3,412 research outputs found

    Enterprise modelling : building a product lifecycle (PLM) model as a component of the integrated vision of the enterprise

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    Enterprise modelling has proved to be an efficient tool to study organisations structure and facilitate decision making. The enterprise is a complex system that is required to use its processes to generate value in a given environment (concurrent, market, suppliers and humanity). We focus on three management disciplines: Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM). These business processes are so intertwined that the enterprise has to concentrate on the three to attain its economic objectives. To enhance the development of PLM, SCM and CRM models, the enterprise needs to capitalise the knowledge necessary to adapt and apply modelling techniques. Knowledge Management (KM) is a key factor to give a unified enterprise vision. Firstly, we propose an integrated enterprise model depicting the interactions between PLM, SCM, CRM and KM models. But a state of the art showed that PLM models are scarce. Most of the PLM models found depends strongly on the particular case studied and can not be used with other enterprises. After defining the most important components of the PLM vision, we propose to organise these components into a formalised way. The study of SCM and CRM models proved to be helpful to structure these components. Finally the validation methodology that is to be established in our coming research works is not only to be used with the PLM model presented in this paper but with SCM and CRM models also.Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), Enterprise modelling, Enterprise systems

    Design and modeling of processes through eTOM, ITIL and ISO 27001 for a telecommunications company

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    This project deals with the design and modeling of the processes that make up a company in order to achieve the proposed objectives of quality improvement and organization, in the most efficient way possible, thus demonstrating the importance of carrying out this modeling. Specifically, in this thesis we will analyze how this is carried out at AFR-IX telecom, a telecommunications company that offers data and advanced managed solutions to telecommunications companies and operators in Africa. To achieve this objective, different theoretical frameworks that are relevant today in the business world have been studied, specifically BPMN, eTOM, ITIL and ISO 27001. All modeling must be based on these concepts in order to implement the model obtained using different tools. In this project you will be able to see how some of the most used today have been used in a practical way, such as Signavio, Visio, Odoo and Service Desk Plus.Aquest projecte tracta el disseny i el modelatge dels processos que formen una empresa per poder assolir els objectius proposats, de millora de qualitat i organització, de la forma més eficaç possible, demostrant així la importància de realitzar aquest modelatge. Concretament, en aquest TFG analitzarem com es porta això a terme en AFR-IX telecom, una empresa de telecomunicacions que ofereix dades i solucions gestionades avançades a empreses i operadors de telecomunicacions a l'Àfrica. Per assolir aquest objectiu, s'han estudiat diferents marcs teòrics que avui en dia són rellevants en el món empresarial, concretament BPMN, eTOM, ITIL i ISO 27001. Tot modelatge s'ha de basar en aquests conceptes per arribar a implementar el model obtingut fent ús de diferents eines. En aquest projecte es podrà veure com s'han usat de forma pràctica algunes de les més utilitzades avui en dia com són Signavio, Visio, Odoo i Service Desk Plus.Este proyecto trata el diseño y el modelado de los procesos que forman a una empresa para poder alcanzar los objetivos propuestos, de mejora de calidad y organización, de la forma más eficaz posible, demostrando así la importancia de realizar este modelado. Concretamente, en este TFG analizaremos como se lleva esto a cabo en AFR-IX telecom, una empresa de telecomunicaciones que ofrece datos y soluciones gestionadas avanzadas a empresas y operadores de telecomunicaciones en África. Para alcanzar este objetivo, se han estudiado distintos marcos teóricos que hoy en día son relevantes en el mundo empresarial, concretamente BPMN, eTOM, ITIL e ISO 27001. Todo modelado se debe basar en estos conceptos para llegar a implementar el modelo obtenido haciendo uso de distintas herramientas. En este proyecto se podrá ver como se han usado de forma práctica algunas de las más utilizadas hoy en día como son Signavio, Visio, Odoo y Service Desk Plus

    Characterization of the clients retention in the tlecommunications companies

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    The ability of a company to be able to do a precisely churn prediction, so it can act on it, is paramount. For this reason, Deloitte addressed me the challenge of characterizing the client’s retention in the telecom companies. To do so, it was created a comprehensive tool that enables Deloitte to evaluate the churn management maturity level of a telecom operator and highlight its strengths and weaknesses. The development of this matrix was based on a depth churn research, a market research based on 40 interviews and 2 focus group and the valuable feedback from Deloitte consultants

    Contract Aware Components, 10 years after

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    The notion of contract aware components has been published roughly ten years ago and is now becoming mainstream in several fields where the usage of software components is seen as critical. The goal of this paper is to survey domains such as Embedded Systems or Service Oriented Architecture where the notion of contract aware components has been influential. For each of these domains we briefly describe what has been done with this idea and we discuss the remaining challenges.Comment: In Proceedings WCSI 2010, arXiv:1010.233

    A BPM Lifecycle Plug-in for Modeling Methods Agility

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    Business Process Management literature has proposed several BPM lifecycles on a level of abstraction that is modeling method -agnostic, i.e. they consider the modeling language and tool support an underlying invariant or technological concern. While remaining on the same abstraction layer, we highlight a method agility requirement observed in commercial BPM consulting projects - concretely, it manifests as change requests for the modeling language or tool, from one lifecycle iteration to the next, leading to situations of model value co-creation as customer demands are assimilated in the modeling method. Based on a conceptualization of such situations, a lifecycle plug-in is proposed in the form of a methodology and associated tool support, allowing for responsive evolution of the adopted modeling method with impact on several lifecycle phases. Historical examples from the evolution of a BPM product are provided to illustrate and classify the demands that motivate the existence of this lifecycle plug-in


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    Enterprise Architecture (EA) merupakan sebuah rumpun ilmu yang membahas mengenai penggunaan sebuah set konsep dan praktik berdasarkan pandangan holistik dari sistem. Perusahaan Telekomunikasi membutuhkan EA untuk mengelola proses pada domain bisnis, domain data, hingga domain aplikasi agar dapat berjalan selaras dan terintegrasi. Dalam perusahaan Telekomunikasi di Indonesia, permasalahan utama yang ditemui yaitu EA berupa framework arsitektur refer-ensi belum dapat diimplementasikan secara langsung untuk perusahaan karena harus disesuaikan dengan setiap domain di perusahaan. Karena itulah, karya tulis ilmiah ini sendiri akan mengangkat mengenai perancangan arsitektur umum sebagai bentuk EA pada perusahaan Telekomunikasi menggunakan framework arsitektur referensi. Proses yang akan di fokuskan adalah proses Product Management yang secara khusus membahas serangkaian aktivitas dalam proses produksi yang menghasilkan nilai berupa barang dan jasa. Referensi yang digunakan dalam analisis perancangan adalah TOGAF ADM 9.2 mencakup proses Preliminary Phase, Architecture Vision, Business Architecture, Informations Systems Architec-ture, serta tiga jenis framework arsitektur referensi yang tergabung dalam frameworx yaitu berjenis Telecom Operations Map atau disebut juga Business Process Framework (eTOM), Application Framework (TAM), dan juga Shared Infor-mation/Data Model (SID). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian yaitu berupa output artefak sebagai arsitektur umum. Hasil ini diharapkan dapat bermanfaat baik untuk diterapkan secara langsung pada perusahaan Telekomunikasi, ataupun menjadi referensi bagi peneliti lainnya dan menambah wawasan bagi pembaca sekalian

    ERTS 2004

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    International audienceIndustrial are more and more faces to the hard problem of developing more sophisticated real-time systems while time to market, quality and cost constraints are constantly increasing. The product development challenges they have to meet with are:•Accelerating rate of innovation and technology changes•Increasing pressure for delivering products faster• 80% of the market share generally goes to the first two companies to market a newproduct•Do it right the first time•Control risk associated to fast delivery•Drive components platform/technology reuse• Increasing product & process complexit

    Agent oriented modeling of business information systems

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    Enterprise modeling is an abstract definition of processes running in enterprise using process, value, data and resource models. There are two perspectives of business modeling: process perspective and value chain perspective. Both have some advantages and disadvantages. This paper proposes a combination of both perspectives into one generic model. The model takes also social part or the enterprise system into consideration and pays attention to disturbances influencing the enterprise system. Due to heterogeneous nature of the enterprise processes the outline proposed is oriented on the modeling using agents. Several types of agents are defined for the simulation model. The agents are structured into several layers. Well known JADE platform is proposed as the modeling framework. Further research directions are summed up in conclusionprocess model, value chain model, business pattern, agent, control loop, feedback, JADE platform.