112,058 research outputs found

    Forensically-Sound Analysis of Security Risks of using Local Password Managers

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    Password managers have been developed to address the human challenges associated with password security, i.e., to solve usability issues in a secure way. They offer, e.g., features to create strong passwords, to manage the increasing number of passwords a typical user has, and to auto-fill passwords, sparing users the hassle of not only remembering but also typing them. Previous studies have focused mainly on the security analysis of cloud-based and browser-based password managers; security of local password managers remains mostly under-explored. This paper takes a forensic approach and reports on a case study of three popular local password managers: KeePass (v2.28), Password Safe (v3.35.1) and RoboForm (v7.9.12). Results revealed that either the master password or the content of the password database could be found unencrypted in Temp folders, Page files or Recycle bin, even after the applications had been closed. Therefore, an attacker or malware with temporary access to the computer on which the password managers were running may be able to steal sensitive information, even though these password managers are meant to keep the databases encrypted and protected at all times

    The true cost of unusable password policies: password use in the wild

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    HCI research published 10 years ago pointed out that many users cannot cope with the number and complexity of passwords, and resort to insecure workarounds as a consequence. We present a study which re-examined password policies and password practice in the workplace today. 32 staff members in two organisations kept a password diary for 1 week, which produced a sample of 196 passwords. The diary was followed by an interview which covered details of each password, in its context of use. We find that users are in general concerned to maintain security, but that existing security policies are too inflexible to match their capabilities, and the tasks and contexts in which they operate. As a result, these password policies can place demands on users which impact negatively on their productivity and, ultimately, that of the organisation. We conclude that, rather than focussing password policies on maximizing password strength and enforcing frequency alone, policies should be designed using HCI principles to help the user to set an appropriately strong password in a specific context of use

    Usability of Humanly Computable Passwords

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    Reusing passwords across multiple websites is a common practice that compromises security. Recently, Blum and Vempala have proposed password strategies to help people calculate, in their heads, passwords for different sites without dependence on third-party tools or external devices. Thus far, the security and efficiency of these "mental algorithms" has been analyzed only theoretically. But are such methods usable? We present the first usability study of humanly computable password strategies, involving a learning phase (to learn a password strategy), then a rehearsal phase (to login to a few websites), and multiple follow-up tests. In our user study, with training, participants were able to calculate a deterministic eight-character password for an arbitrary new website in under 20 seconds

    Gamification techniques for raising cyber security awareness

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    Due to the prevalence of online services in modern society, such as internet banking and social media, it is important for users to have an understanding of basic security measures in order to keep themselves safe online. However, users often do not know how to make their online interactions secure, which demonstrates an educational need in this area. Gamification has grown in popularity in recent years and has been used to teach people about a range of subjects. This paper presents an exploratory study investigating the use of gamification techniques to educate average users about password security, with the aim of raising overall security awareness. To explore the impact of such techniques, a role-playing quiz application (RPG) was developed for the Android platform to educate users about password security. Results gained from the work highlightedthat users enjoyed learning via the use of the password application, and felt they benefitted from the inclusion of gamification techniques. Future work seeks to expand the prototype into a full solution, covering a range of security awareness issues

    Factors Affecting Employee Intentions to Comply With Password Policies

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    Password policy compliance is a vital component of organizational information security. Although many organizations make substantial investments in information security, employee-related security breaches are prevalent, with many breaches being caused by negative password behavior such as password sharing and the use of weak passwords. The purpose of this quantitative correlational study was to examine the relationship between employees’ attitudes towards password policies, information security awareness, password self-efficacy, and employee intentions to comply with password policies. This study was grounded in the theory of planned behavior and social cognitive theory. A cross-sectional survey was administered online to a random sample of 187 employees selected from a pool of qualified Qualtrics panel members. Participants worked for organizations in the United States and were aware of the password policies in their own organizations. The collected data were analyzed using 3 ordinal logistic regression models, each representing a specific measure of employees’ compliance intentions. Attitudes towards policies and password self-efficacy were significant predictors of employees’ intentions to comply with password policies (odds ratios ≥ 1.257, p \u3c .05), while information security awareness did not have a significant impact on compliance intentions. With more knowledge of the controllable predictive factors affecting compliance, information security managers may be able to improve password policy compliance and reduce economic loss due to related security breaches. An implication of this study for positive social change is that a reduction in security breaches may promote more public confidence in organizational information systems

    Enhancement of a simple user authentication scheme for grid computing

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    Grid computing means a multiple independent computing, because it is composed of resource nodes not located within a single administrative domain. The goal of grid is to only provide secure grid service resources to legal users. Even though grid computing is more than just a technology to abet high performance computing, it is still have some issues to concerns and cares. One of the issues is security issues. Authentication is important part in grid security. Other process in grid are depends on authentication. The aim of this project is to enhance the method of password based authentication scheme and to get better password based authentication scheme in grid computing environment through its time complexity. In this project, the study is done on the existing grid security infrastructure and existing password based authentication scheme. Password Enable Certificate Free Grid Security Infrastructure (PECF-GSI) and A Simple User Authentication Scheme has been selected as the reference for the enhanced authentication scheme. Comparative study and pre-lab testing on A Simple User Authentication Scheme and PECF-GSI has been done in the research methodology. Finally, the enhanced authentication scheme has been designed, developed and tested based on four time complexity notations that are time for modular multiplication, time for multiplication of a number and an elliptic curve point, time for hashing operation and time for inversion. This project has achieved the aim, the scope and the objectives of the project by showing a good performance in terms of time complexity

    User habitation in keystroke dynamics based authentication

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    Most computer systems use usernames and passwords for authentication and access control. For long, password security has been framed as a tradeoff between user experience and password security. Trading off one for the other appears to be an inevitable dilemma for single password based security applications. As a new biometric for authenticating access, keystroke dynamics offers great promises in hardening the password mechanism. Our research first investigate the keystroke dynamics based password security by conducting an incremental study on user\u27s habituation process for keystroke dynamics analysis using two distinct types of passwords. The study shows that (1) long and complex passwords are more efficient to be employed in keystroke dynamics systems; and (2) there is a habituation and acclimation process before the user obtains a stable keystroke pattern and the system collects enough training data. Then, based on our findings, we propose a two passwords mechanism that attempts to strike the right balance over user experience and password security by adopting a conventional easy-to-memorize password followed by a long-and-complex phrase for keystroke dynamics verification. Analysis and experimental studies successfully demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach
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