4 research outputs found

    From the edge to the core : towards informed vantage point selection for internet measurement studies

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    Since the early days of the Internet, measurement scientists are trying to keep up with the fast-paced development of the Internet. As the Internet grew organically over time and without build-in measurability, this process requires many workarounds and due diligence. As a result, every measurement study is only as good as the data it relies on. Moreover, data quality is relative to the research question—a data set suitable to analyze one problem may be insufficient for another. This is entirely expected as the Internet is decentralized, i.e., there is no single observation point from which we can assess the complete state of the Internet. Because of that, every measurement study needs specifically selected vantage points, which fit the research question. In this thesis, we present three different vantage points across the Internet topology— from the edge to the Internet core. We discuss their specific features, suitability for different kinds of research questions, and how to work with the corresponding data. The data sets obtained at the presented vantage points allow us to conduct three different measurement studies and shed light on the following aspects: (a) The prevalence of IP source address spoofing at a large European Internet Exchange Point (IXP), (b) the propagation distance of BGP communities, an optional transitive BGP attribute used for traffic engineering, and (c) the impact of the global COVID-19 pandemic on Internet usage behavior at a large Internet Service Provider (ISP) and three IXPs.Seit den frühen Tagen des Internets versuchen Forscher im Bereich Internet Measu- rement, mit der rasanten Entwicklung des des Internets Schritt zu halten. Da das Internet im Laufe der Zeit organisch gewachsen ist und nicht mit Blick auf Messbar- keit entwickelt wurde, erfordert dieser Prozess eine Meg Workarounds und Sorgfalt. Jede Measurement Studie ist nur so gut wie die Daten, auf die sie sich stützt. Und Datenqualität ist relativ zur Forschungsfrage - ein Datensatz, der für die Analyse eines Problems geeiget ist, kann für ein anderes unzureichend sein. Dies ist durchaus zu erwarten, da das Internet dezentralisiert ist, d. h. es gibt keinen einzigen Be- obachtungspunkt, von dem aus wir den gesamten Zustand des Internets beurteilen können. Aus diesem Grund benötigt jede Measurement Studie gezielt ausgewählte Beobachtungspunkte, die zur Forschungsfrage passen. In dieser Arbeit stellen wir drei verschiedene Beobachtungspunkte vor, die sich über die gsamte Internet-Topologie erstrecken— vom Rand bis zum Kern des Internets. Wir diskutieren ihre spezifischen Eigenschaften, ihre Eignung für verschiedene Klas- sen von Forschungsfragen und den Umgang mit den entsprechenden Daten. Die an den vorgestellten Beobachtungspunkten gewonnenen Datensätze ermöglichen uns die Durchführung von drei verschiedenen Measurement Studien und damit die folgenden Aspekte zu beleuchten: (a) Die Prävalenz von IP Source Address Spoofing bei einem großen europäischen Internet Exchange Point (IXP), (b) die Ausbreitungsdistanz von BGP-Communities, ein optionales transitives BGP-Attribut, das Anwendung im Bereich Traffic-Enigneering findet sowie (c) die Auswirkungen der globalen COVID- 19-Pandemie auf das Internet-Nutzungsverhalten an einem großen Internet Service Provider (ISP) und drei IXPs

    Study, evaluation and contributions to new algorithms for the embedding problem in a network virtualization environment

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    Network virtualization is recognized as an enabling technology for the future Internet. It aims to overcome the resistance of the current Internet to architectural change and to enable a new business model decoupling the network services from the underlying infrastructure. The problem of embedding virtual networks in a substrate network is the main resource allocation challenge in network virtualization and is usually referred to as the Virtual Network Embedding (VNE) problem. VNE deals with the allocation of virtual resources both in nodes and links. Therefore, it can be divided into two sub-problems: Virtual Node Mapping where virtual nodes have to be allocated in physical nodes and Virtual Link Mapping where virtual links connecting these virtual nodes have to be mapped to paths connecting the corresponding nodes in the substrate network. Application of network virtualization relies on algorithms that can instantiate virtualized networks on a substrate infrastructure, optimizing the layout for service-relevant metrics. This class of algorithms is commonly known as VNE algorithms. This thesis proposes a set of contributions to solve the research challenges of the VNE that have not been tackled by the research community. To do that, it performs a deep and comprehensive survey of virtual network embedding. The first research challenge identified is the lack of proposals to solve the virtual link mapping stage of VNE using single path in the physical network. As this problem is NP-hard, existing proposals solve it using well known shortest path algorithms that limit the mapping considering just one constraint. This thesis proposes the use of a mathematical multi-constraint routing framework called paths algebra to solve the virtual link mapping stage. Besides, the thesis introduces a new demand caused by virtual link demands into physical nodes acting as intermediate (hidden) hops in a path of the physical network. Most of the current VNE approaches are centralized. They suffer of scalability issues and provide a single point of failure. In addition, they are not able to embed virtual network requests arriving at the same time in parallel. To solve this challenge, this thesis proposes a distributed, parallel and universal virtual network embedding framework. The proposed framework can be used to run any existing embedding algorithm in a distributed way. Thereby, computational load for embedding multiple virtual networks is spread across the substrate network Energy efficiency is one of the main challenges in future networking environments. Network virtualization can be used to tackle this problem by sharing hardware, instead of requiring dedicated hardware for each instance. Until now, VNE algorithms do not consider energy as a factor for the mapping. This thesis introduces the energy aware VNE where the main objective is to switch off as many network nodes and interfaces as possible by allocating the virtual demands to a consolidated subset of active physical networking equipment. To evaluate and validate the aforementioned VNE proposals, this thesis helped in the development of a software framework called ALgorithms for Embedding VIrtual Networks (ALEVIN). ALEVIN allows to easily implement, evaluate and compare different VNE algorithms according to a set of metrics, which evaluate the algorithms and compute their results on a given scenario for arbitrary parameters

    Enhancing Networks via Virtualized Network Functions

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    University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. May 2019. Major: Computer Science. Advisor: Zhi-Li Zhang. 1 computer file (PDF); xii, 116 pages.In an era of ubiquitous connectivity, various new applications, network protocols, and online services (e.g., cloud services, distributed machine learning, cryptocurrency) have been constantly creating, underpinning many of our daily activities. Emerging demands for networks have led to growing traffic volume and complexity of modern networks, which heavily rely on a wide spectrum of specialized network functions (e.g., Firewall, Load Balancer) for performance, security, etc. Although (virtual) network functions (VNFs) are widely deployed in networks, they are instantiated in an uncoordinated manner failing to meet growing demands of evolving networks. In this dissertation, we argue that networks equipped with VNFs can be designed in a fashion similar to how computer software is today programmed. By following the blueprint of joint design over VNFs, networks can be made more effective and efficient. We begin by presenting Durga, a system fusing wide area network (WAN) virtualization on gateway with local area network (LAN) virtualization technology. It seamlessly aggregates multiple WAN links into a (virtual) big pipe for better utilizing WAN links and also provides fast fail-over thus minimizing application performance degradation under WAN link failures. Without the support from LAN virtualization technology, existing solutions fail to provide high reliability and performance required by today’s enterprise applications. We then study a newly standardized protocol, Multipath TCP (MPTCP), adopted in Durga, showing the challenge of associating MPTCP subflows in network for the purpose of boosting throughput and enhancing security. Instead of designing a customized solution in every VNF to conquer this common challenge (making VNFs aware of MPTCP), we implement an online service named SAMPO to be readily integrated into VNFs. Following the same principle, we make an attempt to take consensus as a service in software-defined networks. We illustrate new network failure scenarios that are not explicitly handled by existing consensus algorithms such as Raft, thereby severely affecting their correct or efficient operations. Finally, we re-consider VNFs deployed in a network from the perspective of network administrators. A global view of deployed VNFs brings new opportunities for performance optimization over the network, and thus we explore parallelism in service function chains composing a sequence of VNFs that are typically traversed in-order by data flows

    Effective Wide-Area Network Performance Monitoring and Diagnosis from End Systems.

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    The quality of all network application services running on today’s Internet heavily depends on the performance assurance offered by the Internet Service Providers (ISPs). Large network providers inside the core of the Internet are instrumental in determining the network properties of their transit services due to their wide-area coverage, especially in the presence of the increasingly deployed real-time sensitive network applications. The end-to-end performance of distributed applications and network services are susceptible to network disruptions in ISP networks. Given the scale and complexity of the Internet, failures and performance problems can occur in different ISP networks. It is important to efficiently identify and proactively respond to potential problems to prevent large damage. Existing work to monitor and diagnose network disruptions are ISP-centric, which relying on each ISP to set up monitors and diagnose within its network. This approach is limited as ISPs are unwilling to revealing such data to the public. My dissertation research developed a light-weight active monitoring system to monitor, diagnose and react to network disruptions by purely using end hosts, which can help customers assess the compliance of their service-level agreements (SLAs). This thesis studies research problems from three indispensable aspects: efficient monitoring, accurate diagnosis, and effective mitigation. This is an essential step towards accountability and fairness on the Internet. To fully understand the limitation of relying on ISP data, this thesis first studies and demonstrates the monitor selection’s great impact on the monitoring quality and the interpretation of the results. Motivated by the limitation of ISP-centric approach, this thesis demonstrates two techniques to diagnose two types of finegrained causes accurately and scalably by exploring information across routing and data planes, as well as sharing information among multiple locations collaboratively. Finally, we demonstrate usefulness of the monitoring and diagnosis results with two mitigation applications. The first application is short-term prevention of avoiding choosing the problematic route by exploring the predictability from history. The second application is to scalably compare multiple ISPs across four important performance metrics, namely reachability, loss rate, latency, and path diversity completely from end systems without any ISP cooperation.Ph.D.Computer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64770/1/wingying_1.pd