11 research outputs found

    Survey Paper on IOT Enabled Technologies, Protocols and Smart Applications

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    This paper presents Internet of Things in a wider context with enabling key technologies, system architecture and the major application domains where the Internet of Things will play a vital role. IoT is enabled by the latest developments in (Radio Frequency Identification) RFID, Machine to Machine (M2M) communication, and Near Field Communication (NFC), sensors, actuators, mobile phones, etc. The current revolution in the communication field is the internet of things. In the world of new technologies RFID seemed to be necessary for the IoT. These technologies are used to implement the modern concept of IoT as explained in this paper. Including these technologies, IoT architecture and application of this existence technology, we have proposed an idea of unique identification. Using the Aadhaar card, the unique identification (UID) would be the solution of various fake schemes such as fake polling, fake identity etc. The Aadhaar card is a digital identity of unique 12 -16 digit alphanumeric number to provide more security digits which would not just help the government way down individuals, but also make life extreme easier for citizens. UID system helps to deal with peopleïżœs personal detail. This system would help to provide authenticated polling and makes our welfare system right for the every citizen of India using the IoT technology

    An IoT-aware AAL System to Capture Behavioral Changes of Elderly People

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    The ageing of population is a phenomenon that is affecting the majority of developed countries around the world and will soon affect developing economies too. In recent years, both industry and academia are focused on the development of several solutions aimed to guarantee a healthy and safe lifestyle to the elderly. In this context, the behavioral analysis of elderly people can help to prevent the occurrence of Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and frailty problems. The innovative technologies enabling the Internet of Things (IoT) can be used in order to capture personal data for automatically recognizing changes in elderly people behavior in an unobtrusive, low-cost and low-power modality. This work aims to describe the ongoing activities within the City4Age project, funded by the Horizon 2020 Programme of the European Commission, mainly focused on the use of IoT technologies to develop an innovative AAL system able to capture personal data of elderly people in their home and city environments. The proposed architecture has been validated through a proof-of-concept focused mainly on localization issues, collection of ambient parameters, and user-environment interaction aspects

    Pengembangan Perangkat Middleware Web Of Things (WoT) Berbasis Arsitektur Publish Subscribe Menggunakan Protokol Rest HTTP

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    Internet of Things (IoT) merujuk kepada semua benda atau perangkat fisik yang terhubung dan bertukar data melalui Internet. Dengan penerapan IoT dalam berbagai bidang, tentunya tidak lepas dari tantangan yang semakin besar pula. Salah satu masalah utama dalam penerapan IoT antara lain perangkat dengan protokol yang beragam dan aksesibilitas dari berbagai perangkat. Salah satu solusi yang dapat diberikan untuk menyelesaikan masalah interoperabilitas adalah dengan menggunakan web sebagai platform integrasi universal. Akan tetapi penerapan WoT dalam pengiriman perintah terhadap perangkat IoT menjadi tidak efisien dikarenakan perangkat IoT melakukan request berkala sebagai mekanisme pengecekan perintah. Oleh karena itu diperlukan penggantian arsitektur yang lebih efisien dalam mengatasi pengiriman perintah middleware terhadap node sensor. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut diperlukan penggantikan HTTP RESTful yang berarsitektur request response menjadi menggunakan arsitektur publish subscribe. Berdasarkan penjelasan sebelumnya diusulkan sebuah pembangunan middleware dengan arsitektur publish subscribe sebagai komunikasi perangkat node sensor terhadap middleware. Dalam penggantian arsitektur tersebut diharapkan dapat mengurangi beban dari perangkat IoT sehingga tidak perlu melakukan request secara berkala. Hasil pengujian performa sistem menunjukan, sistem yang dibangun mampu menangani hingga 150 pengguna dengan tingkat error rate 0%

    A Cloud Architecture for Managing IoT-aware Applications According to Knowledge Processing Rules

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    The Web of Things paradigm has represented a shift in the conjunction of the Internet of Things (IoT) with people, as it allows treating a smart object as a Web resource. While in a first phase the challenge was the physically management of smart objects, the current demand is to help users in profitably introducing IoT in their own daily life.The paper presents a software architecture for IoT systems able to manage the behaviour of involved IoT entities basing on knowledge processing tools. The main goal is informing the user of the occurrence of events of interest semantically determined starting from actual state of the environment. The architecture exploits the potentialities of the Web of Topics (WoX) approach, a conceptual model that simplifies the designing of IoT applications. Leveraging the WoX approach, the architecture introduces an innovative way to mine knowledge from IoT devices aside from any technological background, so that facing the intrinsic heterogeneity affecting IoT entities. The discussed architecture is composed by different modules integrated into an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB), strongly decoupled and provided with RESTful-compliant web interfaces to communicate each other and with the external environment, according to a SOA structure. The paper shows how the system is able to receive data coming from sensors and to semantically interpret them by means of a series of business rules that act as knowledge processor

    Data-Driven Understanding of Smart Service Systems Through Text Mining

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    Smart service systems are everywhere, in homes and in the transportation, energy, and healthcare sectors. However, such systems have yet to be fully understood in the literature. Given the widespread applications of and research on smart service systems, we used text mining to develop a unified understanding of such systems in a data-driven way. Specifically, we used a combination of metrics and machine learning algorithms to preprocess and analyze text data related to smart service systems, including text from the scientific literature and news articles. By analyzing 5,378 scientific articles and 1,234 news articles, we identify important keywords, 16 research topics, 4 technology factors, and 13 application areas. We define ???smart service system??? based on the analytics results. Furthermore, we discuss the theoretical and methodological implications of our work, such as the 5Cs (connection, collection, computation, and communications for co-creation) of smart service systems and the text mining approach to understand service research topics. We believe this work, which aims to establish common ground for understanding these systems across multiple disciplinary perspectives, will encourage further research and development of modern service systems

    Smart Outdoors: a proposal for a public park in Campo de Ourique

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    Assistive technology-based innovation is a promising idea that aims to achieve and improve the well-being of humans. Currently, the focus of technology has changed, seeking to serve specific populations, especially the elderly, reducing the barriers they face on a daily basis when conducting outdoor activities. Most research carried out in an assisted environment is concentrated mainly in private spaces, such as homes, nursing homes and others. This research aims to propose design solutions based on the concept of an assisted environment on a city scale. By doing so, the elderly population can experience and live in collective and public environments (specifically in a public park) independently. In this context, interviews with specialists and observation studies were developed to understand the problems and needs of this specific population. Interviews were targeted to obtain insight from experts regarding the use of technology to solve the elderly’s problems in cities. However, the results did not give adequate insight to use within the study. Next, observations were also carried out in a public park in Campo Ourique, Lisbon to acquire insight from the field to observe/witness the problems of the elderly from a first-person point of view. The observation results showed the difficulties that the population in question faced. Consequently, design solution ideas were proposed to design a smart public park which might overcome the problems that were found in the literature and in the user observations. During the observations, it was seen that the elderly population is very active and highly values an outdoor space to spend time. In this sense, the design proposal could improve and facilitate the lives of the elderly, seeking as much as possible to reduce the barriers that were both observed and reported by experts throughout the interviews. Due to COVID-19, the study had limited access to the users and an evaluation phase could not be done. However, as a future work, user studies will continue to discover more about the elderly’s problems and eventually the scenarios and proposed solutions will be evaluated by them. Furthermore, applicability, usability and feasibility of the proposed ideas will be tested by more users (i.e., experts, stakeholders).A inovação baseada em tecnologia assistiva ainda Ă© uma ideia promissora que visa alcançar e melhorar o bem-estar dos humanos. Atualmente, o foco da tecnologia mudou, buscando atender populaçÔes especĂ­ficas, principalmente os idosos, reduzindo as barreiras que eles enfrentam no dia a dia na realização de atividades ao ar livre. A maioria das pesquisas realizadas em ambiente assistido concentra-se principalmente em espaços privados, como residĂȘncias, asilos e outros. A pesquisa tem como objetivo propor soluçÔes de design baseadas no conceito de ambiente assistido Ă  escala da cidade, onde a população idosa pode vivenciar e viver os ambientes coletivos e pĂșblicos (especificamente num parque pĂșblico) de forma independente. Nesse sentido, foram desenvolvidas entrevistas com especialistas e estudos de observação para entender os problemas e necessidades dessa população especĂ­fica. As entrevistas foram direcionadas para obter insights de especialistas sobre o uso de tecnologia para resolver os problemas dos idosos nas cidades. No entanto, os resultados nĂŁo forneceram percepçÔes adequadas para serem usadas no estudo. Em seguida, foram tambĂ©m realizadas observaçÔes num parque pĂșblico do Campo D’Ourique, em Lisboa, para obter insights do campo para observar / testemunhar os problemas dos idosos do ponto de vista da primeira pessoa. Os resultados da observação evidenciaram as dificuldades enfrentadas pela população em questĂŁo. Consequentemente, ideias de soluçÔes de design foram propostas para projetar um parque pĂșblico inteligente que pudesse superar os problemas que foram encontrados na literatura e nas observaçÔes do usuĂĄrio. Durante as observaçÔes, percebeu-se que a população idosa Ă© muito ativa e valoriza muito um espaço ao ar livre para passar o tempo. Nesse sentido, a proposta do projeto poderia melhorar e facilitar a vida dos idosos, buscando ao mĂĄximo reduzir as barreiras que foram observadas e relatadas pelos especialistas ao longo das entrevistas. Devido ao COVID-19, o estudo limitou-se ao acesso aos usuĂĄrios e nĂŁo foi possĂ­vel realizar a fase de avaliação. No entanto, como um trabalho futuro, os estudos de usuĂĄrios continuarĂŁo a descobrir mais sobre os problemas dos idosos e, eventualmente, os cenĂĄrios e as soluçÔes propostas serĂŁo avaliados por eles. AlĂ©m disso, a aplicabilidade, usabilidade e viabilidade das ideias propostas serĂŁo testadas por mais usuĂĄrios (ou seja, especialistas, partes interessadas)

    An IoT-Aware Approach for Elderly-Friendly Cities

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    The ever-growing life expectancy of people requires the adoption of proper solutions for addressing the particular needs of elderly people in a sustainable way, both from service provision and economic point of view. Mild cognitive impairments and frailty are typical examples of elderly conditions which, if not timely addressed, can turn out into more complex diseases that are harder and costlier to treat. Information and communication technologies, and in particular Internet of Things technologies, can foster the creation of monitoring and intervention systems, both on an ambient-assisted living and smart city scope, for early detecting behavioral changes in elderly people. This allows to timely detect any potential risky situation and properly intervene, with benefits in terms of treatment's costs. In this context, as part of the H2020-funded City4Age project, this paper presents the data capturing and data management layers of the whole City4Age platform. In particular, this paper deals with an unobtrusive data gathering system implementation to collect data about daily activities of elderly people, and with the implementation of the related linked open data (LOD)-based data management system. The collected data are then used by other layers of the platform to perform risk detection algorithms and generate the proper customized interventions. Through the validation of some use-cases, it is demonstrated how this scalable approach, also characterized by unobtrusive and low-cost sensing technologies, can produce data with a high level of abstraction useful to define a risk profile of each elderly person

    Development and Evaluation of a Holistic, Cloud-driven and Microservices-based Architecture for Automated Semantic Annotation of Web Documents

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    The Semantic Web is based on the concept of representing information on the web such that computers can both understand and process them. This implies defining context for web information to give them a well-defined meaning. Semantic Annotation defines the process of adding annotation data to web information for the much-needed context. However, despite several solutions and techniques for semantic annotation, it is still faced with challenges which have hindered the growth of the semantic web. With recent significant technological innovations such as Cloud Computing, Internet of Things as well as Mobile Computing and their various integrations with semantic technologies to proffer solutions in IT, little has been done towards leveraging these technologies to address semantic annotation challenges. Hence, this research investigates leveraging cloud computing paradigm to address some semantic annotation challenges, with focus on an automated system for providing semantic annotation as a service. Firstly, considering the current disparate nature observable with most semantic annotation solutions, a holistic perspective to semantic annotation is proposed based on a set of requirements. Then, a capability assessment towards the feasibility of leveraging cloud computing is conducted which produces a Cloud Computing Capability Model for Holistic Semantic Annotation. Furthermore, an investigation into application deployment patterns in the cloud and how they relate to holistic semantic annotation was conducted. A set of determinant factors that define different patterns for application deployment in the cloud were identified and these resulted into the development of a Cloud Computing Maturity Model and the conceptualisation of a “Cloud-Driven” development methodology for holistic semantic annotation in the cloud. Some key components of the “Cloud-Driven” concept include Microservices, Operating System-Level Virtualisation and Orchestration. With the role Microservices Software Architectural Patterns play towards developing solutions that can fully maximise cloud computing benefits; CloudSea: a holistic, cloud-driven and microservices-based architecture for automated semantic annotation of web documents is proposed as a novel approach to semantic annotation. The architecture draws from the theory of “Design Patterns” in Software Engineering towards its design and development which subsequently resulted into the development of twelve Design Patterns and a Pattern Language for Holistic Semantic Annotation, based on the CloudSea architectural design. As proof-of-concept, a prototype implementation for CloudSea was developed and deployed in the cloud based on the “Cloud-Driven” methodology and a functionality evaluation was carried out on it. A comparative evaluation of the CloudSea architecture was also conducted in relation to current semantic annotation solutions; both proposed in academic literature and existing as industry solutions. In addition, to evaluate the proposed Cloud Computing Maturity Model for Holistic Semantic Annotation, an experimental evaluation of the model was conducted by developing and deploying six instances of the prototype and deploying them differently, based on the patterns described in the model. This empirical investigation was implemented by testing the instances for performance through series of API load tests and results obtained confirmed the validity of both the “Cloud-Driven” methodology and the entire model

    Development and Evaluation of a Holistic, Cloud-driven and Microservices-based Architecture for Automated Semantic Annotation of Web Documents

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    The Semantic Web is based on the concept of representing information on the web such that computers can both understand and process them. This implies defining context for web information to give them a well-defined meaning. Semantic Annotation defines the process of adding annotation data to web information for the much-needed context. However, despite several solutions and techniques for semantic annotation, it is still faced with challenges which have hindered the growth of the semantic web. With recent significant technological innovations such as Cloud Computing, Internet of Things as well as Mobile Computing and their various integrations with semantic technologies to proffer solutions in IT, little has been done towards leveraging these technologies to address semantic annotation challenges. Hence, this research investigates leveraging cloud computing paradigm to address some semantic annotation challenges, with focus on an automated system for providing semantic annotation as a service. Firstly, considering the current disparate nature observable with most semantic annotation solutions, a holistic perspective to semantic annotation is proposed based on a set of requirements. Then, a capability assessment towards the feasibility of leveraging cloud computing is conducted which produces a Cloud Computing Capability Model for Holistic Semantic Annotation. Furthermore, an investigation into application deployment patterns in the cloud and how they relate to holistic semantic annotation was conducted. A set of determinant factors that define different patterns for application deployment in the cloud were identified and these resulted into the development of a Cloud Computing Maturity Model and the conceptualisation of a “Cloud-Driven” development methodology for holistic semantic annotation in the cloud. Some key components of the “Cloud-Driven” concept include Microservices, Operating System-Level Virtualisation and Orchestration. With the role Microservices Software Architectural Patterns play towards developing solutions that can fully maximise cloud computing benefits; CloudSea: a holistic, cloud-driven and microservices-based architecture for automated semantic annotation of web documents is proposed as a novel approach to semantic annotation. The architecture draws from the theory of “Design Patterns” in Software Engineering towards its design and development which subsequently resulted into the development of twelve Design Patterns and a Pattern Language for Holistic Semantic Annotation, based on the CloudSea architectural design. As proof-of-concept, a prototype implementation for CloudSea was developed and deployed in the cloud based on the “Cloud-Driven” methodology and a functionality evaluation was carried out on it. A comparative evaluation of the CloudSea architecture was also conducted in relation to current semantic annotation solutions; both proposed in academic literature and existing as industry solutions. In addition, to evaluate the proposed Cloud Computing Maturity Model for Holistic Semantic Annotation, an experimental evaluation of the model was conducted by developing and deploying six instances of the prototype and deploying them differently, based on the patterns described in the model. This empirical investigation was implemented by testing the instances for performance through series of API load tests and results obtained confirmed the validity of both the “Cloud-Driven” methodology and the entire model

    A Software Architecture Enabling the Web of Things

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    The Internet of Things will include billions of smart “things” connected to the Web and characterized by sensing, actuating, and data processing capabilities. In this context, also known as Web of Things, the user should ideally be able to collect information provided by smart things, and to mash-up them to obtain value-added services. However, in the current solutions, the access to physical objects is poorly scalable and efficient, the communications are often unidirectional (from the devices to the users), and only tech-savvy people are able to develop mash-up applications. Based on these assumptions, we propose a software architecture to easily mash-up CoAP resources. It is able to discover the available devices and to virtualize them outside the physical network. These virtualizations are then exposed to the upper layers by a RESTful interface, so that the physical devices interact only with their own virtualization. Furthermore, the system provides simplified tools allowing the development of mash-up applications to different-skilled users. Finally, the architecture allows not only to monitor but also to control the devices, so establishing a bidirectional communication channel. To evaluate the proposal, we deeply modify and integrate some existing software components to realize an instance of the architecture