1,341 research outputs found

    Aerial-Ground collaborative sensing: Third-Person view for teleoperation

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    Rapid deployment and operation are key requirements in time critical application, such as Search and Rescue (SaR). Efficiently teleoperated ground robots can support first-responders in such situations. However, first-person view teleoperation is sub-optimal in difficult terrains, while a third-person perspective can drastically increase teleoperation performance. Here, we propose a Micro Aerial Vehicle (MAV)-based system that can autonomously provide third-person perspective to ground robots. While our approach is based on local visual servoing, it further leverages the global localization of several ground robots to seamlessly transfer between these ground robots in GPS-denied environments. Therewith one MAV can support multiple ground robots on a demand basis. Furthermore, our system enables different visual detection regimes, and enhanced operability, and return-home functionality. We evaluate our system in real-world SaR scenarios.Comment: Accepted for publication in 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics (SSRR

    Runtime resource management for vision-based applications in mobile robots

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    Computer-vision (CV) applications are an important part of mobile robot automation, analyzing the perceived raw data from vision sensors and providing a rich amount of information on the surrounding environment. The design of a high-speed and energy-efficient CV application for a resource-constrained mobile robot, while maintaining a certain targeted level of accuracy in computation, is a challenging task. This is because such applications demand a lot of resources, e.g. computing capacity and battery energy, to run seamlessly in real time. Moreover, there is always a trade-off between accuracy, performance and energy consumption, as these factors dynamically affect each other at runtime. In this thesis, we investigate novel runtime resource management approaches to improve performance and energy efficiency of vision-based applications in mobile robots. Due to the dynamic correlation between different management objectives, such as energy consumption and execution time, both environmental and computational observations need to be dynamically updated, and the actuators are manipulated at runtime based on these observations. Algorithmic and computational parameters of a CV application (output accuracy and CPU voltage/frequency) are adjusted by measuring the key factors associated with the intensity of computations and strain on CPUs (environmental complexity and instantaneous power). Furthermore, we show how mechanical characteristics of the robot, i.e. the speed of movement in this thesis, can affect the computational behaviour. Based on this investigation, we add the speed of a robot, as an actuator, to our resource management algorithm besides the considered computational knobs (output accuracy and CPU voltage/frequency). To evaluate the proposed approach, we perform several experiments on an unmanned ground vehicle equipped with an embedded computer board and use RGB and event cameras as the vision sensors for CV applications. The obtained results show that the presented management strategy improves the performance and accuracy of vision-based applications while significantly reducing the energy consumption compared with the state-of-the-art solutions. Moreover, we demonstrate that considering simultaneously both computational and mechanical aspects in management of CV applications running on mobile robots significantly reduces the energy consumption compared with similar methods that consider these two aspects separately, oblivious to each other’s outcome

    Review and classification of vision-based localisation techniques in unknown environments

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    International audienceThis study presents a review of the state-of-the-art and a novel classification of current vision-based localisation techniques in unknown environments. Indeed, because of progresses made in computer vision, it is now possible to consider vision-based systems as promising navigation means that can complement traditional navigation sensors like global navigation satellite systems (GNSSs) and inertial navigation systems. This study aims to review techniques employing a camera as a localisation sensor, provide a classification of techniques and introduce schemes that exploit the use of video information within a multi-sensor system. In fact, a general model is needed to better compare existing techniques in order to decide which approach is appropriate and which are the innovation axes. In addition, existing classifications only consider techniques based on vision as a standalone tool and do not consider video as a sensor among others. The focus is addressed to scenarios where no a priori knowledge of the environment is provided. In fact, these scenarios are the most challenging since the system has to cope with objects as they appear in the scene without any prior information about their expected position

    Sensors, SLAM and Long-term Autonomy: A Review

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    Simultaneous Localization and Mapping, commonly known as SLAM, has been an active research area in the field of Robotics over the past three decades. For solving the SLAM problem, every robot is equipped with either a single sensor or a combination of similar/different sensors. This paper attempts to review, discuss, evaluate and compare these sensors. Keeping an eye on future, this paper also assesses the characteristics of these sensors against factors critical to the long-term autonomy challenge

    Design and modeling of a stair climber smart mobile robot (MSRox)

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    Creation and maintenance of visual incremental maps and hierarchical localization.

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    Over the last few years, the presence of the mobile robotics has considerably increased in a wide variety of environments. It is common to find robots that carry out repetitive and specific applications and also, they can be used for working at dangerous environments and to perform precise tasks. These robots can be found in a variety of social environments, such as industry, household, educational and health scenarios. For that reason, they need a specific and continuous research and improvement work. Specifically, autonomous mobile robots require a very precise technology to perform tasks without human assistance. To perform tasks autonomously, the robots must be able to navigate in an unknown environment. For that reason, the autonomous mobile robots must be able to address the mapping and localization tasks: they must create a model of the environment and estimate their position and orientation. This PhD thesis proposes and analyses different methods to carry out the map creation and the localization tasks in indoor environments. To address these tasks only visual information is used, specifically, omnidirectional images, with a 360º field of view. Throughout the chapters of this document solutions for autonomous navigation tasks are proposed, they are solved using transformations in the images captured by a vision system mounted on the robot. Firstly, the thesis focuses on the study of the global appearance descriptors in the localization task. The global appearance descriptors are algorithms that transform an image globally, into a unique vector. In these works, a deep comparative study is performed. In the experiments different global appearance descriptors are used along with omnidirectional images and the results are compared. The main goal is to obtain an optimized algorithm to estimate the robot position and orientation in real indoor environments. The experiments take place with real conditions, so some visual changes in the scenes can occur, such as camera defects, furniture or people movements and changes in the lighting conditions. The computational cost is also studied; the idea is that the robot has to localize the robot in an accurate mode, but also, it has to be fast enought. Additionally, a second application, whose goal is to carry out an incremental mapping in indoor environments, is presented. This application uses the best global appearance descriptors used in the localization task, but this time they are constructed with the purpose of solving the mapping problem using an incremental clustering technique. The application clusters a batch of images that are visually similar; every group of images or cluster is expected to identify a zone of the environment. The shape and size of the cluster can vary while the robot is visiting the different rooms. Nowadays. different algorithms can be used to obtain the clusters, but all these solutions usually work properly when they work ‘offline’, starting from the whole set of data to cluster. The main idea of this study is to obtain the map incrementally while the robot explores the new environment. Carrying out the mapping incrementally while the robot is still visiting the area is very interesting since having the map separated into nodes with relationships of similitude between them can be used subsequently for the hierarchical localization tasks, and also, to recognize environments already visited in the model. Finally, this PhD thesis includes an analysis of deep learning techniques for localization tasks. Particularly, siamese networks have been studied. Siamese networks are based on classic convolutional networks, but they permit evaluating two images simultaneously. These networks output a similarity value between the input images, and that information can be used for the localization tasks. Throughout this work the technique is presented, the possible architectures are analysed and the results after the experiments are shown and compared. Using the siamese networks, the localization in real operation conditions and environments is solved, focusing on improving the performance against illumination changes on the scene. During the experiments the room retrieval problem, the hierarchical localization and the absolute localization have been solved.Durante los últimos años, la presencia de la robótica móvil ha aumentado substancialmente en una gran variedad de entornos y escenarios. Es habitual encontrar el uso de robots para llevar a cabo aplicaciones repetitivas y específicas, así como tareas en entornos peligrosos o con resultados que deben ser muy precisos. Dichos robots se pueden encontrar tanto en ámbitos industriales como en familiares, educativos y de salud; por ello, requieren un trabajo específico y continuo de investigación y mejora. En concreto, los robots móviles autónomos requieren de una tecnología precisa para desarrollar tareas sin ayuda del ser humano. Para realizar tareas de manera autónoma, los robots deben ser capaces de navegar por un entorno ‘a priori’ desconocido. Por tanto, los robots móviles autónomos deben ser capaces de realizar la tarea de creación de mapas, creando un modelo del entorno y la tarea de localización, esto es estimar su posición y orientación. La presente tesis plantea un diseño y análisis de diferentes métodos para realizar las tareas de creación de mapas y localización en entornos de interior. Para estas tareas se emplea únicamente información visual, en concreto, imágenes omnidireccionales, con un campo de visión de 360º. En los capítulos de este trabajo se plantean soluciones a las tareas de navegación autónoma del robot mediante transformaciones en las imágenes que este es capaz de captar. En cuanto a los trabajos realizados, en primer lugar, se presenta un estudio de descriptores de apariencia global en tareas de localización. Los descriptores de apariencia global son transformaciones capaces de obtener un único vector que describa globalmente una imagen. En este trabajo se realiza un estudio exhaustivo de diferentes métodos de apariencia global adaptando su uso a imágenes omnidireccionales. Se trata de obtener un algoritmo optimizado para estimar la posición y orientación del robot en entornos reales de oficina, donde puede surgir cambios visuales en el entorno como movimientos de cámara, de mobiliario o de iluminación en la escena. También se evalúa el tiempo empleado para realizar esta estimación, ya que el trabajo de un robot debe ser preciso, pero también factible en cuanto a tiempos de computación. Además, se presenta una segunda aplicación donde el estudio se centra en la creación de mapas de entornos de interior de manera incremental. Esta aplicación hace uso de los descriptores de apariencia global estudiados para la tarea de localización, pero en este caso se utilizan para la construcción de mapas utilizando la técnica de ‘clustering’ incremental. En esta aplicación, conjuntos de imágenes visualmente similares se agrupan en un único grupo. La forma y cantidad de grupos es variable conforme el robot avanza en el entorno. Actualmente, existen diferentes algoritmos para obtener la separación de un entorno en nodos, pero las soluciones efectivas se realizan de manera ‘off-line’, es decir, a posteriori una vez se tienen todas las imágenes captadas. El trabajo presentado permite realizar esta tarea de manera incremental mientras el robot explora el nuevo entorno. Realizar esta tarea mientras se visita el resto del entorno puede ser muy interesante ya que tener el mapa separado por nodos con relaciones de proximidad entre ellos se puede ir utilizando para tareas de localización jerárquica. Además, es posible reconocer entornos ya visitados o similares a nodos pasados. Por último, la tesis también incluye el estudio de técnicas de aprendizaje profundo (‘deep learning’) para tareas de localización. En concreto, se estudia el uso de las redes siamesas, una técnica poco explorada en robótica móvil, que está basada en las clásicas redes convolucionales, pero en la que dos imágenes son evaluadas al mismo tiempo. Estas redes dan un valor de similitud entre el par de imágenes de entrada, lo que permite realizar tareas de localización visual. En este trabajo se expone esta técnica, se presentan las estructuras que pueden tener estas redes y los resultados tras la experimentación. Se evalúa la tarea de localización en entornos heterogéneos en los que el principal problema viene dado por cambios en la iluminación de la escena. Con las redes siamesas se trata de resolver el problema de estimación de estancia, el problema de localización jerárquica y el de localización absoluta

    Marvin: an Innovative Omni-Directional Robotic Assistant for Domestic Environments

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    Population ageing and pandemics recently demonstrate to cause isolation of elderly people in their houses, generating the need for a reliable assistive figure. Robotic assistants are the new frontier of innovation for domestic welfare, and elderly monitoring is one of the services a robot can handle for collective well-being. Despite these emerging needs, in the actual landscape of robotic assistants there are no platform which successfully combines a reliable mobility in cluttered domestic spaces, with lightweight and offline Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions for perception and interaction. In this work, we present Marvin, a novel assistive robotic platform we developed with a modular layer-based architecture, merging a flexible mechanical design with cutting-edge AI for perception and vocal control. We focus the design of Marvin on three target service functions: monitoring of elderly and reduced-mobility subjects, remote presence and connectivity, and night assistance. Compared to previous works, we propose a tiny omnidirectional platform, which enables agile mobility and effective obstacle avoidance. Moreover, we design a controllable positioning device, which easily allows the user to access the interface for connectivity and extends the visual range of the camera sensor. Nonetheless, we delicately consider the privacy issues arising from private data collection on cloud services, a critical aspect of commercial AI-based assistants. To this end, we demonstrate how lightweight deep learning solutions for visual perception and vocal command can be adopted, completely running offline on the embedded hardware of the robot.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures, 3 tabl
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