622 research outputs found

    Coprocessor integration for real-time event processing in particle physics detectors

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    Els experiments de física d’altes energies actuals disposen d’acceleradors amb més energía, sensors més precisos i formes més flexibles de recopilar les dades. Aquesta ràpida evolució requereix de més capacitat de càlcul; els processadors massivament paral·lels, com ara les targes acceleradores gràfiques, ens posen a l’abast aquesta major capacitat de càlcul a un cost sensiblement inferior a les CPUs tradicionals. L’ús d’aquest tipus de processadors requereix, però, de nous algoritmes i nous enfocaments de l’organització de les dades que són difícils d’integrar en els programaris actuals. En aquest treball s’exploren els problemes derivats de l’ús d’algoritmes paral·lels en els entorns de programari existents, orientats a CPUs, i es proposa una solució, en forma de servei, que comunica amb els diversos pipelines que processen els esdeveniments procedents de les col·lisions de partícules, recull les dades en lots i els envia als algoritmes corrent sobre els processadors massivament paral·lels. Aquest servei s’integra en Gaudí - l’entorn de software de dos dels quatre experiments principals del Gran Col·lisionador d’Hadrons. S’examina el sobrecost que el servei afegeix als algoritmes paral·lels. S’estudia un cas d´ùs del servei per fer una reconstrucció paral·lela de les traces detectades en el VELO Pixel, el subdetector encarregat de la detecció de vèrtex en l’upgrade de LHCb. Per aquest cas, s’observen les característiques del rendiment en funció de la mida dels lots de dades. Finalment, les conclusions en posen en el context dels requeriments del sistema de trigger de LHCb.La física de altas energías dispone actualmente de aceleradores con energías mayores, sensores más precisos y métodos de recopilación de datos más flexibles que nunca. Su rápido progreso necesita aún más potencia de cálculo; el hardware masivamente paralelo, como las unidades de procesamiento gráfico, nos brinda esta potencia a un coste mucho más bajo que las CPUs tradicionales. Sin embargo, para usar eficientemente este hardware necesitamos algoritmos nuevos y nuevos enfoques de organización de datos difíciles de integrarse con el software existente. En este trabajo, se investiga cómo se pueden usar estos algoritmos paralelos en las infraestructuras de software ya existentes y que están orientadas a CPUs. Se propone una solución en forma de un servicio que comunica con los diversos pipelines que procesan los eventos de las correspondientes colisiones de particulas, reúne los datos en lotes y se los entrega a los algoritmos paralelos acelerados por hardware. Este servicio se integra con Gaudí — la infraestructura del entorno de software que usan dos de los cuatro gran experimentos del Gran Colisionador de Hadrones. Se examinan los costes añadidos por el servicio en los algoritmos paralelos. Se estudia un caso de uso del servicio para ejecutar un algoritmo paralelo para el VELO Pixel (el subdetector encargado de la localización de vértices en el upgrade del experimento LHCb) y se estudian las características de rendimiento de los distintos tamaños de lotes de datos. Finalmente, las conclusiones se contextualizan dentro la perspectiva de los requerimientos para el sistema de trigger de LHCb.High-energy physics experiments today have higher energies, more accurate sensors, and more flexible means of data collection than ever before. Their rapid progress requires ever more computational power; and massively parallel hardware, such as graphics cards, holds the promise to provide this power at a much lower cost than traditional CPUs. Yet, using this hardware requires new algorithms and new approaches to organizing data that can be difficult to integrate with existing software. In this work, I explore the problem of using parallel algorithms within existing CPU-orientated frameworks and propose a compromise between the different trade-offs. The solution is a service that communicates with multiple event-processing pipelines, gathers data into batches, and submits them to hardware-accelerated parallel algorithms. I integrate this service with Gaudi — a framework underlying the software environments of two of the four major experiments at the Large Hadron Collider. I examine the overhead the service adds to parallel algorithms. I perform a case study of using the service to run a parallel track reconstruction algorithm for the LHCb experiment's prospective VELO Pixel subdetector and look at the performance characteristics of using different data batch sizes. Finally, I put the findings into perspective within the context of the LHCb trigger's requirements

    Performance Analysis and Enabling of the RayBen Code for the Intel® MIC Architecture

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    The subject of this project is the analysis and enabling of the RayBen code, which implements a finite difference scheme for the simulation of turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection in a closed cylindrical cell, for the Intel® Xeon Phi coprocessor architecture. After a brief introduction to the physical background of the code, the integration of Rayben into the benchmarking environment JuBE is discussed. The structure of the code is analysed through its call graph. The most performance-critical routines were identified. A detailed analysis of the OpenMP parallelization revealed several race conditions which were eliminated. The code was ported to the JUROPA cluster at the Jülich Supercomputing as well as to the EURORA cluster at CINECA. The performance of the code is discussed using the results of pure MPI and hybrid MPI/OpenMP benchmarks. It is shown that RayBen is a memory-intensive application that highly benefits from the MPI parallelization. The offloading mechanism for the Intel® MIC architecture lowers considerably the performance while the use of binaries that run exclusively on the coprocessor show a satisfactory performance and a scalability which is comparable to the CPU

    Constitutive modeling of superalloy single crystals with verification testing

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    The goal is the development of constitutive equations to describe the elevated temperature stress-strain behavior of single crystal turbine blade alloys. The program includes both the development of a suitable model and verification of the model through elevated temperature-torsion testing. A constitutive model is derived from postulated constitutive behavior on individual crystallographic slip systems. The behavior of the entire single crystal is then arrived at by summing up the slip on all the operative crystallographic slip systems. This type of formulation has a number of important advantages, including the prediction orientation dependence and the ability to directly represent the constitutive behavior in terms which metallurgists use in describing the micromechanisms. Here, the model is briefly described, followed by the experimental set-up and some experimental findings to date

    Middeck Active Control Experiment (MACE), phase A

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    A rationale to determine which structural experiments are sufficient to verify the design of structures employing Controlled Structures Technology was derived. A survey of proposed NASA missions was undertaken to identify candidate test articles for use in the Middeck Active Control Experiment (MACE). The survey revealed that potential test articles could be classified into one of three roles: development, demonstration, and qualification, depending on the maturity of the technology and the mission the structure must fulfill. A set of criteria was derived that allowed determination of which role a potential test article must fulfill. A review of the capabilities and limitations of the STS middeck was conducted. A reference design for the MACE test article was presented. Computing requirements for running typical closed-loop controllers was determined, and various computer configurations were studied. The various components required to manufacture the structure were identified. A management plan was established for the remainder of the program experiment development, flight and ground systems development, and integration to the carrier. Procedures for configuration control, fiscal control, and safety, reliabilty, and quality assurance were developed

    Space Station Freedom data management system growth and evolution report

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    The Information Sciences Division at the NASA Ames Research Center has completed a 6-month study of portions of the Space Station Freedom Data Management System (DMS). This study looked at the present capabilities and future growth potential of the DMS, and the results are documented in this report. Issues have been raised that were discussed with the appropriate Johnson Space Center (JSC) management and Work Package-2 contractor organizations. Areas requiring additional study have been identified and suggestions for long-term upgrades have been proposed. This activity has allowed the Ames personnel to develop a rapport with the JSC civil service and contractor teams that does permit an independent check and balance technique for the DMS

    The Application Of RISC Processors To Training Simulators

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    Report on a study of the utility of reduced instruction set computer processors as the control computers in a training simulator. Report includes a master\u27s thesis on detailed hardware design for interfacing transputer hardware to the NeXT computer