6,765 research outputs found

    Typological aspects of retailers on the background of market concentration

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    Recent evolution of the market globalization, accompanied by rougher competition, implies adaptation of the traders to this new reality. Their work policy will have to attract more consumer segments using the various types of retail and wholesale trade stores. Moreover emphasis is to be put on “reorientation” of demand - especially from young consumers - towards the forms of the stationary trade, impressive by its comfort and simplicity of acquisition.non-stationery trade, trade unit, wholesaler, retailer.

    Anak Jakarta; A Sketch Of Indonesian Youth Identity

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    Anak Jakarta refers to the youth of Jakarta, the trend-setters of the Indonesian youth. This paper gives a sketch of the youth in Jakarta as characterized by their appearance, language and lifestyle. Information is derived from discussions and personal contact with different groups of youth and parents (adults with children) in Jakarta; literature review, observations, as well as from flashbacks given by the adults, providing a portrait of anak Jakarta since late 1980's. The youth in Jakarta is Western (American) oriented, copying from the mass- and social media, often times conflicting with local norms and parental advices. Anak Jakarta profile includes: youth created slang language, school gang fights (tawuran) and brand minded consumerism. Jakarta youth has become the role model for most youth all over Indonesia, especially Jakarta migrant youth. Family upbringing, social contact, peer group and the media play a crucial role in forming, transforming and disseminating the characteristics anak Jakarta identity

    Kiosks 21: a new role for information kiosks?

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    Discusses and analyses the latest generation of information kiosks, Kiosks 21, which features information provision/promotion, interaction, transaction and relationships. In contrast to their task based predecessors, these kiosks focus on customer service delivery to ‘customers in context’. Five case studies of such kiosks located respectively in an airport, railway station, car rental base, hotel lobby, and shopping mall are analysed to demonstrate the way in which the kiosks are implemented to meet the differing requirements of customers in different contexts. Case studies are analysed in terms of kiosk design and location, user profile, information architecture, interface design, communication, and commerce. A range of areas for research and development are proposed.</p

    Retail centres: it&#039;s time to make them convenient

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    Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to explore the influence of time convenience on shopping behaviour in the light of a time scarcity phenomenon that is reported to have reached epidemic proportions in many markets. Design/methodology/approach - The paper begins with a survey of consumer households, examining the importance shoppers assign to time convenience. This is followed by a supply-side comparison of malls and shopping strips against the attributes of time convenience. Findings - The results indicate that time convenience has a salient influence on consumers&#039; patronage behaviour, and that malls and strips differ in their provision of this key attribute. Practical implications - Retail planners must give serious thought to creating retail environments that allow shoppers to &quot;buy&quot; time. Providing time convenience via one-stop shopping, extended trading hours, proximity to home or work and enclosure offers one such strategy for the shopping mall and shopping strip. Originality/value - The focus on convenience provides practitioners with a strategic alternative to hedonic strategies. It is also one of the first studies to investigate retail centre patronage from both a demand-and supply-side perspective

    Assessment of the Impact of COVID-19 on Grocery Retail in Ukraine

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    The coronavirus crisis affected the development of the global financial system: for some industries, the impact was extremely negative, reducing the market value of specific companies by more than 50%. However, the effect of the crisis on non-cyclical industries such as retail is not easy to assess. The resilience of companies strongly depends on the flexibility and multi-format qualities of the business model and the ability to innovate. For specific market players, the crisis period has become a window of opportunity to increase market share. For grocery retail in Ukraine, enormous challenges driven by COVID-19 influenced the acceleration of the transition from traditional sales channels to online shopping and led to an unexpected sharp growth of convenience and hard-discount store sectors. Consumers had to learn to live with the new reality that changed their shopping behaviors; a large proportion of them started to shop for groceries via online channels that they had never used before. A significant number of consumers are going to stick to online channels even after the reopening of brick-and-mortar stores. The objective of this research was to explore how COVID-19 affected the dynamics of the grocery retail market using economic-mathematical modeling. In employing Machine Learning methods, the authors offered an approach to assess the effects of the restrictions that the Ukrainian government imposed to localize the spread of COVID-19. The effects on consumer behavior metrics were modeled and interpreted according to local retailers’ business models, the location qualities of brickand-mortar stores, and potential shifts towards digital sales channels in specific regions. Keywords: COVID-19 economic effect, grocery retail, consumer behavior, digital transformatio

    Influencing factors on user acceptance of location-based advertising outside and inside retail stores

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    JEL -M31 Marketing M37 AdvertisingDe 2013 a 2014, a penetração do smartphone a nível mundial aumentou 25%, até 1.6 biliões de usuários. Até ao ano de 2018, são esperadas que mais de 2.5 biliões de pessoas usem smartphones, com o tempo médio de uso a ser atualmente já maior do que o da televisão. Com o crescente aumento do tempo que as pessoas gastam no uso dos seus smartphones, cresce também o impacto destes dispositivos no comportamento das pessoas. Já hoje, os smartphones são vistos como pessoais e, muitas vezes, confiáveis como primeira fonte para informação necessária. Em concordância com estes desenvolvimentos, partes significativas de orçamentos de marketing são deslocadas dos canais tradicionais para os canais móveis e os profissionais de marketing procuram por novas oportunidades para entregar mensagens de publicidade a potenciais clientes. Com a publicidade baseada em localização, os profissionais de marketing têm um instrumento que é capaz de facultar informação em relação direta com a localização geográfica de um usuário, num momento em que o usuário a vê como relevante e é mais provável que aja em resultado. Graças a uma nova tecnologia designada de Beacon, o rastreamento de localização é agora possível mesmo dentro de edifícios fechados e preciso até menos de um metro. De forma a que os profissionais de marketing usem essa informação, os consumidores têm de dar o seu consentimento e instalar um aplicativo dedicado nos seus smartphones. Dentro desta tese, foram analisados os fatores que influenciam o consentimento da publicidade baseada em localização por parte dos usuários. A aplicação da pesquisa estatística dos dados, coletados num estudo com 109 usuários internacionais de smartphones, levou às conclusões de que a utilidade percebida desta tecnologia de publicidade é o que influencia mais os usuários, seguido da facilidade de uso e da atitude geral para com a publicidade. Os resultados podem contribuir para o futuro desenvolvimento de campanhas de publicidade baseadas em localização, fornecendo aos profissionais de marketing perceções substanciais em fatores-chave para campanhas bem sucedidas.From 2013 to 2014, smartphone penetration worldwide rose by 25% up to 1.6 billion users. By the year 2018 even more than 2.5 billion people are expected to use smartphones, with the average use time being already today higher than the one of television. With the increasing time people spend using their smartphones, also the impact of this devices on people’s behavior grows. Already today, smartphones are perceived as personal and often trusted as the first source for necessary information. In accordance with these developments, significant shares of marketing budgets are shifted from traditional media to the mobile channel and marketers look for new possibilities to deliver advertising messages to potential customers. With location-based advertising, marketers have an instrument, which is capable of delivering information in direct relation to a user’s geo-location at the time when a user perceives them as relevant and is most likely to react upon it. Thanks to a new technology called Beacon, location tracking is now possible even inside closed buildings and accurate up to less than one meter. In order for marketers to use this technology, customers need to give their approval and install a dedicated app on their smartphones. Within this thesis, factors that influence users’ acceptance of location-based advertising were analyzed. Application of statistical research on the data, collected in a study with 109 international smartphone users, led to the conclusions that the perceived usefulness of this advertising technology influences user’s acceptance the most, followed by the ease of use and the overall attitude toward advertising. The results can contribute to future development of location-based advertising campaigns, providing marketers with substantial insights on key factors for successful campaigns. Keywords:; beacon

    Communication plan: attracting upscale tourism to El Corte Inglés, the Lisbon store

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    The tourism industry has expanded at unprecedented levels in Portugal and Lisbon during the last decades, including by outbound tourist markets such as Angola, Brazil, USA, or China, traditionally regarded as upscale, high-end fashion shoppers, signaling the advent of shopping tourism in Lisbon. With an increasing reliance of Lisbon's retailers on international shoppers, retail management has relevant opportunities to leverage their businesses' results by attracting the increasingly demanding and ever-evolving recent market segment, the tourist shoppers. El Corte Inglés Lisbon’s store has been, since its opening in 2001, one of the frontline players in the city's shopping tourism landscape, successfully adjusted its business strategy, captivating this prominent market segment. Hence, considering the tourist shoppers' growth and demographical diversification in Lisbon, an always expanding mix of communication channels', and the store's commercial offer increasingly appealing to high-end tourist shoppers, this project proposes the creation of a more efficient communication strategy, segmented towards tourist shoppers with high-purchasing power, interest for upscale and luxury shopping, and for whom shopping is one of the primary travel motives. To that extent, a comprehensive investigation on El Corte Inglés' tourist customers was implemented through an in-store questionnaire with a sample of 200 international shoppers, unveiling their traveling and shopping behaviors and preferences. The data analysis unveiled the existence of two potential upscale segments already visiting the store, the Angolan and Brazilian young adults, to which, jointly with Chinese luxury shoppers, the communication plan will be targeted.O setor turístico expandiu-se a níveis sem precedents durante as últimas décadas, em Portugal e Lisboa, incluindo de mercados emissores como a Angola, Brasil, EUA, ou China, nacionalidades reconhecidas como compradoras de artigos e marcas premium/de luxo, assinalando o advento do turismo de compras. Com a consequente confiança dos retalhistas neste mercados, surgiram oportunidades relevantes para a gestão dos negócios adaptar as suas estratégias a este segmento, cada vez mais exigente e em contante evolução. O El Corte Inglés Lisboa é, desde a sua abertura, em 2001, um dos retalhistas proeminentes do mercado do turismo de compras em Lisboa, ajustando, com sucesso, a sua estratégia de negócio, captando uma significativa quota de mercado do segmento. Considerando o crescimento e diversificação do turismo de compras, a constante evolução dos meios de comunicação e a oferta comercial do El Corte Inglés cada vez mais atrativa para o turismo de luxo, este projeto propõe a criação de uma estratégia de comunicação mais eficiente, segmentada para os turistas com maior poder de compra, interessados em compras de luxo, e para quem shopping está na base da decisão de viajar. Desta forma, foi realizada uma investigação junto de uma amostra de 200 turistas na loja, para estudar os seus comportamento e preferências de compras. A análise dos dados revelou a existência de dois potenciais segmentos de compras de luxo que visitam a loja, compostos por jovens adultos angolanos e brasileiros para quem, em conjunto com os compradores de luxo chineses, o plano vai ser dirigido

    Target Markets - International Terrorism Meets Global Capitalism in the Mall

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    This book explores the points of convergence between corporate capitalist and terrorist practice. Assessing an increase in the number of terrorist attacks directed at commercial entities in urban areas, with an emphasis on the shopping mall in general and Nairobi's Westgate Mall in particular, Suzi Mirgani offers a fascinating and disturbing perspective on the spaces where the most powerful forces of contemporary culture - the most mainstream and the most extreme - meet on common ground