17 research outputs found

    Non-classical computing: feasible versus infeasible

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    Physics sets certain limits on what is and is not computable. These limits are very far from having been reached by current technologies. Whilst proposals for hypercomputation are almost certainly infeasible, there are a number of non classical approaches that do hold considerable promise. There are a range of possible architectures that could be implemented on silicon that are distinctly different from the von Neumann model. Beyond this, quantum simulators, which are the quantum equivalent of analogue computers, may be constructable in the near future

    A hybrid genetic algorithm for constrained hardware- software partitioning

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    In this article, we propose a novel partitioning method for hardware-software codesign based on a genetic algorithm that has been enhanced for this specific task. Given a high- level program and an area constraint, our software considers different granularities levels to discover the most interesting blocks to be implemented in ad hoc functional units that can then be used as new instructions in a Move processor. Various optimizations are conducted to obtain a clean, very fast (in the order of a few seconds) and efficient partitioning on programs ranging from a few to several hundreds of lines of code

    A Dynamically Constrained Genetic Algorithm For Hardware-software Partitioning

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    In this article, we describe the application of an enhanced genetic algorithm to the problem of hardware-software codesign. Starting from a source code written in a high-level language our algorithm determines, using a dynamically-weighted fitness function, the most interesting code parts of the program to be implemented in hardware, given a limited amount of resources, in order to achieve the greatest overall execution speedup. The novelty of our approach resides in the tremendous reduction of the search space obtained by specific optimizations passes that are conducted on each generation. Moreover, by considering different granularities during the evolution process, very fast and effective convergence (in the order of a few seconds) can thus be attained. The partitioning obtained can then be used to build the different functional units of a processor well suited for a large customization, thanks to its architecture that uses only one instruction, Move

    Improved Development Cycle for 8-bit FPGA-Based Soft-Macros Targeting Complex Algorithms

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    Developing complex algorithms on 8-bit processors without proper development tools is challenging. This paper integrates a series of novel techniques to improve the development cycle for 8-bit soft-macros such as Xilinx PicoBlaze. The improvements proposed in this paper reduce development time significantly by eliminating the required resynthesis of the whole design upon HDL source code changes. Additionally, a technique is proposed to increase the maximum supported data memory size for PicoBlaze which facilitates development of complex algorithms. Also, a general verification technique is proposed based on a series of testbenches that perform code verification using comparison method. The proposed testbench scenario integrates “Inter-Processor Communication (IPC), shared memory, and interrupt” concepts that lays out a guideline for FPGA developers to verify their own designs using the proposed method. The proposed development cycle relies on a chip that has Programmable Logic (PL) fabric (to hold the soft processor) alongside of a hardened processor (to be used as algorithm verifier), therefore, a Xilinx Zynq Ultrascale+ MPSoC is chosen which has a hardened ARM processor. The development cycle proposed in this paper targets the PicoBlaze, but it can be easily ported to other FPGA macros such as Lattice Mico8, or any non-Xilinx FPGA macros

    Low Power Processor Architectures and Contemporary Techniques for Power Optimization – A Review

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    The technological evolution has increased the number of transistors for a given die area significantly and increased the switching speed from few MHz to GHz range. Such inversely proportional decline in size and boost in performance consequently demands shrinking of supply voltage and effective power dissipation in chips with millions of transistors. This has triggered substantial amount of research in power reduction techniques into almost every aspect of the chip and particularly the processor cores contained in the chip. This paper presents an overview of techniques for achieving the power efficiency mainly at the processor core level but also visits related domains such as buses and memories. There are various processor parameters and features such as supply voltage, clock frequency, cache and pipelining which can be optimized to reduce the power consumption of the processor. This paper discusses various ways in which these parameters can be optimized. Also, emerging power efficient processor architectures are overviewed and research activities are discussed which should help reader identify how these factors in a processor contribute to power consumption. Some of these concepts have been already established whereas others are still active research areas. © 2009 ACADEMY PUBLISHER

    A Multiprocessor Platform Based on FPGA Technology Targeted for a Driver Vigilance Monitoring Device

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    Medical devices processing images or audio or executing complex AI algorithms are able to run more efficiently and meet real time requirements if the parallelism in those algorithms is exploited. In this research a methodology is proposed to exploit the flexibility and short design cycle of FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Arrays) in order to achieve this target. Hardware/software co-design and dynamic partitioning allow the optimization of the multiprocessor platform design parameters and software code targeting each core to meet real time constraints. This is practically demonstrated by building a real life driver vigilance monitoring system based on visual cues extraction and evaluation. The application drives the whole design process to prove its effectiveness. An algorithm was built to achieve the goal of detecting the eye state of the driver (open or closed) and it is applied on captured consecutive frames to evaluate the vigilance state of the driver. Vigilance state is measured depending on duration of eye closure. This video processing application is then targeted to run on a multi-core FPGA based processing platform using the proposed methodology. Results obtained were very good using the Grimace Face Database and when operating the system on one’s face. On operating the device, a false positive of eye closure must take place two consecutive times in order to get an alarm, which decreases the probability of failure. The timing analysis applied proved the importance of using the concept of parallelism to achieve performance constraints. FPGA technology proved to be a very powerful prototyping tool for complex multiprocessor systems design. The flexible FPGA technology coupled with hardware/software co-design provided means to explore the design space and reach decisions that satisfy the design constraints with minimum time investment and cost

    A Study of the Speedups and Competitiveness of FPGA Soft Processor Cores using Dynamic Hardware/Software Partitioning

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    Submitted on behalf of EDAA (http://www.edaa.com/)International audienceField programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) provide designers with the ability to quickly create hardware circuits. Increases in FPGA configurable logic capacity and decreasing FPGA costs have enabled designers to more readily incorporate FPGAs in their designs. FPGA vendors have begun providing configurable soft processor cores that can be synthesized onto their FPGA products. While FPGAs with soft processor cores provide designers with increased flexibility, such processors typically have degraded performance and energy consumption compared to hard-core processors. Previously, we proposed warp processing, a technique capable of optimizing a software application by dynamically and transparently re-implementing critical software kernels as custom circuits in on-chip configurable logic. In this paper, we study the potential of a MicroBlaze soft-core based warp processing system to eliminate the performance and energy overhead of a soft-core processor compared to a hard-core processor. We demonstrate that the soft-core based warp processor achieves average speedups of 5.8 and energy reductions of 57% compared to the soft core alone. Our data shows that a soft-core based warp processor yields performance and energy consumption competitive with existing hard-core processors, thus expanding the usefulness of soft processor cores on FPGAs to a broader range of applications

    Estudo e comparação de diferentes métodos de controlo de motores síncronos com ímanes permanentes

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores - Major Automação. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 200