329 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the MDC and FEC over the quality of service and quality of experience for video distribution in ad hoc networks

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    Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) offer an excellent scenario for deploying communication applications because of the connectivity and versatility of this kind of networks. In contrast, the topology is usually extremely dynamic causing high rate of packet loss, so that ensuring a specific Quality of Service (QoS) for real-time video services becomes a hard challenge. In this paper, we evaluate the effect of using Multiple Description Coding (MDC) and Forward Error Correction (FEC) techniques for improving video quality in a multimedia content distribution system. A hybrid architecture using fixed and wireless ad hoc networks is proposed, which enables the use of multipoint-to-point transmission. MDC and FEC mechanisms can be combined with multipath transmission to increase the network efficiency and recover lost packets, improving the overall Quality of Experience (QoE) of the receiver. Simulations have been analyzed paying attention to objective parameters (Peak Signal to Noise Ratio, Packet Delivery Ratio, Decodable Frame Rate and interruptions) and subjective parameters. Results show that MDC increases the probability of packet delivery and FEC is able to recover lost frames and reduce video interruptions in moderate mobility scenarios, resulting in the improvement of video quality and the final user experience.This work was supported by project MIQUEL (TEC2007- 68119-C02-01/TCM) of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science. The authors would like to thank the Editor and the reviewers for helpful suggestions to improve the quality of this paper.Acelas Delgado, P.; Arce Vila, P.; Guerri Cebollada, JC.; Castellanos Hernández, WE. (2014). Evaluation of the MDC and FEC over the quality of service and quality of experience for video distribution in ad hoc networks. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 68(3):969-989. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-012-1111-3969989683Apostolopoulos JG, Wong T, Tan W, Wee SJ (2002) On multiple description streaming with content delivery networks. IEEE INFOCOMBoukerche A (2009) Algorithms and protocols for wireless and mobile ad hoc networks. John Wiley & Sons IncChow CO, Ishii H (2007) Enhancing real-time video streaming over mobile ad hoc networks using multipoint-to-point communication. Comput Commun 30:1754–1764Clausen T, Jacquet P (2003) Optimized link state routing protocol (OLSR), RFC 3626Corrie B et al (2003) Towards quality of experience in advanced collaborative environments. Third Annual Workshop on Advanced Collaborative EnvironmentsGabrielyan E, Hersch R (2006) Reliable multi-path routing schemes for real-time streaming. 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    Routing and video streaming in drone networks

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    PhDDrones can be used for several civil applications including search and rescue, coverage, and aerial imaging. Newer applications like construction and delivery of goods are also emerging. Performing tasks as a team of drones is often beneficial but requires coordination through communication. In this thesis, the communication requirements of video streaming drone applications based on existing works are studied. The existing communication technologies are then analyzed to understand if the communication requirements posed by these drone applications can be met by the available technologies. The shortcomings of existing technologies with respect to drone applications are identified and potential requirements for future technologies are suggested. The existing communication and routing protocols including ad-hoc on-demand distance vector (AODV), location-aided routing (LAR), and greedy perimeter stateless routing (GPSR) protocols are studied to identify their limitations in context to the drone networks. An application scenario where a team of drones covers multiple areas of interest is considered, where the drones follow known trajectories and transmit continuous streams of sensed traffic (images or video) to a ground station. A route switching (RS) algorithm is proposed that utilizes both the location and the trajectory information of the drones to schedule and update routes to overcome route discovery and route error overhead. Simulation results show that the RS scheme outperforms LAR and AODV by achieving higher network performance in terms of throughput and delay. Video streaming drone applications such as search and rescue, surveillance, and disaster management, benefit from multicast wireless video streaming to transmit identical data to multiple users. Video multicast streaming using IEEE 802.11 poses challenges of reliability, performance, and fairness under tight delay bounds. Because of the mobility of the video sources and the high data-rate of the videos, the transmission rate should be adapted based on receivers' link conditions. Rate-adaptive video multicast streaming in IEEE 802.11 requires wireless link estimation as well as frequent feedback from multiple receivers. A contribution to this thesis is an application-layer rate-adaptive video multicast streaming framework using an 802.11 ad-hoc network that is applicable when both the sender and the receiver nodes are mobile. The receiver nodes of a multicast group are assigned with roles dynamically based on their link conditions. An application layer video multicast gateway (ALVM-GW) adapts the transmission rate and the video encoding rate based on the received feedback. Role switching between multiple receiver nodes (designated nodes) cater for mobility and rate adaptation addresses the challenges of performance and fairness. The reliability challenge is addressed through re-transmission of lost packets while delays under given bounds are achieved through video encoding rate adaptation. Emulation and experimental results show that the proposed approach outperforms legacy multicast in terms of packet loss and video quality

    Experimental evaluation of the usage of ad hoc networks as stubs for multiservice networks

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    This paper describes an experimental evaluation of a multiservice ad hoc network, aimed to be interconnected with an infrastructure, operator-managed network. This network supports the efficient delivery of services, unicast and multicast, legacy and multimedia, to users connected in the ad hoc network. It contains the following functionalities: routing and delivery of unicast and multicast services; distributed QoS mechanisms to support service differentiation and resource control responsive to node mobility; security, charging, and rewarding mechanisms to ensure the correct behaviour of the users in the ad hoc network. This paper experimentally evaluates the performance of multiple mechanisms, and the influence and performance penalty introduced in the network, with the incremental inclusion of new functionalities. The performance results obtained in the different real scenarios may question the real usage of ad-hoc networks for more than a minimal number of hops with such a large number of functionalities deployed

    Experimental analysis of WiMAX and meshed Wi-Fi quality of service

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e TelecomunicaçõesA indústria das telecomunicações tem sofrido uma evolução enorme nosúltimos anos. Tanto em termos de comunicações sem fios, como em termos deligações de banda larga, assistiu-se a uma adesão massiva por parte domercado, o que se traduziu num crescimento enorme, já que a tecnologia temque estar um passo à frente da procura, de forma a suprir as carências dosconsumidores. Assim, a evolução persegue um objectivo claro: possibilidadede possuir conectividade de banda larga em qualquer lugar e instante. Nestecontexto, aparecem as tecnologias WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability forMicrowave Access) e WI-FI em Malha como possibilidades para atingir estefim. O tema desta dissertação incide no estudo das tecnologias de WiMAX e WI-FIem Malha, mais concretamente no estudo da Qualidade de Serviço (QoS)providenciada pelas normas IEEE 802.16 e IEEE 802.11s para serviços deVoIP e VoD. Esta tese apresenta a arquitectura desenvolvida para a correcta integração deQoS para serviços em tempo real no acesso à banda larga sem fios depróxima geração. De seguida, apresenta testes efectuados com osequipamentos disponíveis de WiMAX e WI-FI em Malha, de forma a mostrar ocorrecto comportamento da atribuição extremo-a-extremo de QoS nos cenáriosescolhidos com serviços em tempo real, bem como os efeitos da mobilidade natecnologia WI-FI em Malha. ABSTRACT: The telecommunication industry has suffered a massive evolution throughoutpast years. In terms of wireless communications, as well as broadbandconnections, we’ve seen a massive adoption by the market, which conductedinto an enormous growth, since the technology must always be one step aheadof the demand, in order to be to fulfill the needs of the consumers. Therefore,the evolution pursues one clear goal: the possibility to establish a broadbandconnection anywhere and anytime. In this context, the WiMAX (WorldwideInteroperability for Microwave Access) and Meshed WI-FI technologies appearas possibilities to reach this goal. The subject of this thesis is the study of both the WiMAX and Meshed WI-FItechnologies, and more concretely the study of the QoS provided by theIEEE802.16 and IEEE 802.11s standards to VoIP and VoD services. This thesis presents the architecture developed to provide the correctintegration of QoS for real-media traffic in next generation broadband wirelessaccess. It presents tests carried out with the available WiMAX and Meshed WI-FI equipments, to show the correct behavior in the attribution of end-to-endQoS in selected scenarios with real-time services, as well as mobility effects onWI-FI Wireless Mesh technology

    Easy Wireless: broadband ad-hoc networking for emergency services

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    Wireless ad-hoc networks will enable emergency services to continuously overview and act upon the actual status of the situation by retrieving and exchanging detailed up-to-date information between the rescue workers. Deployment of high-bandwidth, robust, self-organising ad-hoc networks will enable quicker response to typical what/where/when questions, than the more vulnerable low-bandwidth communication networks currently in use. This paper addresses a number of results of the Easy Wireless project that enable high bandwidth robust ad-hoc networking. Most of the concepts presented here have been experimentally verified and/or prototyped

    Design and implementation of an on-line demonstrator for a video telephony system over heterogeneus networks

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    In recent times, Next Generation Mobile Networks (NGMN) enable user's mobility, not needing to be in a fixed place anymore. For this service to be successful, seamless transitions between the different technologies become essential, in order to make possible the always best connected goal. This brings an additional problematic, which is the impairments resulting from a handover between two networks. In order to succesfully plan and continue the development of always on services and mobility management, the approach must be based on user's perception of phenomena such us packet loss, the so-called Quality of Experience (QoE). This is the context in which Mobisense was born, intending a better understanding of NGMN transmission phenomena and resulting quality. Hence, Mobisense project is focused on the evaluation of the quality of service from user's point of view and on the seamless switch provision between video codecs when connections are transferred between two networks. On that purpose, a NGMN test environment was developed for real-time multimedia services. In this environment, specific network conditions can be associated with user's assessments within a realistic model. Mobisense project creates the foundations for the employment of advance prediction methods for real-time mobility management, to make decisions depending on the characteristics measured in the network and the predictions of quality resulting from them. The present degree final project gathers the work carried out to develop an extension for Mobisense testbed, in order to deploy it in a real environment of network technologies, as well as the integration with Quality of Service (QoS) algorithms. Therefore, the aim of this project consists on the development of the software required for the creation of a video thelephony system over NGMN, taking Mobisense and MultiRAT testbeds as starting point. Mobisense brings adaptation in the application layer and user's perception, and MultiRAT provides QoS adaptation and new wireless technologies. Both testbeds combined to explore more QoE aspects in wireless networks of tomorrow.En los últimos tiempos, las NGMN posibilitan la movilidad del usuario, sin ser ya necesaria su permanencia en un lugar fijo. Para el éxito de este servicio se hacen indispensables transiciones continuas entre las diferentes tecnologías, de manera que sea posible el objetivo de "siempre la mejor conexión". Esto lleva consigo una problemática adicional, que son las de ciencias resultantes del handover entre dos redes. Para planificar y continuar satisfactoriamente el desarrollo de servicios always on y la gestión de la movilidad, el enfoque debe ser en base a la percepción del usuario de fenómenos tales como la pérdida de paquetes, la llamada QoE. En este contexto nació el proyecto Mobisense, buscando una mejor comprensión del fenómeno de transmisión NGMN y la calidad resultante. El proyecto Mobisense se centra, por tanto, en la evaluación de la calidad de servicio desde el punto de vista del usuario y en la provisión de cambios continuos entre codecs de vídeo al transmitirse conexiones entre dos redes. Para tal propósito, un entorno de pruebas NGMN fue desarrollado para servicios multimedia en tiempo real. En este entorno, pueden asociarse determinadas condiciones en la red con valoraciones de calidad por parte del usuario en un modelo realista. El proyecto Mobisense sienta las bases para el empleo de métodos avanzados de predicción para la gestión de movilidad en tiempo real, para tomar decisiones dependientes de las características de la red medidas y de las predicciones de calidad derivadas a partir de éstas. El presente proyecto de fin de carrera recoge el trabajo realizado para desarrollar una extensión del testbed Mobisense, de cara a desplegarlo en un entorno real de tecnologías de red, así como la integración de algoritmos de QoS. Por tanto, el objeto de este proyecto consiste en el desarrollo software requerido para la creación de un sistema de videotelefonía sobre NGMN, tomando los testbeds Mobisense y MultiRAT como punto de partida. Mobisense aporta adaptación en la capa de aplicación y la percepción de usuario, y MultiRAT proporciona adaptación QoS y nuevas tecnologías de red. Ambos testbeds se combinan para la exploración más amplia de los aspectos de QoE en las redes inalámbricas del mañana.Ingeniería de Telecomunicació

    Improving quality of service in wireless sensor networks interconnected with the internet of things

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    Investigating the QoS of Voice over IP using WiMAX Access Networks in a Campus Network

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    VoIP is a very rapid evolving communication technology which supports transportation of voice data via IP based networks. In parallel, IEEE 802.16e standard based WiMAX is a new emerging access technology and the first generation of 4G broadband access wireless technology with an enhanced in-built quality of service (QoS) provision with many benefits including cost reduction, high quality as well as other value added network service solutions especially for communications Service Providers with emphasis on real time services. WiMAX promises manifold benefits in terms of optimal network performance across a long distance in contrast to other wireless technologies such as Wi-Fi and 3G cellular technologies. Hence, this research attempts to identify some of the network performance parameters that Service Providers will focus on to develop a VoIP over WiMAX communication tool that will serve as a voice communication broadband replacement technology to old circuit-switch voice communication. This study adopted a simulation-based network performance analysis to investigate the effects of the application of different voice encoder schemes on QoS of VoIP system deployed with IEEE 802.16e standard WiMAX network. Through different network simulation experiments using realistic network scenarios in OPNET environment, this research provided an in-depth network performance comparative analysis of VoIP over WiMAX using performance parameters which indicate QoS such as voice jitter, voice packet ETE delay, packet-sent-packet-received, WiMAX network delay, voice packet delay variation and throughput. The obtained simulation experiment results indicated that choice of suitable codec scheme can affect the QoS of VoIP traffic over WiMAX network. The results also indicated that the choice of suitable voice encoder scheme with a small number of voice frame-size per packet have a significant impact over VoIP traffic performance when deployed with WiMAX access technology. Keywords: WiMAX, QoS, End-to-End delay, Jitter, IEEE 802.16e, PSTN, OPNET, Simulation, Wi-Fi, Code