580 research outputs found

    A Study on the Efficient Estimation of the Payment Intention in the Mail Order Industry

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    AbstractThis paper presents investigating the customer payment intention prediction in the mail order industry. As the B2C market expands their market volume, the fraud transactions increase in number. The primary indicator for the detection are the shipping address, the recipient name, and the payment method. These information usually make use of the prediction in the Japanese mail order industry. Conventional detecting method for the fraud depends on the human working experiences so far. As the number of transaction becomes large, fraud detection becomes difficult. The mail order industry needs something new method for the detection. The result of the Google Flu Trends shows, accurate prediction needs the heuristics knowledge. For these backgrounds, we observe the transaction data with the customer attribute information gathered from a mail order company in Japan and characterized the customer with machine learning method. From the results of the intensive research, potential fraudulent transactions are identified. Intensive research revealed that the classification of the deliberate customer and the careless customer with machine learning. This result will make use of the customer screening at the time of order received

    Cuentas por cobrar y la liquidez: Un análisis dentro del contexto del covid-19 en empresas aseguradoras

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    La presente investigación tiene el propósito del análisis de las cuentas por cobrar y liquidez, en las empresas aseguradoras; se identificó una población constituida por las Empresas Aseguradoras, de las cuales se tomó la muestra formada por tres empresas de dicho sector, facilitando el desarrollo de esta investigación; se estableció el análisis de las cuentas por cobrar y la liquidez respectiva. La Bolsa de Valores presenta el sector de aseguradoras con un total de 18 empresas listadas en dicho sector. Para comparar las variables se aplicó el análisis de Wilcoxon, se halla una diferencia de medias de 0.37 para la rotación de cuentas por cobrar. Desde otra perspectiva, se observa que esta diferencia no es significativa, porque tiene un p valor de 0.937 (p > 0.05). Así mismo, con el análisis T de Student se obtuvo el resultado de que el covid-19 impacta de forma significativa sobre la liquidez de las empresas aseguradoras, en este caso sobre la prueba defensiva teniendo un p valor de 0.002 (p < 0.05). Esto indica que las empresas analizadas trimestralmente no tienen la capacidad para operar con sus activos líquidos y necesitan recurrir a mayores ingresos, debido al impacto de la pandemia. En conclusión, la rotación de cuentas por cobrar de las empresas aseguradoras se mantiene con normalidad en sus cobranzas. Por otro lado, el covid-19 impacta de forma significativa sobre el capital de trabajo: parte de la liquidez, teniendo un p valor de 0.019 (p < 0.05). Esto nos muestra que las empresas aseguradoras, después de saldar sus deudas, no pueden mantener el normal desarrollo de sus actividades a corto plazo.LIMAEscuela Profesional de ContabilidadFinanza

    Bankruptcy Policymaking in an Imperfect World

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    This essay is about bankruptcy policy. It attempts to articulate a comprehensive statement about the various and competing goals that underlie the bankruptcy system. The essay offers both a positive observation, drawn from the Code and its operation, and a normative evaluation, designed to outline the difficult value judgments that comprise the bankruptcy system. It also serves warning: before commentators propose any sweeping changes or policymakers take seriously any suggestions to scrap the system, they must consider the impact of such proposals on a number of competing normative goals

    PSLRA, SLUSA, and Defrauded Retirement Investors: Overlooked Side Effects of a Potent Legislative Medicine

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    This Article highlights a harmful and far-reaching unintended consequence of two major pieces of securities litigation reform legislation that were passed as part of the Republican party\u27s Contract with America in the mid-1990s. These reforms were justified, in part, on the grounds that they would benefit investors by improving disclosure of financial information by corporations. However, for many aggrieved investors, the effect of the legislation was just the opposite. Because of inadequate and misleading disclosures made by life insurance companies and their registered representatives, consumers were induced to purchase inappropriate investments carrying excessive fees that reduced the value of their retirement nest eggs. Had the purveyors of these variable annuities adequately disclosed the nature of the product and fully explained the complicated factors that go into a decision to purchase a variable annuity, most consumers would not have purchased variable annuities with tax-deferred moneys from their Individual Retirement Accounts (“IRAs”) and 401(k)s

    Relational Tax Planning Under Risk-Based Rules

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    Risk-based rules are the tax system\u27s primary response to aggressive tax planning. They usually grant benefits only to those taxpayers who accept risk of changes in market prices (market risk) or business opportunities (business risk). Attempts to circumvent these rules by hedging, contractual safeguards, and diversification are well-understood. The same cannot be said about a very different type of tax planning. Instead of reducing risk directly, some taxpayers change the nature of risk. They enter into informal, legally unenforceable agreements with contractual counterparties that are designed to eliminate market or business risk entirely. The new uncertainty these tax planners inevitably accept, however, is the risk (counterparty risk) that the counterparties will violate the implicit agreements and betray taxpayers\u27 trust. A deliberate substitution of counterparty risk for market or business risk is what this Article calls relational tax planning. The Article offers an economic analysis of different risks and considers two responses to the relational tax planning problem. The analysis suggests that business risk is superior to both market and counterparty risks. Counterparty risk is the most complex of the three. In addition to risk-bearing losses produced by all risks, it reduces transaction costs of future exchanges between relational tax planners, but only if they manage to overcome bargaining obstacles caused by opportunism and asymmetric information. These insights suggest two very different responses. A sweeping reform will allow – and even encourage – taxpayers to engage in relational tax planning, but will also ensure that counterparty risk they incur is sufficiently high. If only incremental improvements are pursued, courts should increase their scrutiny of relational tax planning involving extensive dyadic business relationships and interactions based on social norms

    Relational Tax Planning Under Risk-Based Rules

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    Risk-based rules are the tax system\u27s primary response to aggressive tax planning. They usually grant benefits only to those taxpayers who accept risk of changes in market prices (market risk) or business opportunities (business risk). Attempts to circumvent these rules by hedging, contractual safeguards, and diversification are well-understood. The same cannot be said about a very different type of tax planning. Instead of reducing risk directly, some taxpayers change the nature of risk. They enter into informal, legally unenforceable agreements with contractual counterparties that are designed to eliminate market or business risk entirely. The new uncertainty these tax planners inevitably accept, however, is the risk (counterparty risk) that the counterparties will violate the implicit agreements and betray taxpayers\u27 trust. A deliberate substitution of counterparty risk for market or business risk is what this Article calls relational tax planning. The Article offers an economic analysis of different risks and considers two responses to the relational tax planning problem. The analysis suggests that business risk is superior to both market and counterparty risks. Counterparty risk is the most complex of the three. In addition to risk-bearing losses produced by all risks, it reduces transaction costs of future exchanges between relational tax planners, but only if they manage to overcome bargaining obstacles caused by opportunism and asymmetric information. These insights suggest two very different responses. A sweeping reform will allow – and even encourage – taxpayers to engage in relational tax planning, but will also ensure that counterparty risk they incur is sufficiently high. If only incremental improvements are pursued, courts should increase their scrutiny of relational tax planning involving extensive dyadic business relationships and interactions based on social norms

    Assessing the market and financial potential of selfmed pill dispenser: a start-up aiming to eradicate medication non-adherence in Portugal

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    Mestrado em IPB-ESTGNon-adherence to medication is a global problem that affect half of the prescription users, resulting in suboptimal therapy outcomes and premature death. The complexity of medication is one of the primary contributing factors for it. To assist with the complex medication regimen, an automatic pill dispenser, SelfMed has been created. This study focuses on studying a future start-up company, SelfMed Lda. The company will operate in the Portuguese market and aims to increase adherence to taking medication according to medical prescription by adults over the age of 60. The aim of this research is to evaluate the market and the financial viability of a project in Portugal called "SelfMed, your medicating partner," which aims to manufacture and market an automatic pill dispenser to healthcare organizations, companies in this sector of activity, and pharmacies (Business to Business). Thus, it is intended to demonstrate to what extent the implementation of the project is possible and capable of replacing the need for personalized care in older individuals for the purpose of managing the taking of medicines. The research was conducted using primary data collected through a questionnaire distributed to users and care institutions/companies in the referenced area. According to the analysis, ~36% of users and 40% of care companies are interested in obtaining SelfMed to simplify the complex medication management and prescription regimen for the end user. Considering an assessment of the 6-year financial plan, a total investment of approximately €239,000 is required to launch the project, consisting mainly of basic equipment and transport, as well as supporting buildings and infrastructure, software, among others. Based on the established assumptions, the project is commercially and financially viable, with positive results from the third year onwards and an NPV of €185,051, IRR of 23.8% and a payback period of approximately 4.47 years.A não adesão à medicação, ou a sua toma de forma errónea traduz um problema global que afeta metade dos utilizadores com prescrições médicas, resultando em consideráveis malefícios para os cidadãos, de onde se destaca a morte prematura. A complexidade da medicação é um dos principais fatores que contribui para esta realidade. Foi face a esta problemática e com o objetivo de contribuir para a sua mitigação que foi proposto um doseador automático de comprimidos, designado por SelfMed. Assim, este estudo centra-se no estudo de uma futura empresa start-up, a SelfMed Lda. A empresa irá operar no mercado português e visa aumentar a adesão à correta toma de medicamentos, de acordo com a prescrição médica, por adultos com mais de 60 anos de idade. O objectivo da presente pesquisa consiste em avaliar o mercado e a viabilidade financeira de um projeto em Portugal denominado "SelfMed, o seu parceiro médico", que pretende fabricar e comercializar um doseador automático de comprimidos destinado a organizações prestadoras de cuidados de saúde, empresas deste setor de atividade, e farmácias (Business to Business). Assim, pretende-se demonstrar até que ponto a implementação do projeto é possível e capaz de substituir a necessidade de cuidados personalizados em indivíduos mais velhos para efeitos de gestão da toma de medicamentos. A investigação foi realizada utilizando dados primários recolhidos através de um inquérito por questionário distribuído a utilizadores e instituições/empresas de prestação de cuidados na área referenciada. De acordo com a análise, ~36% dos utilizadores e 40% das empresas de prestação de cuidados estão interessados em obterem a SelfMed, a fim de simplificar o complexo regime de gestão e toma de medicação do utilizador final. Considerando uma avaliação do plano financeiro quinquenal, é necessário um investimento total de aproximadamente 239.000 euros para lançar o projeto, que consiste, principalmente, em equipamento básico e transporte, bem como edifícios e infraestruturas de apoio, software, entre outros. Com base nos pressupostos estabelecidos, o projeto é comercial e financeiramente viável, com resultados positivos a partir do terceiro ano, um VAL de €185,051, uma TIR de 23.8% e um período de recuperação do investimento de 4.47 anos

    9th Annual Reality CLE

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    Meeting proceedings of a seminar by the same name, held October 14-15, 2021

    Diseño de una estrategia para la gestión de cobranza, a través de Big Data Analytics en empresas de venta por catálogo

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    Este trabajo del MBA presenta un diseño de la estrategia de gestión de cobranza a través de Big Data Analytics, en empresas de Venta por Catálogo. La metodología empleada para lograr el objetivo del trabajo consiste en una revisión sistemática de literatura y un análisis cualitativo, con el fin de identificar, describir, profundizar y finalmente divulgar la estrategia. Es así como el método de investigación se empleó de la siguiente forma: (1) Planear el protocolo de revisión; (2) Identificación y clasificación de literatura orientada al objeto de estudio; (3) Descripción de literatura de la evolución del objeto de estudio, y (4) finalmente, la entrega de resultados. Como resultado se diseña la estrategia de gestión de cobranza a través de Big Data Analytics en empresas de Venta por Catálogo, en tres categorías enmarcadas en el ciclo de vigencia del crédito: (1) Otorgamiento del crédito, (2) Seguimiento al Comportamiento del uso del crédito y (3) Recuperación del crédito. Asimismo, el trabajo es un buen ejemplo de cómo emplear estas estrategias en empresas orientadas al desarrollo del canal comercial, lo cual asegura crecimiento, pero al mismo tiempo protege la estructura financiera de la empresa, pues permite segmentar los perfiles de los clientes, y genera estrategias customizadas de acuerdo con el riesgo, de tal forma que minimice la probabilidad de pérdida de la empresa. (la probabilidad de pérdidas que podría tener la empresa).The present study of MBA seeks to design a collection management strategy using Big Data Analytics implemented in Direct Selling Companies. The methodology used to achieve the main objective is based on a systematic literature review and a qualitative analysis, in order to identify, describe, deepen and communicate the final strategy. The research method was applied in four core activities: (1) Planning the review protocol ; (2) Identification and classification of literature approach to the object of study; (3) Literature description of the evolution of the study and finally (4) Results. As a result, the strategy design model applied in Collections management through Big Data Analytics in Direct Selling companies, the model design was divided into three categories focused on the credit cycle (1) Credit Granting, (2) Credit Use Behavior and (3) Credit Recovery. Likewise, this study is a good example of how to use these strategies in companies oriented to the development of the commercial channel, which ensure growth, but at the same time protect the financial structure of the company, by segmenting customer profiles, generating personalized strategies according to the risk, thus minimizing the possibility of loss of the company.Magíster en Administración MBAMaestrí