27,203 research outputs found

    The effects of store atmosphere on shopping behaviour - A literature review.

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    This paper provides an insight into how the atmospherics of a retail environment influence shopping behaviour. Its objective is to support researchers and practitioners by summarizing the current state of knowledge and identifying gaps and avenues for future research. The scope covers studies in retail marketing and environmental psychology published during the last 35 years. It has been shown that environmental cues (music, scent etc.) have an effect on the emotional state of the consumer, which in turn causes behavioural changes, both positive (approach, buy more, stay longer etc.) and negative (not approach, buy less, leave earlier etc.). Most studies make reference to the PAD model, which proposes that the relevant emotions in this process can be measured along three dimensions Pleasure, Arousal and Dominance (Mehrabian, A. & Russell, J.A.,1974, An approach to environmental psychology, Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press). Since then, significant advances have been made to understand the effect of individual cues, their interaction, as well as the role of moderators, such as gender, age, or shopping motivation. However, there are a number of opportunities for further research. Too little is known about the moderating effects of Arousal and Dominance and how they interact with each other and with Pleasure dimension. Also a number of other moderators, such as gender and culture, should be integrated into the model

    Conational Drivers Influencing Brand Preference among Consumers

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    Consumers recognize brands by building favorable attitude towards them and through the purchase decision process. Brand preference is understood as a measure of brand loyalty in which a consumer exercises his decision to choose a particular brand in presence of competing brands. This study aims at discussing the cognitive factors that determine brand preference among consumers based on empirical research. Brand attributes including emotions, attitudes, personality, image, reputation and trust which influence consumer perceptions and temporal association with brands are critically examined in the study. The study reveals that higher brand relevance and trust build strong the association of consumers with brand in long-run.Cognitive behavior, brand identity, personality traits, brand association, brand image, trust, corporate reputation, mass market, brand preference, consumer value

    Determinants of Shopping Behavior of Urban Consumers

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    This study explores the influence of geo-demographic settings of commercial centers, customer attractions in shopping malls, and route to shopping of urban shoppers. The present research analyzes retailing patterns in urban areas in reference to customer orientation strategies, product search behavior and enhancing the customer value. Interrelationship among urban retailing, marketplace ambiance, conventional shopping wisdom of customers, long-term customer services, and technology led selling processes are also addressed in the study based on empirical survey. Broadly, this study makes contributions to the existing research in urban retailing towards factors determining shopping attractions, routes to shopping, and establishing the customer-centric strategies of the firms.Shopping mall, multi-channel retailing, consumer behavior, customer-centric strategy, market attractiveness, customer satisfaction

    Developing an Instrument for Measurement of Attitude toward Online Shopping

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    To ensure the success of online business, it is important for the retailers to understand their targeted customers. The aim of this study is to develop an instrument for investigating and understanding consumer’s online shopping orientations and factors that influence attitude toward online shopping and online shopping intention. A five-level Likert scale was used to determine attitude toward online shopping. A self-administered questionnaire, based on prior literature, was developed, and a total of 370 post graduate students of University Putra Malaysia were selected by random sampling and involved in the study. Eight components, referring to online shopping orientation and online shopping perceived benefits, were found to explain 97 % of the variability in consumer’s online shopping orientation. They were subsequently labeled: utilitarian online shopping orientation, hedonic online shopping orientation, fun, convenience, customer service, homepage, wider selection and price. The reliability of data and scale was tested by computing Cronbach’s Alpha. Alpha values were 0.874 for online shopping orientation, 0.921 for perceived benefits, and 0.853 for attitude. These alpha values exceed the 0.80 recommended acceptable inter-items reliability threshold, indicating a high correlation among the variables comprising the set, and accordingly, that individual items (or sets of items) should produce results consistent with the overall instrument. In light of this, this instrument is offered to the research community as a tool that may be used in conducting future research related to online shopping behavior

    Applying the information acceptance model to predict purchase intention in social media

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    E-WOM has become an essential marketing tool, as an online marketplace compete to dominate the online space. This paper assesses the relationship of e-WOM and its relationship towards purchase intention. The theoretical model based on the information acceptance model suggesting information (quality, credibility, usefulness, and adoption), needs of information and attitude towards information are the primary variables that influence purchase intention. This is a descriptive research; closed-ended questionnaires were distributed with 294 respondents with college students as the main demographic. The findings of this research show that the usefulness of information does play a significant influence toward purchase intention, but the attitude towards information does not significantly influence information usefulness. This study implies that some companies which compete in the online space should primarily focus on how useful their information is deemed by the consumers.

    Alter ego, state of the art on user profiling: an overview of the most relevant organisational and behavioural aspects regarding User Profiling.

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    This report gives an overview of the most relevant organisational and\ud behavioural aspects regarding user profiling. It discusses not only the\ud most important aims of user profiling from both an organisation’s as\ud well as a user’s perspective, it will also discuss organisational motives\ud and barriers for user profiling and the most important conditions for\ud the success of user profiling. Finally recommendations are made and\ud suggestions for further research are given

    Modelling Online Shopping Behaviour Patterns among Higher Education Consumers: A Structural Equation Modelling (SEM-AMOS) Approach

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    Online shopping is a phenomenon that is growing rapidly all over the world. Since 2020, Malaysian consumers have shifted their preference towards online shopping to fulfill their daily needs compared to shopping in a traditional store. Due to this reason, it is vital to identify the characteristics that affect consumers' online shopping behavior between various online websites for business owners to improve their online marketplace. However, only a few studies on online shopping behavior patterns among consumers across different online shopping platforms have been conducted in Malaysia. Therefore, this study was conducted to identify the factors influencing online shopping behavior patterns among Malaysian consumers. The factors involved were web characteristics, external stimulus, affection, and cognition. Data was collected using an online questionnaire, and a cross-sectional research design was used for this study. SPSS version 26.0 and AMOS version 21.0 were used to analyze the data gathered. A total of 371 students and staff were selected randomly from Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) in Malaysia. The results show that the best online shopping platform in Malaysia that is preferred by respondents is Shopee. Only two constructs were statistically significant for online shopping behavior, web characteristics, and cognition. However, the direct effect of external stimulus and affection is not statistically significant. In conclusion, e-businesses should enhance the functionality, usability, and appearance of their websites. Effectively enhancing consumers' perceptions of online shopping could potentially have a positive influence on both their purchase intent and behavior

    A descriptive analysis of personal values on Zambian women' consumer decision-making styles in the context of hair extension products

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    Cultural, social, personal and psychological factors were identified by Rani (2014) as the four major influences on consumer’s buying behavior. While There are many studies about the personal values and consumer purchase behavior, but there is very little research to study Africa women’ consumer behavior, and in Zambia there is even less studies which are conducted to analyze their women’ values and their consumer decision-making styles. The purpose of this study is to explore Zambian women’ personal values and their consumption decision-making styles and how personal values influence their consumer decision-making styles in the context of human hair extension products. It is very important to analyze the consumer values of Zambia women and their consumer decision-making styles in the context of human hair extension, because the demand for hair extension in Zambia is growing fast and the hair extension has become a muti-billion dollars industry This paper had reviewed literature regarding consumer behavior, in specifically personal values and consumer decision-making styles. The LOV scale proposed by Kahle (1983) and the Consumer’s decision making styles proposed by Sproles and Kendall (1986) were adopted to analyze the inter relationship through methodology of multiple regression. The author conducted a descriptive analysis of the primary data collected by a field survey of research questionnaire toward Zambian women. All the questionnaires are distributed and collected at the main shopping malls and universities in Lusaka, Zambia. Through a series analysis of the sample by SPSS, the paper had detected all the list of values and decision-making styles of Zambian women. There are only two consumer values namely Security related with physical and financial safety and Self-fulfillment related with achievement of consumption which achieved a reasonable degree of reliability, and the consumer decision-making styles of Confused by Over-choice related with lacking ability of information analysis and Novelty-Fashion Consciousness related up-to-date fashion pursuit achieved a reasonable degree of reliability. The results reveal that the higher the value of Security, the greater the adoption of Novelty-Fashion Consciousness, and the higher the value of Self-fulfillment, the greater the adoption of Confused by Over-choice Decision-making Styles. However the Security value does not have any significant impact on the adoption of Confused by Over-choice Decision-making styles and the effect of Self-fulfilment value on Novelty-Fashion Consciousness is not significant

    Determinants of using online shopping in European Union countries

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    Motivation: Online shopping has gained increased economic importance as a result of restrictions on brick-and-mortar purchases due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Notwithstanding the natural partial return of consumers to direct purchases with the lifting of restrictions by the authorities, interest in online shopping does not return to pre-pandemic levels. Aim: The aim of the article is to verify the influence of various factors on the propensity to use online shopping in the European Union countries in the period 2010–2021. Due to the temporal and geographical scope of data, the panel method was used in the research. Results: The research on the determinants of online shopping, carried out by the authors, showed the statistical significance of all eight dependent variables affecting the share of people who shop online in the societies of the European Union countries. The increase in the use of online shopping is influenced by both the quality of Internet connections, the general frequency of Internet use, readiness to search the Internet for information about goods and services and the use of Internet banking. This regularity also occurs in the case of the share of older people in society, the share of people with at least the second level of education, the share of people employed in science and technology, and the level of GDP per capita