2,646 research outputs found

    Adversarial behaviours knowledge area

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    The technological advancements witnessed by our society in recent decades have brought improvements in our quality of life, but they have also created a number of opportunities for attackers to cause harm. Before the Internet revolution, most crime and malicious activity generally required a victim and a perpetrator to come into physical contact, and this limited the reach that malicious parties had. Technology has removed the need for physical contact to perform many types of crime, and now attackers can reach victims anywhere in the world, as long as they are connected to the Internet. This has revolutionised the characteristics of crime and warfare, allowing operations that would not have been possible before. In this document, we provide an overview of the malicious operations that are happening on the Internet today. We first provide a taxonomy of malicious activities based on the attacker’s motivations and capabilities, and then move on to the technological and human elements that adversaries require to run a successful operation. We then discuss a number of frameworks that have been proposed to model malicious operations. Since adversarial behaviours are not a purely technical topic, we draw from research in a number of fields (computer science, criminology, war studies). While doing this, we discuss how these frameworks can be used by researchers and practitioners to develop effective mitigations against malicious online operations.Published versio

    Online Social Network Bullying Detection Using Intelligence Techniques

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    AbstractSocial networking sites (SNS) is being rapidly increased in recent years, which provides platform to connect people all over the world and share their interests. However, Social Networking Sites is providing opportunities for cyberbullying activities. Cyberbullying is harassing or insulting a person by sending messages of hurting or threatening nature using electronic communication. Cyberbullying poses significant threat to physical and mental health of the victims.Detection of cyberbullying and the provision of subsequent preventive measures are the main courses of action to combat cyberbullying. The proposed method is an effective method to detect cyberbullying activities on social media. The detection method can identify the presence of cyberbullying terms and classify cyberbullying activities in social network such as Flaming, Harassment, Racism and Terrorism, using Fuzzy logic and Genetic algorithm. The effectiveness of the system is increased using Fuzzy rule set to retrieve relevant data for classification from the input. In the proposed method Genetic algorithm is also used, for optimizing the parameters and to obtain precise output

    Keyboard warrior, online predator or cyber bully? The growing menace of child exposure to internet harm based on research evidence

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    The internet has come along with a myriad of positive and negative challenges. One of the positive developments is the increased access for all age categories, especially people of young ages; however, it is not without a side effect. A cyberbullying threat has become interesting areas of research over the years because of the importance of the concepts toward understanding children’s online behaviours and making the internet safe again for the kids to surf. Thus, this article seeks to provide a further understanding of the phenomenon by reporting the findings of a study performed in Selangor, a state of Malaysia. A questionnaire was administered to 375 respondents selected using stratified random sampling from a population of 6,671 primary and secondary school pupils aged 9 to 16 years. The key findings revealed that most children had been involved in the act of cyberbullying. Interestingly, most of them were aware of online threats but did not know that it was bad behaviour. However, most of them were rarely involved in a sex-related cyberbullying incident. A collective approach to guarantee the internet safety of children and balance their online prospects and risks is recommended to ensure children’s online safety

    Approaches to automated detection of cyberbullying:A Survey

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    Research into cyberbullying detection has increased in recent years, due in part to the proliferation of cyberbullying across social media and its detrimental effect on young people. A growing body of work is emerging on automated approaches to cyberbullying detection. These approaches utilise machine learning and natural language processing techniques to identify the characteristics of a cyberbullying exchange and automatically detect cyberbullying by matching textual data to the identified traits. In this paper, we present a systematic review of published research (as identified via Scopus, ACM and IEEE Xplore bibliographic databases) on cyberbullying detection approaches. On the basis of our extensive literature review, we categorise existing approaches into 4 main classes, namely; supervised learning, lexicon based, rule based and mixed-initiative approaches. Supervised learning-based approaches typically use classifiers such as SVM and Naïve Bayes to develop predictive models for cyberbullying detection. Lexicon based systems utilise word lists and use the presence of words within the lists to detect cyberbullying. Rules-based approaches match text to predefined rules to identify bullying and mixed-initiatives approaches combine human-based reasoning with one or more of the aforementioned approaches. We found lack of quality representative labelled datasets and non-holistic consideration of cyberbullying by researchers when developing detection systems are two key challenges facing cyberbullying detection research. This paper essentially maps out the state-of-the-art in cyberbullying detection research and serves as a resource for researchers to determine where to best direct their future research efforts in this field

    Development of Technologies for the Detection of (Cyber)Bullying Actions: The BullyBuster Project

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    Bullying and cyberbullying are harmful social phenomena that involve the intentional, repeated use of power to intimidate or harm others. The ramifications of these actions are felt not just at the individual level but also pervasively throughout society, necessitating immediate attention and practical solutions. The BullyBuster project pioneers a multi-disciplinary approach, integrating artificial intelligence (AI) techniques with psychological models to comprehensively understand and combat these issues. In particular, employing AI in the project allows the automatic identification of potentially harmful content by analyzing linguistic patterns and behaviors in various data sources, including photos and videos. This timely detection enables alerts to relevant authorities or moderators, allowing for rapid interventions and potential harm mitigation. This paper, a culmination of previous research and advancements, details the potential for significantly enhancing cyberbullying detection and prevention by focusing on the system’s design and the novel application of AI classifiers within an integrated framework. Our primary aim is to evaluate the feasibility and applicability of such a framework in a real-world application context. The proposed approach is shown to tackle the pervasive issue of cyberbullying effectively

    Feelbook: A social media app for teens designed to foster positive online behavior and prevent cyberbullying

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    This project presents a prototype for a stand-alone social media application designed for teenage users in order to prevent and mitigate mean and cruel online behavior. The purpose of the app is to create a nurturing environment where teenagers use a variety of features designed to help raise self-awareness of their own online behavior, seek support when needed, and learn to control and, when possible, correct aggressive behavior. The prototype is framed by four design principles: design for reflection, design for empathy, design for empowerment, and design for the whole. We conclude by outlining the next steps in our project to develop an application that helps to improve the online experiences of young people. This work has implications for the CHI community because it applies software solutions to tackle a critical social problem that can affect the health and well being of young people


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    The article subject is cyberbullying and cybermobbing. The emphasis is placed on the legal practice of combating cyberbullying and cybermobbing issues in developing countries, since these phenomena are still insufficiently studied. The developing countries legislation is compared with doctrinal and practical developments in the fight against the studied problem in developed countries of the West and former USSR. Experiment was conducted to determine the methods effectiveness to combat cyberbullying using the social networks built-in extensions. 40 random accounts were taken in equal parts related to "male" and "female" representatives, from 18 to 30 years old. The article indicates cyber-mobbing and cyberbullying concepts and their varieties, existing in modern world. The study examines statistical data, programs and measures of different states in fight against cyberbullying and cyber-mobbing. Experiments results showed that Instagram users are aware of the built-in extensions availability of the social network to protect against cyberbullying and use them relatively frequently. With that, female segment of Instagram users is more concerned about comments content under their photos than the male one. Measures have been developed to prevent and counteract cyberbullying and cybermobbing, introduction of which into the states policies might help in the fight against these social phenomena.Tema članka je cyber maltretiranje i cyber mobing. Naglasak je stavljen na pravnu praksu borbe protiv cyber bullyinga i cyber mobinga u zemljama u razvoju, budući da su ti fenomeni još uvijek nedovoljno proučeni. Zakonodavstvo zemalja u razvoju uspoređuje se s doktrinarnim i praktičnim dostignućima u borbi protiv proučavanog problema u razvijenim zemljama Zapada i bivšeg SSSR-a. Eksperiment je proveden kako bi se utvrdila učinkovitost metoda za borbu protiv internetskog nasilja pomoću ugrađenih proširenja društvenih mreža. Uzeto je 40 slučajnih računa u jednakim dijelovima koji se odnose na "muške" i "ženske" predstavnike, stare od 18 do 30 godina. Članak ukazuje na koncepte cyber-mobinga i cyber bullyinga i njihove sorte koji postoje u modernom svijetu. Studija istražuje statističke podatke, programe i mjere različitih država u borbi protiv cyber bullyinga i cyber mobinga. Rezultati eksperimenata pokazali su da su korisnici Instagrama svjesni ugrađenih proširenja dostupnih na društvenoj mreži kako bi se zaštitili od internetskog zlostavljanja i koriste ih relativno često. Uz to, ženski segment korisnika Instagrama više brine sadržaj komentara ispod njihovih fotografija nego muški. Razvijene su mjere za sprečavanje i suzbijanje cyber maltretiranja i cyber mobinga, čije uvođenje u politike država može pomoći u borbi protiv ovih društvenih pojava

    Personal Denial of Service (PDOS) Attacks: A Discussion and Exploration of a New Category of Cyber Crime

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    The growth of the Internet has created a corresponding growth in Internet-based crimes and online misbehavior, particularly among younger computer-savvy people. Younger generations have grown up in a world where internet access, social networking, e-commerce and smartphones are commonplace. Given this fact, they have learned how to use, and how to abuse, technology. This leads us to define a new category of cybercrime called a Personal Denial of Service attack (PDOS). A PDOS is a cyber-crime in which an individual deliberately prevents the access of another individual or small group to online services such as email or banking. Due to the nature of a PDOS, these acts can be overlooked by law enforcement and organizations that operate Internet infrastructure, such as universities. Our motivation for this work is twofold: to stress the need for cyber ethics education at the university level, and to illustrate how a previously uncategorized type of cyber crime is easily perpetrated in such an environment. To achieve these goals, we define a PDOS attack and discuss how it differs from other categories of attacks. We also examine the motivation for a PDOS attack in the context of the Routine Activities Theory of criminal justice. We further discuss a proof of concept survey administered at four different universities to ascertain their attitudes towards online account breaches as related to a PDOS attack. The survey provides initial evidence that account breaches, which are an integral part of a PDOS attack, are a worrisome threat on university campuses and further points to a need for cyber ethics training

    Revisiting Cybersecurity Awareness in the Midst of Disruptions

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    The awareness of cybersecurity and knowledge about risks from a variety of threats, which present harm or steal private information in internetworking could help in mitigation of vulnerabilities to risks of threats in safeguarding information from malware and bots. Revisiting cybersecurity awareness of every member and evaluation of organization’s posture might help to protect sensitive or private information from a network of computers, working together and forming into botnets. The purpose of the qualitative case study narrative was to explore prospects for integrating cybersecurity education into elementary school children’s curriculum through interviews of elementary schoolteachers, IT experts, and parents to gain feedback about perceptions on cybersecurity knowledge and awareness. The analysis of schools’ organizational security postures related to all levels of education, recommending in raising awareness of the underlying and unprecedented security vulnerabilities. One area of greatest need is in protecting the wellbeing of people in securing private or protected assets and sensitive information, most valuable and vulnerable amid disruption. The possible lack of cybersecurity awareness in online settings could increase an organizational vulnerability to risks of threats and outsider attempts to install malware during a variety of cyber-attacks. Organizations with online ambiguity face a threat from botnets to infect networks. This qualitative exploratory single case-study into perceptions of teachers and leaders, information technology (IT) experts, and parents of elementary school children about cybersecurity awareness level of children in elementary schools helped to reinforce the important role of education in building foundational cyber-safety practices