908 research outputs found

    Supporting Market Transaction through XML Contracting Containers

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    Based on a Business Media Framework (BMF), this paper proposes an architecture for secure electronic contracts, which adhere to legal requirements and can be applied for an integrated management of market transactions. We propose the use of XML, digital signatures, and Java technology for secure electronic contracting. The resulting contract container can be applied for the support of an integrated information flow through the different services of an electronic market. In addition the container holds a control logic, that supports the management of the contract negotiation and the contract settlement. The concept provided in this paper was developed in the Secure Electronic Contracts (SeCo) project of the =mcminstitute of the University of St. Gallen and the University of Zurich, Switzerland, in cooperation with several business partners

    Optimistic fair exchange

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    A fair exchange guarantees that a participant only reveals its items (such as signatures, payments, or data) if it receives the expected items in exchange. Efficient fair exchange requires a so-called third party, which is assumed to be correct. Optimistic fair exchange involves this third party only if needed, i.e., if the participants cheat or disagree. In Part I, we prove lower bounds on the message and time complexity of two particular instances of fair exchange in varying models, namely contract signing (fair exchange of two signatures under a contract) and certified mail (fair exchange of data for a receipt). We show that all given bounds are tight by describing provably time- and message-optimal protocols for all considered models and instances. In Part II, we have a closer look at formalizing the security of fair exchange. We introduce a new formal notion of security (including secrecy) for reactive distributed systems. We illustrate this new formalism by a specification of certified mail as an alternative to the traditional specification given in Part I. In Part III, we describe protocols for generic and optimistic fair exchange of arbitrary items. These protocols are embedded into the SEMPER Fair Exchange Layer, which is a central part of the SEMPER Framework for Secure Electronic Commerce.Ein Austausch ist fair, wenn eine Partei die angebotenen Güter, wie zum Beispiel digitale Signaturen, Zahlungen oder Daten, nur abgibt, wenn sie die erwarteten Güter im Tausch erhält. Ohne eine als korrekt angenommene dritte Partei, welche eine mit einem Notar vergleichbare Rolle übernimmt, ist fairer Austausch nicht effizient möglich. Ein fairer Austausch heißt optimistisch, falls diese dritte Partei nur in Problemfällen am Protokoll teilnimmt. In Teil I werden beweisbar zeit- und nachrichtenoptimale Protokolle für die Spezialfälle \u27;elektronische Vertragsunterzeichnung" (fairer Austausch zweier Signaturen; engl. contract signing) und \u27;elektronisches Einschreiben" (fairer Austausch von Daten gegen eine Quittung; engl. certified mail) von fairem Austausch vorgestellt. Teil II beschreibt einen neuen Integritäts- und Geheimhaltungsbegriff für reaktive Systeme. Dieser basiert auf einer Vergleichsrelation \u27;so sicher wie", welche die Sicherheit zweier Systeme vergleicht. Ein verteiltes, reaktives System wird dann als sicher bezeichnet, wenn es so sicher wie ein idealisiertes System (engl. trusted host) für diesen Dienst ist. Mit diesem Formalismus geben wir eine alternative Sicherheitsdefinition von \u27;elektronischem Einschreiben" an, deren Semantik im Gegensatz zu der in Teil I beschriebenen Definition nun unabhängig vom erbrachten Dienst ist. Teil III beschreibt ein Design und optimistische Protokolle für generischen fairen Austausch von zwei beliebigen Gütern und den darauf aufbauenden SEMPER Fair Exchange Layer. Dieser ist ein wesentlicher Baustein des SEMPER Framework for Secure Electronic Commerce

    Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) - An analysis of how Microsoft could implement VMI functionality in the ERP system Microsoft Dynamics AX.

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    Title: ?Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) ? An analysis of how Microsoft could implement VMI functionality in the ERP system Microsoft Dynamics AX.? Authors: Peter Gurenius Johanna Wicander Supervisors: Ola Johansson, Department of Packaging Logistics, Lund University Per Lykke Lynnerup, Microsoft Development Center, Copenhagen Background issues: VMI is being increasingly implemented in companies and therefore Microsoft wants to have this functionality in the ERP system Microsoft Dynamics AX. Today, in version 4.0 of AX, there is no VMI functionality and customers have to buy add on VMI solutions from Microsoft's partners. However, these solutions are customer specific and do not lead to competitiveness for Microsoft in the long run. Microsoft wants to have generic VMI functionality build into AX, why Microsoft has started a large project for implementing advanced trading functionality in AX, including VMI. Purpose: The purpose of this master's thesis is to ?investigate how Microsoft could implement VMI functionality in Microsoft Dynamics AX?. To achieve this, three research questions will be answered regarding purposes of starting VMI relationships, information needed in VMI collaborations and communication methods. Method: Since little prior research is done on VMI implementations into ERP systems the authors have conducted benchmarking case studies at six companies, both suppliers and customers working with different VMI solutions. The conclusions and recommendations are to a large extent based on the findings from the case studies. Conclusions: In summary, the case companies have reported overall positive results after implementing VMI and want to develop the collaborations further. The findings from the study indicate that more or less the same information is VI needed irrespective of how the information is sent. However, differences in how the information is sent are found. Recommendations to Microsoft: The authors believe after having conducted literature and case studies that it is necessary for Microsoft to have VMI functionality in AX to be able to compete successfully in the future. The authors present a generic solution for VMI in AX, in which configurations can be made easily to suit different methods of communication

    Is electronic cash possible?

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    Cash-like payments in electronic commerce and at the traditional point of sale are expected to be beneficial, e.g., because of privacy protection, low transaction costs, and irrevocability. Therefore, we discuss how to design electronic cash in a way that it both mirrors the most important characteristics of raditional cash, but also fulfils the expectations which arise towards electronic means of payment. We analyse the problems and trade-offs between the different characteristics to be implemented. This analysis is based on a user survey and a review of existing technologies for electronic payment systems. Finally we argue why existing systems do not fulfil the critical requirements, and point out future work towards electronic cash which will meet more requirements

    Optimistic fair exchange

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    A fair exchange guarantees that a participant only reveals its items (such as signatures, payments, or data) if it receives the expected items in exchange. Efficient fair exchange requires a so-called third party, which is assumed to be correct. Optimistic fair exchange involves this third party only if needed, i.e., if the participants cheat or disagree. In Part I, we prove lower bounds on the message and time complexity of two particular instances of fair exchange in varying models, namely contract signing (fair exchange of two signatures under a contract) and certified mail (fair exchange of data for a receipt). We show that all given bounds are tight by describing provably time- and message-optimal protocols for all considered models and instances. In Part II, we have a closer look at formalizing the security of fair exchange. We introduce a new formal notion of security (including secrecy) for reactive distributed systems. We illustrate this new formalism by a specification of certified mail as an alternative to the traditional specification given in Part I. In Part III, we describe protocols for generic and optimistic fair exchange of arbitrary items. These protocols are embedded into the SEMPER Fair Exchange Layer, which is a central part of the SEMPER Framework for Secure Electronic Commerce.Ein Austausch ist fair, wenn eine Partei die angebotenen Güter, wie zum Beispiel digitale Signaturen, Zahlungen oder Daten, nur abgibt, wenn sie die erwarteten Güter im Tausch erhält. Ohne eine als korrekt angenommene dritte Partei, welche eine mit einem Notar vergleichbare Rolle übernimmt, ist fairer Austausch nicht effizient möglich. Ein fairer Austausch heißt optimistisch, falls diese dritte Partei nur in Problemfällen am Protokoll teilnimmt. In Teil I werden beweisbar zeit- und nachrichtenoptimale Protokolle für die Spezialfälle ';elektronische Vertragsunterzeichnung" (fairer Austausch zweier Signaturen; engl. contract signing) und ';elektronisches Einschreiben" (fairer Austausch von Daten gegen eine Quittung; engl. certified mail) von fairem Austausch vorgestellt. Teil II beschreibt einen neuen Integritäts- und Geheimhaltungsbegriff für reaktive Systeme. Dieser basiert auf einer Vergleichsrelation ';so sicher wie", welche die Sicherheit zweier Systeme vergleicht. Ein verteiltes, reaktives System wird dann als sicher bezeichnet, wenn es so sicher wie ein idealisiertes System (engl. trusted host) für diesen Dienst ist. Mit diesem Formalismus geben wir eine alternative Sicherheitsdefinition von ';elektronischem Einschreiben" an, deren Semantik im Gegensatz zu der in Teil I beschriebenen Definition nun unabhängig vom erbrachten Dienst ist. Teil III beschreibt ein Design und optimistische Protokolle für generischen fairen Austausch von zwei beliebigen Gütern und den darauf aufbauenden SEMPER Fair Exchange Layer. Dieser ist ein wesentlicher Baustein des SEMPER Framework for Secure Electronic Commerce

    European Information Technology Observatory 1997

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    This innovative study explores diverse aspects of Canadian and European identity on the information highway and reaches beyond technical issues to confront and explore communication, culture and the culture of communication

    The Delivery and Evidences Layer

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    Evidences of delivery are essential for resolving (and avoiding) disputes on delivery of messages, in classical as well as electronic commerce. We present the first rigorous specifications and provably-secure implementation, for a communication layer providing time-stamped evidences for the message delivery process. This improves on existing standards for evidences (‘non-repudiation’) services, based on informal specifications and unproven designs. Our work also improves on the large body of analytical works on tasks related to evidences of delivery, such as certified mail/delivery protocols and fair exchange (of signatures). We improve by addressing practical needs and scenarios, using realistic synchronization and communication assumptions, supporting time-outs and failures, and providing well-defined interface to the higher-layer protocols (application). Furthermore, we use the layered specifications framework, allowing provably-secure use of our protocol, with lower and higher layer protocols, with complete re-use of our analysis (theorems)

    Semper floreat

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    Title varies: Gamut; Time off: Semper; The press. Numbering system very erratic
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