41 research outputs found

    Analysis and control of bifurcation and chaos in averaged queue length in TCP/RED model

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    This paper studies the bifurcation and chaos phenomena in averaged queue length in a developed Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) model with Random Early Detection (RED) mechanism. Bifurcation and chaos phenomena are nonlinear behaviour in network systems that lead to degradation of the network performance. The TCP/RED model used is a model validated previously. In our study, only the average queue size k q − is considered, and the results are based on analytical model rather than actual measurements. The instabilities in the model are studied numerically using the conventional nonlinear bifurcation analysis. Extending from this bifurcation analysis, a modified RED algorithm is derived to prevent the observed bifurcation and chaos regardless of the selected parameters. Our modification is for the simple scenario of a single RED router carrying only TCP traffic. The algorithm neither compromises the throughput nor the average queuing delay of the system

    Enhanced Queue Management Mechanism for Differentiated Services Networks

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    In the Internet, it is supposed that all connections are treated equally in the network. Due to the limitation of network resources are limited, providing guarantees on performance measures imposes declining new connections if resources are not available. Assigning network resources to connections according to their classes requires differentiating between the connection classes. For this reason, the Differentiated Services (DiffServ) has been proposed. Many of the QoS mechanisms have been developed which allow different services carried by the Internet to co-exist. Many of these mechanisms were both complex and failed to scale to meet the demands of the Internet. MRED is the common mechanism used in DifJServ routers. It suflers from large queue length variation and untimely congestion detection and notification. These consequences cause performance degradation due to high queuing delays and high packet loss. In this project, enhanced version of MRED is developed to improve the performance of Diffserv networks that use TCP as the transport layer protocol. Enhanced MRED includes average packet arrival rate when computing the packet drop probability. Enhanced MRED showed a good pedonnance compared to that of MRED, in term of fast congestion detection and notification. The limitation of the new mechanism is that it works only with responsive connections which play a big role in avoiding and controlling the congestion. The major contribution of this project is to provide an improved queue management mechanism for Diffserv networks that responds to congestion more quickly, delivers congestion notification timers, and controls the queue length directly to congestion which results in minimizing queue length variation. All these would help improve the DlffServ networks performance

    Analysis of congestion control algorithm for fog computing systems with internet of things

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    With rapid deployment of Internet of Things (IoT) applications which demand real-time, lowlatency services, fog computing was proposed as a promising distributed computing paradigm to support the IoT systems. Unlike the centralized cloud computing architecture, fog computing deploys network devices with various degrees of computational and storage capabilities at the edge of the network closer to the IoT devices in order to meet the realtime, low-latency service demands generated by these devices. Considering the rapid growth of IoT systems and the huge traffic generated by billions of IoT devices, there is the need to have an effective algorithm implemented at the fog gateways for congestion control. In this paper a queuing model was proposed to analyze the effectiveness of the Random Early Discard (RED) algorithm with generalized nonlinear loss function for edge gateways of fog computing architecture which supports the IoT applications. Results of the analysis have shown that in high traffic load situations, the probability of service requests’ drop increases as the index value of the generalized nonlinear loss function decreases. For light traffic load situations, the throughput of service requests increases as the index value of the generalized nonlinear loss function increases.Keywords: RED, Delay, Congestion Control, IoT, Fog Computing

    Queue Management Performance Evaluation of REM, GRED, and DropTail Algorithms

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    As the new user applications and Internet traffic are increased rapidly Rapid growth, the need for developing the Internet infrastructure that guarantee good level of quality of service became necessary. Congestion that is caused by uncontrollable amount of traffic remains as a main problem that threats the Quality of Service (QoS) on the Internet. Proactive Queue Management Mechanisms employed in the Internet routers help in improving the performance of responsive applications such as TCP applications. The selection of Active queue management mechanism plays an important role that leads to well network performance and utilization. In this project, we performance evaluation for examining the performance of the some of the known queue management mechanisms, namely DropTail, REM, and RED proposed for IP routers to achieve performance among competing sources. The purpose of this performance examination is to identify the key parameters to improve the fairness and link utilization in TCP/IP networks. In addition, this will help obtaining a better understanding of these mechanisms by identifying and clarifying factors that influence their performance in order to improve TCP/IP networks performance overall

    Performance study of large block forward error correction with random early detection queue policy

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    In this paper, we report an investigation on performance of the forward error correction (FEC) with random early detection (RED) queuing policy. FEC is a technique that uses redundant packet to reconstruct the dropped packet, while RED is an active queue management algorithm. It monitors the average queue size and drops arriving packets probabilistically, the probability of drop increases as the estimated average queue size grows. In the investigation we consider simulation settings with varies size of the queue buffer.Results obtained from the simulation experiments show that FEC and queue size affect the performance the network. Consequently, the qualities of multimedia applications are also affected

    Combination of GREEN and SHRed AQM for short-lived traffic

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    The majority of traffic flows dominate Internet traffic is Web interactions where they are short-lived HTTP connections handled by TCP.Short-lived traffic is more sensitive to delay and has small congestion windows cwnds.This paper introduces a new active queue management (AQM) algorithms based on combination of GREEN algorithm and SHRED, to tackle issues on Short-lived flows.Active Queue Management (AQM) refers to a method to enhance congestion control, and to achieve trade off between link utilization and delay. Several example of AQM model is Random Early Detection (RED), Blue and GREEN (Generalized Random Early Evasion Network).RED has the potential to overcome some of the problems such as synchronization of TCP flows. To evaluate the performance of new algorithm, network simulation has been done using NS-2 simulation.This study provides a series of NS-2 experiments to investigate the behavior of new algorithm.The results show improvement on short-lived traffic

    Analytical approaches for short-range wireless technologies evaluation

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    Analytical evaluation approaches play a very important role, when the applicability of short-range wireless technology is assessed for emerging applications and scenarios, like machine-to-machine, device-to-device, heterogeneous networking, etc. Due to a set of limitations of measuring and simulation strategies, a closed-form equation describing the network characteristics as a function of parameters could be very suitable in the cases, that were not studied before: new application, traffic pattern or scenario. This paper presents an overview of existing approaches aiming to evaluate different types of short-range networking. Starting from simple cases: channel modeling and saturated system analysis, we finally come to the stability criteria and different traffic patterns affect on the network performance