeting, which span all aspects of modern geodesy, and linkages to earth and environmental sciences. It continues the long-running IAG Symposia Series

    Analysis of Precipitable Water Vapour in Nigeria using GNSS Observations

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    Water Vapour estimation using ground-based Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) observations is a well-established technology that contributes to weather forecast, research, and climate monitoring. Water vapour in the atmosphere is directly related with precipitation that may lead to extreme event (e.g., floods). The application of GNSS to sense the total amount of water vapour integrated along the signal path in the troposphere is what is referred to as GNSS meteorology. GNSS has the advantage of all-weather condition, low cost with high temporal and spatial resolution when compared to other classical methods of water vapour measuring that are expensive and/or with low spatial and temporal coverage. When GNSS signals are transmitted from GNSS satellites in space to ground-based GNSS receivers, they experience a tropospheric delay (an error source in GNSS positioning) often represented in GNSS meteorology as the Zenith Total Delay (ZTD). The ZTD is the sum of the Zenith Hydrostatic Delay and the Zenith Wet Delay and it is one of the products of GNSS data processing. The ZTD can be converted to Precipitable Water Vapour (PWV) when surface temperature and pressure values are known at the GNSS site using a conversion factor (?) that is dependent on the weighted mean temperature (Tm) and pressure. This dissertation focuses on the estimation and analysis of water vapour in Nigeria using GNSS observations. The Nigerian Permanent GNSS Network (NIGNET) stations observations and products were retrieved from the infrastructure implemented by Office of the Surveyor General of the Federation (OSGoF). Processing of the data was carried out using online software (GipsyX) for the estimation of ZTD. Fifteen GNSS stations were used in this research and the period 2009 to 2021 was considered. The characteristics of the ZTD over the territory of Nigeria was investigated. The range of ZTD variation in Nigeria for the period used in this research was found to be approximately between 1900mm to 2700mm in the NIGNET stations. The two main seasons in Nigeria were significantly noticed as low peaks were found to be occurring during the dry (winter) season while high peaks were remarkably seen during the rainy (summer) season. The amplitude of the seasonal variation within the period under investigation is between a minimum of 36mm to a maximum of 124mm with the Northern region having higher values than the Southern part. It was discovered ultimately by the results obtained from the analyses, that ZTD variation in both the Northern and Southern regions are influenced by the 4 distinct climates and other local weather conditions including temperature and the trade wind from Sahara Desert and the Atlantic Ocean.A estimativa de vapor de água usando observações do Sistema Global de Navegação por Satélite (GNSS) é uma tecnologia bem estabelecida que tem dado um contributo importante para a realização de previsões meteorológicas, investigação e monitorização climática. O vapor de água na atmosfera está diretamente relacionado com a precipitação que pode levar a eventos extremos (por exemplo, inundações). A área de estudo do uso de dados GNSS para detetar a quantidade total de vapor de água integrado ao longo do caminho do sinal na troposfera é designado de meteorologia GNSS. O GNSS tem como vantagem de poder ser utilizado em todas as condições climáticas, apresentar baixo custo e alta resolução temporal e espacial quando comparado a outros métodos clássicos de medição de vapor de água, normalmente mais caros e/ou com baixa cobertura espacial e temporal. Quando os sinais GNSS são transmitidos dose satélites para recetores terrestres, existe um atraso troposférico (uma fonte de erro no posicionamento GNSS) frequentemente representado na meteorologia GNSS como o Atraso Zenital Total (ZTD em Inglês ). O ZTD é a soma do Atraso Zenital e do Atraso Zenital Húmido e é um dos produtos do processamento de dados GNSS. O ZTD pode ser convertido em PWV quando os valores de temperatura e pressão da superfície são conhecidos no local através de um fator de conversão (?) que depende da temperatura média ponderada (Tm) e da pressão. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo a estimativa e análise de vapor de água na Nigéria usando observações GNSS. As observações e produtos das estações da Rede Permanente GNSS da Nigéria (NIGNET) foram obtidos através da infraestrutura implementada pelo OSGoF. O processamento dos dados foi realizado por meio de software online (GipsyX) para a estimativa do ZTD. Dados de quinze estações GNSS foram utilizadas na análise correspondendo ao período entre 2009 a 2021, para avaliar as características da ZTD sobre o território da Nigéria. A faixa de variação de ZTD na Nigéria para o período considerado foi de aproximadamente 1900mm a 2700mm nas estações NIGNET. As duas principais estações climáticas na Nigéria destacaram-se, com picos baixos que ocorreram durante a estação seca (inverno), e picos altos observados durante a estação chuvosa (verão). A amplitude da variação sazonal no período sob investigação é entre um mínimo de 36mm e um máximo de 124mm com a região norte tendo valores mais elevados que a região sul. Pelos resultados obtidos das análises foi ainda possível verificar que a variação da ZTD nas regiões Norte e Sul são influenciadas pelos 4 climas distintos e outras condições climáticas locais, incluindo temperatura e ventos alísios do deserto do Saara e do Oceano Atlântico

    BDS GNSS for Earth Observation

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    For millennia, human communities have wondered about the possibility of observing phenomena in their surroundings, and in particular those affecting the Earth on which they live. More generally, it can be conceptually defined as Earth observation (EO) and is the collection of information about the biological, chemical and physical systems of planet Earth. It can be undertaken through sensors in direct contact with the ground or airborne platforms (such as weather balloons and stations) or remote-sensing technologies. However, the definition of EO has only become significant in the last 50 years, since it has been possible to send artificial satellites out of Earth’s orbit. Referring strictly to civil applications, satellites of this type were initially designed to provide satellite images; later, their purpose expanded to include the study of information on land characteristics, growing vegetation, crops, and environmental pollution. The data collected are used for several purposes, including the identification of natural resources and the production of accurate cartography. Satellite observations can cover the land, the atmosphere, and the oceans. Remote-sensing satellites may be equipped with passive instrumentation such as infrared or cameras for imaging the visible or active instrumentation such as radar. Generally, such satellites are non-geostationary satellites, i.e., they move at a certain speed along orbits inclined with respect to the Earth’s equatorial plane, often in polar orbit, at low or medium altitude, Low Earth Orbit (LEO) and Medium Earth Orbit (MEO), thus covering the entire Earth’s surface in a certain scan time (properly called ’temporal resolution’), i.e., in a certain number of orbits around the Earth. The first remote-sensing satellites were the American NASA/USGS Landsat Program; subsequently, the European: ENVISAT (ENVironmental SATellite), ERS (European Remote-Sensing satellite), RapidEye, the French SPOT (Satellite Pour l’Observation de laTerre), and the Canadian RADARSAT satellites were launched. The IKONOS, QuickBird, and GeoEye-1 satellites were dedicated to cartography. The WorldView-1 and WorldView-2 satellites and the COSMO-SkyMed system are more recent. The latest generation are the low payloads called Small Satellites, e.g., the Chinese BuFeng-1 and Fengyun-3 series. Also, Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSSs) have captured the attention of researchers worldwide for a multitude of Earth monitoring and exploration applications. On the other hand, over the past 40 years, GNSSs have become an essential part of many human activities. As is widely noted, there are currently four fully operational GNSSs; two of these were developed for military purposes (American NAVstar GPS and Russian GLONASS), whilst two others were developed for civil purposes such as the Chinese BeiDou satellite navigation system (BDS) and the European Galileo. In addition, many other regional GNSSs, such as the South Korean Regional Positioning System (KPS), the Japanese quasi-zenital satellite system (QZSS), and the Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS/NavIC), will become available in the next few years, which will have enormous potential for scientific applications and geomatics professionals. In addition to their traditional role of providing global positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) information, GNSS navigation signals are now being used in new and innovative ways. Across the globe, new fields of scientific study are opening up to examine how signals can provide information about the characteristics of the atmosphere and even the surfaces from which they are reflected before being collected by a receiver. EO researchers monitor global environmental systems using in situ and remote monitoring tools. Their findings provide tools to support decision makers in various areas of interest, from security to the natural environment. GNSS signals are considered an important new source of information because they are a free, real-time, and globally available resource for the EO community

    International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry 2014 Annual Report

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    IVS is an international collaboration of organizations which operate or support Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) components. The goals are: 1. To provide a service to support geodetic, geophysical and astrometric research and operational activities. 2. To promote research and development activities in all aspects of the geodetic and astrometric VLBI technique. 3. To interact with the community of users of VLBI products and to integrate VLBI into a global Earth observing system

    International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry 2012 Annual Report

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    This volume of reports is the 2012 Annual Report of the International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry (IVS). The individual reports were contributed by VLBI groups in the international geodetic and astrometric community who constitute the permanent components of IVS. The IVS 2012 Annual Report documents the work of the IVS components for the calendar year 2012, our fourteenth year of existence. The reports describe changes, activities, and progress ofthe IVS. Many thanks to all IVS components who contributed to this Annual Report. With the exception of the first section and parts of the last section (described below), the contents of this Annual Report also appear on the IVS Web site athttp:ivscc.gsfc.nasa.gov/publications/ar201

    International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry 2013 Annual Report

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    This volume of reports is the 2013 Annual Report of the International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry (IVS). The individual reports were contributed by VLBI groups in the international geodetic and astrometric community who constitute the permanent components of IVS. The IVS 2013 Annual Report documents the work of the IVS components for the calendar year 2013, our fifteenth year of existence. The reports describe changes, activities, and progress of the IVS. Many thanks to all IVS components who contributed to this Annual Report. With the exception of the first section and the last section, the contents of this Annual Report also appear on the IVS Web site at http://ivscc.gsfc.nasa.gov/publications/ar2013

    A Sub-Regional Extraction Method of Common Mode Components from IGS and CMONOC Stations in China

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    There is always a need to extract more accurate regional common mode component (CMC) series from coordinate time series of Global Positioning System (GPS) stations, which would be of great benefit to describe the deformation features of the Earth’s surface with more reliability. For this purpose, this paper combines all 11 International Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Service (IGS) stations in China with over 70 stations selected from the Crustal Movement Observation Network of China (CMONOC) to compute CMC series of IGS stations by using a principal component analysis (PCA) method under cases of one whole region and eight sub-regions. The comparison results show that the percentage of first-order principal component (PC1) in North, East and Up components increase by 10.8%, 16.1% and 25.1%, respectively, after dividing the whole China region into eight sub-regions. Meanwhile, Root Mean Square (RMS) reduction rates of residual series that have removed CMC also improve obviously after partitioning. In addition, we compute displacements of these IGS stations caused by environmental loadings (including atmospheric pressure loading, non-tidal oceanic loading and hydrological loading) to analyze their contributions to the non-linear variation in GPS coordinate time series. The comparison result shows that the method we raise, PCA filtering in sub-regions, performs better than the environmental loading corrections (ELCs) in improving the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of GPS coordinate time series. This paper raises new criteria for selecting appropriate CMONOC stations around IGS stations when computing sub-regional CMC, involving three criteria of interstation distance, geology and self-condition of stations themselves. According to experiments, these criteria are implemental and effective in selecting suitable stations, by which to extract sub-regional CMC with higher accuracy