377,328 research outputs found

    Training and education for network centric warfare : issues for New Zealand's Defence Force : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Defence and Strategic Studies at Massey University

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    The concept of Network centric warfare (NCW) is viewed as the next revolution in military affairs. Its introduction globally will necessarily affect the way the New Zealand Armed Forces operates in future conflicts. With the increasing use of digital technology in the military environment the need for and degree of increasing knowledge of Network Centric Warfare and its concepts must be explored.This country will have to combine its own definition and understanding of NCW into the framework of its Armed Force if it wants to continue to remain interoperable with technologically advanced coalition forces. This thesis looks into the issues and solutions which have been considered by other countries in their attempts to implement the NCW concept. It examines in detail how issues and solutions could be applied to New Zealand's attempt at NCW. Chapters One and Two define the academic processes which have been used in this study. They also give a brief introduction to the broad idea of Network Centric Warfare and its origins. Chapter Three examines in detail the complex evolution of the concept of Network Centric Warfare to its present state. In particular, it looks at how the events of September 11th 2001 have redefined warfare and the impact of that revolution on the traditional NCW concept. This chapter also focuses on the advantages and disadvantages of NCW which have now been proven through the experiences of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom. These two conflicts have been described as the first information technology wars of the 21st century. Chapter Four focuses on how the concept of Network Centric Warfare has and will affect the specifics of personnel and make-up of the New Zealand Defence Force, as it makes the transition from a Platform centric to a Network Centric approach in warfare. The special focus in this chapter is on the New Zealand Army. The concepts of the ethos and cultural identity of a force are introduced here, with a view to revealing the influences that the adaptation of NCW methods and techniques can have on the organisation of that force. The discussion concludes that the introduction of NCW can have profound and permanent effect on a force's ethos and identity. This chapter also considers the influence of technology can help in the recruitment and retention of highly skilled people in the Army. Chapter Five shows how the adoption of the concept of Network Centric warfare also has the potential to fundamentally change the way in which higher level policy and doctrine are introduced and modified in the Armed Forces. This chapter looks at how future infrastructure and policies will need to have increased flexibility built into them from the start in order to embrace the demands of NCW for rapid developments in information technology and force-wide diffusion of such developments. Chapter Six discusses a third important consequence of adopting the concept of Network Centric Warfare. Namely, how the introduction of NCW will affect both training and education of service personnel. In particular, it examines how the change from Platform Centric to Network Centric forms of warfare puts changing demands on the skill sets and needs required of service personnel. Examples are given of the new skill sets needed in order for them to work effectively in a NCW environment. Chapter Seven discusses the formation of a new training branch of service which will need to be set up to accommodate the new methods and skills that NCW brings to the battlefield. Included in this chapter are the imperatives of Information Warfare, Electronic Warfare, and Computer Network Operations for such a branch. Alongside Air, Land, Sea and Space NCW brings with it the creation of a fifth battle space. This battle-space is cyberspace which encompasses the electromagnetic sphere, the Internet and all manner of Wide and Local Area Networks (WANs and LANs). Chapter Eight returns to the issue of training and education introduced in Chapter Six, but focuses specifically on the use of simulation techniques and technologies. Such techniques will be required in order to help train soldiers to work effectively and efficiently under NCW. Why other training methods won't work well given an NCW environment, and why simulation technologies will work, is explained with examples of each. This chapter argues in particular that simulation provides the most effective training in the unified data architecture that will be needed to provide cross platform capability and inter and intra service solutions in Network Centric Warfare. Examples of data solutions are provided to help explain the underlying simulation concepts and methods. Chapter Nine is the conclusion of this study. It reviews the results of this thesis and provides recommendations on the implementation of the Network Centric Warfare environment required in the New Zealand Armed Forces


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    Стаття присвячена сучасному напряму в освіті, який має назву STEM. Здійснено короткий огляд нормативно-правових документів, які спрямовані на активне впровадження STEM-освіти в Україні. Зокрема, це план заходів щодо впровадження STEM-освіти в Україні, проект концепції STEM-освіти, методичні рекомендації щодо впровадження STEM-освіти в навчальних закладах. Розглядаються сучасні різновиди абревіатури STEM, які існують на сьогодні в світі. Піднімається проблема використання STEM-технологій в навчанні математики. Аналізуються дидактичні особливості інтегрованих уроків та повсякденного використання прикладних задач різного змісту. Постає питання підготовки вчителів, діяльність яких не обмежується викладанням власного предмету, а таких фахівців, що здатні до здійснення міждисциплінарних зв’язків та усвідомлюють значущість професійних знань в контексті соціокультурного простору. The process of reforming education in Ukraine has been gaining momentum. The article is devoted to the development of STEM-education in Ukraine. Numerous studies show that the introduction of STEM education is a promising area. The purpose of this article is to reveal the peculiarities of the use of STEM-technologies in teaching mathematics. To achieve the goal, a number of tasks need fulfilled: to determine the essence and directions of the development of STEM-education, features the introduction of STEM-education in the educational process of schools; to highlight the possibilities of using existing STEM-technologies in mathematics education. STEM-education is the basis for training high technology professionals whose creative thinking needs developed from the school’s mathematics course by solving various heuristic, research and applied tasks using information and communication technologies, and implementing project and research activities. A special form of STEM training is integrated lessons that aim to establish connection between the teaching subjects. They contribute to the formation of a holistic, systematic outlook among students, and the actualization of a person’s attitude to the issues addressed in the lesson. Integrated lessons can conducted in two ways: combining the similar objects of several educational subjects; the formation of integrated courses or individual special courses by combining the curriculum of such subjects. One of STEM-technologies of mathematics training is the use of applied tasks, which each teacher can find in a sufficient amount on the Internet, or to think up on their own. The introduction of STEM education is a multifaceted issue. It includes solving the problems of preparing a teacher who is aware of his social responsibility, constantly cares about his personal and professional growth, able to achieve new pedagogical goals. The role of the teacher is not only to ensure the transmission of knowledge, but also to be a man of culture and of universal values, a leader of the ideas of state-building and democratic change. To date, there is an urgent need for the training and retraining of teachers who could work in  this direction and transfer the STEM education process from a single to a mass scale. We hope that there are plenty of not indifferent, creative and progressive teachers in our country, because it depends on them which future generation will grow

    Проблема інтеграції змісту професійної підготовки майбутніх фахівців з інформаційних технологій в контексті експериментального дослідження

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    The article raised the issue of an integrative approach as a means of developing an integrated system of training of specialists on information technologies. Implementation of integration of content of professional training of future specialists of information technologies provides for the interconnection of theoretical and methodological foundations of integration, the definition of integrative factors and study their influence on forming student’s personality. In the context of training CTD integrative technologies are considered as DIDACTICA system that provides integration rzepecki knowledge and skills, various activities at the level of the integrated courses, the training topics, learning problems and other forms of training. The author substantiates the requirements for integrative education of future specialists (continuity and predictability of development of the system of knowledge and skills of students, scientific content by reflecting the real relationships between production and modern information technologies; the continuity of vocational training on the basis of an integrative approach to the learning content; the practical orientation of training of information technology). The developed system of integrated courses for the specialty «Computer graphics and design». Special attention in the training of future it professionals require integrated courses as a result of the integration of content of professional training. Methodological aspects of the integration of the content of professional training of future it specialists concluded that given the significant dependence of it professionals from the technical aspect of their training, it is advisable in the form of integrating artistic disciplines with the opportunity in the future to differentiate them in accordance with the requirements of specialization. Listed on the lack of use of integrated courses in the training of future specialists in information technology and outlines the reasons : practical lack of mechanisms for diagnosing the quality of the integrated courses; the complexity of the restructuring of the content of the integrated courses; the formalities with the introduction of the new integrated courses; the absence of mechanisms of exclusion. Key words: specialists in information technology, integration, training content, experimental research, computer graphics and designУ статті порушено проблему інтегративного підходу як засобу формування цілісної системи підготовки фахівців з інформаційних технологій, розкрито та обгрунтовано вимоги до інтегративного навчання майбутніх фахівців (наступність і прогностичність розвитку системи знань та умінь студентів, науковiсть змісту на основі відображення реальних взаємозв’язків між виробництвом та сучасними інформаційними технологіями; неперервність професійної підготовки на основі iнтегративного підходу до змісту навчання; практична спрямованість навчання інформаційних технологій тощо). Вказано на недостатнє використання інтегрованих спецкурсів у професійній підготовці майбутніх фахівців інформаційних технологій та окреслено причини: практична відсутність механізмів діагностики якості інтегрованих спецкурсів; складності переструктурування змісту інтегрованих спецкурсів; формальності з уведенням нових інтегрованих спецкурсів; відсутність механізмів виключення застарілих курсів та тих, які не відповідають сучасним вимогам, з навчального процесу; непідготовленість викладача, а також використання інтегрованих спецкурсів у професійній підготовці майбутніх фахівців інформаційних технологій є недостатнє розуміння сутності інтегрованих спецкурсів та їх ролі. Представлено результати дослідно-експериментальної роботи та комплексної оцінки ефективності використання інтегрованих спецкурсів для спеціальності «Компʼютерна графіка і дизайн». Ключові слова: фахівці з інформаційних технологій, інтеграція, зміст навчання, експериментальне дослідження, компʼютерна графіка і дизай

    Сучасні підходи до використання ІКТ у процесі підготовки майбутніх учителів математики, фізики та інформатики

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    The article discusses the importance of using modern computer technology and telecommunications interaction, opening new perspectives to improve the education system. In particular, the issue of analysis of modern approaches of ICT use in the preparation of future teachers of mathematics, physics and computer science has been singled out. The analysis of scientific and educational research allowed to identify the main approaches to the use of ICT in educational activities both towards the requirements of educational activities and didactic components in the educational process. The latter determines the practical value of work. The questions motivating the use of ICT in training future teachers and their future professional activities related to the lifelong learning of schooling to the profession have been discussed. In the process of education based on the ICT and related information technology not only the ICT learning, new information technology training, computer-oriented technology training, but the environment (space) as well are considered to be particularly important. The transition from a clear-cut to more flexible learning environment, in the center of which, as the subjects of the educational process, are future teachers of mathematics, physics and computer science, describes the current trend of the use of information and communication technologies, considered in the context of the creation of new educational structures, the requirements and objectives of modern education – informational and educational environment. The development of new educational system in Ukraine should lead to a new vision of the structure and content, the new results. The «new results» imply: – new opportunities for upgrading teaching methods, for restructuring the existing forms and content of education through the use of ICT; – new opportunities for getting education in higher educational institutions that use various forms of e-learning; – new opportunities for special and additional education or improving the conditions of continuous education and ICT tools used in this sphere of education.В статье освещены вопросы использования современных компьютерных технологий и средств телекоммуникационного взаимодействия, которые открывают новые перспективы в процессе совершенствования системы образования. В частности, рассмотрены современные подходы использования ИКТ в процессе подготовки будущих учителей математики, физики и информатики. Анализ научно-педагогических исследований позволил выделить основные подходы к использованию ИКТ в учебной деятельности как в направлении требований к организации образовательной деятельности, так и в направлении дидактических составляющих образовательного процесса, что определяет практическую значимость работы.У статті висвітлено питання використання сучасних комп’ютерних технологій і засобів телекомунікаційної взаємодії, що відкриває нові перспективи в процесі вдосконалення системи освіти. Зокрема, розглянуто сучасні підходи використання ІКТ у процесі підготовки майбутніх учителів математики, фізики та інформатики. Аналіз науково-педагогічних досліджень дозволив виділити основні підходи до використання ІКТ у навчальній діяльності як в напрямі вимог до організації освітньої діяльності, так і в напрямі дидактичних складових освітнього процесу, що визначає практичне значення роботи

    Застосування CDIO-підходу в технічних університетах

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    The article considers the issue of modern engineering training with the use of CDIO-approach (Conceiving, Designing, Implementing, and Operation) aimed to balance the training goals with the practice of teaching at higher technical institutions. Modern pedagogical technologies and innovative teaching methods enable to create such an education medium where the students will obtain profound knowledge, manage the process of designing and exploiting new items and systems, understand the impact of the scientific-technological process on the society. The article also considers various approaches to developing new practice-targeted programs and methods of creating a special education medium. The abilities of students' engineering thinking are a link between university training and professional activity. Future specialists must not only be able to develop and produce engineering systems, but also combine the knowledge of natural and technical sciences to come up with innovative ideas, have a command of professional ethics and understand the principles of business.У статті розглядається питання сучасної інженерної підготовки із застосуванням CDIO-підходу (задумування, проектування, впровадження та функціонування), спрямованого на збалансування навчальних цілей з практикою викладання у вищих технічних закладах. Сучасні педагогічні технології та інноваційні методи навчання дозволяють створити такий навчальний засіб, де студенти отримають глибокі знання, керуватимуть процесом проектування та використання нових предметів та систем, розумітимуть вплив науково-технологічного процесу на суспільство. У статті також розглядаються різні підходи до розробки нових цільових програм та методи створення спеціального середовища освіти. Здібності інженерного мислення студентів є сполучною ланкою між навчанням в університеті та професійною діяльністю. Майбутні спеціалісти повинні не тільки вміти розробляти та виробляти інженерні системи, а й поєднувати знання природничих та технічних наук, щоб придумувати інноваційні ідеї, володіти професійною етикою та розуміти принципи бізнесу

    Distributed Learning System Design: A New Approach and an Agenda for Future Research

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    This article presents a theoretical framework designed to guide distributed learning design, with the goal of enhancing the effectiveness of distributed learning systems. The authors begin with a review of the extant research on distributed learning design, and themes embedded in this literature are extracted and discussed to identify critical gaps that should be addressed by future work in this area. A conceptual framework that integrates instructional objectives, targeted competencies, instructional design considerations, and technological features is then developed to address the most pressing gaps in current research and practice. The rationale and logic underlying this framework is explicated. The framework is designed to help guide trainers and instructional designers through critical stages of the distributed learning system design process. In addition, it is intended to help researchers identify critical issues that should serve as the focus of future research efforts. Recommendations and future research directions are presented and discussed

    A Child with ASD in Kindergarten: Resources for Teachers’ Psychological Readiness

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    Introduction. This paper presents a new look at the issue of training preschool teachers and examines the practical training of psychology and education professionals for working with children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). In recent years, the number of preschools with compensatory groups has increased by an average of 30% over the past decade, requiring the creation of the conditions for the education and development of children with ASD. This study aims to determine the resources of teachers’ psychological readiness to work with children with ASD in preschool educational institutions. Methods. The study used an analysis of psychological and educational literature, regulatory documents for the organization of the education process and psychological and pedagogical support for children with ASD, as well as an author questionnaire containing 8 questions that assessed psychological and educational knowledge, level of knowledge, difficulties and the necessary support for teachers working with children with ASD. The study included 60 preschool teachers working with children with ASD. The results of the survey identified specific aspects of teaching in working with children with ASD and the difficulties in organizing teacher work for compensatory groups. The most difficult is the transition from the theoretical knowledge of children with ASD to practical work with this category of children. Discussion. This study confirms previous findings that teachers working with preschoolers with ASD lack special knowledge and skills to deal with these children’s problems and improve their skills. Conclusion. Based on the results obtained in this study, it is possible to establish a trajectory for the professional training of teachers and educators working with children with ASD and to include the module aimed at forming systemic theoretical knowledge of developmental disabilities and practical skills in working with modern technologies to teach and educate this category of children and to interact with parents in the university curriculum for future teachers

    E-Safety: the experience of English educational establishments

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    Synchronous communication technologies for language learning: Promise and challenges in research and pedagogy

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    We propose a definition of synchronous communication based on joint attention, noting that in certain mediated communication settings joint attention is a matter of perception rather than determinable fact. The most salient properties of synchronous computer-mediated communication (SCMC) are real-time pressure to communicate and a greater degree of social presence relative to asynchronous communication. These properties underlie the benefits and challenges of SCMC for language learning, which we discuss under three headings: (1) SCMC as learning tool; (2) SCMC as target competence; and (3) SCMC as setting for learner dialogue, intracultural and intercultural. We survey research themes in SCMC and preview the contributions of the Special Issue. Finally, we identify questions for future research

    New technologies. Vocational Training No. 11, June 1983

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